[Quest] The Cycle Continues

Three champions are chosen.

Travelers beware, the unprepared are quickly lost to these towering rocky sentinels of the North.

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They had all of them, gone to sleep the evening prior. Whether it was a restful sleep or a fitful one given the events of the season was a question only they could answer. When they next opened their eyes, they were no longer where they had gone to take their rest. They were all of them, called to the Circle of Wandering and before them stood three figures that seemed both as tall as the mountains themselves yet not bigger than the average person at the same time. The world around them was shrouded in an aethereal stillness as motes of magical power drifted upwards from the stone floor of the Circle of Wandering.

Sunrise hung in the air, the rising dawn sending golden rays of light cascading across the ebony stone of the Astralar Mountains. The Circle of Wandering was bathed in the soft light of the coming daylight and within that light stood a humanoid figure. Though their face was obscured by the golden light of dawn, their figure would have one believe that they were male. Resplendent plate armor adorned their form, capturing the sunlight and reflecting it out into the world around him. He stood with both hands grasping the hilt of a mighty sword that was firmly planted upon the stones of the Circle of Wandering. Unflinching resolve emanated from this one, his gaze as piercing as the light that crowned him. He stared down upon those they had summoned wordlessly.

Twilight hung in the air, a mystifying time. The rose gold, violet and pink hues bathed the skies in a beautiful dreamscape suspended between the light of dawn and the velvet black of night. The Circle of Wandering was illuminated with the beauty of its mysteries. Within that twilight stood a humanoid figure. Her face was not obscured and was visible. Her hair fell down to her shoulders in a wave of luminous twilight fire. She wore black robes that draped her form elegantly. Peace and a soft sadness emanated from her as she beheld the world with a mother’s kindness. She stood with her arms crossed at the wrist in front of her, grasping one lightly as she regarded those who had been summoned.

Midnight hung in the air. The obsidian sky serving as a canvas for a thousand times a thousand stars. The inky blackness of the yawning skies held in them the dreams and nightmares of a hundred or more ages, as the starlight and moonlight suspended there painted everything in a silver-blue light. The Circle of Wandering was illuminated by its whispered light. Within that darkness stood a humanoid figure, draped in the robes of the blackest nightfall. Their face was obscured by the dark of the night, a plane of ghostly shadows. They possessed no hair but writhing around their form were slithering tendrils of darkness that beckoned the beholder to draw ever nearer. Noble fear emanated from this figure, undeniable in its truth and intensity. Their hands were pressed lightly together as they regarded those who had been summoned.


“You who have been summoned.” The Warrior of Dawn spoke. His voice booming with command. “Step forward and be seen.”

“The time is upon us. Much sooner than we feared.” The Lady of Twilight spoke. Her voice a melody that sung to the soul.

“But Fear shall be your ally. Will you deny it? Or will you yet save it?” The Figure of Midnight spoke. Their voice a whisper that could not be unheard.

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Welcome to Cycle! Participants have until September 21, 2022 @11:59 PM EST to make their entry post. Please list very clearly what you are bringing with you in your introductory post. You will only be allowed to draw from your character's personal skillset and the supplies that you and your teammates have personally brought with you.

Best of luck to all of you and may the odds be in your favor!

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Moon Jae-Seong
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Moon Jae-Seong had gone to sleep the night before at a place he only considered home to a cursory degree. In truth, he didn’t believe himself to have a home of any real sort, coming to believe that the whole of Kalzasern territory was as much a home to him as any specific location therein. That being the case, going to sleep in one location and waking up in another was not something he ever laid down at night expecting.

Opening his eyes, he immediately realized that he was both no longer dreaming and no longer within the Palace of the First Wind. Even more odd was the fact that he was standing with the weight of his belongings packed properly for travel upon his back, something he had absolutely no memory of doing whatsoever. As per usual, he had his survival supplies, his tent, bedroll, his traveling boots and fishing supplies. Dazed and confused, he blinked a few times at the figures that stood before him.

Like a triptych of a day’s cycle, the figures cascaded from the brightness of dawn to the abyss of night. They were intriguing as they were beautiful, all three in equal measure. It was the knight of dawn who spoke first, bidding he and whoever else may be present to step forward. Not a man lacking in confidence, he did so, walking into a shaft of sunlight to illuminate his form.

It was only in moving did he realize he was in his Lycan shape. Jae-Seong had gone to sleep in Zoan, yet drawing his hands before his eyes, he looked upon his runic arm and the other adorned with feathers of the deepest night. He cocked his head, mannerisms as bird-like as the crow Rathari would appear. While he did this, the other two ætherial figures spoke, though their words were cryptic.

One spoke of an event whose approach she must’ve seen coming. The other? Of fear.

“Fear is an emotion to be embraced and commanded as any other.” The swordsman spoke, voice serene. He showed not a hint of discomfort on his person.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
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It was simply another restless night for Reika. The events of the past season had left her with a thousand thoughts swirling inside her head, refusing to leave her even in sleep. She had been awoken from her sleep three times, so when she felt her consciousness rising, the Dahshida was already planning to roll out of bed to get something to drink from the kitchens.

But this time, when she opened her eyes, the young woman wasn’t even lying down anymore. She was standing and not inside her room anymore. Her entire body tensed as her body hummed with energy, ready to jump into action. It was a moment later that the Dahshida realized she was already clad in her night leather armor. Her longbow and quiver were slung across her back the way it often was. Her dagger was already strapped to her right thigh. Her usual backpack was also leaning against her left leg, its weight was familiar enough that she could already know that inside was all the supplies she always had whenever she set out for a short mission.

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Her brown eyes immediately took in the surroundings. It took her a few seconds to note that they were in the Astralar Mountains. But that was as much as she could tell. The place was unfamiliar, something she haven’t really been to before. Next, seemingly towering in front of her but also not, was three unfamiliar figures. The three beings before her could only be described as something divine. It was difficult to even decide where to look first - they were all so different, yet all emanating an intangible power. Turned out Reika was drawn to the sight that was most familiar to her - the starry night. It was more beautiful than more foreign than any sky she had seen before. She took in the figure in darkness and starlight. Then there was the woman that was wrapped in twilight, her hair glowing in fiery radiance. Last was a man who might have been the sun itself stepping down onto the mountains, his light bright and warm and inviting.

It was only after she managed to tear away her gaze away that she realized that she wasn’t alone with these beings. To her side was a man that was barely a man and more crow. It wasn’t the most striking thing about him though, but it was his arms that almost glowed with what must be magic. The sight of him only made her wonder.

Why are they here?

“What is upon us? Who are you?” Reika asked, for she was one who never hesitate to question, as she stepped forward - even when her heart was pounding and she could feel her blood flushing her face.
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For a wonder, Avamande had actually fallen asleep in their own bed that night. Between the exploration of South Ecith and the veritable mountain of work at Ale'Ephirum piling up due to that distraction, they had spent much of the season either beneath the stars or in their office. It was refreshing to be home, so naturally their slumber and sundered routine both were sullied by the strangest of sights upon their sudden awakening, made stranger still by the fact that they were standing straight up, along with five other figures. Two, at least, seemed mortal enough, but the sight of the Hours of the Day refused any such mundane classification.

The by now familiar weight of their backpack, filled with sundry supplies and Scrivening equipment both for an Ecithian safari, was the least surprising aspect of the entire affair. Waterskin, flint and steel, a mess kit with rations, their inkpen, a sealed well of spellwright's ink, and their remaining sheafs of parchment had been packed, though how they knew this they could not rightly say. They bore no weapon, for they needed none, but one of their companions did carry a bow and arrow. The other had... a fishing rod.


Both had a typical Kalzasern look about them, albeit approaching it from very different directions. They supposed they counted for that as well, their typical jet black apparel having been made by a tailor in the city. Regardless, the other two seemed far more traditional. A free spirit, albeit a wealthy one, by the looks of one, and a disciplined daughter of a House judging by the other's arms and armor. Which made them the odd one out, free of the strictures of Avialae society like the fisherman, but bound by their own sense of duty, like the archer. It seemed that whatever their summoners were, they had a funny sense of symmetry in many respects.

While many questions could be asked, Avamande knew in their heart of hearts as they took in the sight of Sunrise, Twilight, and Midnight that only one actually mattered to the Hytori.

"What must be done?"
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“It begins. The cycle that is ours to watch but yours to decide.” The Warrior of Dawn gripped the hilt of his sword tightly.

“If there is a way forward, you must find it. Lest all of us become lost until the cycle begins anew.” The Maiden of Twilight regarded them steadily, a pleading in her voice.

“Find Hope in the darkest of places. But do not be so quick to discard the Darkness.” The Figure of Midnight whispered softly.

The three of them stepped to the side and just beyond each of them there stood a doorway. A Door to Dawn, a Door to Twilight and a Door to Midnight. The three spoke as one.

“All doors lead to one destination. Choose how you wish to begin your journey.”

In a flash of light, twilight and darkness, the three were gone. The doorways remained however.

Would they begin together? Would they walk their own paths?

The choice was theirs.

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Please post by Monday, October 10, 2022.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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Not long after he arrived did he notice the presence of two other figures. Looking to either side, he saw two elves, neither of which he recognized directly. One was armored and armed; she looked like a warrior in her own right. The other appeared far more academic, maybe...a mage? Each made a remark in response to the three eldritch beings and each appeared just as dazed as he was.

Not being able to wonder long about what their first step would be, the three figures spoke once again. Of them, each voiced yet more ominous portents. Jae-Seong did not feel as if he knew enough context to understand precisely to which cycle they were referring, but the imagery of their figures and each door painted a picture of harmony before him, illustrating the cycle of day and night. But how was that it? Was balance lost? Would endless day or endless night await them if they failed? Perhaps a twilit limbo? Then…poof, they were gone. There was no wrong answer to this choice, he thought, and thus, he would pick the one which called to him.

He stepped forward a few feet then paused, turning his feathered head back towards the two mortal strangers. "Choose wisely," he winked.

With little more fanfare the Rathari continued his trek forward, walking straight then turning abruptly towards the door of midnight. He stared within and saw nothing but inky blackness, nothing but an abyssal void staring back at him. It oozed out of the doorway like liquid smoke and ate the light it touched. The crow found it gorgeous, mesmerized as he stood still.

His choice had been made prior to moving– so now, he stepped through the threshold, curious about what lay within the shadows.
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"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
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The three beings gave all of them cryptic answers, none that truly gave light to what it was they were supposed to do. Reika turned to look at each of her companions. They seemed as bewildered as she was. There were only more questions on her mind as they spoke about cycles. Were they talking about time itself? After all, what else would Dawn, Twilight, and Midnight watch over? What way forward were they supposed to find? It was all still a mystery.

But this wasn’t the first time Reika was thrown into a situation she did not understand, where she would be going in blind. It would likely not be easy, but the young woman spent her life trying to prove that she was a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps this would be one of the chances that she could prove that.

The Rathari moved first, slipping into the door of darkness without any hesitation. She had the strongest urge to call out to him, but something told her that the effort would be fruitless.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The dark-haired woman knew what she would choose. With much more caution, Reika walked towards the Door to Dawn and stared at it deeply. She wasn’t sure what it would do, but she certainly wistfully hoped that it would reveal any hint of what might await her.

She turned to look back at the hytori with bright eyes and gave him a nervous smile. She picked her and threw it over her shoulder, the familiar weight giving her some comfort. All she needed to do was treat this like any other mission that had been assigned to her. “Good luck to all of us, I suppose.” And with that, the Dahshida stepped into dawn.
Last edited by Reika on Mon Oct 10, 2022 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 311
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Avamande's brow furrowed, a sight that any who knew them would find very strange indeed. It was an affectation that the Hytori only used when well and truly confused, and that was quite rare (barring antics from Charlie, at the least) but this... They were forced to admit that this was beyond them. They knew little of anything that matched the cycle the Hours spoke of, but nonetheless resolved themselves to trust their judgement in both the dire nature of their plight and their chosen companions.

They stood transfixed for a time as the three vanished and their two companions - perhaps with the mage making a mirror to the Hours? - began to move. For a moment, Avamande thought to cry out, to suggest that they move as one, but their throat would not give breath to their cries as their eyes were fixated on a destiny all their own. If the Rathari chose midnight, and the Human the dawn, there was no question what the Hytori would select. There never was, not in their heart of hearts.

So often was truth found in the between, the space between spaces, the time between times, the choices between choices. That had been their guiding star for far more than merely magic throughout their life. Twilight was the balance of light and dark, hope and despair, night and day, an hour of secrets and of power. It suited them, even if they were not keen on admitting it. One stranger went right and the other went left, leaving them alone to take the only path untrod. The only path they ever would have chosen if given a free choice.

Forwards, upon the straight road, between the then and now and the here and there, and on at last into twilight - the hour between hours.

"May the gods bless all roads."
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Name: Reika, Avamande, Moon
XP: +10 XP
Requested Lore: +5 Lores

Note(s): This didn't really take off like I wanted it to but there will be time again another day to run something of a similar nature.
word count: 46
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