One Too Many

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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Glade 24th, 120th AoS (Cuvindas)

Closing time had finally arrived for the Inn and when the the last patron left the premises, Patrick took it upon himself to finish cleaning the lobby afterwards. It had been another drawn out day that he felt glad to count as over, since there were still a number of patrons still curious about the Avialae from the north. Overall Patrick was relieved that he didn't need to fuss over them anymore, when he considered how much attention their presence brought the inn. Of course he didn't consider it bad on the business, but it certainly put everyone that worked here on the spot for a while.

Yet even days after they had left Patrick had noticed something, everyone seemed a little edgier than normal now that they were gone. Their father Albert seemed a little harder on everyone now, and poor Rose also remained a bit more withdrawn than usual. Even Dominik and Connor were going through their own motions, dealing with the aftermath of what took place last week in whatever way they chose. The older sibling of course had remarked upon camping again, even discussed it with the parents so that they'd know his plans in the coming weeks.

But Connor? He was always so busy in the kitchen half the time, that any free time he did find usually led him to leave for a while. Of course the clan knew his usual habits, as the best outlet for the youngest sibling was being out among friends. Of course this sometimes led him to return home drunk, and then hungover in the morning when everyone had to rise. Yet when the youngest sibling came out the kitchen tonight, he didn't march towards the door like Patrick expected; but instead towards the bar where he could grab a bottle from the shelf.

"Feelin' like drinking at home huh?" Patrick remarked from across the lobby as he finished putting up chair's on a table, and a moment later Dominik looked poked out from the office where he'd been counting today's earnings.

"Why not? We've all this fine selection for ourselves, might as well enjoy a round or two before bed." Connor reasoned as he started to pour a glass.

"You know Pa Pa doesn't like it when we drink all our own booze." Dominik reminded him as he walked out towards the youngest sibling. Patrick however merely resumed placing chairs upside down onto tables, so that sweeping the floor would be easier when that time came. "Do you even know the kind of wine you just grabbed?"

"Of course I do!" Connor retorted back rebelliously. "I may not serve drinks as much as you two, but I've lived here long enough to know what our own inventory is." He added as he started to pour himself a drink into a mug, which he then held the mug out for the oldest brother to take. "C'mon bubba, you gotta learn to live a little." Patrick gave in and looked to them from where he stood, his next table only halfway covered in chairs. Dominik didn't look too thrilled about the idea, in fact he seemed a little upset over the whole ordeal. "Look Pap already went to bed right? You heard him say so an hour ago, so who's to say he won't miss one bottle of wine."

"One bottle?" Dominik tested with a slight turn of his head, his eyes locked on Connor in a very testive manner. "That's Red Lightning you're holdin' Connor, you know Ma and Pa both do inventory every mornin'; so who's to say they won't miss it!" Right away Patrick could see where this was going, the two were literally on the verge of an argument now; and if they weren't stopped then they could've very well aroused everyone in the inn. Unhappy guests having to hear family disputes, as well as the parents having to come down to stop them? It definitely wasn't the best idea to leave the two unattended in that moment.

So immediately Patrick moved towards the bar, with a lean to look past the two at the bottle on the counter. "Oh come oooon, one measly bottle of red wine goes missing and they freak out?" Connor reasoned as he placed the mug down between him and Dom, another taken from the shelf so he could start pouring. Immediately Dominik reached to stop him but the youngest brother saw, and moved away quickly with a hand grasped on the bottle once more.

"Connor stop, we're not goin' to drink that!"

"Not unless we tell them later." Patrick interjected quickly to keep the both of them from arguing, which worked because they both looked to him surprised. Yet the second born just sat down at the bar, arms folded on the counter as he looked from one to the other. "We all know that it's one drink, one expensive drink in fact. But we also know Ma Ma and Pa Pa can always get another, and we have how many bottles up there?" Right away Dominik looked to the shelf, quickly counting the bottles he could see in his head.

"See Dom, Pat here has a point. We can just tell our parents later, they'll understand if we need a drink every now and then."

"But we can't make it a habit." Patrick reminded Connor just before he could flash a victory grin. "I think we should remember what's important here."

"Which is?" Dominik questioned bitterly with his arms crossed.

"We're all adults here. It's not like we can't buy or replace a bottle ourselves, but we also need to let loose and have fun every now and then." Patrick reasoned in turn as he drummed a row of fingers on the counter. "Which I'm pretty sure we're all in need of, when you consider how stressful last week's been." The point in his argument had validation there, and Dominik seemed reluctantly willing to agree with the notion. Connor of course was chuckling in success, and already getting not one but two empty mugs ready now.

"Fine," the oldest sibling gave in, "but it's just one bottle! And we'll tell Ma and Pa in the mornin'." When he said that he pointed first to Connor and then to Patrick, and then he proceeded to sigh as he visibly relaxed once more.

"Well then take a mug big brother," Connor encouraged with a smug grin as he placed another in front of Patrick, "let's see you have a bit of fun." The challenge was returned with an aggravated glare from Dominik, yet the oldest brother didn't back down from the taunt either. Patrick reached to grab the mug at the same time Dominik did, and when Connor finally held his own he brought it out for a toast. "To fun!" He then declared lowly so that nobody upstairs heard him.

"To fun..." Dominik returned as he looked to Patrick, a noticeable hint of apprehension in his eyes when he did.

"To fun." Patrick added in with a soft grin, as the three clicked their mugs together briefly. Patrick then brought the mug in to drink it's contents, the blended aroma of fruit and spices almost a rich aroma in his nostrils. Right when his lips touched the mug, and the bright red wine crossed them, Patrick immediately tasted a sweetly tart flavor which followed with a strong fruity aftertaste. From the moment he gulped down his first sip, Patrick felt the silky beverage radiate inside his gut; giving him the sense of tingles throughout his limbs as he contemplated the taste for a second.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:57 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1330
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Character Sheet: ... 800c252a81
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The three of them seemed to have the same general reaction, as a moment of silence followed after they had sampled their drink. How many times had Patrick poured this particular wine, yet never once knew of its interesting mixture of fruit? The look of surprise on Dom suggested that he too hadn't ever tried it, yet he didn't look as visibly adamant as he was before. In fact the time spent thinking about it led the three to ease up, leading the other two to come around the bar and sit on each side of Patrick. "Stuff's actually pretty good." The oldest sibling finally admitted, leading the other two to chuckle as Patrick nodded in agreement.

"I taste dragonfruit and something else in the blend, not really sure what it is though."

"It's the taste of fun." Connor teased Patrick with a nudge of the shoulder added in, before the younger sibling lifted his mug for another gulp.

"It's dragonfruit mixed with passionfruit, Pa Pa said the vintner mixed them with a few soft spices. For a stronger wine it certainly doesn't hit you as hard as you expect." Dominik reasoned as he too decided to take another sip.

"Least we can appreciate a good vintage together." Patrick pointed out as he joined the two of them, another modest gulp of wine swirled past his tongue a second later. The three of them all became more and more looser than before, and while Patrick knew he was definitely feeling the wine affect him; it was apparently obvious that the other two were feeling it also. That sudden buzz that came washing over the very senses, giving them a numbing sensation while tingles coursed through the arms.

Patrick honestly didn't expect it to come on so strong, and so sudden also, which was all part of the whole having fun experience. He hoped it would tie into it for the fact they were, obviously, about to get quite drunk from the beverage. Hell he even doubted that they would be able to finish the bottle, because of how smooth yet rich the alcoholic beverage was. It was obviously brewed by a master vintner, likely someone in Daravin much like many of the other wines imported here. "Ya know," Connor finally murmured after a few more drinks were taken, "I thunk this is what I needed actually." The other two looked over to the youngest, confused initially but then amused when they realized what he said. "I thunk? I thonk?"

"Somebody's drunk already." Dominik pointed out in a jaunty tone.

"Someone else is too." Patrick added in with a wry grin.

"Okay, I'm not that drunk yet, barely evun drank half my... my mug."

"Lightweight." The oldest sibling muttered before he took another swig.

"Oh puh-lease! I can outdrink ya any day bubba!" Connor challenged with a finger pointed at Dom in front of Patrick, who just sat there thinking to himself the most important question of the night. 'What have I done?' But of course he knew the answer to that question... or did he? He wanted fun but was this going to follow that principle? Or did he just create another disaster just waiting to happen.

"You know what, let's see 'bout that." Dominik quickly accepted with a daring gaze spent on Connor. It didn't take long for the two of them to raise their mugs, enough to match the bottom's up cliche as they both started guzzling. Patrick really didn't know if he wanted to do this or not, knowing good and well that they were all three on the verge of getting wasted. Nevertheless he didn't want to be the odd man out, come to think of it he never wanted that with these two. Not that it mattered when he raised his own mug, reluctant to swallow every last drop he could until the container was empty. Dominik had been the first to finish, with Connor right after him, as the first slammed his mug down with the other to follow.

"Hah, told yuh. Ey cun hold my uh... my uh..." Connor's slurs were getting longer, and Dominik started to laugh aloud as he looked at the two of them. Finally Patrick killed what was left of his drink, and finished with the same slam the other two made.

"Ya can't even say liquor when yer drunk." The oldest sibling teased in his laughs, while the middle sibling released a very drawn out belch between his lips. Just when he thought he'd had experienced enough aftertaste, the burp Patrick made didn't help alleviate the situation one bit; still the other two were laughing in turn... which led Patrick to laugh along after he glanced between the two of them. They were all three visibly loose and enjoying themselves now, and for a moment Patrick felt that they really were having actual fun together.

"Lemme tell ya, cookin' all dey gets really edgy." Connor admitted slowly with heavy slurs on his tongue.

"Yah? Bar gets pretty hectic through tha day. Sure ya dun wanna trade shifts?" Dominik tried to reason even in his drunken state, that quality never failed to impress Patrick even now. Even when he was hammered the oldest brother tried being helpful, a trait that not even alcohol could somehow dull apparently.

"No thanks! Can't trust either o' yew t' cook right."

"Not really sure there's uh wrong way ta cook, since all our meals er tha same every week." Patrick murmured softly as he stared hard at the bottle, unsure if he dared to pour another round for the two of them. They were already so drunk, that if they continued then chances were they'd sleep in tomorrow. He had to think responsibly and that was already hard, because of how easy it had been to actually let loose and have fun.

Still his comment led the other two to laugh a little more, with Connor reaching for the bottle himself to pour another drink. Then the sound came from near the stairwell, a clearing of the throat to alert them that another had stepped down. When the three looked to see who had joined them, all of their jolly canter and demeanor instantly went away at the sight of Albert. He stood in his nightshirt which draped over the rest of his form, with the pair of slacks underneath that he wore to bed also. "I hear noises downstairs, so when I come to investigate I find you three... drunk as skunks when it's late already." The weathered man went on lowly, his tone somewhere between aggravated and downright upset.

Dominik rose from his chair but not without almost falling over, causing all three of them to stifle their laughter. "Pa Pa, we were just-"

"Drinkin' up inventory? Our patrons pay top Farthing for that shit, and you boys think you can just help yourselves?" Albert lectured with his arms firmly crossed, the color in his wrinkled cheeks turning red as his gaze sharpened. Right away all three of them lost their 'fun' buzz, immediately feeling regret over their actions now that they were caught.

"We just wanted to have fun is all." Patrick defended as he rose up slower than usual, careful to start for the bar's end so he could clean up.

"Oh so bein' loud and obnoxious is fun now?" Albert questioned with his eyes honed on Patrick, not before they shifted to the bottle and who held it prior to Patrick. "You three got a lot of nerve, you especially Connor."

"Pa Pa-" Dominik tried appealing and yet Patrick had a few words himself.

"Oh please, dun go blamin' Con for this. We're just as equally responsible, but if ya wanna blame someone then blame me."

"I've heard enough," Albert called out with a finger pointed towards the stairwell, "you three need to sleep it off. Get to bed right now, before you shame me anymore than you already have!"

The three of them looked to one another comparatively, unsure if they were to heed their father or finish up here. Only half the lobby had been cleaned when Patrick had stopped earlier, and they were certainly drunk enough to find cleaning the rest a challenge. Both brothers fell to rely on Patrick ultimately, their eyes on him as they waited to see how he would lead; and he knew just how to as well. Rather than risk the scornful shame of their father anymore then they already had, he reasoned that it would be better to just give in and go quietly. If anything they'd just have to work harder tomorrow, that is if none of them experienced a heavy hangover later.

While reluctant at first Patrick moved from behind the bar towards the stairwell, the other two determined to follow his lead as they all passed Albert. Dominik probably had the look of a puppy now, sorry that he had crossed their father by having just one expensive drink. Connor was the one who looked more emotionally beat up over it however, while Patrick himself tried to keep his own innate fury contained. He had never known himself ready to fight before, yet he really wanted to argue with their father now. There were no more words from anyone that night, the three of them marched upstairs to go to their rooms. It was quiet that night but sleep took longer than usual to come, and when Patrick was awoken the next morning by their mother; he made sure to annotate what took place last night in his journal.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:59 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1644
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"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"
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Logistics: Routines Make Tasks Easier
Rhetoric: Realizing Your An Adult With Responsibilities
Leadership: Knowing When It's Okay To Loosen Up
Resistance: Subjecting Yourself To Highly Concentrated Alcohol
Discipline: Knowing When You've Had Enough To Drink
Leadership: Picking Your Battles Carefully
Alcohol: "Red Lightning" Is Made In Daravin
Alcohol: "Red Lightning" Requires Expertise In Vinting

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 5

Comments: I loved the dialogue, as always. Very light-hearted and fun. Enjoy your rewards!

word count: 91

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