Wallflower [Open]

Destyn emerges from his cabin at the Duck’s urging

The southern highlands of Ecith, largely undiscovered.

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5 Ash, 122


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Destyn had thus far resisted the mighty urge to take advantage of his new travel toy- An Amulet of Wandering gifted to him by Torin- which employed some of the same abilities accessible to practitioners of Traversion. He had a dedicated beacon stone in Sivan’s garden and one here in his quarters on the Duck, which presented as a vast, lush jungle, which despite of dedication and working wings, he had yet to fully explore.

Destyn’s jungle was comforting chaos. At once familiar and alien. Although the flora and fauna of this place was unlike any he’d encountered on his treks through the North, which he had consistently travelled for most of his life, it still felt more like home than the city of Kalzasi he’d inhabited since being rescued from massacre.

The plants were different than those he’d known, but plants were always, what was known in his second tongue as, mercurial. They were queer, esoteric things that communed more mood or desire than thought. They were a chorus of voices, crying out for the same, simple things, and simplicity was not always tantamount to comprehensibility.

But on the 5th of Ash, as he was seated upon a high promontory overlooking the verdant canopy of the greater jungle, a vine began to snake up from the cliff- slithering around his wrist in a gentle caress.

“Hello, the Duck.” He spoke aloud, though he needn’t to be understood by the host ship. He sensed its intention and sighed,

“But I am not lonely in this paradise you have granted me. There is so much to explore, here. If I wanted for conscious company, I could, you know, flit back to Kalzasi.” The vine withdrew slightly,

“Oh, I am sorry! But that is to say you have given me so much, that I need not quit my quarters. Besides… complicated people confer complicated feelings. They are, sometimes, judgmental or cruel… not out of need, but out of malice. They are…” He paused, “You know…” He hesitated, “Scary.”

The vine tightened around his wrist- a leaf extending to gently, consolingly stroke the top of his hand. He knitted his brow, as the Duck sent further clarify into his consciousness.

“You won’t? But… but I thought we would be together the whole time! Why would you leave me with the scary people?! I will leave a beacon stone in this place, so I can always return to you.” The Duck didn’t answer that declaration, but the vine tugged at his arm- urging him over the cliff.

“Very well.” He sighed grumpily. “I will try. But do not make me meet too many at once, or I will be frightened. And I will not tarry long amongst them. And if they hurt my feelings I will return here straight away.” He pushed himself off of the cliff and beat his rapid wings to sail the winds toward the door in the distance, continuing to rattle off his conditions for leaving his cabin to meet other adventurers all the way.

He pushed the door open only a crack, and peeked outside. The galley without had been catered to his comfort. The walls looked like great, interwoven tree roots arching overhead. Moss filled out any gaps between the wood, and dimly glowing lichens cast moonlike luminescence throughout the room.

“Oh…” He pushed the door farther open, pleasantly surprised that it looked more like something found than something constructed by the hands of men. His bare foot stepped from the grass of the jungle to a carpet of cool moss. Across from him a stony slab of a table was festooned with fresh fruit.

“Yummy!” He exclaimed, as a slow, lazy cicada hovered in front of his face. He snatched it out of the air and stuffed it into his mouth with a munch, as he began padding toward the slab of refreshments.
Last edited by Destyn on Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 725
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5th of Searing, 122nd Year
Sailing abroad was a life that Kayleigh had only ever read about in stories, because half of the adventurous tales always involved the heroes traveling away to destinations unknown. Quite honestly she'd felt like one of those characters herself because of what she'd agreed to, in that she would ironically surprise herself just as well as she did Captain Kynne. The scholar still hadn't quite figured that bit out about the good captain, then again, she hardly found it resourceful to prod him for answers head-on. After all, he was good at giving the run around, she had noticed, and that simply wouldn't do if she were to pull her weight around here.

Thus she did everything she thought best for the coming trials ahead, and studied whatever practical subject might've came to mind in her time aboard the Duck. More often than not she'd noticed that the ship liked to tease her every now and then, after discovering it's capacity to magically alter texts written in different languages. Lately, now it seemed like the Duck had certain books that it wanted her to read, and of course, the bookworm was utterly happy to give each tome a considerable chance when the reading mood struck her.

However, today it had thrown a bit of a curveball her way, and one of the books she picked up happen to be based on herbology. She'd never studied plants in her life, never once seeing the need to before her life in Zaichaer came to a close. Now though, she had been utterly intrigued by the idea, even more so when her leave from the library with the book... resulted in the arrival of the jungle area upon her exit. So it was to be a hands-on study then. No matter! The girl admittedly grinned at the playful whims the Duck fed her, the red leathery tome held close in her arms as she started to explore the room before her.

It was utterly uncanny how an entire jungle, massive as it felt, could fit on an entire ship such as the Duck. Overhead lichens glowed to light up the room in pastel colors; blues, greens, even yellows, and oranges. The scholar tucked at her dress as she felt the mossy floor beneath her feet, while butterflies and even fireflies fluttered around her energetically. "Beautiful." She admitted to herself still with a smile on her face, her curiosity piqued as she started eyeing some of the ferns and lichens situated around the trees. It was then she noticed one of the other passengers had entered, a blonde figure with a pair of dragonfly wings walked in to admire the scenery for himself as well.

In seeing him pass, the scholar offered him a genuine soft smile, but nothing more in the event he might be bothered by her presence. She'd admittedly held a puzzled frown at the sight of him eating a cicada, but her lips remained perked into a grin as she deviated her eyes back down into the book she held close to her. Eating bugs was certainly not her forte, but the dragonfly boy was already an example enough that Kayleigh knew little of the world. Therefore she kept her thoughts to herself, and simply fixated on the first few pages to gander over their details.

Poking around for herbs ought to be fun in this place.

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"
"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."
Last edited by Kayleigh on Tue Aug 01, 2023 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 660
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Truth be told, Avamande had not done a particularly good job exploring the Duck after coming aboard, let alone making themselves known to the crew or their fellow guests. Instead, they had secluded themselves throughout almost every waking hour with the books that they had brought aboard, many 'borrowed' from Ale'Ephirum. Simply put, the Hytori cared very little for those that they joined on the ship, their focus instead on the mysterious vessel itself. The fact that it was also an excuse to hide away from Charlie was simply a side benefit.

However, one could learn only so much from meditations on slipspace and aether flux, and cross referencing information with the texts was only good as the information gathered. Which meant that, very unfortunately, Avamande was forced to go outside. Sensing their decision, by whatever strange magics powered the vessel, it contorted the door exiting the Hytori's room, the very fabric of where and was shifting at its caprice. Little did they know that this was not the first time today it had modified such a door, but they weren't precisely surprised either.

Stepping out through the door of their cabin, the black clad Hytori was seemingly nonplussed as they took in the sight of a fellow loner and a fellow scholar. The Duck had a very strange sense of humor, that much had been obvious for some time, but at least Avamande understood the joke this time. Hopefully. It would be very unfortunate otherwise.

"I take it that neither of you have spoken to many others the past few days either?" they asked lightly, while selecting an exotic fruit from the selection prepared for them. They skipped the cicadas, they were watching their weight after all. "Our host seems to be a... convivial sort."
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5 Ash, 122


Destyn, like most creatures, was easily bribed with snacks. Though he realised that the ship was almost certainly employing this tactic by luring him farther into the room with a succulent cicada, he obliged without compunction.

"Thank you, The Duck." He said, after gulping down the crunchy treat. Only belatedly did he note that another person had entered, but when he did- his face snapped toward her and his eyes went wide as he froze for a moment. When she nodded to him, his stance softened from frozen alertness to primal curiosity. His eyes danced from her face down to the book that seemed to be drawing her attention away from the cavernous surroundings. Perhaps she was shy, as well, he thought- And recognised that this might be the wily Duck at work again. She might have been introducing him to another shy person to ease him into socialising which seemed, to him, as sound a tactic as baiting him with cicadas. But then there was another- a striking Elf clad in black, who was immediately more verbose than either of the prior occupants.

The words, coming as they did on the heels of the stranger's sudden appearance, took a moment to process, and then Destyn took another moment to consider the actual question, before replying:

"This is, for me, correct." He nodded, sagely. "I have been only inside of my room, which is not inside at all- it is outside in a great, big jungle with so much to explore." He gestured to the door through which he'd come, which was still partially open. Unlike this cavern-like hall composed of what seemed to be living roots, one could see the open sky abounding for what seemed like endless leagues on the other side of that door. He snapped his head back, perhaps bird or mantis-like a gesture, and regarded the elf again.

"I am called Destyn. What is this..." Head tilt, "Con...viv...yal?"
word count: 414
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5th of Searing, 122nd Year
She would never in her life consider bugs to be an exemplary food to eat. Though, were she to become stranded on this journey, the odds of her having to reconsider that weren't undeniable. Kayleigh would've rather hoped to have other resources at her disposal if such a thing did occur, which was probably why the Duck deemed it helpful for her to study in such an environment. Another figure walked into the room as she looked at some of the lichens overhead, eager to sift through the pages to see if she could find a matching picture of them in turn.

The research was always fun for her, which was probably why it was ever so easy to lose herself in a book. Yet it was when the black-clad Hytori actually addressed them, guessing at the nature of the other two present, that the scholarly lady looked away from her tome toward the knife-eared individual. Well, certainly a looker he was, yet Kay felt there was more to this man than what she initially glimpsed. The critter muncher near them thanked the ship for its crunchy delicacy, and Kayleigh couldn't help but softly chuckle when she tucked the leather bindings of her book to a close.

"It would seem that way, yes." She remarked when the Fae spoke in turn, admitting to the fact she had been rather reclusive from social graces as well. Kayleigh could study as much as she wanted with the tome, yet, she couldn't deny the statement that her new acquaintance had made. The Duck was certainly a mystery for her, the enigma as to why she was on this journey. Kayleigh couldn't help but appreciate the sentiments that were created for her, all the while observing what she could of her new companions without being too attentive.

She did not wish to make either of them uncomfortable after all, and plus, the colorful fruit available for them smelled ripe and delicious to her. "Convivial. An adjective." She answered almost thoughtlessly. "It means to be friendly, enjoyable, or as our friend here implies; jovial at times." Kay remarked with a gentle nod to their Hytori companion. "It's a pleasure to meet you two, my name is Kayleigh Wintoic." Her accent was likely obvious and plausible enough to give her away, but the lady certainly didn't possess any of the 'pride' her Zaichaeri brethren were famous for.

"I've actually been cooped up hoping to study all I can for this journey. But it seems The Duck has also invested in our learning and working together as well." Of that she no doubt could determine from just meeting the two alone, as Destyn and Avamande were both interesting in their own right. "I'm rather curious as to where this adventure will take us." After all journeys were what the hero embarked on alone, and though she hardly knew anyone present, Kayleigh didn't feel herself alone now that she reflected on it either.

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"
"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."
Last edited by Kayleigh on Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 589
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Destyn's confusion gave Avamande a moment of pause, but only a moment. "Though in this case, specifically desiring for us to befriend each other," they explained, carrying off from where Kayleigh had ended. In truth, they had been somewhat put upon the spot and may have even fumbled the answer without the woman's impromptu assistance. Most people just nodded along with whatever the mage said if they didn't care or understand, and the blunt honesty was frankly refreshing. "Your room is not at all like my room, but it seems that the Duck also ensures that our quarters meet our desires."

Upon realizing that they were the last to have introduce themselves, they gave a short nod of their head. "I am Avamande Val'Istar. It seems that we all prefer to spend our time apart from other people, a tendency our host appears vexed by. Perhaps we can enjoy ourselves being alone, together?" they suggested with the faintest hint of a smile. The offer was not made in jest, and was indeed quite sincere. The notion of quietly studying while surrounded by others quietly studying was rather pleasant to the Hytori, far more so than more boisterous forms of recreation.

"The Duck clearly wishes for us to learn much, and seems insistent that we be able to get along. Luckily, it appears to have correctly determined that we would do so when coordinating this meeting. Perhaps we should tell something about ourselves?" they asked. They were not typically the social sort, but they were not one to ignore the clear desires of one who needed their assistance - which the ship very clearly was. "I am a mage of Kalzasi, a Scrivener in the employ of Ale'Ephirum, and a wielder of the Runes of Negation, Traversion, and Kinetics." Noticing Kayleigh's clear Zaichaeri accent, they do not mention their activities in the war. Such seemed... unwise.
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5 Ash, 122


Destyn tilted his head in the the opposite direction toward which it had been canted moments earlier, as Kayleigh dutifully launched into a definition of the unfamiliar term.

"Con-viv-yal." He repeated, pursing his lips as he seemed to let the concept settle into his mind before straightening out his head and nodding, sagely. "Yes, yes. This is very much The Duck. You are most wise, Library Lady." Glancing to the elf, he added: "And you speak very good! Maybe The Duck wants me, also, to learn to talk better in Common and learn things and... stuff." He smiled to Kayleigh at her introduction.

"It is nice to meet you, Miss Kayleigh Wintoic." He did not say so, but Library Lady rolled off the tongue much more pleasantly and would be how he referred to the bookish woman in his mind.

"And well met, Avamande Val'Istar." Now that was a very grand name, Destyn thought, mouthing it an additional three times after phonating it aloud and deciding he liked it. Stuck as he was on nomenclature, he was a bit delayed at processign Avamande's next thought.

"I would not say I enjoy being apart from people, but I am bashful around strangers and can be content amongst the trees and grasses... the deer and the fox. I like people very much, though, and often miss them when I am too long alone." He padded across the mossy floor toward the table of offerings and, as he drew closer, a stone column rose at one side. The Duck, it seemed, was offering him a place to sit.

"Thanks, The Duck!" He exclaimed, before perching himself on the stony stool and plucking an apple from the table as Avamande prompted them all to speak of themselves. He smiled approvingly, rolling the apple in his hands.

"Avamande Val'Istar, you are a very good leader of conversations. What a splendid idea." His light eyes trailed over the elf appreciatively as the Hytori offered a bit of their own background.

"I am a Fae'ethalan of the Summer Court. I hail from the Northern Wilds of Karnor and am the last of Clann na Feithidí Uisce. This means 'Clan of the Waterbug'. I think this is because we traveled along routes of fresh water streams, lakes and rivers. When my clan was killed in Zaichaer..." He rushed through this last bit, as if he hoped it would be glossed over completely as he sped toward more positive parts of the story,

"I was saved by Talon Shinsei and brought to Kalzasi. I now live there with my friends Torin and Sivan Sunrunner and Timon, who is a little boy. I used to practise Summoning, but I can no longer do this." He shrugged. "I was wounded and my heart was broken, so it is gone now, I guess." He looked sharply to Kayleigh.

"Your turn," Library Lady, he added in his mind as he munched down on the apple.
word count: 583
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5th of Searing, 122nd Year
The scholar beheld vivid wonder as she interacted with the two men before her, having hardly ever interacted with other races due to the antics of her homeland. Her addition to the defining of 'convivial' played its part, to say the least, as she could determine the Hytori to be of a similar mind with hers at the very least. He seemed well educated to the general eye, though, Kayleigh was not one to read too much into people and assume.

The talk of differences in their quarter arrangements piqued her curiosity, as Kayleigh felt like hers was a private study than anything else. Though she loved it, which was no small wonder as to why she hardly left. And the selection of tomes provided to her for reading had been wonderful, though not as educational as the ones she'd sought within the library when she wanted to analyze a particular subject. "So far," she weighed in with Avamande's observation, "it feels like the Duck is more alive and considerate than what people might give her credit for."

Though Kay hadn't any clue if the ship were an actual "him" or "her" so to speak, it was after all a magic vessel out at sea, and wherever they were headed was supposed to be important for it. The bookworm smiled heartily though after hearing the introductions, taking in each name with their initial character that she got to observe. Avamande who seemed refined or even posh sounded quite knowledgeable, while Destyn came off as more lighthearted and easygoing in comparison.

"A sound proposal, I wouldn't mind." Getting to know her fellow loners was a splendid idea to say the least, it would allow her to find some common ground and build a better acquaintanceship. Needless to say it didn't take long before she was already impressed, after quickly learning where Avamande was from and what skills he possessed. She had never heard of the place he worked at, though, felt a genuine spark of interest after learning of the trade employed there. Scrivener?

She had so much she wanted to learn already, enough to where her fingers gently clutched the green spine of her tome a little snuggly. Given the disposition between their nations, she felt a bit at odds with what she learned, mostly because her memory overshadowed her mere curiosity. There was a war going on, though, she felt it safe to assume the other side already won their round. Was it really Kalzasi that had launched the attack on the Knob? She really wanted to know, but felt it too condemnatory to inquire otherwise. One day she'd have the facts for herself, but until then, she dismissed the notion until such a time would finally come.

Destyn was also very sweet and complimentary when it came to the discussion, earning a brief giggle when she had been called "Library Lady" moments later. "He certainly does." She agreed to the remark on Avamande's dialect, still, a little humored to be referred to as wise when she preferred knowledgeable. Reading had become her favorite pastime and while it hardly seemed contributable, there were always moments like earlier where the insight was always useful when applied.

Destyn seemed solitary out of lifestyle more than personal choice, preferring the company of nature and animals moreover people than anything. It interested Kayleigh to learn about this, as she only ever got to read about those types of people in her books. She gradually accompanied them to the table that Destyn had taken a seat at, noticing the stool that came up for him as two more seemed to rise for the other two as well. How thoughtful. Once she rested the book gently on the surface of the table near the offerings, she tucked the corners of her skirt forward before she rested herself onto the seat offered to her.

Kayleigh might not have been as vocal as their Fae'ethalan friend, but she was just as appreciative of the ship's gesture nonetheless. When she learned of Destyn's history though, brief as the beginning might've been, she couldn't help but look sympathetically toward him in turn. That had to be horrible... losing everyone you loved in the blink of an eye. She wanted to say she could understand but given he too was from Zaichaer, the situations were likely far more different than what she was willing to let on. So he was another refugee but different from the war that unfolded between their two nations, and from the sound of it, both men were from the very place that supposedly had been responsible for Zaichaer's demise.

Yet neither one of them seemed so dangerous, certainly not intimidating enough to commit such atrocious war crimes. Avamande on the one hand might've been as she hadn't any clue just how far his skills in magic reached, but Destyn hardly seemed inclined on hurting a fly... unless it came to eating one maybe. Oh, wait, her turn had come up now. For a moment she had to keep from looking surprised, and looked to her book to file for the first thought that came to her mind. She didn't want to generate an awkward conversation between them, knowing full well the disposition in their countries, therefore she opted to leave out the significant factor that led her to be here.

"I'm a prolific reader by hobby, and spend my time researching whatever catches my fancy." A gentle nod to the green tome before she took place. "I recently became a refugee once my family fled to the Imperium, where I wanted to get out and make my own living." She didn't want to rave about her parents and the need to live up to their expectations, that alone was something she wanted to leave behind her on this incredible journey. "And now, I'm here hoping to discover more about what's out there. Hopefully while collecting and cataloging everything I learn along the way."

It was hard to believe how much of a researcher she had started to become, yet, even so, most of her life prior seemed to revolve around books and lessons she did not wish to read. Now though she had all the freedom she could ever desire, and she would use that yearning to go ever deeper into the mysteries of the world. "I was actually about to research some of the flora the Duck has aboard here, hopefully, to learn a bit more about the local flora of wherever we might be headed." She admitted with a genuine smile, curious as to what her new companions thought on the matter.

"Dialogue" Thought
"Common" "Kathalan"
"Keep your hopes up high, and your head down low."
Last edited by Kayleigh on Tue Aug 01, 2023 1:05 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 1211
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Destyn was a curious sort of fellow, one that Avamande struggled to understand. An introvert who grew tired of introversion was very bizarre to the Hytori, and the praise he had for them as a good leader of conversation struck them as incorrect. They simply directed the flow of conversation in the most logical way possible, processing the likely desires and qualities of those involved. It was not a technique that many in Kalzasi had found likeable, but then again, the Fae'ethalan was not an ordinary person. No, he was not, but that just confused Avamande further for they had assumed that the Summer Fae would've found such less pleasant, not more.

Still, that was far from the most interesting thing that he said. "How was your heart broken?" they asked in their typical flat voice, for once grateful for it. After all, it hid the fact that they held more curiosity in them than sympathy. And they were awfully curious, losing access to a Rune was something that was supposed to be only capable by a god. "You must have been wounded greatly indeed. The streams and rivers surely mourn for your loss, as do I," they said with a solemn nod of their head. Zaichaer was no strangers to crimes of this sort, but it still stung to know that their harm lingered in the world.

Kayleigh was... less confusing. This was good. Avamande had enough of confusion for one day. She too was a refugee of war, though by her accent she seemed Zaichaeri. Despite everything, they could not bring themselves to think that the horrors that had befallen that city were justified, and gave her a solemn nod as well. "War's cruel bite spares few and far between it seems, I am heartened to see that the both of you have other lights that shine upon your souls."

"Your quest is quite a noble one, to travel, to learn, to know. I can think of no one better suited for the mission and mystery of the Duck," they said after a moment's pause, with another nod, this one decisive. "I am... not certain that the flora she contains will be helpful in that regard however. A worthy endeavor in its own right, but, I have certain suspicions about this vessel."
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5 Ash, 122


The Fae boy nodded along as Kayleigh Wintoic launched into her reply, which immediately seemed to vindicate his preferred nomenclature of 'Library Lady' as an accurate moniker. It was interesting to hear that she was a refugee of whatever land she'd once called home. His knowledge of the Imperium was rather limited, but he knew it was of a very different bent than where he'd wound up when he found himself in similar straits.

"I, also, was a refugee, but I winded up in Kalzasi not the Imperium. Is 'make my own living' different from just living? I do not understand." He canted his head sharply to one side and inspected her face, curiously for preludes to a verbal answer.

"If you wish to see plants and stuff there is a whole jungle that is my cabin. You can visit whenever you like. I do not mind. Just please make sure the door is shut or bats, birds, buggies and beasts might get out onto the ship and be hungry." Which had the possibility of being bad for both the critters and the conscious complement of the ship.

He furrowed his brow at Avamande's pointed question.

"I am the last of my clan. The rest were slaughtered by worshippers of the choking god Industry in the southlands claimed by Zaichaer. I lost almost everything I knew and cared for, and so my heart was broken. Also I was shot and my leg was almost falling off. In my panic I landed on a ship bound for Kalzasi. I do not remember this part, but I have been told. And then I was taken to the Tranquil Gardens to recover and eventually I was set up in a household until I could find my own lodging. Now I live with my friends." He absently twirled the amulet hanging against his chest that sometimes conducted him back to them.

"Thank you, Avamande." His fidgeting paused at the seemingly sincere consolation, and his eyes danced down to the apple in his grasp, which he bit as the others' attentions turned from him to one another. He glanced up at Avamande's last comment, still chewing between his utterances as he inquired:

"Suspicions? What are these suspicions?" He punctuated his question with the crisp crunch of another bite of apple, as his wide eyes fixed themselves upon the comely elf.
word count: 484
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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