In the Dark of the Night [ Closed ]

A Sellsword and a Fortune-Teller visit Hahseu.

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Title: Orphan of Zaichaer
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77th Day of Searing, 122 A.V.

The stench was enough to unsettle the stomach.

When the storm hit Zaichaer, the life that Barbatos knew was wiped away forever. In its place was a journey northward to the city of Kalzasi. Despite being a literal refugee, he did not spend time lamenting what was. Though the wounds upon his heart were great, the necessities of now were greater. And, though he would never admit as much out loud, keeping himself focused on the present helped avoid the sorrow. Thus, from shortly after settling inside the city, Barbatos put his ear to the ground and sought out opportunities.

Thus far? He struck gold. Consistent employment came through the House of Colors, specifically Yellow. In light of current events, they saw fit to offer opportunities to outside help - and the Sellsword leapt at the chance. To date, they made great usage of his skills in combat. He had been directed to serve as a protector at some points and an escort at others. Each mission had its own web of difficulties, but the Sellsword had thus far failed to disappoint.

Beyond this...he was no longer alone. His time within the city brought his path across another. She was woman of (self-proclaimed) weird repute. During their first meeting, an accord was formed that would see the Sellsword instruct her in defending herself. In exchange, he would have a belly of warm food and a glimpse into his future after each lesson. Though seemingly transactional at first, the Sellsword admittedly had taken a liking to the knife-eared woman. So much so that, when their respective roles would take them to the safe part of Kalzasi, he offered to accompany her.

From what he knew of her goals for the day, there was a client who sought a glimpse into their own future. As fate would have it, said client was Barbatos' final destination. But where were they headed? Into the literal underbelly of the city. During the weeks that Barbatos spent within Kalzasi, he had heard that this section of the city was dangerous. The law did not extend into the subterranean levels. And monstrosities lurked deeper into the black. This was anothe reason that Barbatos was grateful that he and Faelora were going together. It wouldn't sit right with him to watch her walk into pit alone. He knew that men could become animals when the law turned its eye - plus there were actual animals to worry about too.

So it was that the duo, together, braved the darkness. Dusk had come to Kalzasi when they began their journey - for discretion was necessary for Barbatos' task. And, outside of the putrid smell tinging every breath, the journey to the shantytown called Hahseu was unremarkable. Upon nearing the entrance, Barbatos silently motioned for Faelora to pause her steps.

"I know I've said this before, but, keep your wits about you. This place...we're slabs of meat wandering into a hound's den. If anything looks out of place, you tell me. We leave. Alright?"


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77th day of Searing, 122

Just business, nothing more

That had been Faelora's promise to herself - and her warning to Barbatos - when they had originally struck their bargain. In truth, said bargain was heavily weighted in her favor. Sure, she kept him fed and answered any questions he had about his destiny, but in return he had agreed to give her the lessons she needed to be able to defend herself; and in the meantime, he served as something of a protector.

It had taken a little to swallow her pride and admit it; but she was definitely safer with the sable-skinned man's presence at her camp. There had been a time after the attack that she had sworn she'd never allow a man anywhere near her again. She was still adamant about the sanctity of her tent itself... but she'd be lying if she said that Barbatos was not beginning to show that perhaps there were a few out there who might be worth it.

Today, their paths - still entwined - led to the underbelly of Kalzasi itself. Her heart raced in her chest, the gentle yet insistent warmth of anxious nerves buzzing under her skin. Barbatos motioned for her to pause, a warning on his lips.

It was to her own surprise that the Siltori still felt a tiny rebellious pang in her gut, even as the sensation awoke a dull ache in her scar. Once upon a time, she might have rolled her eyes at a protective hand, maybe adding a sarcastic retort about how she could protect herself...

Her free hand fell to her belly, gently touching just below her navel. For the briefest of moments she was back there, before turning to him with a solemn nod,

"I understand. I'm right beside you."

Staying right beside him, on the opposite side of his weapon-hand, the witch kept her eyes fixed on Barbatos.

"I don't understand why people would come down here." Her soft whisper wafted into the putrid air, "it's horrible."
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A respectable distance.

Over the course of several weeks, the sable-skinned man had gotten to know his ivory-haired companion. Their lessons were frequent enough that even her steed seemed to recognize him favorably. Yet, despite how well things were going between the Siltori and the Sellsword, there was a line that Barbatos was not permitted to cross. It was, quite literally, a line drawn in the sand - or specifically, her tent door. Now, while Barbatos was not at all interested in sleeping inside her dwelling, he could read between the lines.

In his eyes, this was her sanctuary. A place of practicing the craft that kept her fed. He did not know anything about the stars - but he knew enough about magick to not touch things that didn't want to be touched. Thus, he always respected that boundary. But, with this boundary came a metaphorical wall. Barbatos was careful not to trespass, not to overstep, even when there were moments where his mind wandered. Yet, there could be no such thoughts this day. For the task at hand was potentially perilous for the both of them.

For Barbatos, there was a package located inside his pack that was bound for the mark. The House had not told him what it was, nor was he supposed to ask any questions. By now, he knew the drill. If he was caught with it above ground, he would face the consequences as if he were never affiliated with the organization. Succeed and he would be paid his typical rate. Fair enough. This is why outside help was such a necessity these days, he reckoned. Now, as the pair prepared to enter the gaggle of horrendously constructed buildings, Faelora acknowledged his warning.

And with a nod, he led the way forward.

The buildings were terrible enough that discovering the mark would not be too difficult. According to their intel, they'd be within one of the few buildings that wasn't "worse for wear." As Barbatos strode forward, he kept his head on swivel. His offhand came to rest upon the pommel of his weapon, as if daring the shadows to test him. As they walked, bearing towards the center of the "city" - if it could even be called that - the ivory-haired woman asked the question of the hour. "No one wants to be down here." came Barbatos' earnest answer.

"The only 'advantage' being that the Laws of above don't apply down here. But outside of this, those who are downtrodden find their way here." He shook his head lightly, but did not wear his pity on his face. "I've only got the bare minimum on our mark, do you have any other details?"


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No one wants to be down here

That came as little surprise to the witch. There was something that turned her stomach, something deeper than the horrendous stench, than the shabby walls and heavy atmosphere. It was the energy of this place. It felt... hopeless. It was old, but not reverent like an ancient forest or placid like an old lake... it was old like an abandoned matriarch, sick and in agony, left alone to rot, forgotten by all others. Swallowing, Faelora shuddered and pulled her cloak a little tighter over her shoulders.

When they had first met, Barbatos would seldom have seen her without a cloak of white hair cascading down her back to her hips, but since their lessons had begun, she had started to braid it and keep it tight against her head, at least when they had business. Today was one such day, and the foul air caressed the back of her neck, drawing out a shudder.

"I feel so sorry for them."

She whispered back, her eyes glowing brightly as she gazed into the dark.

He asked about their mark, a man whom - perhaps fortuitously - required both of their services. Faelora, for her part, had been summoned to him to read his fate. Fate, that was the word he had used. Not fortune, not destiny, not future... fate. In her experience, men who asked for that often expected a bleak one... and they were often right.

She shrugged to her companion,

"Not a great deal. His note said only to look for the door with the black mark. I had thought that a little black paint on a door would be easy to spot but..."

The witch turned to take in their surroundings again,

"perhaps not so much."
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I feel so sorry for them.

Though the sable-skinned man made a living by selling violence, it was hard not to think as she did. Throughout his upbringing, Barbatos was by no means a wealthy individual. His family were smart in their dealings and made the most of what little they had. For that reason, the Sellsword never felt that he was poor. Yet, as he got older, he became keenly aware of what opulence looked like. Or, more specifically, how his way of living was a far cry from it. In learning this difference, Barbatos came to emphathize with those who lived similarly to his lifestyle, or beneath it.

He couldn't bring himself to raise his nose at the downtrodden, when he himself grew adjacent to such a fate.

Thus, when Faelora voiced her feelings about the residents of the shantytown, Barbatos offered a slight huff in agreement. His head bobbed up and down slightly, but his attention was clearly placed upon the task at hand. Why? Because he saw movement out of his peripheral vision. Movement that caused his muscles to tense and his fingers to flex onto the pommel of his weapon. He then cast a glare into the shadows from whence the motion came, only to hear the sound of bare feet scampering off in the opposite direction. "As do I." he came to affirm.

"But even so, we must tread carefully - lest we end up in the river of shite."

With thus said, Faelora recounted what little she knew about the mark in question. Barbatos thought for a moment and allowed his gaze to dance from doorway to doorway. "Well...I think we'd have to look for a door intentionally painted, yes?" he said, thinking aloud. "Those look as though...gods only know...are caked on them. But that one...looks like someone at least tried to sling some paint on it. Let's try there." With some semblance of direction in hand, the Sellsword led them closer to what he believed might be the mark's residence. And, as fate would have it, the door creaked open just as they drew near.


A single, yellowing eye peered back out at them. Barbatos, saying nothing, looked to his ivory-haired companion.


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There were those that had oft looked down their noses at the white-haired witch, at how "barbaric" she was, how she lived with so little, how her hot meals and baths numbered less than their own. Many a time she had considered making a change, slinking into a city and finding somewhere to settle more permanently. She would likely be able to make a living, right?

But as they trudged through the decrepit little township, the Siltori shuddered at every memory of those thoughts and desires. What she had was probably comparable to what these people had; minus perhaps Azazoth, but where they awoke to the smell of piss and despair, her mornings were cool, fresh air and soft bird calls.

There was a rustle as something - or someone - scampered off into the shadows. The Siltori gasped, flinching at the sound before grimacing to herself and subtly closing the distance between her and the warrior. She had once called him a dangerous man, and now she was grateful for the fact.

To her relief, he soon found the door they were searching for, one with a distinct smear of dark black paint, as if someone had dipped their fingers in tar and brushed them along the door. As they approached, a question was posed, and Barbatos looked to her for the answer.

At first, her eyebrows flew up in surprise, she hadn't been given a specific password to give him. Unless...

"Fate." She answered.

A brief pause, and thus the sound of locks clinking and bolts sliding began to echo from the other side of the door. She glanced up to Barbatos.

"I don't think he's going to like what I'm going to tell him." She murmured, "some people... they can sense it themselves, they just want to be told they're wrong."
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The Siltori gasped.

Where the Sellsword bared his fangs against the shadows, his ivory-haired companion had been surprised. Instinct rippled through his bones upon hearing her distress. His first thought was to reach back and seize her hand so that there wouldn't be any distance between them. Yet, he paused, settling only for looking back as she caught up immediately. His rational mind overcame his instincts, informing him that tying up his shield-arm wouldn't end well if they were flanked. His nostrils flared as a heavy exhale fell from them.

The sooner they got the job done, the better.

When they came upon their destination, Faelora was able to provide them entry. Barbatos did not want to go digging about for the "merchandise" unless it was absolutely necessary, and thus the Siltori had saved him in that regard. After a symphony of clicks and turns, the door was opened. Faelora paused, looking up at him and speaking just above a whisper about what her reading most likely would say. "That...would explain why I'm here then." came his own quiet response. "If there's nothing good on the horizon, he'll be wanting to take his mind off it."

With thus said, Barbatos led the way inside.

The space was cramped, smelled just as bad as the outside, and was dimly lit by a single candle. The owner, a short man with open scabs on his scalp, shuffled over to a table and plopped himself down in front of it. He looked to the ivory-haired woman expectantly, but Barbatos stepped in front of his line-of-sight. "Delivery." he said, before reaching inside his cloak. The sickly, yellow eyes widened for a moment until they saw the bundle in the sable-skinned man's hand. "This comes with a message: best regards."

Barbatos then tossed the bundle onto the table. It slid slowly until it was within inches of the man's clutches. Eagerly, he grasped the package and ran it under his nostrils. "Ohhh yes, this'll do nicely."

Then, his gaze went back to the Siltori. "Well??"


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The witch nodded politely as they were... "greeted" at the door. She remained stoic for the briefest of moments before following the mercenary inside, focusing all her strength on not offending their host with a shudder.

However, for all the foul smell and unpleasant manners, her heart broke for him. This was a man that had once been someone's tiny, bubbly baby. Someone had watched him take his first steps, someone had once nursed him, helped him pull on clothes, maybe even lovingly taught him to read and write. Whatever caused him to end up here, in this state... she was glad that it was unlikely whomever that had been was no longer around to see it.

Still, she was grateful for her warrior-guard, protectively keeping himself between her and the little man. Her stomach had scrunched and her heart raced, maybe he had once had all the potential in the world, but even murderers had mothers.

Not everyone deserves your bleeding heart

A part of the Siltori wondered about the tale of the envelope tossed onto the table, but it wasn't long before it was stuffed away in a pocket and she was called upon... rudely. Taking in a deep breath of the foul air, the witch timidly stepped around Barbatos, tossing him a subtle glance of uncertainty. After this she promised herself she would have a conversation with him about signals for help.

"Alright, give me your hand,"

Her words were soft, her own hands laid out on the table, palms upwards. The little man plonked his sweaty hand in hers, his fingers not-so-subtly caressing her skin, almost grabbing at her wrist.

Suppressing a shudder, the witch flipped his hand palm-up and leaned forwards, her talismans jangling as she gazed over the flesh. The fingers of her free hand began to trace over the lines, and she hummed to herself thoughtfully.

It was here that she began to relax, falling deep into the study of those lines and markings. The stench of foul air grew distant, the irregular huffing of her client's breath hushed, her concentration focused entirely upon her work and the world around her ceased to exist.

"You were a planned birth."

Her first observation, the statement was a demonstration of her skill to her client, an anchor to herself. Her fingers traced over the lines upon his hand and she continued, almost to herself,

"You grew up... in great wealth, but it was not yours." She felt the man's hand stiffen in hers, his breath catch. But she couldn't sugar-coat what she saw, that wasn't why either of them were here. "There was a tragedy, you were young, there's a... it looks like... did you lose someone? A parent?"

"I didn't ask you here to talk about the past, witch."

Faelora swallowed, turning her focus further down,

"Right, you came here about your future."


"Well..." Her fingers paused, mid-caress over a deep crevice in his hand, "your lifeline... it's short, and it ends abruptly. It's intersected right at the end here by... hm. You don't have long, and it will likely be someone who knows you very well."

She released the man's hand, her eyes briefly glancing around to Barbatos. She had no idea how the little man would react to such news, but it would likely not be pretty.
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Where the Witch's heart bled for the scab-ridden fellow, the sable-skinned man continued to be on edge. While it was true that he had an appreciation for the downtrodden, he also knew that he was standing within a literal lion's den. For this individual specifically, the delivery might have bought some good will. Some semblance of safety while underneath his roof. But that good will did not extend to the rest of the shantytown. Thus, Barbatos watched intently as the mark set his gaze upon the Siltori.

His offhand never once moving from its resting place upon his blade's pommel.

The mark was...a reflection of his surroundings. There was no question that he was not attempting to be subtle when she asked for his palm. As soon as their hands made contact, he touched more than what was required. Barbatos thought that this must have been the first time in eons that a clean woman willingly touched him. But that notion was smothered by the animosity which brewed inside the Sellsword's stomach. Though he did not realize it, a scowl came to dominate his features.

It was strangely out of place. In these depths, it could have been identified as being protective. But Barbatos felt...offended? That he would touch her in such a way? Were the circumstances any less stressful, he might have caught himself, but for now he watched closely. He listened as Faelora worked, first establishing her skill as being valid by identifying facets of his past. The mark was far from amused and demanded that she speak about the morrow.

And Barbatos watched as each stage of grief ripped across the man's face. His fingers tensed upon the pommel momentarily. "That...I knew as much." he began. The Sellsword then watched as he stepped back and pried a loose floorboard. From thence he produced a coin purse that was far more full than Barbatos was expecting. Saying nothing, he counted out a few coins and set them on the table before the Siltori. "Your fee." he said.

It was then that the man looked upon Barbatos...then back to the ivory haired woman...and then back to the Sellsword. Coin purse still in hand. "As my life is much?" he asked, speaking to the sable-skinned man. Barbatos blinked, confused by the question, but then he watched the man's eyes. The way he looked upon the Siltori, but there was restraint. Restraint caused by the presence of an armed, unamused man in his living quarters. "What?" Barbatos questioned, hoping the man would take this "ignorance" as a hint.

He did not.

"I've plenty of coin that'll do me no good soon. Might as well be in your hands, eh?"

"So you'd like to hire my blade then? Settle some scores before the end?" Once more, Barbatos attempted to give the man an out. And once more, the man chose to hang himself with the rope that was offered. A raspy chuckle fell from him. "I'm looking to buy this witch of yours."

Barbatos' scowl deepened and he inserted himself in front of Faelora. "I should tear your tongue from your skull." he began, his tone alive with frustration. "We're leaving." With thus said, he nodded to the Siltori and awaited her exit of the building first.


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Faelora waited with baited breath for the reaction of her client. He did not immediately react, but the elf watched on as the emotions crossed over his face. He spoke, accepting and even seeming to have expected her answer. Faelora relaxed some as the stout little man stood to retrieve her fee. She rose from her chair as well, taking a subtle step back towards Barbatos.

The witch eyed each coin as it was counted onto the table, one delicate arm lowered to scoop them up and disappear them into the coin purse on her belt. At first, securing her fee and completing her promise gave the girl a wave of relief. Her shoulders relaxed as a soft sigh swept out of her lungs. She was done, she had earned her pay, they could leave.

However, the man apparently had other ideas. He didn't even address her. Rather, he spoke to the mercenary himself.

The emotions that assaulted Faelora were severalfold. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, burning with a mix of shame, indignance, and anger. Her stomach tightened in a clenched knot as her fists balled at her sides. Her rage at this man's audacity was tempered only by the fear from the memories his entitlement brought back. She was humiliated, afraid... but another emotion swam around with the others... one she couldn't quite name.

But it surrounded Barbatos.

She had been assumed to... belong to him? Be beholden to him? It felt almost validating, to be assumed to belong to someone she held in high esteem. And then, there was his reaction. He pounced to her defence, forcing the sleazy little man to spell out his demands and then ensuring he regretted doing so.

Her head spinning with all these emotions, the witch said nothing. However, as the sable-skinned warrior indicated for them to leave, she reached up to one of the many little talismans that jangled from her hair. This one was two bones from a small bird, crossed over a green pebble and tied with twine. Plucking it from its place, she held the thing in front of her.

The words tumbled out quickly and harshly, spoken in Silandris,

"You will not sleep soundly again until death itself takes you."

Of course, the words would do nothing, but as she spat on the charm and dropped it at the man's feet, Faelora spun on her heel and left the little house with her chin high.

It was only once she and the warrior were outside again, with a closed door between them, that she allowed her composure to crack and to catch herself with a sigh of defeat.

"Pardon the theatrics," she mumbled sheepishly, lifting her hands to untie the now empty string from her headband, "but superstition can be as strong as magic, maybe even stronger."

Glancing around, a shiver took her shoulders,

"I think I'm ready to get out of here."
word count: 507
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