To Grandmother's House We Go [Vanessa]

High City of the Northlands

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Title: Ransera's Only Pacifist Twink
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Searing 41, 122 Age of Steel

True to the airfield's word, a welcoming party awaited the Michaelis family when they had finally made their way through customs. Anton only had the vaguest memories of his Gelerian relatives, and neither Amelia nor Karl had ever met a single one of them. When their mother embraced an elderly pair well-to-do figures however, the trio of children were quick to realize that these were their oft spoken of grandparents.

Lothar and Beatrice von Osten cut a striking pair, he in a charcoal gray suit that made the height of Zaichaeri fashion seem cumbersome and pointlessly ostentatious, and she in a dress that seemed to actually have been made with the prospect of walking in it in mind. Behind the pair was an entire assortment of individuals near their mother's age, their aunts and uncle and their respective spouses - save Sofia. Hugs, kisses, and exclamations of astonishment at Anton's age as well as the existence of his younger siblings were forced upon them, Karl and Amelia following their brother's lead of politely enduring it all as they were embraced by their family for the first time in their lives. A whole host of cousins followed, and not even Anton bothered to remember all of their names.

Fortunately, most of the family faded away when it was time to actually make for home, leaving the Michaelis only with Lothar, Beatrice, and Friedrich. A series of horseless carriages conveyed them from Eisenstadt to the Reichtum, a mercifully short journey after the long voyage aboard the Every Waking Moment.

Actually entering the von Osten estate was something of a culture shock. Anton was no stranger to the wonders of electricity, but stepping foot inside of the building, he realized that it was simply everywhere. Lights, automatic fans, even appliances that performed household tasks and continually broadcasted the frivolous and serious.

"Do make yourself at home, everyone," Lothar said kindly as he guided them through the palatial estate on a short tour.

"Ever since the children grew up the house has been rather empty," Beatrice agreed. "I hope you three don't mind staying in your aunts' rooms?"

"Of course not, oma," Anton replied, slipping into Kathalan as he already began feeling the bones of the ancient house. It was not the same as home, but it had a similar weight of ages upon it, the knowledge that he was far from the first of his line to set foot beneath its roof, and he would not be the last. "Will our bondsmen be able to stay here as well opa?"

"Hmm, we'll have to make room, but until something more appropriate can be found for them I don't think anyone would mind. Such a terrible thing you've gone through, all of you, you should stop worrying about these affairs. You are safe, Anton, and that is what matters."
Last edited by Anton on Sun Aug 21, 2022 9:00 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 511
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Vanessa Quill
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Vanessa had gotten the family safely to shore, and that was about all she could muster after so many sleepless nights. All of the spare energy evaporated the instant she was certain Anton and House Michaelis were safe. Luckily that did not hamper introductions too harshly, as she was viewed by many members of the family as just another one of the family's guards. She was wearing their colors after all, and managed to stand straight whenever she wasn't near to nodding off. It seemed whatever correspondence had gone on between the two families over the years, Vanessa had not often been worth mentioning with any regularity.

She was too tired even to marvel at the carriages that carried themselves forward across the ground. It was all she could do to make sure everyone else was seated before she entered in last. As soon as she was inside, her head slumped against the door and she was out like a lantern. It was a well earned rest, and so none were interested in waking her, even if she snored.

It was not a peaceful sleep, Vanessa didn't have those unless she was deep in her cups. But as far as nightmares went, it wasn't the worst. A general feeling of terror, the sound of metal scraping on metal, blood painting an old ship's deck. Nothing she wasn't used to by now. Despite the foul nature of the rest, she felt far better when she was nudged awake and told they had reached their destination. The jolt of energy would keep her going until she could get a proper night's sleep, she would make sure of that.

She pulled herself from the carriage and followed behind Anton and his family, hand still unconsciously resting on the handle of her sword even after all this time. Even surrounded as he was by all the signs of safety, she could not let her guard waver. She played her part of a silent sentinel well, at first. Then one one the aunts prattled on about safety and worry. Righteous anger flared behind Vanessa's eyes, and she sucked air hard through clenched teeth. By the time Vanessa decided to say something, the words were already leaving her mouth with a cold sharpness unlike most of her outbursts.

"His friends are dead. His teacher's dead. His home's a smoking ruin. Half the brave men what followed his call back to the city are still hackin' up blood from all the smoke, ash n' mists they sucked up. He's not half the man he proved he was if he stopped worrying the second he's safe."

She brought her lips to a thin line, jaw tight. It was not the sort of behavior Anton would have wanted from her, she knew. His younger siblings had endured pleasantries better than her. She cleared her throat and brought her shoulders down after having unconsciously hunched them almost to her ears. "Sorry, ain't fair to you. Been a long journey is all." She said as apologetically as she could, at least trying to smooth things over. if it required more work than that, she trusted than Anton knew the magic noble words to do so.

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"Vanessa-" Anton began, his voice filled with a mixture of embarrassment and rebuke.

Whatever he was going to say was never heard however, his grandfather interrupting him almost as soon as he opened his mouth. "Is quite right. But," Lothar said, turning his gaze softly from Vanessa back to Anton, a knowing look in his eyes, "as heroic as you have shown yourself to be, my grandson, you cannot help anyone if you are overwhelmed. One day of rest, before you carry on with your labors, you have earned that much. I shall see to you and yours, I promise that they shall want for nothing."

Anton felt his shoulders droop at his grandfather's words, the man radiating an intense sincerity and even greater worry. A weight that he had not realized he had borne felt like it was released from his shoulders as he gave Lothar a slow nod of agreement, and he let his thoughts drift at the prospect of a warm bath and soft bed for the first time in days. Days that felt like an eternity after what he had gone through. "Maybe so, opa."

"You have done more than you might understand, Anton, there is no maybe about it," Maria Theresa said in her own, soft voice. "You know as well as I that there is more work to do, but your grandfather is correct. You have earned a rest," his mother repeated. "Assuming, of course, Dame Quill approves," she finished with a sudden teasing lilt. Whatever her thoughts on the pirate had been, the past week had wrought a transformation over them. Vanessa had not quite achieved respectability, but she had won respect.

"Of course, of course," Lothar said with a nod of his head at his daughter's words. "This is der ritter von blutigturm, I should have known," he murmured with a fond familiarity.
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Vanessa Quill
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Though she still felt an incensing heat when Anton's grandfather spoke, Vanessa managed to keep her mouth closed. She would not speak without thinking for a second time, and she was the better for it. When the initial wave of anger dissipated, the knight found herself agreeing with Lothar somewhat. Of course she did not want Anton to suffer for the sake of it, and everything she had done was in service of keeping him alive so he could pursue a quiet, effortless existence. Still, she remained a touch too proud to admit that Lothar had convinced her. Her silent nod of approval was the next best thing.

Acknowledgement of Anton's experiences, rather than sweeping them up in such a general sense, had done much to ease Vanessa's irritation. When Maria Theresa spoke, Vanessa looked again to Anton, expression shifting from enforced neutrality to something far warmer. The corner of her lips curled up just enough to ruin her stoic illusion, and she brought her hand to his shoulder in silent agreement with the observation

Then the teasing came, and remainder of Vanessa's tension vanished like it had never existed. She put on her best expression of deep thought, all furrowed brows and scrunched lips. "Rest? Rest I think I can do." She spoke with mock reluctance, grinning all the while. It was easy to return the levity in kind once it was at her own expense.

Then Lothar said something Vanessa didn't understand, and she cocked her head. "What you said just then, what's it mean?" Vanessa had not been an inquisitive person for most of her life. Being unable to read meant that there were many things she simply needed to be content never knowing, but Anton had changed that. "if it's meant to be private, forget I asked, o' course." She had already made one misstep just moments after arriving, she did not intend to make another.

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Anton visibly relaxed as Vanessa calmed down, the noble heir relieved beyond measure that the pirate turned bodyguard wasn't going to punch his grandfather in the face. Which she did consider for a moment, even if she'd never admit it to anyone. He had gone far beyond needing her word to understand such things however, her emotional soundscape more familiar to him than anyone else's. Her surges of pique and frustration were all too common, and therefore all the better known by her ward.

For a moment, he worried that his mother's teasing words might raise Vanessa's hackles once more, but the older woman proved that just because Anton knew what someone felt did not mean he yet understood how they would react. His knight turned easily into the teasing, forming a happy rapport that he had never seen between the two before. Unfortunately, it seemed that Lothar was more tone deaf than his daughter was.

He immediately turned to admonish Anton upon realizing that Vanessa did not speak a word of Kathalan, clucking his tongue against the top of his mouth in the same manner that Maria Theresa did when she was frustrated with her own offspring. "So you have not taught her the tongue of your Motherland? She has been in your service nearly a year, Anton! A year! My own grandson spends a whole year as a man of his own means and and doesn't think to visit me, oh gods save me." The display was clearly performative, and was met by simultaneous eye rolls from the Margrave's wife and daughter both.

"I must apologize for his laxness in your education, but what I said, der Ritter von Blutigturm, it is your title," Lothar explained to Vanessa. "The Knight of the Bloody Tower. Dearest Maria, farthest but fondest of my daughters only now returned to my side, she wrote us weekly of her dealings and that of the children. You feature most prominently," he said with a sudden warmness, before just as swiftly shaking his finger at her. "Do not think I will be as indulgent as my daughter though. Now that you are here there will be rules, yes. Namely that you will end this nonsense of sneaking off to take Amelia with flying. Absolutely not. You must at least tell me in advance so I can see my granddaughter soar."
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Vanessa Quill
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"To be fair to the poor boy, he was teaching me to read for a couple seasons." Vanessa admitted, no longer finding her prior illiteracy something to be ashamed of now that it had been overcome. "If you had seen how hard I made that for him, you'd understand why he might've thought one language was enough for the sake of his own sanity." She gave Anton's shoulder an affirming jostle. The weight of all they had done over the past few days did not disappear under the camaraderie, but Vanessa did find it easier to shoulder it in good company.

When Anton's grandfather explained himself, Vanessa repeated the title in her mind a dozen times over to make sure she didn't forget it. She preoccupied with archiving this new information that she had almost missed the fact that Anton's mother had found her worthy of mentioning in communication with her family. After a short delay while her mind caught up, Vanessa' head snapped towards Maria. "She did?" Vanessa said, for a moment simply refusing to believe it.

She had always, and sometimes correctly, viewed herself as a necessary stain on House Michaelis. That she was not only mentioned, but spoken of with some respect had blindsided her completely.

Then Vanessa's cheeks burned with embarrassment when Lothar mentioned the flying lessons. Getting caught was one thing, but never having fooled them in the first place was wholly another! It had been so much effort and it had amounted to little more than theater for Amelia's amusement. Despite the embarrassment, Vanessa found herself smiling again. "It was all Amelia's doing!" Vanessa faux protested, pointing fingers. "But I'll be sure that all flights are supervised from now on. It's about time she gets her own cloak anyway." She glanced to Amelia, then covered her mouth in over-acted surprised. "Forget I said anything."

That should keep Amelia's mind off of current events for a while.

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Praise from Vanessa was not particularly novel to Anton, she often encouraged him, most recently at his skill with a sword when she finally had the time to dedicate solely to the craft. Still, he felt heat rushing to his cheeks at having her speak so highly of him in front of his family, especially members who he had last seen when he could, well, still see. His embarrassment only increased when he felt his grandfather's gaze upon him, a soft smile on his face.

"Is that so? Very good then, very good," Lothar murmured warmly, before he let out a far louder chuckle at Vanessa's reaction to Maria's letter writing. "She did, yes. Constantly going on about how indulgent you are to your charges, not a very good precedent to set. But I'll permit it, in this case."

If the family patriarch had any more to say, he never got a chance as Amelia erupted in a scream of jubilant delight at Vanessa's 'slip' of mentioning a flying cloak. So infectious was her joy that the younger Karl started shouting as well, both children momentarily distracted from the grim if half understood realities of the home they had fled as they clung to one of the pirate's legs each. "Do you mean it do you mean it do you mean it do you mean it," Amelia kept repeating, barely pausing for breath as the adults looked on with everything from feigned exasperation to genuine smiles.

"Well, thank you opa," Anton said, finally able to get a word in himself. "We can never repay you for all that you've done for us."

"Nonsense," both Lothar and Beatrice said at the same time, the latter going on to add that, "You are family, what would be if we refused to help you?" The former's silence suggested that, on the contrary, Anton very much could repay him - and would.

"Children," Maria Theresa said, her voice immediately snapping Amelia and Karl's heads towards her - and even Anton's. "Leave Vanessa alone, let's go pick out your new rooms."
word count: 362
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Vanessa Quill
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"I'm still learning." Vanessa replied with good humor. "In all the stories I've heard, when the lord gives an order, the knight follows it." That of course wasn't the whole of the matter. The pirate had lived her life in the moment, and still had trouble setting her sights towards the future. Gold earned from plunder wasn't sure to last, so her crew had always made merry where never they'd had time to waste and avens to spend. When viewed that way, it was natural for Vanessa to want to indulge Amelia or Anton whenever they asked.

She felt the desire to defend her position, but Anton was saved further embarrassment when Amelia and Karl erupted in joy. Vanessa looked between the two children, and brought her calloused hands down to pat the both of them on the heads while doing her best to avoid ruining their hair. She was mostly successful. "I mean it, so you'd better think really hard about your favorite color, eh?" She hoped that the new information would leave Amelia with something to ponder, and maybe give the adults a moment's peace from the excited cheering of children.

Maria Theresa's voice even drew Vanessa's eye, though she didn't turn her head like the three children had. She gave both Karl and Amelia an encouraging pat on the back and a gruff encouragement of "Off with ya'."

Once the two children were accounted for, Vanessa's old captain's instincts kicked in. Tend to the crew before yourself in all things except wealth. "You, uh, mentioned needing to make room for folk to sleep? If someone can point me in the right direction, I can start clearing out some space."

Vanessa's strength was immediately obvious, and was perhaps the only thing Maria Theresa could have understated in her letters. Though she was not abnormally tall, the knight cast a shadow that could fill the room, completely overshadowing Anton. That had always been the plan, until now.

"So, could you use a hand?"
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Lore: 8
Points: 10, may not be used for Magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None


Lore: 8
Points: 10, may not be used for Magic
Injuries/Ailments: None
Loot: None

Notes: I thought it was okay
word count: 81
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