Orange You Glad I Didn't Say Banana

The southern lands of the Entente, making up the decentralized realms of South Daravin. The Southern Marches are the bulk of the Empire.

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Urs Wardell
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Character Sheet: ... 3548#p3548
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Glade 31, 120
“ stood in the colorful night market with pyramids of bright fruit piled high...” - Brenda Hillman

Most of the fruit, piled in careless rainbow stacks, was going bad. The green apples were dull and stained with patches of soft brown, the gold and pink plums split, the yellow insides ripe with too-sweet juice, and the dark purple-red figs sat shamelessly.

Urs's fingers brushed against an orange. It was firm, and the peel felt waxy and still warm from the afternoon heat, although the sun had set some time ago. He grabbed it and paid the vendor, an older man who filled the space between them with promises of fresher fruit tomorrow. Urs broke through the rind, exposing the bright white-orange center.

With a breath, a practiced sigh, his magic seeped into the fruit. The smell, a heavy fog of citrine, poured like thick molasses into the air. He counted ten segments, each one an almost perfect fleshy crescent. His smell poked and prodded, discovering the thin seeds - eight in total. Each piece of the orange was delicate and fit to burst, the juice so sweet it tasted sour.

Urs walked through the night market as he ate. He ignored the merchants as he navigated between the stalls, using his spells to examine the candied vegetables, jarred panacea, and jewelry.

Urs, distracted, turned a corner into a dark alley. He was surprised, but before he could turn back, he found a knife pointed at his back -- and deep voice, demanding all his money.
word count: 280
“I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.”
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Talon was beginning to seriously consider taking up the discipline of Masquerade. Attention was not something he wanted in the manner that it was being given. Still, he remained poised and collected as he examined the late-night stalls of the open air market. He was in search of components that would prove particularly useful in his next project. As he was not yet familiar with the resources of Daravin or where to procure what he might have needed, he’d opted to go exploring. Aoren had insisted on coming with him but Talon had chosen to go alone. He needed some space to think and he wanted to explore at a leisurely pace. As much as he enjoyed his companion’s company, Aoren was not exactly patient when it came to just browsing market stalls and shops. It was as he was getting ready to call it a day that his stomach grumbled.

“Excuse me, where might I find some food nearby?” Talon looked down into the eyes of the comparatively short man who was beginning to pack up his wares for the evening. The man blinked at Talon before pointing to a nearby fruit stall. The young Avialae gave him a nod then turned to go get something to snack on before returning home for the evening. It was best not to fly on an empty stomach and he had already been walking around the city for the better part of the evening, simply getting a feel for its layout and marking down curious things to investigate another time.

He approached the fruit vendor and waited for his turn patiently. There was a young man perusing the fruit in front of him who seemed quite intent on inspecting every bit of fruit available. Talon would have normally not paid it any mind but his hunger was a bit more pressing than he originally thought. He sighed inwardly and opened up his aetheric senses in order to begin gauging the merchant in front of him. On his peripheral he was vaguely aware of a few people in the immediate vicinity but he tuned them out mostly. As the young man stepped away, Talon moved forward. With a cursory glance over the fruits in front of him, many of which were beginning to rot from having been out in the sun all day, he settled on a few. Some of the red plums caught his attention with their sweet aroma. He could practically taste them through the senses afforded to him by Semblance. Grabbing two of them he fished out some coins from his pocket and handed them to the merchant.

It was as he was turning and taking a bite of the first plum that something drew his attention. He was just about to dismiss his magic when the flare of a dark aspect of hunger caught him by surprise. At first Talon thought nothing of it but he looked around to see that a man was the source of the unsettling mood that caught him off guard. Talon focused on the man’s aura. At first all he got was a combination of what he could only describe as a dull ache from him. The essence of his aether swirled with several turbulent emotions, the most predominant of which was a hunger. All Talon could glean was that it was not a hunger for food but for something else. He followed the man’s gaze noticing that he was focused on the young man who had been standing in line before Talon at the fruit vendor’s stall. Talon watched as the man stalked off after the young man, his aura awash with colors and heavy with a sense of purpose. It didn’t take a mind of brilliance to understand what was going to transpire.

For a moment, Talon wondered if he should get involved at all. This was not his city. It was not even his homeland. What was about to occur likely happened every single day and nobody did anything about it. It could have just been the nature of life in Daravin. But Talon could not abide by what he suspected was going to happen. He sighed inwardly and calmly made off in the same direction. He stirred his aether into motion. He was not without his sword, he would have been a fool to walk the streets of Amoren without it outside the wealthy areas, but he was going to avoid as much of a fight as possible.

It was just as he was turning the corner that he heard the man’s voice, like gravel grinding sharp glass. It grated on Talon’s nerves.

“Hand over your coins!” Talon did not hesitate. He cast out for the familiar feel of the aether flux around him. It came without much difficulty. He sent a wave of power outward that he then refined into a net of sorts. In the blink of an eye he ensnared the thug in a web of kinetic force that completely restricted his movements.

“You know…” Talon’s voice rang out in the dark of the alley. Calm and pointed. “...where I come from, thieves are met with a swift form of justice.”

He took a bite out of one of his plums, eyeing the ensnared thief casually. With little more than a blink of his eyes, Talon lifted the man into the air. The man yelped and flailed in the air, which made holding him more difficult though not impossible.

“Put me down, you bastard! I swear I’ll fuckin gut you if you don’t--” Talon didn’t let the man finish. With a flick of his thoughts he yanked the man through the air while chewing on the bite from his plum. The man yelped as he was pulled within inches of Talon’s full seven foot frame. The Novalys heir made a show of being nonchalant while trying to project an air of intimidation. He grabbed the dagger in the man’s hand with a web of kinetic energy. He raised the dagger between the two of them and with a bit of concentration, applied the full force of his kinetic power to the center of the dagger’s blade in a clean slice. The dagger bent before snapping, the hilt and broken blade falling to the ground as Talon released it. The flailing man went wide-eyed and Talon leveled him with an unblinking stare. His threat, Talon felt, was fairly clear.

“I, uh, I--” The man stammered. Talon took another bite of his plum. He tossed the man through the air and into the alleyway behind him. Moving one of his wings aside, Talon glanced at him over his shoulder.

“Leave.” The man wasted no time. Talon released his kinetic hold over the man as he scrambled away and ran off into the night. With that finished, he turned his attention to the victim in this situation.

“Are you alright?”
word count: 1174
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Urs Wardell
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Character Sheet: ... 3548#p3548
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His magic, curious and curioser, acted when Urs didn't - or couldn't.

The theft's voice rippled, dark and pointed. It plunged into him, cold in a clear way. Cold in a way that wasn't frozen or white, cold in a way that didn't numb, but cracked against him and made it hard to breathe. The knife was cold, too, but still. It felt empty, but not the emptiness of space between, but like a bucket or a goblet, like something that wanted so desperately to be full.

Urs gasped as the man screamed and the tip of the dagger cut into him and pulled up. His spell, reactive instead of controlled, crawled over him, tasting his white clothes and pale skin, focused on the sudden pain. Blood, like iron but not, liquid and hot. Something like the knife echoed on his skin, ripped and pink. The cut, thin and shallow, still spilled enough to stain his clothes red and heavy.

He remembered to breathe. One, two, and three, and breathe. On the third breath, his magic stopped, dead, and the world was made less because of it.

Urs winced, hearing the knife break and fall, and it was like he felt his back split again. The thief stumbled in his words, and then when he hit the ground, quick to leave.

The man, his savior, was...what were they called? Synnekar Avialae. Large and grandiose, like grace with wings. His face was marked, with a rune, something so blue it glowed, or seemed to. He seemed like a warrior or an expensive sellsword. His wings were the prettiest part of him. They looked like silver, like the kinds of metals only the rich used.

But most importantly he was a mage.

"No," Urs answered, a bit breathless, the word barely making it out of quiet lips. "No," he repeated, sure the blood was still running and ruining one of his only good shirts. "No," again, and "My back...I, uh, maybe I need to see a doctor."

And then another thought in his head, as he wondered if the strange creature before him wasn't just a mage. "You''re not a doctor, by any chance?"

word count: 379
“I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.”
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Talon frowned as the scent of blood drifted to his nostrils. It was feint but it was enough to cause a knot of concern to form in his brow. He regarded the young man in front of him out of cool grey eyes the color of a cloudy winter sky. Stirring his aether into motion, Talon regarded him plainly and after a moment’s concentration, the human’s aura came into view. At the human’s question, Talon cracked an apologetic smirk. He shook his head while studying the young man’s aura carefully. He managed to capture traces of discomfort, the cracked and harsh edges of the aura in front of him he came to gather as being that of pain for the young man.

“No, I am afraid I have no skills in medicine.” Talon turned so that he could gesture back to the open market that was beginning to close down behind them. On instinct, he extended one of his wings in that direction as well.

“Come. Perhaps we can find some medical supplies.” Something else in the young man’s aura stood out to Talon. A feeling of gnawing that he knew all too well. He gave a gentle smile and spoke as encouragingly as he could. The thin young man looked like he could do with a good meal or two. If Talon didn’t know better, he would say a strong wind would pick up the young man and send him careening into the nearest building.

“Maybe we can find a good meal for you as well?” Talon extended a hand to the young man offering an arm of support in case his wound pained him too greatly. On the surface, Talon could discern no ill intent in the young man’s aura at the moment. He seemed to be just a genuinely unfortunate young man who had been accosted by a desperate thief. Still, Talon kept himself partially ready. The aether of his kinetics was ready and waiting to rise to his defense if he had need of it. Daravin was not Kalzasi and the stares that Talon had received as he was making his way through the market had not always been the friendliest. Undoubtedly there were stories about the Avialae in Daravin. With his ancestral homeland being so just east of the empire, he was almost certain that the military of Daravin had come to blows with his Kathar brethren.

He took a moment to study the young man more closely. It was as he was focusing more clearly on the young man’s aura that something familiar cropped up. A tingling sensation that resonated with Talon as though he were being watched. It took him a moment to recognize it but he could very faintly make out the traces of shifting aether in the human’s form. It was small, so much so that Talon nearly missed it. It was that shift however that alerted him to the presence of magic. He wasn’t alarmed but he was curious. He would have to look more closely to be able to discern how the young man’s aether had shifted to learn perhaps which discipline this human called their own but it was an interesting thing to learn.

“My name is Talon, by the way.”
word count: 561
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Urs Wardell
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Character Sheet: ... 3548#p3548
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"My name is Urs."

The doctor plastered his wound with something sour-smelling and cold. No stitches, she promised, but she did cover his cut with a thick cotton patch, sticking it to his skin with an adhesive. A kind nurse offered to sew his shirt closed, which Urs accepted.

He met Talon back outside the medical clinic, back on the crowded market streets. Urs watched the people who passed more closely than before, a bit more careful to not be followed - or to at least be aware of it, if he was.

"Eating might be nice," Urs said, looking at the food stalls. White steam and heat filled the air above the rainbow of cloth roofs. Vendors promised tastes of home or ones more foreign. Urs counted sticky buns and meat-on-a-stick and corn dressed in cheese and powdered spice. Drinks too, of every color, some holding fruit or candy in their depths.

"I'm from Lorien," he said, pausing at a stand with a banner with yellow calligraphy that swore on someone's mother's recipe. "From Nivenhain, specifically," Urs added, looking at the staged samples. Mushrooms, maybe, round like buttons and roasted with something green and stir-fried in place of stems. "Have you been? It's not like here, that's for sure."

He stopped at another booth, with toasted buns and browned sausages, dipped in a bright red sauce that smelled sweet. "I guess I owe you the meal, huh," he sighed, his eyes finally reaching the listed prices. "You did save my life, after all." Maybe not this stall, he thinks, comparing the costs of the food to the current weight of his wallet.

Urs turned to Talon and said, "Well? What do you like to eat?"
word count: 316
“I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.”
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Name: Talon
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: +8 Lores. You are not authorized any special or secret knowledge as a result of this thread.

Name: Urs
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: +8 Lores. You are not authorized any special or secret knowledge as a result of this thread.

Note(s): An old thread taking place in a location that is now defunct. Enjoy your rewards!
word count: 72

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