Global Announcements from the Staff

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

53rd of Frost, 120 Steel

Hope returns to the world.

On the night of the morning of the 53rd of Frost, 120 Steel, an awakening took place. The Demigod of Justice, Hope and Light is reborn. His awakening sees the return of the holy Emblem of Eminence.

Additionally, the following events take place:

All players who are actively playing a Dawnmartyr in hiding, will receive a vision upon first going to sleep. It is the scene of a warrior facing off against an abomination of flesh, fire and shadow. In an act of sacrifice, he is consumed by the shadows but breaks free in an aura of light. The meaning is clear, Arcas, Patron of the Dawnmartyr Order, has returned.

Dread Mists have stirred in the Region of Karnor and affect the following Free Cities from 53 Frost 120 to 10 Glade 121.

-Category One Dread Mists crop up in the area around the City of Kalzasi and Zaichaer.
-A Category Three Dread Mist storm explodes through the Warrens and in subterranean areas all across the Region of Karnor on the evening of the 54th of Frost, 120 Steel. It lasts for only 20 minutes. The extent of its damage or lack thereof is yet to be determined.
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Howdy and Hello!

Happy Birthday Ransera! (A month late)

In honor of this auspicious occasion I am awarding the following to every approved character. Players will be allowed to make this submission throughout the Ash season at a time of their choosing. However, this authorization will close on December 1, 2021.

This redemption is authorized (1) per character. Please submit it to the Support Forum for review.

15 XP/Season of Play over the past year. (60 XP max.)
4 Lores/Season of Play over the past year. (16 Lores max.)

-Subject to the review of the Support Forum. Cannot request secret lore through this option.


Any item from the Magic Item List worth 15,000 GP or less.

-Subject to the review of the Support Forum.


1 piece of Secret Knowledge.

-Staff will work with the character to ascertain a select piece of knowledge that may be of benefit to your character development.

Choose wisely. You never know what might be waiting for you in the seasons to come.

All the best,
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


Happy Birthday Ransera!

Our community officially opened its doors in August 2019. Time certainly has flown! With that in mind, we have established a tradition of celebrating by giving back to the players who make this community so wonderful! Take a look carefully this year as there are some exciting options for players to choose from!


Every player character account registered and approved for play between August 2021 and August 2022. You may redeem the reward until December 31, 2022, however it is only applicable to the timeframe of August 2021 to August 2022.

What if I am a new player who just joined the website?

Thank you for joining the community! There is a redeem for you as well. Please see below.

Documentation Requirements

Rewards are redeemable for every season that you made at least (1) In-Character post. Where applicable, please provide documentation that you made at least (1) in-character post every month during each season. Please provide a link to the relevant criteria in your Support Forum request. Additionally, if the thread was begun in a prior season but you were still actively posting in months that fall within a following season (i.e. began a thread in August but were still posting to it in September) this qualifies as meeting the criteria.

New players please see the “New Player Gift” section.

Do Placeholders count?

Only if it has been filled in.

When making your Support Forum Request, you may apply for ONE of the following options:

Player Character and Companion Non-Player Character Stat Redemption

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Job Thread and Wage Redemption

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Magic Item Redemption

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New Player Redemption

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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


The Shadow of Eclipse


65 Ash 122 Steel

Shadows spread across skies as the sun dips below the horizon on the evening of the 65th and every evening that follows from this day onward. It spreads like an inky black creature that writhes across the heavens and blankets the night in total darkness. The only sources of light in the night sky are Ransera’s moons, that cast everything in either a silvery or scarlet light depending on which one the observer stands in. That night, every bearer of the mark of Eminence is visited by a man who can only be described as the Night Incarnate. While none can quite recall the details of the dream or vision they have, they recall that this man showed them that which they fear most and when they felt as though they might be lost to despair, he gave them Hope. The next morning, all bearers of a Mark of Eminence awaken to find that they now also possess a Mark of Obtenebration. [Please submit a ticket to the Support Forum so it may be added to your Character Secrets]

66 Ash 122 Steel

The sun rises on the morning of the 66th and in the morning light, suspended there between Shadow and Light, the Darkness recedes until it becomes an eclipse of the sun. An inky black sphere of complete darkness is now tidally locked with the rotation of the sun upon the world every day, from this day forward. In the morning light, every bearer of a Mark of Obtenebration receives a visit from a man that can only be described as Night Incarnate. While none can quite recall the details of the dream or vision they have, suspended there between waking and sleeping, they recall that the man showed them what it is that they strive for most. He shows them their inner greatest potential and when it seems like they might go mad with the yearning for what it is they desire most, he gives them a spark of Hope. As the fog of the dream or vision clears, all bearers of the Mark of Obtenebration find that they now also possess a Mark of Eminence. [Please submit a ticket to the Support Forum so that it may be added to your Character Secrets]

70 Ash 122 Steel

The world has been locked in what seems like a perpetual twilight for five days now. Every night sees those tendrils of velvet blackness stretch across the skies leaving only the moons visible. Every morning, that blackness recedes until it becomes the sphere that is tidally locked with the rotation of the sun. The eclipse does not cast the world into total darkness but casts a shadow upon the surface of the world that moves with the rotation of the sun. Wherever the shadow passes, personal magic ceases to function properly. Personal mages cannot actively access their powers within the shadow. Meanwhile, at night time, they can only access their powers while standing within the light of the moons. World Magic and the products of world magic continue to function normally. Furthermore, spirits, demons, and other spiritual entities that are not in possession of a body that allows them to physically walk or exist on the surface of Ransera, all vanish or are forced into a corporeal form that they cannot escape from. Religious figures who commune with the higher deities, Lesser and Greater Gods, find that their prayers are no longer answered. They are met with an unending Darkness that is inescapable but at the center of which there shines a single point of Light.

Across the world, wherever the Shadow passes, creatures of darkness manifest and prey upon things living, things dead, and things spiritual. At night, when the sun sets and the inky darkness spreads across the skies, the creatures swell in greater numbers. These creatures can only be destroyed by manifestations of sunlight. The value of Illumite, Dawnstone, rises as a result of this, as it is the one dragonshard that is capable of replicating sunlight. Moonlight can weaken the shadow creatures enough to make them vulnerable to attack. Dragonshard miners in some places across the world discover a new type of dragonshard that is dubbed Lunicite, Moonstone.

Among mortals, the exception to the above phenomenon are those who are in possession of an Emblem. It does not matter from which Demigod the Emblem stems but each faithful feels as though their Demigod has stepped closer to them spiritually. Wherever they walk, wherever they go, they feel as though their Demigod is carefully “guarding” them and their soul. From this connection, they are able to channel their faith and through it, are able to utilize their personal magic normally.


Demigods, no matter their tier, find that their aura manifests in the prime material plane of Ransera and becomes an aurora borealis-like phenomenon that blankets whatever area they occupy. These auras of divine light become beacons for the mortals of Ransera, causing them to flock to those places. Consequently, the shadow creatures also flock to these places in an attempt to extinguish the divine light of the demigods who are the source. Shadow creatures that step into these auras immediately become susceptible to any manner of attack directed at them. Additionally, mages in possession of personal magic find that they can access their powers normally as long as they are within the boundaries of the demigod’s aura. Demigods themselves are unaffected by the dampening effects of the shadow and the evening darkness.

Ascendant Demigod (Type I) - At maximum range, an Ascendant can expand their aura to blanket an area large enough to cover most villages that can house populations of up to 1,000 people. They can reduce this coverage to a roughly 30 ft. radius (10 meter).

Arisen Demigod (Type II) - At maximum range, an Arisen can expand their aura to blanket an area large enough to cover towns big enough to house populations of 10,000 to 25,000 people. They can reduce this coverage to a roughly 30 ft. radius (10 meter).

Empyrean Demigod (Type III) - Empyrean demigods can expand their auras to blanket areas big enough to shelter entire cities regardless of their population size. They can reduce this coverage to a roughly 30 ft. radius (10 meter).

Be warned, the brighter the demigod shines, the greater the amount of shadow creatures that seek them and in greater frequency. It is a double edged sword wherein the presence of the demigod is both a bulwark against the darkness but also a beacon for it.


Outsiders are unaffected by the dampening effects of the shadow and the evening darkness. Additionally, they are able to confer this immunity to the dampening effects in their Eldritch Objects. So long as an individual carries an Eldritch Object, given by an Outsider, the immunity to the dampening effects travels with them. When the last charge of their Eldritch Object is expended, the immunity fades with it. Within the shadow of the strange eclipse and in the darkness of the evening however, the true nature of the Outsider is revealed. Only when they are standing in sunlight or moonlight will they be able to return to their normal form. This extends to standing within the light of Dawnstone or Moonstone. Strangely, the shadow creatures that spawn from the darkness do not take notice of the Outsider. Rather, some might acknowledge them but most will not disturb them. While there are exceptions, Outsiders may roam among the shadow creatures at will, provided they are careful not to provoke them and to be mindful of those that are possessed of either greater aggression or sinister intelligence. If an Outsider is actively carrying Dawnstone or Moonstone, then shadow creatures will immediately become aggressive and seek to extinguish the light and them with it.

91 Ash 122 Steel


The sun rises on the final morning of Ash and with it, a change in the strange twilight that has visited Ransera. During the daylight hours, at the western edges of the Eclipse, every person who looks to the horizon will be able to see a tower made of gold, silver, obsidian glass, silver crystal, and limned by twilight looming in the distance. It does not matter where in the world one is, as long as they are beneath the shadow of the Eclipse, they can see the tower on the horizon to the west. As soon as an individual passes the boundaries of the Eclipse shadow, the tower vanishes but immediately becomes visible again once they return to standing within the shadow. To the north there stands a frozen tree of icy crystal that seems to capture a cold silvery light. At night, when the darkness stretches across the skies the tower in the west and the tree in the north both vanish only ro be replaced by new structures. A resplendent tree now stands to the east that shines with a celestial light. Crystal formations drift around it and it exudes an aura of peace and tranquility whenever one stares upon it. To the south there stands a ruined tower, a decrepit spire that stretches toward the heavens, looming over the landscape. Both of these night time manifestations vanish upon stepping directly into the light of the moon but reappear when one returns to the darkness of the night. Again, it does not matter where in the world one is. At all hours during the darkness of the night, so long as one is not standing in moonlight, they can see these two structures to the east and the south.

word count: 1723
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Greetings Ransera!

Firstly, I want to say that we among the Staff want to wish you all a warm and safe holiday season. Whatever you celebrate, for whatever reason, may it be a time filled with love, comfort, and joy.

In honor of the time, I am here to announce that we (finally) have our roster of prizes for National Novel Writing Month 2022! Please take time to congratulate everyone and I appreciate everyone who participated!

Note: All XP, Lore, and money can be divided among your character accounts. CNPC rewards can be used to acquire a new CNPC or add to the XP of an existing one. For the Item or Resource allocation, please designate a single character recipient.

Final Word Count: 100,587
Prize: 350 XP (General and/or Magic), 75 Lore, 50k GP, 350 CNPC XP

-Additionally you are entitled to an Item or Resources that assist you in propelling a story/character goal forward. Please coordinate with either myself or the local moderator responsible for the area of play you frequent. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

Final Word Count: 100,058
Prize: 350 XP (General and/or Magic), 75 Lore, 50k GP, 350 CNPC XP

-Additionally you are entitled to an Item or Resources that assist you in propelling a story/character goal forward. Please coordinate with either myself or the local moderator responsible for the area of play you frequent. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

Hilana Chenzira
Final Word Count: 71,477
Prize: 140 XP (General and/or Magic), 50 Lore, 20k GP, 250 CNPC XP

-Additionally, because you went well beyond 50k words, you are entitled to a magic item at the Expert Level of magic or a set of mundane resources that are useful toward your character and story goals. Please coordinate with either myself or your local moderation team. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

Final Word Count: 59,599
Prize: 125 XP (General and/or Magic), 50 Lore, 12k GP, 250 CNPC XP
-Additionally, you are entitled to a magic item at the Journeyman Level of magic or a set of mundane resources that are useful toward your character and story goals. Please coordinate with either myself or your local moderation team. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

Final Word Count: 51,411
Prize: 100 XP (General and/or Magic), 50 Lore, 10k GP, 250 CNPC XP

-Additionally, you are entitled to a magic item at the Journeyman Level of magic or a set of mundane resources that are useful toward your character and story goals. Please coordinate with either myself or your local moderation team. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

Torin Kilvin
Final Word Count: 50,722
Prize: 100 XP (General and/or Magic), 50 Lore, 10k GP, 250 CNPC XP

-Additionally, you are entitled to a magic item at the Journeyman Level of magic or a set of mundane resources that are useful toward your character and story goals. Please coordinate with either myself or your local moderation team. When the details of this matter have been hashed out, it will be added to your character secrets.

The following are folks who, while not meeting the 50k word mark, participated in the National Novel Writing Month 2022 event by registering in the page and tallying their total words. Thank you for participating and for continuing to help make Ransera such a wonderful community where stories come alive!

Final Word Count: 38,484
Prize: 40 XP (General and/or Magic), 20 Lore, 4k GP, 40 CNPC XP

Final Word Count: 21,975
Prize: 25 XP (General and/or Magic), 10 Lore, 2k GP, 25 CNPC XP

Final Word Count: 18,309
Prize: 20 XP (General and/or Magic), 10 Lore, 2k GP, 20 CNPC XP

Final Word Count: 11,672
Prize: 15 XP (General and/or Magic), 10 Lore, 1k GP, 15 CNPC XP

Final Word Count: 8,284
Prize: 10 XP (General and/or Magic), 5 Lore, 500 GP, 10 CNPC XP

With this tabulation complete, the National Novel Writing Month Event of 2022 is now closed! Thank you to everyone who made it another wonderful year!
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

1 Frost 122 Steel

The evening began as it always had weeks thus far, with the dark tendrils of the void stretching across the night sky to blot out the stars. But on this evening, the stars shone brighter. The South tower that had stood as the monument to these strange times, illuminated brightly before vanishing from the horizon. As it did, the stars above broke through the tendrils of the void that covered the night sky for all in the world to see. Shining brightly enough that even in the parts of the world where daylight still shone, the stars could be briefly seen in those areas blanketed by the eclipse.

The effects of the dark nights will linger, with the darkness of the void attempting to creep back across the skies at night for the remainder of the Frost season but with every night, the stars will shine through. Sometimes immediately. Sometimes later. Sometimes preventing the darkness from creeping across the skies entirely.

1 Glade 123 Steel

The darkness of the void no longer reaches across the night sky at all on this night. The light of the stars has been permanently restored. Now, there hangs a black sphere that occasionally crosses paths with the two moons of Ransera.

Off Topic
Starlight has returned to Ransera’s night sky. As a result, the influence that the Void had over the prime material realm has weakened. While the dark sphere still yet hangs in the sky and the voidspawn still crawl across every corner of the world, magic is less impeded. Those in possession of runes of magic, can now access their magic up to the Apprentice level beginning 1 Glade 123, even without the assistance of Dawnstone, Moonstone or an Emblem. Shadow creatures can now be harmed by mundane fire.

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Glade 60, 123

‘In response to viewtopic.php?p=25530#p25530, all memories of Rickter have been removed from the world, claimed by Myshala. What this means for the characters that have met Rickter is that there is a void in their life and memory from where he was removed. As such, the minds of all those affected will forget him entirely. For those that so wish, as a coping mechanism, they can have their interpretation of memories adjust as their minds adjust to Rickter’s removal. This could be represented as though a vague, faceless stranger filled in his roll, or that he has left and has since had his face and name forgotten (the absentee father, the friend who never showed up, etc). You have full autonomy to adjust however makes the most sense for your character.

However, all memories, all bonds with, all connections to, anything dealing with Rickter is gone, from everyone.

All threads that have already been created involving Rickter may be finished as usual, and promptly forgotten by those involved. All new threads moving forward must abide by the above mentioned memory removal of Rickter.

If you have any questions about how to best handle this for your own pc, reach out to your local moderator or myself.
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Glade 60, 123

Following the removal of the memories of Rickter on Glade 60, 123, sunlight has begun returning to Ransera following the events of viewtopic.php?p=25564#p25564 , accompanied by a cold wind carrying the mournful howls of hundreds of wolves that all mortals would hear, no matter where they are located in Ransera. The return of the sun is a slow progression that finishes upon Searing 1, 123, revealing a third, onyx black moon that has joined the moons of Ner and Xir in the sky. And with this obstruction ended, magic has returned to the world to function as normal. However, Frost's grasp on the world remains in place even with sunlight returned, and the threat of Void Spawn still remains incredibly high.

word count: 128
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

Happy (late) Birthday Ransera!

We have successfully made a successful trip round that flaming star, here on this third rock from the sun! Ransera initially opened its doors in August 2019, and many things have changed about the forum, the world, its characters and the setting in general since that time. Things are still changing and evolving as we get to know the setting and what interests people better. This year, players will be able to redeem 1 of 4 options. However, it’s going to be a bit nebulous in terms of what each option will actually result in. In order to better serve you, the players of the community, the details of each option are being left up to interpretation in order to specifically tailor them to the player making the request.

Players can make a request for ONE option for each of their characters. The staff member tending to their request in the Support Forum will then issue a redemption tailored to the CHARACTER the request pertains to. Players can make a birthday redemption for each character they possess. Please submit an individual request on each character account. Do not lump them all into one request.

Characters must have been made during August 2023 or prior to August 2023. Characters made after August 2023 are not eligible.

All Birthday Redemption tickets should be labeled [Birthday Redeem ICO <Character Name>]

Option 1: Wealth
-The wealth option has many possibilities. This could be in the form of money or resources that are suitable for the individual character. Staff will make a judgement call based on the status of the character as to the appropriate amount of wealth, resources, or other such circumstances that could economically benefit the character.

Option 2: Power
-What translates to power is subjective to what each character views as being powerful. This could translate to political power, underworld influence, experience points to boost a characters skill levels, or even something unique to grant them a specific power useful for their plot endeavors. Each character will be considered based on their circumstances and the writer involved.

Option 3: ???
-You receive a visit from a mysterious stranger.

Option 4: Reshuffle
-Did things not quite pan out the way you wanted to in terms of skill? Interested in something you wish you could have pursued differently? This is a one-time authorization to reshuffle your experience points into other areas that you feel better suit your character and playstyle. Part of this redeem will require taking a screenshot of your current skill roster and then taking a screenshot of your reshuffled skill roster after skill redistribution.

Feel free to seek clarification and ask questions either in the Support Forum or in the Help Desk of the discord server!

Happy Writing,

word count: 492
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera

The sun rises.

History will remember this period as the Winter of Shadows, the Black Winter or simply, the Eclipse. But finally, blissfully, it has ended. Magic has returned to those who wield it. The shadow creatures, while still present in the dark places of the world, are no longer swarming the lands of the living. The black moon hangs in the sky now, joining the white and red moons in their orbit around the planet. The mysterious towers and strange trees that were once visible on the horizon are now gone.

Glade has come and with it, a breath of fresh air that was much needed.

Off Topic
The Eclipse event is ended as of March 1, 2024. Any outstanding threads revolving around it will be concluded in due time but each one has reached a marker that has allowed for the event to be sufficiently ended.

word count: 190
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