A ragtag group of misfits search for missing villagers in the desert..

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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"Good morrow, Goldfinch. A word?" Phocion smiled faintly to his half-brother and placed a gloved hand upon his shoulder, as they strode the halls of the Vigilia Argenti Prætorium in the Solunarian Umbrium.

"A matter has come to my attention pertaining to the so-called 'Circulus Mali'. Have you heard of it? The Sentinels have been getting strange reports ever since the Mists descended last season. As of yesterday, we lost contact with the village of Vectria, which is situated in the heart of the Circulus Mali. The Sentinels are a bit overtaxed at the moment, between upcoming Jubilee and our... interesting visitors from the North. I would like to hire you to lead a small team to investigate.

"I can spare Subvigils Finn and Arvælyn to accompany you. They are both perfectly capable cadets and they mentioned being acquainted with a Vastian girl from one of the nomadic tribes who may be familiar with the region. In addition to your commission, one of the merchant guilds is offering a formidable prize- 5,000 Aværyan Avens for useful information, 10,000 if survivors can be rescued. As team leader, you may decide how to divvy up the reward, should you earn it. Keep it all to yourself and don't mention it for all I care." He shrugged, "But that should, at the very least, sweeten the pot." He paused in front of the doorway leading into his offices,

"The sooner you get on this the better your odds of success. As the lads lack your... avian abilities and have no training on wyvern or basilisk back, I'll leave it to you to figure out how best to make the trek. It's about sixty-five miles outside the city. Good luck, Raithen." He nodded, patting him once on the shoulder, and slipped through the door.

* * *

The team would gather at the Luxian Southwest Gate. An anxious Arvælyn in his Sentinel blacks smiled faintly and nodded to Raithen. By this point he was aware that the Avialæ was his half-brother, but without Hilana being privileged with that information, he would keep it under wraps as it conflicted with his cover-story as a son of Gens Sorokys.

"Ave, Your Resplendence." He bowed slightly, and spoke on in Common, "Is there a title by which you'd prefer to be called for the mission, or...?"
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The nickname that had once been intended as an insult was now as close to a term of affection as passed from the dark brother to the golden, so when Raithen heard it it pulled at him like a string tied to his insides and he instantly turned toward Phocion's voice and adjusted his stride so he was going in the same direction.

Nodding along once his mind caught up with the topic being discussed he listened attentively, he had heard the reports, through both his contacts in the Sentinels and those in the mercenary community. He didn't even feel the need to interrupt to confirm that, of course, he would go. They both knew he would.

The first name was familiar and he knew the man he'd met who bore it was somehow associated with Phocion so there was a good chance it was the same person. This kept his silence on this too; if it was the same, there would be a friendly face, and he already knew some of what the human was capable of in a fight, which would be useful. If it wasn't the same man then he'd just have to learn about the new one. He would have the learn about the guide and the second cadet anyway, so it wouldn't be out of his way.

The amount of money being offered was substantial, but Raithen would be taking the job because it was his duty to protect the people of their nation, and because Phocion had asked him to. Money wasn't something he really thought about, probably because he'd always had it if he wanted it and he rarely did. His wages as a Guardsman he'd sent to their mother and she had invested the money...somewhere.

When the older elf finished speaking Raithen nodded and said,

"Thank you, Phocion." Before the door shut between them.

The details were given to him in a packet by a servant a little while after, and he sent word to the leader of the mercenary band he was signed on with to let him know he'd been called away on some family business. He probably could have called for aid from a few of his new brothers-in-arms but Phocion was not careless with his choices. If Raithen's brother thought that Rai and two cadets could handle it, then it was probable that they could.

Several hours later he was dressed in his armor of studded leather chest plate and sectioned skirt. His pale eyes traveled over the first one who spoke to him, noting his slight discomfort in the traveling gear. He gave a friendly nod at the title, though he didn't prefer it and started to say,

"Hello, have we met, you look..." But half way through the sentence he saw the woman of the group and his face broke out in a wide grin.

"Hilana!" Stepping forward he scooped her up by the waist and declared, "You saved my life! Twice!" His voice an enthusiastic laugh. Putting her down he hugged her before realizing he'd failed to actually answer the blond's question. As he turned to do so he saw that the third member of their party was, in fact, the Finn he'd sparred and drank with.

"Finn!" He reached out and clasped the human's arm, "Well met! When Phocion told me about the mission I was hoping you were the Finn he meant."

Finally he returned to the first member of the party to greet him and said,

"I apologize. I'm Raithen, I'd prefer if you just called me by my name. I've had too many titles and don't respond quickly to any of them I'm afraid." His eyes lit up as the memory finally came to him,

"Oh, we met in the Mists." He looked briefly chagrined, "Sorry about that, I make decisions quickly in such situations. I hope you consider that a good trait in a commander."
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Hilana had been surprised, but utterly pleased about being asked along on such a trip. Her forays out of the city thus far hadn’t had that kind of range; and the prospect of going out with a group made her Wildness sing in her bones. Subsequently, she loaded up the saddlebags and pouches with everything she could think a group would need. Food, waterskins and more waterskins, waterweed, medicine and supplies for wounds, bandages, restoratives, a couple bottles of poison, salve for sunscreen, one of Asher’s drawn maps, even a larger tent for protection from the elements depending on what was decided regarding travel, and the fact that sometimes Atraxia did not care about what plans were made and would do what She would.

Hayima’el was groomed and saddled with the extended attachment to comfortably seat a few people, and loaded up. The big bull could tell that they were going on a trip, and like her, was looking forward to it. She kept the sunshade attachment on the saddle for Arry and Finn, and she had her smaller perch in front of it, which was where she had vaulted herself up onto from the fence post, riding him out to the meeting point before deftly dismounting and landing neatly in the sands for the assembly. The giant camel was looking around at Arry and Finn with interest, and the bard would be getting snuffles from him. It seemed that he was well-remembered, at least, before Hilana bid the bull to settle and lay down in the sands until they were ready to go.

Her long hair was braided flat against her scalp in twin braids to make it easier for the ride and the men behind her in the saddle. There were a few mismatched trinkets within, little pieces of bone and beads and stone, and her gold and orange tiered skirts were mostly hidden under the lightweight tan traveling cloak, though the hems peeked out. Extended and probably dangerous journey or not, the girl was still wearing them: if she needed more bandages, well, she had them there. With luck, it wouldn’t come to that.

She recognized the Avialae too as the one who had come into Sweet Remedies early on the season, her eyes lit up, and that practiced calmness was starting to give way to an electric energy, remembering his. He had been so interested in what she had there, and his energy… When Arry gave him that title, Hilana briefly wondered if she had been out of line somewhere when she had first met him. But that thought vanished as he greeted her enthusiastically, utterly beaming at him. “Raithen!” The hug was returned with equal enthusiasm, her arms going under his wings as she looked up at him. “I’m glad! You’ll have to tell me about it later, please,” she was thoroughly delighted to know her solutions had been useful to him. She had hoped he would have come back at some point to tell her about the trip to the far villages, and she just might get to on this trip.

She listened once he let her go, looking from one to the other. Quick decisions in stressful times made for a good head wolf, as far as she was concerned, and since both of them were still there following the Dread Mists… they had been the right ones.

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Finn was just admiring how Arvælyn's posterior looked in his cadet uniform, which was probably why he would never make a good soldier even if paranoia had driven him to new heights of skill with a blade.

"Was this the arse that launched a thousand ships...?" he wondered quietly to himself, then attempted to translate that into Vastian to see if it would sound more mellifluous in the desert tongue. Then Vallenor because why not? But he straightened up eventually, paying attention to their surroundings. Arvælyn was the actor, but Finn was trying to pretend. Sometimes it was difficult to keep the lies straight, however.

At least he was at attention when people started arriving and things started happening. Arvælyn was formal and correct, but there was a camel snuffling at his hair and his desert savior, as well as his sparring partner, who was also Arvælyn's half-brother, but didn't know that, and Finn was going to have a headache before all was said and done trying to remember not to give away secrets that weren't his to give, though he didn't quite understand why a sibling wasn't in the know.

"Hullo, Hayima’el." He gave the camel a little affection about the face, curious how he had charmed the beast without Mesmer. At least, he hadn't done anything that should last longer than an encounter just to keep stinging and biting beasties away. "Hilana."

He saluted Raithen, however. Raithen was their leader, but he was also a mercenary. And a royal bastard, so perhaps he was an honorary Sentinel. Ultimately, it didn't matter. He was going to play along and he was going to keep Arvælyn safe. And now he was going to keep Raithen, Hilana, and her camel safe with the tools at his disposal.

"I'm going to call you Your Resplendence." Finn could be contrary sometimes.
word count: 340
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Arry offered a cordial smile, but tilted his head- unsure whether Raithen really didn't recognise him or whether he was just playing dumb for Hilana's sake, per orders from their mother or Phocion. Still, there was no reason to pretend they hadn't met in Searing that he could think of, so he started to prompt him:

"Yes, we met on the- Oh." And off the Avialæ went to address Hilana. And then Finn. The minstrel had told him they'd met, but apparently he'd been away. It was odd to see him now and to know that he shared blood with one of the wing boys that ruled their whilom home in the North. On the Dread Day in Searing, he hadn't been looking for the familiar in that face, but now he did. It was odd, he thought, how this was a child of two races born of mixed blood: Re'hyæans and Avialæ. He smiled inwardly, noting the family resemblance.

"Ha! Yes, it was... Fine. It was good, and it is nice to properly meet you outside of a calamitous context. May it remain so throughout the mission." He tipped his head to their commander, and smiled next to Hilana.

"Thanks so much for taking the time to join us for this. Did you ever dream you were destined to be deputised by the Vigilia Argenti? Strange days, these." He noted with a chuckle, and glanced to the camel. "And I finally get to meet Hayima’el, hm?" He extended a hand, palm up to his snout to allow him to sniff up his scent. He was anxious enough to do a cursory dip into the animal's Symphony to make sure it wasn't feeling cranky or vexed with him before offering up a limb, but the camel seemed calm enough-... Even a bit excited, he noted with interest. It was as if the animal reflected some of the feelings of its owner.

He grinned sidelong to Finn and bit his lip, smirking.

"Does that mean you'll be calling me Your Grace for the duration of our mission? I could get used to that..." He blushed, slightly, upon realising he was openly flirting in front of a commanding officer. That seemed unprofessional, somehow. "Sorry."
word count: 384
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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It appeared that, one way or another, everyone in the little group knew each other, to some extent, and, thank his Ancestors, got along.

"If you do call me that, don't expect me to realize you mean me." He did not stick his tongue out at Finn, because he was in command, but he sounded of it.

"It seems everyone is acquainted, excellent. Does anyone need to stop for special supplies? We have the standard gear waiting for us at the way station outside the gates, but if anything else is needed? No?"

When no one in the group recalled anything specific they were lacking he said,

"Alright, well, I've been into the deep desert, so has Hilana, and Hayima’el, of course." He hadn't actually met the camel before but he had caught the name. "Have either of you, Finn, Arvælyn?"

Raithen did not know how they had come into the city, so it was possible they'd come by the harsher roads. If they had he would just keep and eye on them, if they had not he would give them the standard lecture of what to look out for and keep both eyes on them for at least the first couple of days. Hilana would surely be a help there too, not letting them touch any plants they shouldn't or walk into Devil's Sand.

As he spoke he observed the group. He had not been gifted the paramount rune of his mother's bloodline yet. Maybe he never would be; it was left to her will, as were most aspects of his life. Yet, being without the ability to magically analyze those he would fight beside had caused him to develop the ability to see what was needed with his normal sense.

Hilana was excited but ready, her animal was well packed and provisioned. Finn was uncomfortable and distracting himself with, jokes and well, it appeared to be Arvælyn. The golden elf, or, half elf, perhaps, did not seem bothered by the attention, in fact, quite the opposite. The two might be lovers, or, if they were not yet, they might be soon. That wasn't a problem, what fighting men did on their own time was their own business. And yet...

There was something odd about the two cadets, they were neither of them natives, neither of them had a full grasp of Vastian, and it didn't seem as if either of them were actually warriors. Finn could fight, could probably take Raithen if it was serious, and perhaps Arvælyn knew his way around the weapons he carried but there was a difference in the way a man moved when he was used to being required to take life and neither of them had it. Raithen briefly wondered if he had it. He had taken life, both sentient and bestial, but the times between him doing so had been long until recently.

Yes, something about this mission was odd, out of place, like a book upside down on a large shelf that part of your mind begins to eat at you about but your conscious mind doesn't spot it. Raithen did not have the head for politics but he'd been surrounded by the highest levels of them all his life and knew when they were afoot. Phocion had set this group to together and his younger brother would rather do as he asked then question him. The answers were not even ones Rai wanted. He had a job to do.

When the explanations were at an end they set out, stopping at the way station to collect a hefty bag of necessary items and a water-skin each. Once that was done Rai turned to the three astride the camel and said,

"I'm going to scout ahead, just stay on the road, not much between here and the out-villages. I'll come back if I spot trouble. Try and keep yourselves entertained."

The last was said with a smile as he launched himself into the near cloudless sky.
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“How are you?” Hilana asked Finn cheerfully at the greeting. The piebald camel had accepted those pets, pressing those long, thick lips against the bard’s hand. The beast clearly remembered him, even without Finn’s Mesmer in action. The girl was amused by it, but she was glad at the same time. Hayima’el chose violence when he did, and at least it wasn’t right now. She did not need her prized bull acting up in front of her friends with poor behaviour. She’d only lectured him while grooming and loading him that he needed to behave himself…

When Arry spoke to her, Hilana inclined her head to him. “In truth, no, I wouldn’t have ever dreamt of such a thing. I am happy to help, it is my honour and privilege to be here. Thank you for thinking of me,” she smiled brightly at him. Hayima’el could smell Finn on Arry, and he was already in a good mood - loaded as he was. “This is him,” she agreed, grinning as the tall beast started to snuffle the proffered hand, inhaling deeply and acquainting himself with Arvaelyn properly before going over his fingertips with those strange lips of his. Apparently approving, he tipped his head up to offer his chin to those same fingers. He was open to scritches, it seemed. “The very best camel in all of Atraxia. Even if I am biased. He can carry all of us easily, and we can be to Vectria within a day’s time, provided the Sands cooperate.” Horses were out, not with the distance across the sands. Plus, Asher’s convoy had already headed back to Tertium, and Hilana did not particularly trust the training of other camels besides those she knew… even if Arry and Finn were both powerful Mesmers. Hayima’el’s long legs meant he would eat the distance quickly.

At Arry’s cheeky remarks, Hilana looked amused, but managed to contain herself. Appearances to the contrary, she was used to a convoy and following the instructions of a leader, and that excited energy calmed now that Raithen’s did. She nodded her head in confirmation, but was otherwise quiet now that they were getting down to business When they were ready, she passed Raithen a jar. “Sunscreen,” she told him brightly, before she brought the two cadets over to where Hayima’el was waiting in the sands, resting there. “Arvaelyn first, and then Finn,” she encouraged him. “Hold on to the wooden handles,” she tapped the polished, rounded bars located at both the front and the back of the oblong saddle to encourage them to hold them while they were climbing up. It was quite different to a horse, but the saddle was much more padded and meant for longer journeys. Getting astride the big beast meant that they had some shade again under the canvas sunshade that was mounted on poles extending from the four corners of the saddle. There were small, colourful tassels dangling along the edge, matching the bright colours of the padding and saddle mats that were already positioned under him. They had their own purpose, if only for a wind warning.

Once she was satisfied that her friends were comfortable, she got herself situated in the smaller perch in front, taking Hayima’el’s lead. “He’s going to get up now,” she advised them, looking over her shoulder at them. “Hold on to the handles again, and keep your centre low. His front end will move first, so you will naturally swing back from it. Keep your centre where it is, because the next movement pushes you forward.” Riders that weren’t used to it tried to lean to protect themselves and stay on, and usually took a tumble forward. “Hayima’el, up,” Hilana urged him, and sure enough, the behemoth did just that, his front legs coming up first before his back ones, and while it was a movement that was smooth for the Vastian girl, she knew it took time and practice to get used to it for others.

When Raithen was done with the sunscreen, she would pass the jar back to the others, bringing her lightweight scarf up to cover the bottom half of her face and help protect her eyes from the sand. The camel’s walk was steady, and with Arry and Finn managing, she urged his speed to his normal gait, giving him his head as they headed for the waystation. She bounced down from her perch to secure the extra bags with the carabiners and straps along the back of the saddle to what she had already packed for them, using the one of the posts at the waystation to boost herself back up. “Understood, Raithen,” she untucked her scarf in order to smile up at him, inclining her head, before covering the lower half of her face. She had absolutely no doubt that between the two pair of them, she was going to be very entertained indeed. “Ready?” She glanced over her shoulder at Arry and Finn. “On, Hayima’el, let’s go,” she nudged him with her heels, and got the big beast going towards the road.

The Sands were calling…

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Finn just smirked at his lover; the things he would call him would get him executed for blasphemy and treason so it were better he not joke too much. He admitted that Hilana had been teaching him about desert survival, omitting the part about him getting heat exhaustion and needing both her and the bull camel to save him. But soon enough, they were all aboard Hayima'el and he was remembering the strange gait. His cadet uniform was protecting most of his skin, but now he had one of Hilana's ointments and his veil besides. That ought to keep some of the sand out of his mouth as well.

Squinting, he could just track Raithen's shape in the sky when the tassels on the sun shade moved just so. He couldn't decide if the sky was cerulean or azure, and would have to ask an artist at some point. The lack of clouds was strange to the northron minstrel, but surprisingly the wind and the shade kept him from getting too hot.

He could still hear Raithen's symphony and so, for the moment, everything seemed just fine. The rest of his companions were calm as well.

At some point, he sang a song he had heard about finding a long-lost lover in the trackless dunes, only to discover it was a mirage. He had been listening to music as much as performing it since they arrived, and was delighted at least by that part of Solunarian culture.

At various times, he grew bored, or, if not bored, wanting for conversation. It was difficult to maintain for long over the creak of Hayima'el's tack, the wind, the crunch of sand, and all, but he did have his little distractions.

"Hilana, what instrument should I learn that will be easy to play on camelback to pass the time?"

He kicked the back of Arvælyn's boot to make his lover's leg sway just so he would look back into Finn's mischievous eyes above his veil.

"Are we there yet?" he asked, fully knowing the answer.

Perhaps Raithen would join them soon with some sort of news. But at least Finn also spent some time mapping the slipspace along the way. If he was diligent, it was possible he could get them back much more quickly than it took to get to Vectria.
word count: 417
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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Arry shook his head at the question about special supplies. In truth he didn't really know what else he might need, but the vigour of his head shake was, in a way, a vote of confidence for the more seasoned desert-goers in their group.

"I... rode across the desert once on a Wyvern." He replied to Raithen, casting a vaguely apologetic smile to Hilana for not having told her about this earlier, but it hadn't come up organically in their last conversation. "I was just a passenger, but um... No. I've never gone through the desert. Only over it."

He accepted Hilana's help to mount the camel. It might have been more graceful an endeavour, but it was a sight easier than climbing atop a wyvern's back. Once Finn and Hilana were situated, he didn't need to be told to take the handles again- He'd never let go of them in the first place, and his knuckles were white. He declined the proffered sunscreen, though he offered to help Finn with those hard to reach places. Arry himself had never burnt in his life- Perhaps it was Raella's Grace, as the Hytori called it, or something particular to the Re'hyæan ethnicity. Whatever the case, the sun had never harmed the sunborn Arvælyn.

As Raithen took to the skies and the others made their trek through the sands, silence fell between them. Arry's mind wandered toward daydreams. There was something oddly relaxing about this rare dearth of activity. Their time in Solunarium had been such a cyclone of activity- A harsh and a strange education that rarely left them room to breathe. Out in the balmy desert, he could understand for the first time, why some of the Vastii still roved like their ancient forebears, shirking the constant motion of the city in favour of the constant motion of the breeze.

One of his reveries was interrupted by Finn, and he cast a quizzical glance over his shoulder, then a smile when he noted it was merely an idle, whimsical gesture. He returned the kick with a backwards one of his own, and turned his attention forward as the hypnotic rolling of the seemingly endless dunes drew him back into his thoughts.
word count: 384
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
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Something about the way the other blond man in the group moved reminded Raithen of the courtesans and dancers from the finer establishments he'd frequented. It was graceful, very much so, but not like in the way that combat taught a body. It wasn't a question he was going to ask, and if what his eyes were telling him was true he wasn't going to judge it. The professions implied were as honorable as almost any other as far as he was concerned. In some ways, his closest acquaintances were those who made their livings plying the charms of their bodies.

What that said about him did not even enter Raithen's mind as he took to the skies and spent several hours scouting their way. He loved flying, loved knowing the currents by feel, by season, by the way they brushed over his skin and feathers like a lover whose moods were like familiar like friends. And yet...

Scouting this close to the city was boring. There was basically nothing to make note of and he knew the area well enough to know what to look for. The only things that moved below were desert creatures that were either harmless or knew better than to venture too close to the well traveled road, and a couple caravans that rumbled passed the three people atop their camel mount without incident. By the time they reached the first rest area it was well past noon and decidedly time for a meal. Making a final circle he flew down to land at the watering hole with it's hostel a few minutes before the other's would arrive. He paid for cool drinks, chilled fruit and fresh baked flatbread for himself and his 'men' as well as water for Hayima’el. Water was a commodity in the desert, even this close to the capitol.

He waited to collect his own portion directly from the magically cooled kitchen until the others arrived to get their own. Frozen grapes and dates were a treat worth paying for even this late in the year and the flatbread wasn't bad.

"Nothing to report so far, but that won't last beyond the morning, more than like." The deeper desert always had dangers but he would hopefully see them quickly enough to keep them all safe.

Once the meal was had and they were all fed and back on their way he returned to the sky but he wasn't used to spending all day in the air so he returned frequently to spend some time walking alongside the camel and chatting with Hilana and the two men while his wings rested. It was nice to joke with the herbalist and he found that Finn and Arvælyn had their own distinct humors to add to the conversation. The blond's was sharper while Finn's was clever when he felt comfortable enough to let it be. Rai liked a sharp wit as much as a gentle one and they somehow complimented each other. By the time the sun was just touching the horizon he'd chosen them a place to camp for the night from the air and landed to lead them in. It was a small oasis that he wasn't personally familiar with but which contained water and likely fuel for a fire, even if that fuel would be dung.

Once they arrived he asked what people were capable of and then gave orders as to collecting fuel and fetching water to be boiled. Finn seemed fully handy with outdoor skills and Hilana knew the local flora far better than Raithen did. Arvælyn he asked to help him erect the tent and dig out the fire pit and set about ensuring they would be safe and comfort for the night.
word count: 648
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