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The capital of the Kingdom of Lorien, and seat of House Revenlow.

Moderators: Principal Author, Regional Author

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Urs Wardell
Posts: 192
Joined: Sat May 02, 2020 10:06 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43& ... 3548#p3548
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=119&t=1118
Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=844

Glade 12, 116
“...Perhaps we were friends first and lovers second. But then perhaps this is what lovers are....” - Call Me By Your Name, André Aciman

“Tell me things I don't know,” Lyr said, “Things I should remember.”

Urs smiled. He told Lyr that he was born in an alleyway only a few blocks from here, close to where they’d first met. He told him that he was allergic to the mango peel, but he loved the fruit so much he risked it. He told him that he didn't think anyone should wear white underwear.

Lyr laughed, loudly, and Urs became self-conscious and stopped.

"C'mon, keep going," Lyr encouraged him, still giggling. Urs could feel the heat of his blush as it burned down his cheeks to his neck to his chest.

"Let's play three lies instead," Urs suggested, "You first."

"You mean two lies one truth?"

"Sure," Urs blinked once, twice, and then the world was saturated with magic. Edges seemed sharper, colors brighter, and everything seemed suddenly much more real than it had just moments before.

"I've almost died...four times now. Twice I was captured at knifepoint, once I ate a poisoned berry, and once I fell in the sea - and I can't swim," Lyr paused, his aura boldening - thinking, maybe. "I'm also allergic to mango peel, but I don't like fruit in general, so it isn't a problem." The swirl of bright aurora vibrated with energy. "And...I've met a dragon."
word count: 278
“I will never know how you see red and you will never know how I see it.”

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