Reunion, Part II [Khyan]

The Luxium represents the upper half and primary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Situated between the foot of the volcanic Mount Sorokyn and the wide River Vasta, this above-ground metropolis boasts five thriving districts beneath the shadow of the glorious Palatium Furiarum (The Blazing Palace) from which the Solar Court rules in splendour. This bustling metropolis is by far the most populous region in the realm and, along with its shadowy sister-city the Umbrium, houses upwards of eighty percent of the Solunarian population at any given time. During the reign of a Solar Court, every major government agency in the kingdom is headquartered in the Luxium, with the notable exception of The Silver Sentinels, the covert intelligence agency run by the House of Phaedryn-Sol’Aværys.

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“The fires, anyway. There’s less jockeying in terms of social advancement out there, because what you can do is more important than whom you were born to,” Hilana admitted. “That isn’t to say it doesn’t happen, because it’s nature… but it’s easier to ignore and avoid it. You’ll see it in the towns and cities, on a lesser level. Few elves and fewer Patricians out there.”

First of Sundered Rise… she made a mental note in her head, storing that information away for later. She’d missed it this year, but there was always the next one. “Did you like it?” She was wondering about the honeycomb. These seemed to be inane questions, but it was information Hilana could squirrel away for later and come back to when the time was right. As personal as her inquiries were, they seemed benign enough.

When he spoke of Tertium, she nodded. He was right - the outside was better than the city, though she despised it as a whole for what it had represented to her. Which she knew was irrational, and it was unfair to the place. It has more to do with her father than the city itself, and as he spoke of barges, she raised her teacup again, one eyebrow rising, but he could see that smile behind the cup of hot tea. “You are Vastii. Barges are cheating. Shame, shame,” she teased him, only to cut herself off and lower the cup the moment he mentioned Wyverns.

That really shouldn’t surprise her. He was, well, had been a Patrician, and the wealthy people here had access to Wyverns. Not just the military. “That must have been incredible. What was that like? Did all of your family learn them? Was it a class at the Academia? Or private tutors?” For her teasing about the barges, she made no such comments about the flying mounts. But that was understandable, considering her love affair with all things reptilian.

“I grew up on camels,” Hilana smiled at that. “Horses, too, but camels are my favourite. Horses feel a bit easy in comparison… especially if you’re racing.” That small smile and the look in her eyes may have suggested to Khyan just what her vice was, or had been, when she had said there were worse vices than alcohol. “I have Hayima’el, my bull camel, stabled by my apartment. He’s the son of Sakima, my first camel. But I couldn’t justify bringing both, not that my father would have allowed it, there is hardly any need to pack around here. Better for her to be back there with the herd, though I miss her. Have you ever ridden a camel? Would you like to?” She offered. “We could go saddle him and go see the stars.”

She was attentive as he answered her inquiries about the magpie. His own pun started up the giggles in her again, and she didn’t even attempt to act like she didn’t like it. “You did chirp at me, but when I think about it, I think it was a good start of trying to talk in that form. Have you had the opportunity to transform since? Practice makes perfect…otherwise you’ll just have to wing it.”

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Khyan chortled at Hilana's indictment,

"Of course we cheated! I come from a long, long line of politicians." He offered through a grin. Truly, his family hadn't wandered the desert since they'd first fled the Orks into the East in a distant epoch. The Nykara had been among the first to settle the village of Vastium before it ever grew into a mighty human kingdom or a mightier elven empire.

"Well, my father took me riding when I was a lad, so a lot of it I learnt from him before I ever got any formalised training in school. He was keen to take me hunting in the desert, but I always preferred to fly over the sea when we were in Tertium. I delighted in looking for whales and dolphins in the water..." He trailed off with a wistful sigh.

"I've ridden camels, aye... Horses, basilisks. My education was rather holistic and, since I was dabbling with the notion of enlisting in the Vigilia Argenti, it seemed important to cover as much ground as possible to improve my qualifications." He'd have certainly been accepted, he imagined, based on his magic alone.

"I-..." Khyan blinked and slowly shook his head at her. "I am not going to dignify that pun with a response, but to answer your question- No. I've not opportuned to shift since that evening. It's still a long, painful and arduous process to change form completely. I wasn't always able to do that, you know, it's a rather recent ability. Prior to that, I would only be able to do the sort of thing you saw earlier when I changed my eyes. I could take on... aspects, but not an entire form. It's a good way of learning the ins and outs before going whole hog- That is not a pun. I would never take on such a... graceless totem as that of a hog."
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Hilana was smiling as he recounted his learning with his father, sitting back with her teacup and just watching him. For all of his talk earlier about chafing against his father’s expectations, and being closer to his mother… there was a look in his eyes and on his ridiculously handsome face as he spoke of the time he spent with him. And she could tell beyond any level of doubt just how much those memories meant to him. The thought of seeing the sea life from the air was an heady one; she only remembered seeing dolphins from shore a time or two.

But his childhood and his educational experience interested her, because how he was raised was so very different from her own experience. Her sisters had gone to private school in Tertium, and from what she understood from snippets here and there, that they had told her or from what she remembered hearing about, it was similar. Comparable, definitely, but whether or not it was at the same level, she didn’t know for sure. She had stretches of years when she was never at her family’s estate… mostly because she had inadvertently ruined some event or another, and that meant that she was not dragged back until her father had decided she needed to be there for something else. For appearances. And try to threaten her or demand ‘civilized’ behaviour. But truthfully told… she didn’t mind. She did not resent it nor did she feel jealousy about it. She made her own decisions, and her education had come from the tutor that her father sent out to the group for herself and the other youngsters. From her guardians, from other adults that had spent most of their lives out there. Whether or not she would have passed any such Arcana testing would remain unknown. “Did you enjoy riding basilisks? They seem like they’d be a bit more getting used to than a camel. Awfully cute, though. But that was a smart choice… I don’t think there’s such a thing as being too prepared to join a service like that.”

She grinned rather impishly at his expression about that comment, and while Hilana wanted to continue these ridiculous plays on words, she also didn’t want to vex him. Everyone had their limit of what punishment they would accept, and Hilana was not keen to find out what Khyan’s was. Not tonight, anyway. The grin faded into solemness when he told her he hadn’t had the opportunity to practice his Animus, and as such, it was still a painful, arduous process. “That’s fair,” she nodded. She couldn’t hardly blame him for that, not with everything else he had experienced and gone through since she had seen him last. She set her teacup down, having drained it, before rising to fill it again from the copper kettle and sitting back down with him once more. The python had released her shoulder to curl around her torso, though he was still watching Khyan from the shoulder closest to him. Others might have found that positioning concerning, but the girl didn’t seem to care. She trusted her pet, after all. “There are some cute hogs, though, and their tusks can do quite a bit of damage. Don’t discount them entirely,” she made light of the stinky critters. “Would making your arms into the wings of the magpie be too much for an aspect? I take it that the size difference would be too much? Or can they be made human size?” She inquired, curious. She knew it was likely a stupid series of questions, considering the difference in anatomy, not to mention bone density and structure, but perhaps it was worth a thought. If she was wrong, then it was just a stupid series of questions. She picked up the sweetgrass strands from the table and formed a temporary slipknot in one end before tucking it under her teacup, her gaze back on him as her slim fingers began the process of braiding. Muscle memory went a long way, it seemed.

word count: 708
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Khyan Nykara
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"Oh yes," Khyan chuckled, knowingly. "Basilisks are definitely more of a challenge than camels or horses. Their bodies move very differently, so one must acquaint oneself to more serpentine motion. I suppose that was ultimately to my benefit when I took on my first Animus totem, in a way, but I fell off many, many times toward the beginning. And it's always a challenge to learn, because the specimens they train one on never really imprint on a rider, so they aren't quite as attuned to you. People who have their own basilisks are able to ride with much greater ease, because the animal is more conscious of the rider. Of course for Mesmers, it's neither here nor there- They can just dip into the Symphony and attune themselves. Semblers, too, have an advantage of a different sort." He supposed he might have had an advantage as a practitioner of Animus, but it had been some time since he'd attempted it.

"But yes, all in all, the experience was favourable. I am a great lover of animals, and to feel the breadth of such a beast beneath one is invigorating. They may not be dragons, but they're downright draconic." He considered her question, pursing his lips.

"I could do it... I just doubt they would actually function in a way that would enable flight in my mostly human form. We're just not really designed for that sort of thing, so just to adopt part of the greater mechanism would be unlikely to work. It's a bit different with things like my fangs. That's more of a sort of, um... Closed circuit system? Aerodynamism is another matter entirely..." He considered her question once more,

"Are you interested in attempting to pursue magic? Has anyone in your family survived the Threshold, or are you of strictly mundane stock?" The stoic, forthrightness of the question made what may have sounded insulting seem almost clinical. Whether that was a mitigating or worsening factor would be up to Hilana to interpret.
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She nodded as he spoke about his experience with the basilisks. “That does make sense. If they won’t bond to any one rider, it means you have to really learn from the start, and get it right then before you can get one that’s going to cooperate better,” Hilana chuckled. “The school of hard knocks makes for a more-rounded and stronger rider. May it be that the Dragons come in enough numbers that they may deign to carry a rider again. Were you able to use your Sembling with the basilisks?” she asked him, feeling the tension of the braid beneath her fingers and adjusting it. “Or was that before you went to the Academia for that?”

Hilana’s braiding continued, albeit slower, as she listened as he considered her questions about transforming his arms. “You wouldn’t be able to fly with them, no, but I thought that it might help you get used to the flapping motion without having to do a full transformation... since that’s more harrowing. The bone density and the weight...” she shook her head. “That’s how chicks learn in the wild, you know, they stand at the edge of the nest, or on a branch, and flap...and flap...and flap.” her lips quirked into a smile. “I thought that maybe if such a thing would work, when you do a full transformation again, you’ve got the natural motion and the muscle memory. But it was just a theory.”

The girl quieted again when he asked her if she was interested in learning, and about her family’s abilities with such things. Had it been anyone else, she would have lied. But this was Khyan, and he had asked her a question. She wasn’t about to lie to him about something like that, not to a pack member. Even if he said he wasn’t one. But she didn’t take offense to the question, nor did she find it insulting. She knew she already came across as strange, what with the emphasis on Arcana and Runebearers in their society...and he was a Sembler. He could probably tell she had no Runes whatever. But moreover, she knew he was sharp - all things considered, he surely didn’t even need to look when one considered her questions... “I'm just curious, sometimes... I've never really had the opportunity to speak with an Animus. But we are not mundane, no. My father has the Rune of Negation, and my mother was an Elementalist of some skill. All of my sisters have a Rune. Negation, Elementalism, Elementalism,” she listed them in corresponding order to her sisters’ ages. “Athalia was thinking about a second one, last I heard, but then she conceived child number four, so I doubt she went through with it or if she even mastered Elementalism first... My father would probably be pleased with me for the first and only time in my life if I ever went and managed one.” He'd made it clear enough that he expected her to start looking into that too while she was in Solunarium.

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“Yes, I’m afraid my training in Basilisk riding preceded my Runic initiation…” Khyan probably ought to have held off, but he hadn’t yet been assessed for potential and settled on which Cardinal Rune he was to take on, so there was no knowing he’d end up with one that would aid the endeavour.

“Fortunately, I’m good with animals even without magic, so I had that advantage, but yeah… I haven’t had much cause to ride them since then. We were mostly horse people in my family when it came to landed mounts. As I said, city folk through and through and, with Wyverns in our stables, not much reason to traverse the desert any other way.” There was regret in that reminder.

“I wonder what they did to my Græcos. He was a beautiful, bronze-scaled purebred. I suppose he’d been reconditioned to another rider by now… Hopefully still in my family. Probably so…” Unfortunately he barely knew the cousins who’d assumed his family’s position.

“Could be worth a try.” He shrugged his shoulders and regarded the arms that protruded from them. “That’s a pretty big, taxing shift though. I’m probably just as well doing a full transformation at that point.” He waved the matter off dismissively, and reached for the mead. Animus was one of the more convoluted Runes. It was hard to explain even to the initiated, let alone to one who’d never manipulated æther. He took a swig and let his head roll backward to hang. Finally he was really feeling it.

“Elementalism, eh?” He lifted his head lazily. “How regal!” It wasn’t so long ago he might have made a jape about Equestrian high-sightedness at selecting one of the two most popular Runes amongst members of the royal house. Instead, in his current position and accompanying state of mind, his jest would denigrate himself rather than her family.

“Had I taken on that Rune I’d have spent less of Searing worrying about being hurled into the Mount.”
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She nodded when he clarified about the timeline. That made sense. She always wondered what it would be like to ride one, but Hilana was not too concerned about finding out. Watching them and admiring them in the streets when she saw the creatures was plenty. And if she saw one in the wild, well, it was probably going to be the last thing she ever saw, with or without her camel.

“There are some nice horses out there,” she was in agreement. Apparently, she wasn’t so biased that she could not appreciate them. “They’re quite popular in Tertium, too, but I’d imagine you already know that from your trips there.” Many citizens of the city her family lived in seemed to prefer them, especially since they were by and large easier than the humped creatures that were a necessity in Atraxia… but her love of the Expanse made camels necessary, and with that love of the open sands came her love of Hayima’el. The ships of the desert, indeed. “Quite a few exotic ones with the fancy colours… they’re nice to look at,” she smiled at the memory.

“With luck… but I’m sure he is. Was he one of the big boys?” Hilana wasn’t sure that line of questioning about his Wyvern was a good one to follow, what with the rawness of having his life ripped from him, but she had pestered enough on the subjects so far…

She accepted the explanation with a nod, her curiosity in the matter sated. Essentially pointless, apparently, but a decent enough thought exercise. She wasn’t put out at all, and she looked over her braiding progress, measuring the length she had woven so far against her own wrist. Not quite there yet, but she released the braid to reach into her own hair with her hands, feeling for something amidst the dark curls as she sat back. Tiaz moved along her arm to her wrist, allowing himself to stretch up with whatever the girl was doing.

Had he taken a shot at her family, Hilana would not have given a rat’s ass. She knew little of her nieces and nephews, but what she had come to know over the year and a half she had had to spend in Tertium was that the majority of them were far too much like her sisters and their partners for her liking. That enough was said about the black sheep of the family by the kids for her to know what the adults that had made them said about her. It didn’t bother her; it never had. Her relationship with her sisters was dead and buried, and nothing was ever going to repair that. That didn’t bother her either. If her father dropped dead, she knew she would just get drunk and dance on the roof, and hopefully not fall off, since she certainly didn’t have a Rune to save her neck. She didn’t care about her aunt, either. But her mother… But none of that was here or there. “So regal. Perhaps it might have helped a bit,” she chuckled at his joke. “But praises to the Founders, it didn’t come to that.”

She finally found what she was looking for in her hair, working the small amber bead free, and slid it up the strand of the sweetgrass before continuing to braid it. Tiaz had settled on her once again, his eyes back on Khyan. The weave locked the small round bead within its strands to ground it, and she checked the length again before tying the knot and lifting her teacup from it to free it from the anchor. Deft fingers worked the sliding knot, just as she had the last one, before trimming the ends with a pair of rather menacing-looking shears. With the bracket shaped once more, Hilana’s hand found his left one, her touch light as she brought it up to rest on the table as she turned in her chair to face him. She picked up the sweetgrass in order to fasten the bracelet where the last one had been before tucking the ends in. “Solunarium would be much more diminished without your light in it.”

Last edited by Hilana Chenzira on Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 731
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Khyan nodded, smiling. He did enjoy horses and loved those they'd kept stabled. There was a warmth and a kindness to them. Though they weren't altogether safe, there wasn't quite that dangerous thrill one could have riding draconids. Horses and camels were creatures easily domesticated through mundane means, whilst Wyverns and Basilisks typically required some magical means of abating their feral inclinations. One worried about being thrown off a frightened horse. One worried about being devoured by a poorly conditioned Basilisk.

"Not really, no. He's not huge, but then..." He held out his hands presenting his own slender frame, "Neither am I!" As he lowered his hands, he used them to straighten out his livery tunic.

Khyan shrugged, not so quick to dismiss the notion that slavery was preferable to summary execution.

"Sometimes I'm not so sure..." He admitted. Had he been sacrificed to the Mount, he would merely be praising the Founders in a different way. His life was surely worth no more than that of Solus, firstborn of Aværys, who had fallen to the same fate as an infant.

"Sacrifice to Sorokyn is not an undignified way to die, though this..." He tapped his golden collar, "Is an undignified way to live." He reached immediately for the mead, and took a hefty, fortifying swig, shaking his head and shuddering as if to cast off the concerns weighing him down like the golden millstone round his neck.

His eyes trailed down to his wrist, and the bracelet now rounding it. Her words softened and salted his eyes as he gazed down at the simple offering. Once again, moved by both the gift and the timing of its being presented. Though the tears didn't fall, they did brim.

"I shall take better care of this one."
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She listened to him, watching him and his face, the way he tapped the collar. He was right. Dying as a sacrifice to Deus et Domina was one thing. Going from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows for a Vastii was quite another. When you are born to privilege, and all of it is yanked from you… all of one’s friends and family, all power, all agency, all freedom…

She had never been in that situation. But she understood well the loss of freedom and the loss of agency, and how much it cut into his soul. His fall had been a vicious one… and she knew it was selfish of her to just be glad that he was still here. If he was still here, things could turn around. Somehow. If he was gone… then it was too late.

Hilana didn’t have much that she could have done for him. Perhaps if she had been less obstinate with her family, things would have been different. Perhaps she could have entreated her father to offer a ridiculous amount of money for the young man sitting beside her. And yet… perhaps not, not with the way Equestrians were viewed by Patricians… perhaps she would have been as pretentiously insufferable as Salim had been. But as it was, she was just her. And what she had, she was glad to share with him.

She offered him a gentle smile at his words, releasing his hand. “I know you will,” she told him, and without a moment’s hesitation, she just hugged him. Her long arms wrapped around him and pulled him against her and Tiaz, touching her head to the back of his, just trying to express that care and feeling that she had for him without screwing it up with words this time.

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What a simple thing it was to fall back into haughty, old patterns. To be dismissive or unkind and to forget his present position and wax solipsistic with no regard for those who had once been his lessers. Although Hilana occasioned to irritate him, she tended to do so while trying to help. It was in telling him things he wasn’t ready to hear or making suggestions for how best to improve his lot. It was a subject upon which he focuses a great deal of energy and thus well-trodden ground for him, albeit novel for her.

“I am… sorry.” He spoke softly and didn’t part his teeth. “For being cross.” He returned the embrace with a bit of an awkward chuckle and smiled wanly, glancing down at his bracelet. So simple a thing. Had he ever taken pleasure in simple things before?

When he’d been a child, of course. Flying his dragon kite years before he ever flew a Draconid mount. Building sand castles on the beaches South of Tertium. Perhaps he’d even tied a blade of grass round his slender wrist and called it a bracelet then.

In the intervening years his tastes had evolved and his pleasures grew more complex and more difficult to sate. He took to drinking because it made his mind slower. It made everything simple again, until he would wake the next day bleary eyed with a headache and a plate of complexity awaiting him again.

One thing that he hated about life as a Servus was that it was so slow, dull and simple. But perhaps he might learn to appreciate simplicity again, as he once had. As he did right now.

word count: 286
"Sometimes the Short End of the Stick is the Sharpest"
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