In the Dark of the Night [ Closed ]

A Sellsword and a Fortune-Teller visit Hahseu.

The underbelly that lies beneath the city.

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Title: Orphan of Zaichaer
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?p=18775#p18775
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3466


The scab-ridden man found himself in quite the predicament.

A lifetime of entitlement emboldened him, to the point where he took a haughty step towards the sable-skinned man. A purse full of gold and his forgotten heritage made him momentarily forget that Barbatos sold violence. After the sable-skinned man advised the witch that they were departing, the mark blubbered back. "Now wait a dam-" His rebuke was interrupted. Not by the swift wrath of steel running through his throat - but by the ivory-haired woman.

As they moved to depart his dwelling, she reached up towards her hair and plucked free one of the trinkets. Barbatos knew that she used these to maintain her "weird" vibe, as they had discussed on the day of their meeting. But in this moment, even he was convinced. A foreign tongue fell as a hiss from her lips and the talisman was cast upon the floor. Barbatos blinked, a newfound awe claiming his features before he followed her out. Yet, before the door closed, he looked back, face contorted with displeasure.

His expression said it all - another word and the man's prophecy would come true.

The black-marked door shut behind them and wrath was replaced with concern. Nothing had happened, and yet, Barbatos felt compelled to check upon the witch. Coming down here was a dangerous move - and if he hadn't been by her side? He shuddered to think of what the scab-ridden mark would have tried. She turned to face him, hands occupied briefly with addressing her hair for a moment. Barbatos, quietly, placed his offhand upon her cheek. "Your words cut sharper than steel." he said, offering a smile. "Are you alright?"

Regardless of her response, what she said next was met with a solid nod. Barbatos soon strode forward, moving by her side in the direction from whence they came.


word count: 351
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Title: An unhinged creature
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3458
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3467

No matter how afraid she was, or how much of a showy lie the display, the Siltori never felt more powerful than those moments when her show of apparent dreadful magic struck fear into the hearts of those who opposed her. Now, as she watched her client's features fall from entitled and indignant to genuinely fearful, her own confidence swelled. Maintaining the air of some all-powerful creature, she turned and swept out of the little room, standing with her chin high until she and Barbatos had put a closed door and a few steps between themselves and their client.

It was then that she all but collapsed in a sigh of bewildered relief. Her shoulders slumped and she exhaled, putting a hand to her forehead. Her companion's words draw her gaze up to him,

"I am," She confirmed with a nod, "Sorry about the sudden dip into Silandris."

The mercenary turned to begin back the way they came, and Faelora was at his heels, following eagerly to escape this dreadful place. They had had only a couple of lessons so far but already her hand found its way to the handle of her boline. Already she felt safer with the blade at her hip. While it was frustrating having kept only to the basics so far, she knew that patience would ultimately be a virtue. After all, Barbatos knew far better than she what he was doing with a weapon.

"So, after we get out of here, do you think you'd be up for some sparring or... something?"

Maybe the encounter had gotten to her, after all, she was anxious, and needed to feel capable. She needed to feel like she was still in control, and Barbatos helped a lot with that.
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Title: Orphan of Zaichaer
Location: Kalzasi, Karnor
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?p=18775#p18775
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3466


The ivory-haired woman offered a nod.

After the door closed behind them, each passing moment was as a reprieve for the knife-eared woman. In those first seconds, Barbatos witnessed the bravery and confidence she displayed waver as soon as the door's closure reached their ears. Then, with each pace away from the mark, it all came to an abrupt end. With a sigh, she placed a hand to her forehead. Barbatos was no empath, but he could tell that the experience had an effect on her. After all, she was mere inches from an ill fate - it was fortunate that nothing befell her.

He inquired after her, and Faelora confirmed that she was alright with a nod. Barbatos returned the gesture and folded briefly folded his arms. Her apology caused his eyebrows to raise momentarily. Confusion was a tapestry quickly painted upon his expression. "You've nothing to apologize for." he answered. "Though, I'll be sure to be your private escort if ever you have shady customers." The reference to the day they met was an attempt to lighten the mood.

After all, the danger had passed and they were now headed back to the surface. Back to safety and normalcy. As they began their trip, Faelora then made a request. One that Barbatos was happy to oblige. His lips curved into a confident smile as he answered. "I think that's an excellent idea." he began. "But let's get something to eat first. I need to smell something other than shite for a bit."

With thus said, the duo began their journey back to the surface. From there, the sable-skinned man would make good on his promise. A belly full of something warm - and nostrils full of something pleasant - would fuel the lessons which followed. Barbatos knew the importance of seeing the ivory-haired woman's training through, as he may not always be there to walk alongside her. Should the Dread Mists claim him...he wanted to be sure that she could defend herself. That she could run through scab-ridden ingrates like their mark.

And so, Barbatos' rather tough instruction continued...


word count: 395
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Title: Most Unemployed Janitor In The World
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Lore: 10 lores of appropriate aspect

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None.

Notes: A cool head and restraint in a bad situation can be worth as much as a mastery in blades! Still, probably good to keep the second on hand, in the Midden.


Lore: 10 lores of appropriate aspect

Points: 10, may not be used for magic

Injuries/Ailments: Nothing but a surge of adrenaline!

Loot: None.

Notes: A nice way to get some nasty people off your back in a pinch. Thanks for the thread, I had fun reading it!

word count: 126
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