Enter the Barnell Clan

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=409
Journal: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=499
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=500

Enter the Barnell Clan
Glade 1st, 120th AoS

Morning had arrived yet the sun wasn't ready to greet the world, as the sky above the distant mountains still appeared a deep and darkened blue outside the window. While it was still dark out the early risers would be on the verge of getting up soon, the farmers would be getting ready to till their lands while the fishers would be preparing for today's hauls from the river. It just so happened that another, an entire family in fact, made it an important habit to be up almost just as early also.

One of those members of the family had in fact turned to his side, with a groggy look outside the window his bed rested close to. It would be almost time for everyone to get up, a cycle that maintained it's consistency regularly on most good days. Since it had been the first day of the new year however, Patrick Barnell had decided that if he found himself able to; he'd put in the effort to rise just a little earlier for the occasion. Although he considered it asking too much of himself now, as the comfort of his bed and pillow were almost too hard to leave. Yet the Atinorin persevered well enough, and slowly budged to a steady rise at the edge of his bed.

Grogginess clung to his eyesight as the remaining moonlight filtered through his window, only illuminating the part of his room where his desk remained stationed. It was enough to help him see when he stood up to stretch, before the bartender bent down to pick up the pair of brown trousers on the floor. Already he could feel the chill in his air deliver shivers in his limbs, the surface of his skin littered with a classic case of goosebumps as he quickly slid them on. Next came the cottony white shirt he'd worn yesterday, a fabric that was easy to roll down his torso; after he slipped an arm through each of the short sleeves.

As Patrick moved towards his desk he stepped as lightly as he could, hopeful that he wouldn't disturb his fellow bedroom partner from sleep. But of course a look across the other end of the room, and he could see that the oldest of three siblings began to turn. Which meant Dominik would be awake soon also, if he wasn't coming around already to notice the second's early rise. Movement died to a still however which likely meant he remained asleep, and with a catered amount of investment in remaining quiet; Patrick moved to quietly pick up the chair and ease it back down just a few inches away.

Now that he'd be able to sit without so much of a ruckus, Patrick looked over at the oil lamp hung on the wall near their door; it's soft amber glow just barely alight. He'd need better illumination if he wanted to see, so the bartender eased open one of his desk drawers; and pulled out a fresh candlestick from within. He'd be able to light it using the lamp, though he noted the challenge found in the act. Given he wasn't going to be able to keep quiet for too long, plus the fact everyone else was about to wake, Patrick decided subtlety wasn't going to be absolutely necessary at this point of the morning.

Thus he mosied over towards the lamp with candle in hand, with the end brought up so that the wick met the tiny flame within. He noted that the oil in the lantern's basin looked low, which meant either he or his brother would have to refill it later. As he held the candle at it's angle, Patrick heard his brother shift again but ignored it this time. "What're you doin up?" The older sibling groaned quietly while Patrick turned slowly, the wick of his candle now alight with a small flame. Dominik looked bundled up in his own blankets as if they were his manmade cocoon, his drowsy eyes squinted now that Patrick had a light in his midst.

"Just wanted an early start is all." Pat whispered to his older brother as he walked lightly back towards the desk, where he then placed the candle in the empty holder to his right. Now that he had a source of light Patrick then proceeded to slip the top desk drawer open, this time fishing the new leather bonded journal his mother had given him. Right as he opened the book the smell of boiled leather and parchment filled his nostrils, greeting him as he looked towards the wooden ink pen he always wrote with.

"Really?" Dominik uttered, quietly but also in ridicule, now that he saw what his younger brother was up to. Patrick's only response to him was to look and then shrug, with a smile to add once he heard his brother sigh and bury his face. Now that the journal had been opened, and his pen dipped in the inkwell situated next to his candle; Patrick stared at the first page of his empty book. He knew right away he wanted to label it with the digits one hundred and twenty, along with "Age of Steel" beneath them, as it would be his own record keeper for the year, so he began with doing that as he considered what to write on the next page.

What his first actual entry into the book would probably be.

"Today marks the first of many new days to come."
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:42 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1022
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Journal: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=499
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Enter the Barnell Clan
Glade 1st, 120th AoS

After a short pause to contemplate his thoughts Patrick had decided, unironically, that the first entry might as well commemorate the new year. Not that he expected anything out of the ordinary from the usual routine, as he'd already a shelf lined with twelve books he'd already written in. Of course he expected that this new journal, like the rest that came before, would eventually be filled with memories worth holding onto. Often at time Patrick debated what was worth jotting down, knowing that ultimately what he recorded was things he'd want to go back and read later.

Some entries also had a innate sense of recurring themes, like contemplating his place as a second man focused on running the bar. There were often times he wanted to experience new things, so naturally any new feat or moment of life he thought worth celebration; eventually made its way onto a page or two later that same day. Seeing as how he hadn't quite made it through the new day yet however, he considered maybe it was time to change it up a little instead. It was a new year after all, and he hoped for the best out of it already. Atinaw was always experiencing some sort of arduous event, and even when things seemed quiet danger waited to terrorize those beyond Alfsos' own walls.

He thought more about it and what he'd like to achieve, though pondered that maybe it would've been too much of a bucket list in this case. Ultimately Patrick didn't see anything wrong about that, but it also wasn't something he felt inclined to put to paper either. The Atinorin brushed a thumb beneath his chin as he leaned back, the wooden ink pen still held between his two curled fingers. It had been about that time apparently, as Dominik groaned further before he finally moved to almost crawl out of bed. "Don't you usually wait until before bed do to that stuff?" The older brother lowly remarked with a modest yawn, as he moved to his dresser to fish out his outfit for the day.

"Yeah, but it's a new year and..." Patrick answered softly with a mildly annoyed look shot to Dominik.

When his brother glanced back to him in turn, he appeared unbothered but contemplative in his search. "You wanna try something new."

"New. Different. It just gets a little old when you're doing the same thing every day." Pat proceeded to ramble on about as he stared hard at the blank page.

"Old isn't so bad though little brother." Dominek advised as he finally found a pair of grey trousers to wear. "There's nothin' wrong with keepin' things traditional." Subconsciously Patrick nodded in agreement, understanding of what it was his brother suggested. He didn't have to go out of his way just to change things up, and he certainly didn't have to spend so much time worrying about it either. But that wasn't the underlying issue here, and unfortunately no one but Patrick was aware of it. "What's it about this time?" Dominek finally decided to bite as he pulled out several of his shirts to choose from.

"Just about the new year, maybe some insights into what might happen." Patrick's considerable answer merited a second look from his older brother. Dominik's gaze remained as he tossed aside one of three shirts, and in turn glanced to make sure he liked both before presenting them before Patrick. "Red one." He answered quickly after he looked at them briefly.

"It's maroon, but thanks." Dominik corrected as he threw the other shirt onto his bed, quickly throwing the one Patrick picked over his head. "Why not just treat it like a wish list or somethin'?" He suggested as he slid each of his arms through one of the sleeves. "Like findin' love or havin' good health for the year." Not that Patrick found that corny and different to his earlier idea, but it didn't quite sell to him as much as he wanted it to.

"Yeah, sure. Why not." He agreed anyways with a smile, as if he were pleased with the suggestion.

"I'm gonna go see if Ma Ma and Pa Pa are awake, try not to take too long with your journal?" Dominik requested as he moved to sit on his bed, with his boots pulled over so that he could slip them on.

"I'll be quick about it." Patrick assured him with a faint smile, a little heartened to see his brother chuckle a little also. Dominik was soon out the bedroom door, which left Patrick to his devices before...

"And change that shirt before you come out, you know Ma'll have words if you don't." Dominik added with one final poke past the door, garnering an eye roll from Patrick as the older sibling gave a look with the tilt of his head. Sure enough Dominek moved on and, this time, actually left Patrick alone in the room to think. This led Patrick wonder more about the wishlist idea and what the year might yield, but the idea of asking for things like love or wealth felt a little out of place. Naturally this led his mind to wander places as he lowered his right hand, the wooden pen dipped into the inkwell once more to soak it's tip. Rather than begin writing Patrick started at the bottom right corner of the page, trailing a rounded line in an effort to start his first sketch instead.

Since his thoughts were based on something so constraint as time, he pictured one of those fancy pocket watches he's seen on some travelers. One would be surprised at how often he saw them here, since so many stopped in Alfsos on their way to Old Ones knows where. As he thought more and more about it his hand started to twist and bend, marking each careful stroke as he made the base outline of what would be one of those pocket watches. Already his pen started to dry out, which he remedied with another brief dip of the tip. Next he started on the second outline of the watch, which he imagined to be part of the contraptions body once he carefully made another curved circle. After another dip of his pen he then focused on the first hand, the larger hand, which he drew in a slant towards the left.

The small hand being the next one he started, he felt the urge to add a couple hooks to give it more of a significance. From there he then looked closely at the half drawn sketch, careful to select the places where he then drew in the numbers. After he finished the face of the pocket watch, Patrick then moved on to sketch out the rest of the body. He started from the left side of the perspective he drew in, carefully shading in the details that gradually gave depth to the trinket's form. Finally came the head of the watch where the knob would adjust the hands, this section leading him to require delicate "S" like strokes that he later filled with more shading. Then finally the lip of the knob where a chain could be looped through, though Patrick hadn't any intention on drawing a chain onto the doodle.

After he'd spent enough time sketching in this one sole part of the entry, Patrick felt stiff and realized morning had actually broke over the horizon now. He could also hear others moving in the hallway outside his bedroom, which meant the others were up and about as of now. "Shit!" He muttered to himself as he quickly started on the monologue of his entry, now aware of the time he'd spent on such a little piece of artwork. Quickly he proceeded to jot down his thoughts on the matter, as well as coming up with some of the things he hoped the new year brought. After he was finished Pat inhaled a quick puff of air, so that he could softly blow on the page to dry the fresh ink. Once that was done he hastily rose from his chair, aware of the noticeable dark spots on his hands and shirt now.

"Talk about havin' words later." He mused to himself quietly as he drew the shirt over his torso, eager to wipe the ink spots on his hands away. After the bartender spent a good minute fishing for a shirt, he found a fresh clean shirt with the same cut at the sleeves. This time however it was a deeply saturated cyan color, in which he haphazardly tucked into his trousers before he moved to sit once more. Once Patrick finished getting ready by slipping on his own boots, he then proceeded out the door with one last look at the window. The morning sun had almost completely broken out by now, it's light filtering past the peaks of the mountains eastward from the city. Before too long he'd sooner find that this day, much like many before, played out with that same sense of repetition that normally transpired.

"Today marks the first of many new days to come."
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:43 am, edited 4 times in total. word count: 1647
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=409
Journal: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=499
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=500

Enter the Barnell Clan
Glade 1st, 120th AoS

Patrick moved down the hall from his room towards the stairwell within the second floor lobby, mindful to stop at the washroom first so that he could wash up. He still had the ink on his hands to clean off after all, as well as a messy nest of hair he probably needed to tame. However when he reached to grab the knob on the door, the lock prevented him from twisting the knob to enter the room. Patrick already rolled his eyes with a sigh added afterwards, an annoyed look at the door itself since he knew who was inside already. "Seriously Connor? How long do you need to freshen up."

"Well when you wanna look as good as me older brother," the cook's voice called out through the door, "time and dedication are an important requer- requar- bleh, requirement to achieve perfection!"

Patrick crossed his arms as he stood there, unamused, over Connor's own logic on being perfect. "You work in the kitchen all day, hardly anybody see's how perfect you look."

"Doesn't mean I can't be perfect while I'm on the job!" Connor proceeded to goad, still busy with whatever it was he needed to finish.

Patrick couldn't help but scoff a bit at the remark though, and he became aware of how little patience he had left. "Yeah well, hurry it up." The second son chided him on, his hands brought to rest at his hips now. A moment of silence occurred as Patrick waited, the toe of his left boot was tapped to occupy him just a little more.

"Just about... done!" Hearing that Patrick finally eased up a little, but still carried a slight amount of tension in his posture. Finally after a click was heard from the knob, the door itself swung open with Connor all spruced up and ready for his day. He had combed his hair over to one side today, and the aroma of mint and cologne clung to him. "By the way, your toes would probably thank you more if you tapped less harder."

Patrick shot a challenging glare to the youngest sibling, yet stepped aside with a gesture to the stairwell. "Kitchen's that way Mr. Pampered." Connor merely scoffed and chuckled to Patrick, a firm pat given to the middle son's shoulder as he passed by.

"Have fun with that mess of a hair do!" The littlest brother remarked once he was already a few steps down, which that of course led Patrick to chuckle now that he'd entered the washroom. He didn't waste any time to stand in front of the wash basin, quick to judge how horrible his hair really did look before anything else. Surprisingly when he looked into the mirror he considered it manageable, granted there were at least a few cowlicks that needed to be addressed. Nothing that some water wouldn't be able to fix, once he started combing the brown locks into an upward fashion.

After Patrick took the little time, in comparison to his brother, to clean his hands and style his hair; he finished with a brief amount of teeth brushing to complete his morning routine. Thus the bartender left the washroom to head downstairs, and eventually join up with everyone else as they started the morning routine. Their mother Elinora stood with their father Albert at the end of the bar, near the kitchen entryway, with their attention fixated on the new logs for the new year. "Right then, I'll make the transfers of our current guests into the new log. Albert dear did you check our inventory?"

"I already did that before you came down Nora," the grizzled old man assured her with a look from the logs to Patrick, "look who's up and around."

"Mornin' Ma Ma and Pa Pa," Patrick greeted them as he approached the bar, "how's the inventory look?"

"We're fine on beverages for now, but the kitchen's low on vegetables again. Dominik's gonna head to the market to replenish our stock in a little bit." Albert explained to the both of them as he crossed his arms, his weathered expression still tired for one who rose so early. "For now though he's helpin' Connor get things goin' in the kitchen."

"So that leaves the room keeping then," Elinora added in as she looked from her husband to her son, "Patrick dear would you please handle that for me. Rooms two and four will need that done, once our guests have awakened and left."

"No problem. In the meantime I'll take all the chairs down from the tables, that way guests can sit and wait for breakfast if they choose to do so anyways."

"Excellent," the vibrant mother enthused warmly, "I'll focus on the books and paperwork darling, so you can help Patrick with that."

"Sounds good to me," Albert agreed as he moved to walk around the bar, "C'mon son. The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get our own breakfast."

"Already lookin' forward to those pork chops." Patrick mused to the old man as the two walked throughout the lobby, an amused chuckle heard from his father as the two started to pull chairs down from the tables. It was at that point that the Barnell clan would carry out their day like any other, starting with a breakfast for the family before they began their busier part of the morning routine.

"Today marks the first of many new days to come."
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:42 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1018
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Stealth: Sneaking While Others Remain Asleep
Drawing: Using Ink Pens To Sketch
Drawing: Brief Strokes Affect The Kind of Lines Drawn
Drawing: Sketching At Angles To Draw Circles
Drawing: Shading Can Add Perspective To A Sketch
Rhetoric: Arguing What "Perfection" Is With Your Sibling

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: Holy crap! You sure you don't want to split this into two solos, at least? :shock: Either way, good stuff; love the big family dynamic. Well done and enjoy your rewards!

word count: 94

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