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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
Location: Zaichaer
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TIMESTAMP: Ash 2 122 -
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Something that Florian loved, and had sparse time to do, was read. He had somewhat wandered into a small library set on the edge of a large park in an area that blurred the lines between Adira's Promenade and The Commons. What set this library apart in particular was that it likened itself to a sort of academic-religious library, with a vast amount of the small space dedicated to stories and tomes about the Dragon Gods, Mistlords, and the Rensou Annai alike. It was mostly empty as far as Florian could tell, aside from a couple librarians and an eager assistant.

It was here that the demigod had planted himself for the past two hours, at least, reading a book of ancient stories, proverbs, and anecdotes about Fate. There was some theories purported to be concrete information about Vicis. A Dragon Goddess of ancient origin. The Observer of Fate, the Weaver of Destinies, fate was described in some stories like an endlessly woven tapestry, with Vicis at the loom. She was described not as a meddler, but as a goddess who favored the free will of mortals.

Florian had come to realize her as his distant, forever-watching other mother, the dragon who could only watch and wait for him to come visit. She also seemed to be the mother of the red dragonflight, but Florian had limited experience with dragons. They did not seem to be frequent visitors of Zaichaer, and he did not try to seek them out. He read stories of her and her twin brother, Velar, and their influence on the Hytori.

How his mother had garnered the attention of a goddess born with time itself was a mystery he was still far from solving. Her death had revealed as many things as it obscured, and now, a year and two days later, he was no closer to understanding her. She had portrayed herself as so surely normal his entire life that the revelations that passed to him over the year were overwhelming. He did not feel hurt that she lied, or that she hid things. She must have had a reason to do such a thing, even if he did not understand it yet.

He was dressed in hakama, and a close-fitting black shirt, ears dangling with tiny aetherites, reclining in a comfortable chair with one leg over the arm. Occasionally the assistant would place another book onto a small pile on the side table next to the chair. His clearly prosthetic arm held the book, while his other, scarred with gold, turned the pages.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 498
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Moon Jae-Seong
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Moon Jae-Seong was avoidant when it came to returning home, but he would, every once in a while. Usually, he would do so at his own whimsy. There were times, however, when the rumors of unrest or the rumblings of the politicians flowed so far on the breeze that somehow, even in the wilderness, in the remote villages wherein he’d spend his time, they would reach his ears. This was one such time. He had actually not looked forward to seeing the city when he’d passed through its gates, having grown rather comfortable spending the majority of his time in his Lycan form, something he rarely ever used in the city proper.

This was…in large part because he wanted to keep the two separate. Of course, many who knew him personally knew that his was that of a crow. One should note that men with features alike to birds were not rarities in this part of the world, and oddly enough, many of the Rathari were also birds. Such a thing was likely due to dilute Avialæ blood, he assumed, for this was the case with him, at the very least. If people tried to paint his Lycan and Zoan forms as one and the same, though, he would meet these accusations with calm, simple refusal. He would never express anger or become flustered, but he would always decline the suggestions, never wavering, and nobody had any proof– thus, the two halves of a whole continued to remain separate, like two sides of a coin.

That did not, however, stop rumors. The swordsman was also known for a particular technique, so when words of a crow Rathari wielding something oh-so-very similar would wash through the city, some would see right through his lies. That did not result in him acquiescing to the truth– no, he would double down, and usually, the more people pressed, the higher likelihood it would be that he’d leave the city yet again…and the longer he would stay away. For those who enjoyed his company, this was something they did not want, and thus, they would work to quash the rumors, purporting that the two are not one and the same.

This time, it had been two full years since he’d set eyes on the gates of Kalzasi proper. He felt no warmth when he saw it, gazing coldly at it with indifferent, icy irises looking it over. Dismissing his swords, he entered the city.


Moon Jae-Seong was in no hurry to return to his home. He had no interest in the fanfare that was often held when he graced his family with his presence. While he loved them, he often found their reactions to his presence to be incredibly overwhelming. Of course, he would return to the palace gates by sundown, it's just...for now, he would put off doing so. The Rathari was not even sure why they liked him quite as much as they did, especially given how often and for how long he would leave. It was an odd thing, really, how much people pined for his attentions, he thought.

Was he ever harsh or rude? No. Always serene with an air of tranquility, he was exceptionally neutral, though his neutrality was cold. Though he was benevolent and kind, he often withheld emotion. Perhaps many just craved his warmth, rare as it was.

On the day of his arrival, he wandered over to an old library outside of a park he’d been quite fond of in his youth. Slow steps, languid pace, he made his way through the park itself beforehand. Jae-Seong wanted to take the time to enjoy it, at the very least. Though he could still hear the bustle of the city around him, he found this place peaceful.

When he did make his way inside, he had no real goal or intention. The librarian looked at him with shock. She recognized him, of course, but she said nothing. One of many who respected him and his wishes, she opted to leave him alone unless he requested assistance of some sort. He did, however, regard her with a pleasant expression and the softest of smiles before moving forward.

Strides elegant and graceful, he wandered through the building, waiting for something to catch his eye– though not entirely expecting anything to do so. It was rare for something to stick out in a place so familiar, in truth. And yet…today there was a figure whose attributes bore features both familiar and distinctly foreign.

He’d never seen the other man before, though he dressed the part of a Kalzasern citizen. Of course, to imply he’d recognize every face was a farce, but those of Lysanrin blood usually stuck out to him and were not often forgotten. This one looked rather weathered, too. His arm was clearly a construct and he was covered in scars which glinted gold like the cracks in repaired pottery. How…unique. Tattoos? A magical quirk? He couldn’t tell on the surface.

Curious by nature, the swordsman approached the stranger, sitting down down in a chair nearby.

“Dismiss me if my presence disturbs you, but I can’t help myself. So rare is it to find another Lysanrin, dilute as I am.” Jae-Seong spoke with a neutral voice, expression calm and polite. "Are you a fellow traveler, or is here where you spend the majority of your time?"

He wore a hakama of deep, stony lavender overtop a kimono in the lightest blush pink. Jewelry and other accessories were shades of blue, primarily, and all complemented the strange colorations of his right arm.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
Last edited by Moon Jae-Seong on Sat Sep 17, 2022 12:25 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1053
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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Character Secrets: viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1847
Letters: viewtopic.php?f=105&t=1963


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Florian blinked as he realized someone had been speaking to him. The librarians hadn't interrupted his reading, and he moved the book down, finger held inside to hold his place. He appraised the man that had sat near him. His horns were testament enough to his Lysanrin heritage. Florian's ephemeral eyes were blue for the moment, their neutral state. He considered the man's question for a moment, still dazed from the interruption. Once his brain had escaped the pages and caught up, he adjusted in his chair, though the leg that dangled over the side stayed.

He looked at the man's arm. Both of their arms were rather mismatched, it seemed. "New arrival. I'm not from around here, really." His voice was accented clearly Zaichaeri, if the man recognized it, but by now many would have known of the evacuations from that city-state to the south. He spoke quietly — it was a library, after all, and he was the god of rebellion, not the god of breaking rules for no reason. "I think I'll stay here for some time."

Florian dangled the book from his one hand, and looked the man up and down. He looked quite obviously Kalzasern, and Florian had not been in the city-state long enough to know most people. "I suppose most Lysanrin don't like being known, eh?" He smiled. Despite all those scars, he had all his teeth. "I'm Florian. Florian Albrecht." Unlike his accent, his name pointed to a Gelerian heritage, though Florian could only hazard a guess as to his mother's origins.

"What do you think of Destiny, stranger?" He waved the book around. His hand, though mechanical in appearance, moved fluidly, almost organically, despite still being a clear prosthetic. The cover was visible to Jae-Seong, and the title read THE WEAVE OF FATE.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 367
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Moon Jae-Seong
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Jae-Seong had heard rumors from fellow travelers about what had befallen the city-state of Zaichaer. He found it to be a deep tragedy, entirely unwarranted. It was also unwarranted that those broken and in pain pinned the blame on his home when they had nothing to do with it, far as he knew. Wanton cruelty and destruction, however, were generally outside of the purview of Kalzasern politicking, to his knowledge, at least. But then…in turn, he also heard rumors and echoes of unrest about the state of the Shokaze. Had Talon not returned? That was…so unlike him, or so he thought. This was, ultimately, what drew him back.

“That accent…” he murmured, thinking. He’d heard many unique ways of speaking in his time, recognizing it for what it was: Zaichaeri. Maybe this one would be able to offer some more insight on what had happened to the city and thus the wake of those waves that made it to Kalzasi herself?

“ are, hm…Zaichaeri?” His voice was soft, smooth, and cool in tone.

Regarding the comment about ‘being known,’ Jae-Seong laughed. The stranger had no idea the complex webs this one wove when it came to the obfuscation of his identities and his deeds. He supposed that the other man could have his own mire of secrets, too…everyone did. But how deep did it go?

“I suppose not. Unfortunate, though, yes? We are so…unique in appearance. You especially.” His smile was subtle, but present. “Well met, then, Florian Albrecht. I am known as Moon Jae-Seong.”

His lips remained parted, poised to say something else, but he was a bit slow– Florian asked another question.

“Destiny? It…” he trailed off, wanting to give the question due consideration. “It is a fascinating thing, I think. I’ve read many stories on the subject in my time on the road. I go where life takes me, leaving myself to fate’s whimsy, if there is stock in such a thing.” He clicked his tongue and tilted his head, then continued. “Many consider those like me directionless– yet I don’t view it that way. I’ve…helped so many on this path I’ve walked, abstract and without goal as it is.”

“...and you? What of Zaichaer? I hear it in your voice. Transient as I am, it was…the rumors that turned my compass towards home. The fate of one city impacted another, such as it is. I am almost afraid to ask…” He sighed, shaking his head. “What are the state of things now? Words on the breeze told me that Talon has not made his return. Is this true?”
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 550
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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From his bit of reading, it seemed that a goal was not the entire point of Destiny. Fate and Destiny thrived on change, on connection, on being torn apart and woven back together over and over again. The Destiny of one would meet another in strange ways, and it was not in Florian’s purview to see it.

Florian’s smile waned when asked about Zaichaer. When asked about Talon. They were such specific, pointed questions, but they were not strange. He knew his accent gave him away, and the Crown-Prince was still a touchy subject, especially as Aoren returned to Kalzasi without him.

His gaze was cast downwards, and the color of his irises shifted, from sky blue to solid black, his pupils hidden in the dark. He removed the finger that kept its place in his book, and placed it closed next to the small stack on the table. He swung his leg back over the arm of the chair and placed both feet on the ground, clasped his hands, and leaned over, close enough to speak quietly.

”When I had left Zaichaer, a vast rift had opened in the sky, pouring dread mists of a severity I had never seen. They say it was caused by a meteor, but no meteor was found at the center of impact. A spark was claimed, a way was chosen. It was... chaotic. Countless people died.” Florian’s face remained deadly serious as he spoke.

”Talon does not fare well. He is held captive by the Gelerian Emperor, but his husband, Aoren, managed to escape and return to Kalzasi. I cannot claim myself to share the same level of loyalty to him as a Kalzasern, but we have shared dreams.”

Florian sat back in his chair, though he didn’t recline as much as he slouched, though his eyes remained black, full of anger and despair and the slightest touch of regret.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 376
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Moon Jae-Seong
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Florian’s reaction to his questions was revealing in and of itself. Clearly, they resonated with him in one way or another, but it’s not as if this is a surprise. After all, the city from which he presumably hailed had been prima facie leveled. What was actually odd, though, was his particular reaction to the mention of Talon’s name. What business would a Zaichaeri have with him? Unless this Lysanrin held more political weight than one would assume.

“I heard about the rift. I came across plenty of caravans escaping the city…what was lost on me, however, was that some of them very pointedly accused Kalzasi as the perpetrator.” Jae-Seong sighed and shook his head, a sort of forlorn expression on his face.

Much as he didn’t spend that much time in the city itself, he did hold a great love for the people thereof.

Regarding Talon, “Aoren returned…?” He frowned.

“...and you’ve shared dreams? Pray tell, what does that really mean? Can you…expound upon what he’s told you? Ah…” Jae-Seong hesitated, but he supposed for the sake of kin he really should make this move on faith if the other isn’t a liar.

“If it helps, he is…my blood. Hence my concern. First cousins, we are.”

He'd known the man as he grew up, although by then, he had already started to travel rather frequently. Always tertiary, their relationship was, never quite having the time to gain familiarity with one another. He felt...regret about this now. The concept of Talon being kidnapped or killed was just something he'd truly never imagined and so he took the boon of their longer lifespans for granted.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 390
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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”There was a newspaper article released the day before the explosion that claimed an attack by Kalzasi was going to happen the next day. I do not know how they knew of the destruction, but this was not the case.” Florian spoke very confidently of this fact. ”But don’t blame those who don’t know better.”

After a moment, Florian moved onto his next question. ”Aoren was kidnapped with Talon at their wedding. He’s returned as...what’s the word...Kon-Daizoku? I can’t keep track of these Kalzasern titles. His freedom was...” He stopped himself, briefly. He could not reveal too much to a near stranger. ”Hard won, he said.”

Florian did not know the intricacies of the noble houses of Kalzasi, but this man had no wings and was certainly not an Avialae - or was not enough Avialae to have the wings. But Kalzasern familes were also larged and many-leveled, many-layered things, with it seemed an endless web of partners and children.

”We have shared dreams. I... you’re House Novalys, then? Why did you leave?” Florian changed the subject. He sought more information about the man before he started speaking on his startling dreams with the fellow demigod. It was odd that he could think such a thing - maybe Talon was his cousin, in some odd way, as well.

Florian gave a small sigh. ”Perhaps it’s too much to speak of in a library. Would you like to take a walk?” It was part reason, part excuse. He needed some time to formulate his words, collect his thoughts into something that would make sense without infinite context. Florian stood up, leaving the pile of books at the table, and headed for the door, standing in the entrance and waiting for Jae-Seong.


"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 355
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Moon Jae-Seong
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The swordsman blinked at the mention of a newspaper article purporting such nonsense, eyes narrowing at the thought. In his head, whoever the true mastermind of the destruction was might have very well orchestrated such a thing on purpose, as a means of distracting people away from whatever the true cause was. How calculated had the devastation been? Why would somebody even want something like that to happen? To what end?

He shook his head as if to dismiss his thoughts before he spoke. "I don't blame them, it's just…disheartening to hear, really. Alas, from what I was able to glean, the true cause is still lost to almost everyone but those at the heart of it all." A truly discerning individual would notice underlying currents of bitterness both in face and voice, though he did manage to mask the vast majority of the emotion.

"I heard about the wedding and the war, but I was…so far away at the time, and though I did try and make my way back at the break of the news, I ended up caught in my own web of things," the man punctuated his words with a sigh sounding almost forlorn.

Upon his mentioning of the blood ties he shared with Talon, the other Lysanrin responded with a question of his own, inquiring as to why the swordsman had left in the first place. Yet before he could answer, the stranger suggested that the two of them wander to somewhere anew, likely somewhere more conducive to conversation of this nature. Of that, he did not mind.

"We needn't stay here, sure," he replied simply.

Once the both of them were outside, "...I left because I always leave. My nature is as a wanderer, condoned by my kin. I am…a mercenary of sorts, one could say. Though I often help others for no reward, teach those willing to learn what I can– the purpose is both selfish and not. I want to help others…but I find it so difficult to be happy stuck in one place for too long."

Regarding Aoren's return, however, "While it is good to know one of them returned, what of Talon, then? Where is he? I heard conflicting accounts of his ultimate location." Much as he tried, Jae-Seong was unable to mask the concern out of his voice.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
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Title: Ransera's #1 Disaster Twink
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Florian led them through a path behind the library, that wound into the sparsely forested park and into a little meadow of grass and early-autumn wildflowers. He was quiet, listening to the birds. ”I was at the wedding... it was a devastating attack.” He did not elaborate further on that matter.

”But to be serious, Talon is still kept by the Imperium, as far as I know. His bonds were too deep to be so easily released. They have him caught in... something far more insidious than Mesmer or mind control.” He stopped. He spoke far too knowledgeably about the subject for the fact that he did not know this man and did not know his intentions. But his concern felt so genuine, and he looked at Jae-Seong.

Florian could see, he could feel what trapped this man. It was not much. It was not shame, disappointment, slavery, or trauma. His primary chain was that of family. To Jae-Seong, it could seem that Florian was almost staring right through him, the way his gaze was unfocused. This man was bound by his desire to live a normal life, far from the responsibility that came with a noble house. But as much as it was a chain, it was a binding tie -- which would not exist as such in someone who hated their family. It was mixed.

”A mercenary, eh? Fighting monsters in the forest, wandering? You see House Novalys as something that holds you from your calling?” Florian kept walking but he inclined his head towards Jae-Seong, a grin on his face that was out of place with the tone of the conversation, as interwoven as it was. His eyes were focused once more, and he let the smile fall. ”You love them, though. Even as you wander.”


"Common Tongue/Speech"
word count: 356
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Moon Jae-Seong
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As they walked, a microexpression of regret flashed across the swordsman's visage at the mention of Talon’s wedding. He'd been saddened that he wouldn't end up being able to make it, for one thing, and then even further that he wasn't able to have been there to help in any way with what had unfolded. As a consequence, he didn't want to dwell on the subject either, so didn't comment on it at all.

"More insidious? Is his mind still his own? It's…astounding to me that the Imperium is audacious enough to hold a divine captive like this. I fear for the citizens when this all comes crashing down upon the head of their fool emperor." Jae-Seong sounded sure of this, though he knew not how or when the Imperium's carefully weighed plans would crack and crumble.

He had no doubt that a man as arrogant as their emperor would make a mistake, he just hoped the impact wouldn't be anything like what had already happened in Zaichaer. At the same time, he very much hoped that in the aftermath, his kin would at least make it back in the ensuing chaos. Pride, he thought, wrought so much tragedy.

As he thought about this, the Lysanrin addressed him again, this time about his lifestyle and the ways in which it was impacted by his family. Casting his gaze back on the other, he blinked a few times fast and then his eyes narrowed.

"I wonder, from where did you pull that?" The swordsman spoke with a curious, bordering on suspicious sort of tone to his voice, though his surprise was also evident. "...because you are correct. Like an animal on a leash, it feels like, but yet…I am glad of the ties that bind. The stability keeps me grounded, I think, yet at the same time I'm free to do as I please."

It perplexed him that from what little he said that the other had been able to pull that, and while maybe such a thing was cause for concern, Jae-Seong's interest was piqued nonethelesss.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 463
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