Mistakes (solo)

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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Ash 6th 122

Vinsue sat in the library with a stack of books on her left. The names are mostly to the effect of symbols and their meanings. Some on transportation, some on scrivening specifically. On her right was a notebook her cousin made for her. She had been writing symbols and notes for most of two days and yet she still had a lot to learn. As of right now she was trying to find a way to teleport. If you ask her cousin it was to go home. But truth be told she didn't care where the portal took her as long as it was away from here.

Her cousin, though sweet enough to let her stay, was very worried about her leaving town alone as he believes she would probably get herself killed. Was Bonzi correct, well they may never know. But at least she convinced him that she could teleport home with the right symbols. She just needed the right symbols and a way to activate it. Luckily she had access to a huge collection of knowledge.

She tilted her head as she realized how close some of the symbols were. Example, the names of cities. She closed the book and then stood up. She stretched her upper body with a yawn and grabbed her stuff. She had a long day ahead of her. If nothing else, a lot of art and a lot of arguments with Bonzi would be included.

Vinsue grabbed her stuff and left the library. She stopped to pick up a flat rock along her way. She did this in Hopes she would not teleport an entire house if the markings were not on the floor. Once she got to Bonzis house she immediately began gathering and packing her stuff.

Vinsue had started rolling up her sleeping mat when Bonzi walked in with his arms crossed. "Where have you been and what are you doing?" He asked.

Vinsue looked up for a split second and returned to what she was doing. "I have been in the library, and I am currently packing," She said.

Bonzi looked at Vinsue trying to see if she was lying. "You were at the pub again and your not leaving the city." Bonzi countered.

Vinsue smiled. "Since you don't believe me you should look at my notebook. As of leaving, I am going to teleport home so you can stop worrying about me." She got up, grabbed her stuff and walked it to the living room before putting it down.

Bonzi simply left the room, grabbed Vinsue's notebook and went to the kitchen. Vinsue was simply happy to be left alone. She looked through her bag. Food, clothes, bedding, light, weapons. It seemed she had everything she needed. Or at least everything she owned. Except for her notebook which had everything she needed in it. Vinsue carefully packed everything but one dragon shard and the rock she had found earlier satisfied she went to the kitchen to find Bonzi, who almost walked into her. He had a plate with two sandwiches and some fruit in one hand and her book in the other. "I support this idea of yours. I just ask that you be careful and eat something before you go." He said, offering her book back.

Vinsue would take the book and one of the sandwiches and go back to the couch. she took the ink stack back out with a pen and started Scrivening. The glyphs and other pieces of the scrivening command were carefully placed with the ink. She would keep her notebook open beside her ready to to flip through the pages for certain symbols. Opening a portal took time. Adding rules and boundaries took even more. It would take most of that day and part of the next to complete.

She looked over her artwork. Checking every little detail and confirming it with her notes. She knew there was so little room for error. If she had strayed too far from the intended markings it simply would not work and she was okay with that. What worried her was the possibility of parts teleporting to different locations. Either a gruesome death or permanent loss of an arm or leg was not a favorable outcome. So she had included in the instructions that all should be kept as is and placed in the same location. Finally she would hand Bonzi the notebook and place the rock on the floor. She would repack her stuff as she let Bonzi see if anything needed to be corrected.

"Perhaps if this works I will come back and make a permanent one to make travel easier. May even make one for each village." Vinsue said with a smile. She was confident that this would work. Bonzi on the other hand knew that this would not work and so would leave to find a family member to watch the house. He was respected enough that a few people agreed as long as they were allowed to throw parties. He knew this would happen and had already locked up anything he did not want broken. He than found a mage that would teleport them somewhere safe.

"So anything in a five foot radius will go with you?" Bonzi asked once he returned. Vinsue would simply nod and take the book and put it back in her pack. She would than strap the sword to her side, pack to her back and picked up her spear.

"You, and your stuff will not combine into some gruesome beast or end up in different places." He said and nodded again.

"And you're sure that you're not going into a different realm. As much fun as you think it would be, I can assure you it is not."

Vinsue looked at him. "I know what I'm doing, Bonzi, and I'm not going to anger the gods in their realm," She said. angering gods was something she would avoid at all cost. She couldn't explain it but she felt that she had done that in a past life. The filling still remembered as if she was cursed yesterday. Despite the fact she has yet to meet one of the gods and is in no way cursed. Vinsue shook the thought and grabbed her dragon shard where she would start to awaken her drawing.

"Until we meet again" Vinsue would say. A circle on the ground began to glow a yellow white. A circle 3 times larger than it was supposed to be. Not they did not notice. The ink turned blue and raised into the air like smoke. Becoming brighter and brighter until it was blinding and then all was dark. The house now stood empty. Little did she know that her work did not actually work but that a mage was paid to do this.

Somewhere else far away from the house a circle of white light appeared. Then the light began to move and draw a copy of the stone into the ground. Moments passed before the light got so bright one could not look at it. Suddenly the light would disappear leaving Vinsue, her stuff and Bonzi in its place. Both looked surprised at one another. Then they looked around the immediate area. Neither recognized the plant life confirming they were no longer in Enoch. But at least for the second they were safe.

Bonzi was the first to speak. "I thought you were going to your village."

Vinsue looked at him. He wasn't freaking out nore was he attempting to correct her work which meant he tampered with her notes. "I thought I was going alone." An accusation for an accusation seemed appropriate. This soon to be argument however would not be fair as Bonzi had more experience in this field.

"I came knowing you weren't going home. The world is not safe. Some people hunt orks like us. Besides, who else can cook for you?" He said.

"I can protect myself. And I'm not an ork like you." She said bitterly. All she wanted was to get away from Bonzi but now she was trapped with him.

"You're right you're not an ork, you're a dragon born. Which is a lesser evolved ork. That also means people might hunt you." He said.

She was caught off guard for a second at his comment. Had he really said what she heard? She crossed her arms. "Let's make this clear, I'm not lesser. This is my journey. You are a hitchhiker. And unless you have any helpful ideas, please, remain silent." Vinsue spoke.

Both stood looking at each other. Neither broke eye contact until something broke a stick. Both immediately turned to look at the possible threat. A small white bunny stood with its ears up for a second before running off.

"We should find shelter." Bonzi said. Vinsue nodded. "Where would you recommend?" She asked and both looked around before Bonzi pointed. "Smoke means people so perhaps that would be a good place to start? Perhaps they know where we are," Bonzi said.

"Good eye. Let's go check it out and hope they do not hunt half orcs" She said with a smile. Together they began to walk towards the smoke.
Last edited by Vinsue on Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:09 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1559
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Lore: 6

Points: 8, may be used for Scrivening

Injuries/Ailments: None

Loot: Scrivening practice notes

Notes: Scrivening can not be used to teleport. If a mage has both Scrivening and the Cardinal rune of Traversion they (depending on their level in each magic) would be able to make a scroll or an item that allows them to teleport but Scrivening on its own can not be used in this way. Please make note of this and write appropriately. If Vinsue does attempt to use Scrivening this way there will be dangerous consequences.
word count: 123
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