The Under-Forge


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Posts: 43
Joined: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:35 pm
Title: The Stone Man
Location: Solunarium / South Ecith
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3650
Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?t=3660

The Under-Forge

Link to your Business Sheet: Business Sheet
Description of your Business Location: Within the Umbrium, situated within the auspices of the Sanctine District of the Under-Forum, stands a tall, rounded building splitting a thoroughfare in twine. Its windows of bejewelled glass carry an unearthly glow, its large double doors helmed by a large sign belying its name: the Under-Forge. Its products are printed upon a marquee just below, silvery font catching the light at all hours of the dark. Elemental Runeforging, Lodestones, and Scrivened Spells.

Within exists a spacious shop, every surface a smooth dark granite. Artifacts such as wands and displays, or even suits of armor sit upon reinforced displays, locked in place by heavy reinforced stone and sequestered away from touch by glass. Above, a chandelier sits with glowing orbs in place of candles, never dimming. A desk sits by the end of the hall, rarely manned, with two chairs.

A large sign standing upon the desk reads: "Customers will be seen by appointment," and a ledger for such appointments appears below, but any of those employed there might intercept a customer anyhow on a slow day, reading upon that desk. A one-way window peers into the shop from the manufactory, to assist with security of the weaker yet no less valued artifacts on public display.

Doors on either side lead to a large, rounded chamber with a conical roof, the granite, polished stone floor echoing with the steps of those hard at work there. White inlayed measurements and angles are carved into the stone floor, serving as markers for measuring and recording the capabilities of Artifacts for their wielders in meticulous Gnomish fashion. The common area is even created with acoustics common to the Umbrium architecture in mind, and sounds carry far yet not into the shop itself.

Various doors and sections stagger the edges of the common area, one leading to an office lined with shelves, and open archways leading into the runeforging lab itself as well as a nearby smithy. A bulkier, heavier door bars the artifact vault, to which only Aardwalden holds the key, and Elementalism must be used to engage the final lock of stone. That particular lock was inlayed with a Lodestone carrying his spell, so other Elementalists would be hard pressed to get it to listen to them.

Services Provided:

Custom Orders
2,000+ gp - Minor
4,000+ gp - Moderate
10,000+ gp - Greater
25,000+ gp - Superior

Runeforging/Elementalism Tutoring*
50gp/hour - Novice
50gp/hour - Apprentice
75gp/hour- Journeyman
100gp/hour - Expert

Items Sold:
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While purchases of Journeyman-level crafts from Under-Forge NPC Employees may be self-moderated, customers must message Aardwalden before using the NPC's, as their days spent working must be accounted for.
Name: Vocrates Val’Felisith Merethyl
Race: Fae, Winter Court
Caste: Populus Equestris
Occupation: Runeforger
NPC Type: Companion
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Runeforging 50 Journeyman
Summoning 50 Journeyman
Animus 50 Journeyman
Smithing 25 Apprentice
Jewelsmithing 25 Apprentice
Sewing 25 Apprentice
Research 25 Apprentice
Name: Vikaestraszix (Vik)
Race: Fae, Fall Court
Caste: Populus Peregrinus
Occupation: Runeforger
NPC Type: Business
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Runeforging 50 Journeyman
Semblance 50 Journeyman
Writing 50 Journeyman
Smithing 25 Apprentice
Jewelsmithing 25 Apprentice
Research 25 Apprentice
word count: 1762

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