Writing without words (Kala)

The Jewel of the Northlands

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30th of Frost, 121 AS
Location: Lyra's Manor
Time: Early Afternoon

The invitation was sent to Kala by priority mail and arrived several days prior to the invited day. Lyra had penned it herself, with a flourishing signature that acted as a pictograph to authenticate it as being from her. When she arrived she would find herself greeted by a man dressed in servant attire with silver hair and golden eyes, not unlike Lyra's. He stood tall and proper in front of the doors, and he would bow respectfully when she and her retainer if she brought one, approached.

"Lady Leukos, Welcome to my master's estate." His voice was smooth and almost sultry as he straightened with a smile, "My name is Salem. If you will follow me."

As if on queue the doors opened to reveal a small inner courtyard. Two women held the doors and bowed their heads respectfully. Both were dressed in elegant black uniforms with serpentine patterns along the hems. At first glance, they looked human, but closer inspection revealed each had a touch of fae blood that gave them a slightly odd appearance. The one on the left had dark hair and what looked like scales along her neck, but the irises of her eyes looked like the night sky with flecks of white across their pure black surface. The other seemed mostly human with blooms of wisteria in her hair, but when she smiled she revealed pointed teeth.

Salem would lead Kala to a small sitting area to the right of the courtyard where refreshments were already waiting.

"Lyra asks that you make yourself at home. She will be with you shortly." Then, with another bow, the hytori man would leave through a hidden entrance behind one of the curtains on the wall. They would not have to wait long before Lyra herself exited through the doors into the grand dining hall, smiling as she came.

"Kala, I am sorry it took so long to arrange this. It has been quite... busy these past weeks." Lyra wore her usual black and gold-trimmed robes, as she did while at her shop, though these were slightly finer and the sleeves broader with more intricate designs at the wrists. Around he neck, peaking through the veil of dark hair was Artur, who flicked his tongue curiously at Kala.

word count: 411
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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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A response was sent back promptly so Lyra knew that she would have a guest present at the allotted time. When the day arrived, so did she. Her carriage brought her from the city proper to the shores of the lake where Lyra had made her lavish home. Most of the time, she walked the streets of Kalzasi to better learn them, or took taxies to ferry her up to places that required wings. This was a far enough journey to make an exception, and she stepped out onto the property in a fur-lined winter cloak. She came alone. Kaus hadn't been invited, and she generally traveled without servants, leaving them to the Cintamani Pavilion while she saw to her business.

"Thank you, Salem," she acknowledged, never one to treat servants like second-class citizens. She nodded to the Fae-seeming folk as they passed, quite interested in the diversity of the woman's staff. Most of those in the Leukos home in Kalzasi were people from Starfall who wanted to spend some time in the big city and often returned home after a while, replaced by more. She nodded again at Salem's bow before departure and then took a seat, though she didn't touch the refreshments yet. Finding the place quite warm enough, she threw back her cloak and let it rest upon the back of her chair.

Upon Lyra's arrival, she smiled and rose to her unimpressive full height.

"Not at all. We are both busy women and I recognize and appreciate that my request is outside the normal purview of your consultation offerings, so I am glad that you have found time to indulge me. Your home is lovely."

She hadn't brought anything except for a small notebook and stylus that was tucked away into a pocket in her cloak. Lyra hadn't bid her bring anything, but she knew she would likely want to take notes during the process or, failing that, journal in the carriage on her way home afterward.

Noticing Artur, she looked him in the eyes and said, "Hello."
word count: 352
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"You are very kind." Lyra said and motioned for Kala to follow her, "Time certainly can get away from us if we allow it. I commissioned this manor to be built in late Searing, and here it is complete in less time than it takes to finish some commissions."

She lead them toward the inner doors of the courtyard, which were opened by Salem as they drew near. Lyra walked slowly, letting them take time to observe the manor as they went, a hint of pride showing in her expression as they walked into the main dining hall. The floors were polished dark wood, and a roaring fire was in each hearth on either side of the room.

"I took the time to design most of the schema myself." She motioned with an arm at some of the mage lights above, around which molded into the wood there could be seen several rings of glyphs that traced in repeating patterns across the ceiling. Similarly, scrivening was subtly worked into the walls and along the molding as well. When they crossed the room and exited another door held open by Salem Lyra paused on the walkway surrounding another, larger courtyard that had a small stream running through it.

"But you have not come here to discuss my home. Tell me, have you decided what sort of Grimore you would like?"

word count: 245
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Kala Leukos
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"The speed makes it all the more impressive," she said, eyes widening somewhat. Her own family home in the city was riddled with magical additions and there were several that had been built into the foundations, but that was the accomplishment of generations of her House, not one woman's ambition. A new layer of admiration began to manifest. Kala would always see herself as part of the continuum of her family, but she also wanted to accomplish things as herself and for herself. It was a strange sort of tension to exist in.

But Lyra reminded her that this was a business call and not a social visit, even if it was in her new home. Kala nodded and shifted her thoughts toward the task at hand.

"I have thoughts," she admitted, "but as you are the expert in this field, I would also like to know what sorts of grimoires are available. I am certain that there are possibilities of which I am not yet aware. There are grimoires that run in the family, so while I would like an element of privacy to my works, eventually inheritors of my blood ought to have access to them. I have been fostering the talents of a young runeforger and I have been learning the necromantic arts, so I have been turning my scrivening toward augmenting those practices. There is a fair amount of experimentation involved, and I was wondering if it would be possible to use a grimoire as a sort of... grounds for experimentation; if a grimoire might allow me to pour aether into a schema and see whether it works, while containing any negative effects should they not."

Clear blue eyes turned curiously to Lyra for reaction and response. She had perused some of the ready-made grimoires in Ale'Ephirum's displays, and had considered several purchases, but she wanted to know more of what was possible.
word count: 321
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Lore: 8 Each

Points: 10 Each

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: None

word count: 39
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