Dinner and Decisions [Eitan & Reiner]

Reiner is invited to Dinner

High City of the Northlands

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Stefan Dornkirk
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36th Ash, 122

It was to be the first meal Stefan had taken at the place he'd thought of as 'Home' since the city had fallen. He wasn't used to eating food that couldn't be held in one hand and consumed while working anymore. In all honesty, he wasn't used to eating sitting down anymore. The clothing he were was his own, it was clean, crisply pressed and it bore no resemblance to any of his uniforms. It felt odd. The act of letting his personal serving man dress him felt like a ritual from a forgotten time, like something he'd read about in a volume of ancient history.

He allowed it, and the use of a few luxuries for the preparation of their dinner. It was no fancier than what they would have considered a normal dinner just for the family before the events of the last season, but many things were more scarce now.

As Dienerin fastened his cuff links he looked around the room in which he had been the happiest in his life. It didn't feel like his anymore, didn't smell like his. It had been used to house several refugees before they had been rehoused in apartments on the Windworks ship. The tall, slim him who often seemed to know what he was thinking cleared his throat and said that it would take time before anything felt the same again. Stefan gave him a long look as he allowed his hair to be combed just so, but in the end he nodded. The acknowledgement was more to keep the peace, to keep his thoughts to himself then it was a belief in what had been said.

When he was ready he met Delia in the hall, standing and waiting a few minutes outside her door rather than stepping inside to observe the last of her toilette. He offered his arm, complimented her choices of dress and jewelry and then led her toward the sitting room, where, he had been informed, his cousin had been shown when he arrived. They met Eitan with Luca on his own arm, who looked as though she might decide to give birth at any moment. She wasn't full term yet, and Stefan's logical mind acknowledged that even while the part of him that experienced real life tried not to eye her worriedly.

The couples entered the sitting room one at a time, Angevin's first, for the Hall belonged to them, then then Dornkirks. All of whom bowed or curtsied and made their greetings to the Private. He was in his dress uniform, which was, so far, the only way Stefan had seen him and seemed somewhat overwhelmed. Stefan had often felt that way in company as his age and it didn't put him off at all. If anything, it endeared the younger man to him.

They had just finished the official introductions to the wives when the butler stepped in, bowed and told declared that dinner was served.
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Eitan Angevin
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Between the two of them, Delia and Eitan had decided to keep this family supper to their generation. As such, Perpetua and Friederike were enjoying the comforts of the Dornkirk hunting lodge, which they found preferable to their apartments. The idea had come up to station them there—with guards and wards, of course—as a waypoint for refugees. There were many ideas that had been batted about but only so many decisions had been made.

It was supposed to be a social evening, but Eitan wasn't certain they could have an evening of gaiety any longer.

All the same, he had cleaned up nicely, albeit in a civilian suit. He didn't want to be Captain or Seeker or Captain-Seeker or Seeker-Captain tonight; he just wanted to be Eitan.

"Thank you, Dienerin," he said.


"Darling, you look good enough to undress!" Lucrece swanned into the room and wrapped her arms around Eitan's shoulders. Dienerin excused himself, and after a few moments, Mr. and Mrs. Angevin exited their suite to meet with everyone in the sitting room. His wife had already met Reiner the day previous, but Delia had already admonished her husband for not introducing her to the only other Dornkirk in existence. But, of course, she hadn't actually been mad. She knew more than most how stressed her husband had been for the past season, and even before that.

Delia was corsetted again, albeit loosely. Lucrece was not as the midwife had warned against it this late in her pregnancy. They were both of them well-dressed, but not overly fancy. They did not want to make their guest uncomfortable.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Reiner," she said, forgoing the formal formalities, and embracing him. "A cousin-in-law is a cousin indeed." Her smile was warm, and it seemed as though she was suffering no postpartum ailments.

"No cocktail hour?" Eitan complained, but he smiled and offered his wife his arm. She took it as they walked into the dining room and took their places at the table.
word count: 363
Mind is a razor blade.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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When he'd woken that afternoon, it was hard for Reiner Dornkirk to imagine doing anything aside from basking in the misery he'd wrought upon himself. The wages of sin had taken a heavy toll on the young ZDC private, after a night of carousing and copious drinking that had begun with Eitan and ended with his new roommate, the charming Kuno Kämpfer. Granted, he couldn't recall every detail of what transpired between them, but he'd woken feeling well taken care of... even if he also felt like he'd gulped down a barrel of poison. Funny that.

Fortunately, 'supper' as it seemed rich people called dinner, was quite a few hours later. Also to his favor, Reiner Dornkirk was young, resilient and an infantryman- which meant he was no stranger to imbibing copious amounts of booze late into the night, and performing his duties capably a few hours later. That he could sleep in was a blessing that served him well. A bit of food, a few cups of coffee and several cigarettes had the young private feeling more himself by the time he was due at White Night Hall. No. White Knight Hall. Kuno had been good enough to correct that malapropism at a point in the night he blessedly still recalled.

So it was that he may have looked a tad more sallow than he had at the memorial when he trotted up to the door of the... castle? Reiner didn't know the distinction between a castle, a palace, a manor, a chateau, a palazzo, or whatever else the wealthy chose to call their dwelling places. Whatever it was, it was intimidating.

Reiner's dress uniform looked freshly ironed and just as crisp as it had the prior day, as the fancy folk stepped into the sitting room. He'd learnt from Stefan that his deference needn't be so great as to send him to his knees, but when he saw the others bowing to each other, he made sure to bow lower.

He bit his lip as Lady Delia addressed him, and extended his hand to take hers, but found his arm pushed aside as he was embraced. He stumbled awkwardly for a moment, before grinning in earnest and returning the hug. It felt more familiar than the bowing, scraping and hand kissing he thought would be expected of him. Even if it was also a little bit scary.

"Likewise, Milady." He offered, softly. The honorific was sort of mumbled. He'd been corrected enough now, that he preferred the plausible deniability of ambiguity. It was likely that only Delia would have even heard him speak. He was nervous that the Captain Seeker or Stefan might note a misused title, of course, but after speaking to Kuno at length, he was most nervous about vexing Herr Dienerin with such things.

When the butler made his pronouncement, Reiner stepped back, and looked around wide-eyed for cues as to what that portended.
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan lent Delia is arm again, considering if he should let his guest have the honor but then recalling that Reiner hadn't been raised in the same way he had and might not know to claim the privileged if it was offered.

Taking her to her chair on one side of the head of the table he pulled it out and waited till she was settled before taking his own seat one further down. The arrangement made sense for a group of five, one couple to either side of the head and Reiner at the head. It was a little unconventional but, even if Stefan had been able to find an available young lady to even out their party under the circumstances, he wanted this to be family only.

With the exception of his infant daughter, the people in the room were his only family, and only one of them by blood. He looked up and when he realized Reiner wasn't sure where to sit he nodded subtly to the seat at the head. They would all be able to talk comfortably and Reiner wouldn't be expected to perform any of the carving or other duties that the host might have. Eitan was technically the host so Stefan assumed he would, or, if he didn't want to, Stefan was perfectly capable.

When they were all seated servants entered and presented them each with the soup course before subtly withdrawing. Stefan had asked that they be left alone, with the wine selection in decanters on the table so they could keep their own glasses full. There was a little bell on the table for when they were ready for the next course.

The food smelled amazing and, more than that, familiar, it tugged at memories he didn't want to get lost in. Turning to Reiner he said,

"I hope your evening yesterday wasn't too taxing, I would have liked to talk more." He did not make his apologies again, he had made them the day before and repeating them wouldn't change anything. "How are your accommodations?"

After his question was answered he let the ladies speak to Reiner, as they hadn't had the chance before, as far as he knew. They were past the salad and on to the main course by the time he decided to speak again and was hoping no one was noticing that he had only eaten a few bites of each offering. Addressing his cousin again he said,

"I do hope you have considered my offer to stay, I really could use the help."
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Eitan Angevin
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Eitan would have been just as happen eating in his shirtsleeves. He was used to some informality with his airmen, and this was meant to be a family gathering; but Stefan was often uncomfortable and this seemed to suit him better. The ladies had few occasions to dress up anymore, and while neither of them was particularly happy with their bodies at the moment, they both did appreciate their husbands complimenting them.

It was good to see them with Reiner. They were both charming, accomplished women, and with one pregnant and one a recent mother, he supposed they were even more motivated to build family connections than he and Stefan were. They had all lost so much.

With the servants only providing the barest minimum of support and service, Eitan was only too happy to do what hosting duties were necessary, and between him and Stefan, they kept glasses full. Lucrece only nursed the one glass of wine. He had a case of her favorite champagne set aside for when it was safe for her to debauch a bit again.

Eitan thought he had a decent rapport with the chap already, but he was keen to observe how he interacted with Stefan. When his brother-in-law began to engage more, it certainly piqued his curiosity.

"Oh, as a liaison between the ZDC and those of us in the air?" Lucrece asked.

"Liaising between the Dornkirks and the ZADC and the Order was a good career move for Eitan," Delia added thoughtfully.

"I could make a request of Major Trier when I am warding the Hotel Schiller," Eitan hazarded. He knew he ought to just let Reiner speak, but he supposed it was in their nature to be overwhelming, to give him an offer he couldn't refuse so he wouldn't refuse and they could have their way. But Eitan would also respect whatever decision the young infantryman might make. Eitan had had to do the same for himself in order to do for himself and have any agency over his own life.
word count: 358
Mind is a razor blade.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Internally, Reiner was very hesitant to accept his designated seat at the head of the table. He may not have been the most practiced in the courtly etiquette of Zaichaer's upper crust, but he was well aware that the head was a seat of honor. Of those present, he was clearly the least deserving of such. It wasn't merely a matter of birth, he was also probably the least accomplished person at the table. For the first time it crossed his mind that this entire exploit might be an elaborate joke at his expense. It wasn't logical, really, but it haunted him as he haltingly accepted the seat, in spite of himself.

The private started, as someone approached from behind and placed a bowl of soup in front of him. He started to mouth a 'Thank you' as he glanced up to the servant, but he froze- surprised to find himself face to face with a horned Lysanrin. Collecting himself quickly, he cleared his throat and turned his attention back to the other diners, careful to make sure he picked the right utensil and didn't start in on the delicious-smelling bisque before his betters. He had just taken his first spoonful, and was relishing the rich, herbal flavor and warm thickness that suited the weather magnificently, when his cousin addressed him. Gulping down that first taste of soup, he smiled.

"Oh, not at all, sir! Herr Dienerin has me bunking with your man Private Kämpfer? He was good enough to show me around after the ceremony. He truly went above and beyond the call of duty. I'm very well taken care of and his apartment was much nicer than the barracks I'm used to." Reiner's gratitude toward his fellow private was genuine and, though he didn't presume to have much in the way of clout, he wanted to put in a good word in case it earned Kuno at least a pat on the back from a national hero. He’d even walked Reiner to the ferry across to this very supper.

As the courses continued to come out, Reiner did his best not to look ravenous as he indulged in such meticulously prepared, beautifully presented cuisine. He'd had victuals aplenty, but cuisine? Not so much. He ran his tongue over his teeth, hoping no remnants of the salad were caught in his smile as he nodded to his cousin's next question.

"I have considered, yes..." His hazel eyes darted to Lady Lucrece, and then Lady Delia, then the Captain-Seeker as each added to the discourse- And to his list of things to consider.

"Captain-Seeker Angevin, sir, perhaps I might return to the Schiller with you to help out? As long as things are squared away with my unit, so no one takes me for a deserter, I would like very much to remain here on the islands..." He glanced to Lady Lucrece as he addressed her specific query, "...in whatever capacity I might best serve Zaichaer." Then opening his posture to the larger group, he continued.

"After what I learned at the service, Private Kämpfer sang the praises of your efforts here. I was very inspired, and would love to contribute." Reiner bit his lip, "If it isn't impertinent or, uh... classified, may I ask what goals you have for the future of the islands?" He took a fortifying sip of wine, after speaking so many consecutive words in front of so many important people.
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Stefan Dornkirk
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It took Stefan a moment to put the name, which he had likely only heard a time or two, with the face and actions of the young man who was one of those who had accompanied him in his charge out beyond the wards to save his workers' families. The day had been beyond grueling but he had a few distinct images of the Private, face dirty, clutching a pistol after his rifle ran out of ammunition. His bravery in the face of all the horror the destruction had wrought spoke well of him and Stefan was pleased the two young men had met.

"Ah, yes, Kämpfer, I remember him, good man." He said the last firmly, as though declaring it reality with his words. He imagined the other young man would see to whatever needs the youngest Dornkirk had. Though his imagination might have exaggerated the living arrangement the two Privates' now shared somewhat.

Stefan let the other, more socially skilled members of the party interject their ideas, which seemed to have a good effect considering the answer that was forthcoming. He looked over at Eitan to see what he would reply before adding,

"Of course, it'll be taken care of. I already put forth the idea that I might require your services and your immediate superiors didn't seem opposed to the idea."

He hadn't been able to discover who was in charge above three ranks higher than Reiner, but he was willing to accept that on the very unlikely occasion of someone higher rank attempting to take him to task for recruiting the Private, he would be able to handle the situation.

At the praise he frowned a little, not in censure, but because it wasn't really his achievement, to his mind.

"Every person on these ships contributed and fought to get us here, and we would be happy for your addition." It sounded too formal and he knew it, he twitched wanting to reach for Delia's under the table, or stretch out one of his long legs to find one of Eitan's to comfort and calm him so he could see more at ease, more like a person, but he did not do either.

The final question at least pulled Stefan out of himself enough that he relaxed out of his almost robotic responses. Glancing around at the man and women who he trusted most he said to the party generally,

"Well, I have some ideas but, honestly, I wanted to discuss it, as a family before we take it to the council. We should also probably make some positions official. The casual nature of the council was needed at the time it organically formed but now it will help everyone to understand the command structure so they know where to go with what and those in charge of their own areas can begin to take stock."

Pausing here, ready to hear comments and suggestions a part of Stefan didn't want to have the conversation. It would mean accepting the future, working for something that resembled, in no way, the life that had been planned for him since his cradle. It would mean letting go of a lot of things, and people, that he wasn't ready to.
word count: 556
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Eitan Angevin
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"Please, call me Eitan," he said with a friendly smile, not wanting to put the private on edge, but hoping to forge real family ties here. He wasn't Leir Angevin, after all.

Lucrece nodded thoughtfully at what was said, while Delia's hand rested on her husband's knee. By now, she had an almost empathetic understanding of his moods, and even though his moods had been generally cold of late, she was still there to support him.

"Aye," Eitan said, nodding to Reiner and then to Stefan.

"I would take you down with me and then, with luck, bring you back." He glanced around the table, including the women as well. "From what I gather, several generals are forming their own cabals. I fear some, at least, may become warlords. But I would like to speak to Major Trier and any other ranking officers who are actually on the ground helping the remains of our people. We have salvaged a great deal of Zaichaer's technological and magical wealth, and we aim to keep that safe, but I think we cannot simply flee and leave our brethren behind. So I would vote—for as long as I am part of any council, casual or formal—that we include them in our planning, help them cooperate with each other for the betterment of the population.

"We do need a command structure, however. As Science Minister, I believe Stef... you remain the highest member of the government. Beeman speaks for the College of Minders and I for the Watchers of Purity. Captain Merovech of the Noble Gambit for the ZADC. Our strange bedfellows, the covens... if we can hammer out a working agreement whereby they submit to oversight from those not tainted by Runes and superstition, we might continue to coexist with them in our midst. We do need a leader, and we will all support you, Stef. But I think given how small our population has become, we cannot throw away anyone, whether they be witches, non-humans, or otherwise. Some amount of democratic process will garner us a greater diversity of ideas from which to choose, as well as give our citizens a sense of empowerment and purpose to combat despair."

"And if," Delia continued when Eitan seemed to have spoken his piece for the moment, "we can contact members of the Riverlands Corps, well, they report to you anyway. Reaching out to them might prevent some of the generals from going rogue, bringing them back into the fold."

"And if we can still salvage things from the city," Lucrece chimed in, "we ought to see about the Academy. We cannot afford to lose all those books. Obviously, human life is more important, but the knowledge will help our people have quality of life in the future. Darling," she turned to Eitan, "you mentioned trips to Onneifer to look for spare airship parts for repairs or to help Stefan make more pieces of the city airborne."

"Aye, we could have the airships patrolling from refugee haven to haven, and collecting usable wreckage whenever they pass the airfield..."

Then he quieted, turning to Reiner. Their young cousin hadn't said anything in a while.
word count: 549
Mind is a razor blade.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner smiled slightly at Stefan's validation about Kämpfer. He was glad his cousin remembered the man, and fondly, as it spoke well of Reiner's judgment of the ZADC private's character. He bit his lip, pleased to hear that the proverbial wheels were already in motion pertaining to his prospects for a transfer. He'd served with the boys down at the Schiller for a long time, and he would miss them, but this work seemed paramount. And maybe, if he went down with the Captain-Seeker-... or rather Eitan, in the current context, he might be able to urge a larger ZDC presence on the islands. Their brave, new world was part airship, but part land, too, and might want for more ground forces amongst its population to help with, if nothing else, policing.

"Can confirm." Reiner replied to Eitan's assessment of the situation on the ground. "The lines of communication are pi-..." He blushed and glanced to each of the ladies present, "...very poor." He amended. "Far be it from me to speak ill of any ranking officers, but I am a bit worried that pride and opportunism may be trumping procedure and the public good, for a few of these factions."

The private nodded as his noble cousin demurred from his compliment. He glanced down, a tad embarrassed, and sipped his wine. He ought to have learned the prior day that Stefan wasn't one for compliments or kowtowing, even if Reiner thought he deserved both and more. He didn't want to put the man off by making him uncomfortable, but it was hard to contain his enthusiasm now that he was sitting in his own personal pantheon. He wasn't even cupbearer to his gods, he had a seat at the table. He placed the wine back down, and lifted his knife and fork, trying to emulate the way the others used theirs. They didn't seem to scoop things up, the way he did, and they were prone to cutting off much smaller morsels than he'd been. It felt a bit overwhelming knowing how much he'd have to learn to earn a sustained place up here. Even something so minute as how to eat his food.

His eyes darted up from the table technique to focus on the rather lofty discussion he'd accidentally instigated. It seemed to have been the elephant in the room, based on the responses that began to pour in from all corners of the table. He nodded along, forcing himself to take a delicate bite of a delicious cut of meat that he'd have preferred to wolf down, but he nearly spat it out at the talk of 'covens' in their midst. He coughed and struck his chest with his fist a few times, gulping down a few sips of wine to get things going down the right pipes again. He placed his glass down and wiped at his tearing eyes with the backs of his hands, as he collected himself and listened on, albeit with a pit of dread roiling in his stomach like one of the rifts over the city.

He shifted a bit uncomfortably in his seat, as Eitan continued... espousing a mindset he didn't understand at all. 'We cannot throw away anyone,' He'd said, 'Whether they be witches, non-humans, or otherwise.' Though the conversation moved on, that sentiment stuck out to him and made him incredibly anxious. Wasn't it witches and non-humans who'd opened those breaches and destroyed their city? He hadn't seen any Avialae raiding parties soaring over Base Camp Siegfried to initiate that blast. He'd been in the trenches around the city long enough to have heard the scuttlebutt that it was probably an inside job. Kalzasi had probably coordinated with the very covens that were now in their midst, and they'd be working to finish the job. The hands holding his silverware were quivering now, so he promptly put the utensils down and placed his hands in his lap, in hopes of escaping the notice of his betters.

As Eitan turned his gaze upon Reiner, the younger man forced a smile and quickly looked down, seriously considering whether he should excuse himself to the washroom to collect himself and his thoughts. He looked over his shoulder to find the nearest servant- wincing, at the recollection that it was a Lysanrin. Was the wine even safe to drink here? Perhaps he was being unreasonable. He'd been drinking it all night, so if it was tainted the toxin was slow-acting, and he'd probably already had enough to do him in. In for pfennig, in for a pfund, he supposed, nodding toward the wine flagon in the servant's hand by way of requesting a refill.
word count: 824
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan was nodding occasionally along with what Eitan was saying, and then Delia. Each life was precious and by no means guaranteed yet. The army was one thing, it remained organized and led, if without adequate information and likely beginning to run short of even the massive supply dumps that had been provided for fighting the war. There was more food to be had, grown en mass and set aside for getting the troops through the coming Frost, but without orders from on high it would still just be sitting under wardings to keep it from spoiling.

The Riverlands Corp answered to Stefan and while he did not understand the process involved in producing mass amounts of provisions those men who still did likely lived. The field commanders would still be down there, guarding their hard earned crops and animals. It was a comforting thought, for, without the supplies thus set aside, likely a great deal more of the population of the land that he loved would be dead before Glade.

"I agree. We need a representative for each... population?" He wasn't sure the word applied to such a small number of people, " I suppose I will have to head the council since it hold the highest rank. For the workers I have a foreman who has stepped up to lead, he is a good man, steady, understands both the needs of the men under him and the limitations of what is reasonable to ask for. For the Covens..." His mouth twisted slightly but he knew they were needed, "We will explain and let them chose their own representative. For the Order, also agreed, I think there is only you, Eitan."

He looked a little apologetic here but he wasn't sure how his brother would feel about it, maybe it would be a good thing.

"With Beeman as head of the Minders but answering to you." He'd had a brief discussion with Beeman about her, as senior, being given command of the Order but it was, to her mind, out of the question. "Captain Merovech is the highest ranking ZADC officer we have and a good fit for the role, if he is willing. I believe we should also appoint a Councilor for the families, the people in general. They will, as much as any group, have needs and concerns and having somewhere to take those needs is important to maintaining order. Not to mention someone will be needed to organize the housing, see everyone moved out of the Windworks shelters and into some sort of gainful employment. We need a census and a survey of what jobs people are trained for or willing to train for."

He ran a hand over his face, his dinner forgotten as his mind whirled through the mass of logistical and social issues that would be, or already were, falling on them. Everyone had been more than willing to pitch in and take what was available while their lives had been constantly under threat but, without a real purpose now, the intense loyalty the citizens of the ships now felt would fade. He could put the workers back to work in the Windworks but, working on what? Building luxury yachts would be plainly stupid, and he would not be getting the shipments of equipment he needed for military ships. It was a question he would have to find an answer for, but later.

Returning his mind to the conversation he listened with interest to what Luca was suggesting, it made perfect sense and he couldn't imagine why he hadn't considered it. As far as he'd been able to tell the Academy was mostly intact. There might even be some of the scholars still in residence and, if the knowledge and technological experimentation could be salvaged it would give him something to actually do between Council meetings where he would mostly be an officiator and, if needed, a mediator.

The idea that they would be adding more ships to the 'Islands' as people seemed to have taken to calling the two massive ships that held them, had not occurred to him, and, if their was discussion of it, he had yet to hear. It made sense. If the government, or what became of it, was going to be run from the relative, but significantly greater safety of the Islands they would need more space than they currently had. He'd had almost a year to prep the Windworks for take off and the Hall was a much smaller property. As much as he might wish to lift the entire Academy off the ground it seemed implausible. Yet... The idea appealed to him greatly.

Acknowledging Eitan's wife he nodded his head with respect,

"That is an exceptionally good idea. Thank you for it. We should send ships to investigate the state of the Academy library and the experiments that were ongoing there immediately. As for more 'Islands'..?" He looked to Eitan now, raising his brows and waiting to here the man's proposal, or at least the idea of it hadn't reached the proposal state yet. Eitan's comment was brief but that made sense, they wouldn't be making a decision like what was being suggest that night.

When the others turned to Reiner, Stefan did too. It made sense that someone closer to the ground, so to speak, might have useful suggestions or comments and he wanted the younger man to feel valued. What the Private had said about the state of communication and leadership on the ground was disheartening, but no worse than they had imagined. Any more information he had could be invaluable, in fact. When the younger man choked and took a moment to recover he looked away, trying to give Reiner the illusion of privacy. The way he ate made Stefan wonder how short rations had been on the ground. Was it already getting so bad that the men were starving?

When nothing more seemed forthcoming from his cousin after waiting a polite amount of time he returned his gaze briefly to each of the others to see that he had their attention.

"It sounds like we also will need a liaison between ourselves and the ZDC generals on the council also." He did math quickly, "That's seven, including myself. I would prefer to also take over duty in overseeing the experiments and knowledge we will hopefully recover from the Academy. Seven is a good number, it will avoid ties if things come to a vote. I can't imagine what we'd be voting on as a group any time soon, but, perhaps some day it will matter. Does anyone have a suggestion for the Councillor for the people? Population Councillor? We'll need titles I suppose."

He quieted to listened to the suggestions. He was internally hoping that one, or both, of the wives might step into the role, it would give them power that he could rely on and he trusted them to have the best interests of both the 'government' and the people in mind. They were both experiencing new motherhood, though, or soon would be, and he didn't want to ask himself in case they felt obligated.

"What about the liaison to the Generals?" For this he had no suggestion, no idea. The few members of the ZDC they had aboard were all of the lowest rank, would the Generals even listen if he sent one of them? Perhaps Captain Merovech would be a better choice. The man had a lot of experience and was at least old enough not to be easily dismissed.
word count: 1286
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