Dinner and Decisions [Eitan & Reiner]

Reiner is invited to Dinner

High City of the Northlands

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Eitan Angevin
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"The covens are my fault," Lucrece said apologetically to Reiner. "They showed up seeking sanctuary behind our barriers and Delia's daughter was coming and we needed a midwife..." She sighed.

"She may have saved my life," Delia chimed in, giving Lucrece a hard look for apologizing. "And at least here, in the home of a Watcher of Purity, they are watched. And Eitan has licensed our Lysanrin staff to develop their aether siphoning abilities to protect us from the witches. A détente of another variety."

Eitan nodded. "They have acted in good faith so far. Whatever caused the rift, it flushed them out and at least some of them have submitted to Order authority. We will hash out exactly what that looks like with this Council, I'm certain."

"They have assured us that they can keep our victory gardens green through Frost," Lucrece added, which will keep us fed here and on the ground. If she still sounded defensive, well, she was. Eitan patted her knee.

"I can assure everyone," he said, glancing about the table, "that between my Watchers and my Lysanrin—who I rescued from a menagerie—the former witches are watched and guarded against until they can be reeducated. That said, I think Merovech is a good man and a good captain. He isn't excited about the idea of a political role, but he will do his duty. He wants to foist it off on me if I will let him, but I fear having too much authority vested in one person on a council of equals. That said, he may at least be biddable in council and effective with the logistics of whatever size fleet we end up with. If the ground forces are content to have him as their representative, then perhaps Reiner could act as liaison, spending most of his time aloft with us, but being mobile, speaking to the ZDC leaders, and giving us good intelligence on how things stand below."

He glanced at Reiner, curious if he would feel overwhelmed and, regardless, if he would stand up and do what must be done to protect Zaichaer and the Zaichaeri.

"I could stand as... I don't know what we might call it... Councillor of the Interior?" Delia offered. "I'm mostly recovered from giving birth, and I have plenty of support between Luca, my husband, our staff, and relatives. At first, I could invite women over from the Windworks, show them a bit of hospitality and domesticity, get them to open up about the needs of our workers and their families, and also assess what they can do for their country as much as what their country can do for them. I think you will find the gentler sex tough enough to use our skills and labors to support this endeavor."

"All the more reason to keep Merovech in charge of the ZADC," Eitan mused. "Lest too many Dornkirks and Angevins be sitting on the Council. We will be doing a great deal of work, of course, but we do not want to give the impression of a royal family. And perhaps the materiel we salvage from Onneifer could be used to expedite the raising of the Academy?"
word count: 554
Mind is a razor blade.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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The Lysanrin servant passed the full flagon to Reiner and removed the empties from the table. With the current course set down, the servants quit the room, and the private poured for himself. The silence drew his gaze up to find that Eitan's were not the only eyes fixed upon him. Stefan's felt the most piercing, but everyone was looking at him. The hand that set the flagon down was shaking slightly with the accompanying nerves. It was the exact scenario he'd hoped to avoid. He'd wanted to slip away when the attention shifted elsewhere, rather than offend his betters by waxing candid before he'd had time to process and filter his thoughts for their consumption. He wanted to speak out... to address the reflexive concerns that had burst forth at Eitan's suggestions, but he didn't want to be counterproductive and wax too histrionic to be taken seriously. His impulses were hot and emotive. He didn't expect that to move the present company. He parted his lips slightly, but before he could even inspire a full breath, Eitan's wife was addressing his unuttered concern. His teeth clamped shut, and he listened.

It was an odd thing to Reiner that the women felt bounden to defend the decision. Just as odd, Reiner was relieved that they had this impulse. It made the private feel less out to sea up in the air to know that his instinctive response to the choice was not aberrant. Inviting covens into the mix was the aberrant choice. Questioning it was normal. These were desperate times and so queer choices would, of course, be made, but it comforted Reiner in a strange way to see that those who'd made the hard decisions at least recognized the gravity of the compromise. At least to some extent. Still... he wondered whether they knew how these political decisions in the air might be perceived on the ground.

Lady Lucrece, Lady Delia and Captain-Seeker Eitan said their pieces before Reiner would speak a word on the matter. It felt strangely gratifying to have such powerful people litigating their choices to him, as if his judgement was worth a damn. Perhaps they were right to do so. He was, after all, the everyman.

"I... don't know what sort of intelligence you have up here. I won't pretend we have the best down there. But I will say this..." Reiner glanced over his shoulder toward the door through which the Lysanrin servants exited, then leaned forward and lowered his voice until it was just above a whisper.

"I was on the Northern border, preparing for a shooting war when all this happened. If Kalzasi had sent a raiding party to start all this, we'd have seen it. We didn't. We saw fire in the skies when we were too far away to do anything about it. The assumption on the ground is that..." He checked over his shoulder once more, lowering his voice to an actual whisper, "...The assumption is that someone on the inside started all this. The assumption is that the State under Adrian Kane was too lax, and granted these covens too much leeway. I don't think Grand Marshal Kelgarde or First Minister Dornkirk had enough time to fix it, and I'm just... I'm sorry if I'm speaking out of turn," Reiner clasped his hands together in a gambit to stay their quaking, at having to speak like this to his unequivocal betters, "I'm very, very, very concerned that the same people who caused the destruction of most of Zaichaer, may be very well situated to finish the job if we let this fox into the hen house." He put his hands up,

"I'm the least educated, least connected person in this room. I know that very well. But what I am? Is rabble. You're all smarter than me, so you likely know better.. Maybe you're right and these Lysanrin are trustworthy, and these... these witches are being supervised well enough, but the people on the ground? The people who trusted the State to protect them from magic? The people fighting their way through fucking mutant zombie monsters for a crumb of bread? The people who lost as much as and more than anyone at this table, but who have none of the comforts that I sit here unable to enjoy because of the crippling guilt? They don't want compromise. They don't want armistice. No, let me stop saying 'they', when I mean we. What we want is fucking bloooood. Most of us have never seen a fucking Avialae. But we've all seen a witch. Witches are shifty. Witches are false. Witches cheat at life, and they'll cheat in war." Reiner shook his head and wiped at his cheek with the back of his thumb.

"What if they're the ones that killed our families, and you're handing them the keys to the last bastion of our Fatherland?" He lowered his head, covering his face with his hands. Now he'd truly fucked his whole world up. He'd doubtless offended the last of his surviving heroes, and screwed himself out of the many opportunities that were being presented him here. He sucked in a catch breath and dropped his hands to the tabletop in a sharp, gesture that dismissed what felt to him like an emotional outburst. Very much like Stefan's late brother had done in similarly emotive scenarios.

"I apologize for using foul language in front of the ladies." He cast a tentative hazel gaze toward Delia first, then Lucrece. "There's no excuse for that." He sipped his wine, then sat back crossing his arms over his chest.
word count: 985
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan was nodding along, absorbing the expressions of information he already knew, explanations he'd already accepted when, appreciating that his wife has picked up the hint he'd been hoping one of them one. Then, suddenly, Brenner was there.

At the head of the table, as was his place, he reminded Stefan of important things he, in the survival setting of the days after the 34th, he had forgotten. There wasn't harshness in his voice, but it was a reprimand; like so many he'd delivered to keep his brother on the path of righteousness before.

Perhaps a part of Stefan knew that it was Reiner speaking, is cousin, and not his brother; but another part, a part that rose up and expanded to overawe other parts, saw only the younger brother Stefan had followed since he had been toddling and Brenner just starting to crawl. His breath caught and he carefully extricated his hand from Delia's hold, moving it to properly rest in his own lap. Instantly his instincts were reasserting themselves to adhere to the behavior that Brenner would have expected of him.

By the time the speaker whispered of conspiracies he was nodding. It did not matter that knowing the witch Lyra had caused Brenner's death, was part of the evidence he was ready to present to Brenner. The parts of the speech that would never have come from his brother were glassed over, attributed to alcohol or the stress of the last season. Brenner was there and it was all that mattered.

And he knew, in his whole being he knew that it wouldn't last, that in mere moments or, at most, hours, his brother would be lost to him again and he would suffer wholly as much as he had the first time his mind had tried to wrap around the impossible concept that the center of his world was gone. Stefan didn't care. He felt warm. Basking in the light of a dead sun because he was far enough away to still see its light.

When the stream of word had stopped coming he waited a moment, respectfully waiting to ensure Brenner was finished before speaking. His voice low but not quite husky as he suppressed emotion, the Dornkirk way.

"You aren't wrong. I have plans for how to supervise and control the witches properly. The laws of Zaichaer still stand. Use of forbidden runes is still forbidden, any found practicing will be executed." His tone was firm, brooked no argument.

"As for the cause of..." The wave that held the knowledge of Brenner's end was beginning to rise behind Stefan's heart, "The events of the 34th, I have knowledge of the causes of those too. Believe me when I say that those on the ground are not alone in their thirst for retribution. I, we, will not rest until the whole of how this came about is brought to purifying light and All who hold responsibility have been made to pay before all of Zaichaer."

There could be no mercy, no leniency for the ones who had perpetrated the greatest of crimes. They would be humiliated and die screaming to their impotent gods before all who wished to watch. It would not return what had been lost, but it would return a sense of stability and justice to a people who had had the concepts ripped from them like a child from their collective womb.

The Zaichaeri were bleeding, they were horribly gored, but they were not dead. Answer would be given and vengeance taken.

Perhaps he did not believe that a rune tainted the soul any longer, but it was power, and unchecked power was more dangerous than a twisted soul could ever be.

"I am not hanging power to the witches." He had not said all the things he was thinking but the heart of them was in his throat, in his voice, "Any who seek sanctuary will be interrogated by those who can not be lied to, and controlled. It is the only way."

He allowed the apology, certain considerations had to be taken when the more delicate sex was present, but he waited for more. Brenner always had questions, always improved on plans, and Stefan would wait, rapt, for his instructions.
word count: 728
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Reiner Dornkirk
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As focused as he'd been upon getting his perspective across without throwing up all the haute cuisine in which he'd been indulging, Reiner didn't really focus on the faces across from him until it was all out. He lifted his linen napkin and dabbed at the sweat that was collecting at his temples. The room wasn't hot, but his dress uniform had enough layers to make it feel that way now that his nerves were, like the Windworks, sky high.

Unwitting to the storm of emotions brewing within his cousin, and wholly unaware of the fanciful projection of Brenner that was being superimposed onto him, he took in a cautious breath as Stefan began to respond. He sighed it out, ponderously- incredibly relieved at that initial sentiment: Reiner wasn't wrong. His shoulders relaxed, and he let the napkin fall back to his lap. Maybe he hadn't ruined everything, after all. Even if he felt as though he may have come off maudlin, the implacable Stefan didn't seem to have taken offense.

The private's eyes widened slightly at the fire behind Stefan's assertion of his own part in what seemed to be a common goal of revenge. He nodded firmly,

"Hail Zaichaer." He didn't salute nor call out the hail as one typically did. Rather, he stated it like an inexorable fact. An affirmation of approval, borne of the relief that he was not alone at the table in feeling this way.

"I... won't pretend I am anything akin to an expert on the witching ways, but... How can we be certain in our assessments of them? Surely some of their magicks are geared toward deception or unnatural charms. Never having touched or been touched by magic myself, I haven't dealt with the Order even when it was at full strength, but are we certain we'd be able to see through the tricks they ply?" He paused and considered,

"I also wonder, sir..." He winced, "Cousin." He amended, "Whether it might give the survivors some peace of mind if the witches amongst us were... marked somehow. Perhaps we could develop a symbol... maybe an armband? Something they're forced to wear at all times they're in public, so good, unblighted citizens are aware of what they're dealing with at all times, as not to be caught unawares by witchcraft. I think... maybe it it was mandatory, that would comfort me a bit."
word count: 430
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Stefan Dornkirk
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Stefan's mind unfocused and, when it came back, he could see Reiner again. Somewhere in the back a part of him began softly screaming, hopeless of a cessation of the pain but hurting too much to hold the sound back any longer. The rest of him pushed back into reality and he nodded to his cousin.

It was obvious that Reiner was deeply uncomfortable yet was pushing forward to say what he felt he needed to despite the unease. Stefan felt a pang because he know that, at the same age, sitting at a table with a government Minister and older family members he would not have been as brave. His respect for the man who had led what had undoubtedly been a harder life, yet spoke up despite what was clearly fear of losing the familial olive branch that was being offered, swelled.

"Thank you, for your insight, Reiner." He said, still serious, still stiff, but sincere no less for it. He almost added, 'Don't be afraid to give me your opinions in the future.' but thought it would shame the young officer, so left it out. If it needed saying he could say it when they met in his office to begin their work.

He would need to think about what he'd been told. Among the Order members there was a master level Sembler who'd been a researcher. He might have to reassign the women to working to ensure the covens were telling the truth and seeing them properly designated by what they were capable of. Perhaps the wards could be changed, or added, he wasn't sure of the proper term, to disallow runic magic in the majority of the ships. Perhaps they could even devise some sort of construct or device which would disallow magic except sanctioned?

Using the collars that canceled magic when on the Islands would certainly take care of the problem on a temporary basis. Perhaps bracelets or even anklets could be made so it wouldn't feel like slavery to the Coven members who wished to stay. The devices could be removed when sanctioned magic was being performed or whenever they left. Hmm. He would discuss it with Eitan.

"I am making note of your suggestions and will look into what can be done to reassure the people and keep us all safe from the witches taint."

Brenner would have wanted it.
Last edited by Stefan Dornkirk on Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:16 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 412
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Reiner Dornkirk
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A strange, haunted look crossed Stefan's face and Reiner tilted his head, bemused by whatever was happening behind those harrowed eyes. When the older man spoke, it was still in the cold, concise clip that seemed to be his trend. It made it difficult to tell whether he was in earnest, or whether he was just paying Reiner lip service. Flat as it was, the expression of gratitude might have even been a mocking one, and the private's eyes darted briefly to the others at the table who knew the man better, hoping to glean some indication from their more open faces.

"Th-... thank you, cousin." He may not have been clear on whether or not Stefan took his concerns seriously, but he was somewhat consoled by the wording of his answer. 'The witches' taint', he'd said. That sounded like more than lip service. It displayed that he understood and agreed with at least some of Reiner's concern. Whatever Stefan chose to do with his concerns, Reiner was relieved to have posed them. Even if this would be his last fancy dinner and he and Kuno had to go without cake for the rest of his stay on the islands, it was worth it to stand by his scruples. At the end of the day, Stefan was akin to the Grand Marshal of this microcosmic simulacrum of Zaichaer, and Reiner knew his place in the hierarchy- The bottom. It wasn't inappropriate to voice his worries, but it would have been so to press the matter further once Stefan said he'd address them.

With that out of the way, his hands were steady enough that he lifted them from his lap and took up his knife and fork again, smiling to himself as he cut into the decadent dish before him. With any luck there'd be enough left over for him to bring back to Kuno. He'd only asked for cake, but what kind of a roomie would he be if he offered dessert sans dinner? The man needed to be nourished before he indulged.
word count: 366
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Stefan: 11
Reiner: 11
Eitan: 8

Points: 10 each, not for magic

Injuries/Ailments: Tummy Troubles

Loot: Cake!

Notes: Just a casual, no frills, family affair. Nothing to see here.
word count: 58
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