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The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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51st of Glade, Year 120 of the Age of Steel

Riven breathed in. Atinaw was very different to any land he'd visited before; Loregard made him realize that. After the initial shock, people who met him usually did take the time to help a stranger out. After hours of searching all over the city, a bard had ended up telling him what he wanted to hear: that a certain silver-haired elf had arrived a week ago to work for the Finla. A big deal, apparently, though Riven wasn't surprised. And the elf crossed the gates and the whole city everyday, which meant that he lived in the outskirts, outside of the walls. Riven had taken no time; his heart started to beat harder, heavier, as he flew towards a calm neighborhood with very scattered little houses. A farmer who sold fruit pointed uphill, towards a small house at the end of the path. She didn't know much about the man... but he was most certainly a Sil, and he had just moved in. And there was Riven now, walking after so much incessant flying, ready to see Taelian again. He breathed in again; a couple more steps and he would be on top of the grassy elevation. The sun warmed up his black wings; his breathing was heavy, taking in the situation. It hadn't been so long since he got his letter, after so much time. His backpack wiggled a little; he smiled.

And when he reached the end of the path, he saw him. His pale hair seemed to glow under the sunlight; he was distracted hanging up clothes outside and he hadn't seen Riven. A good thing, because the Avialae was paralyzed; after so much time, he looked... like Taelian, he guessed. Handsome, with a solid back and a perfect shape; in the small glimpses of his face, the perfect profile that he had grown to love so intensely. His pulse was accelerating; the area around him heated up as small wisps danced around him. His eyes were starting to water; he was beginning to realize how much he had really missed him, how badly he longed to be around him again, to touch him. To kiss him. And there he was, almost a stranger, standing still on his frontyard. Watching him hang his laundry. And yet, it was still perfect, and he was still perfect for him. He silently took his backpack off, carefully, trying not to wake him up, and placed it on the grass.

"Hey. I'm-- I'm here, Tae." He said, his voice almost cracking up.

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It had been a beautiful day.

The home he'd leased -- brokered unsurprisingly by the wily Eloise -- sat upon the flat of a small knoll, an elevated nub pressed against the beginning of a forest, overlooking the quaint rural community below. Wind was flowing in from the east, and the trees began to sway. The small set of windchimes Taelian had left at his front door were ringing, the noise relaxing to him and... surprisingly nostalgic, considering he'd never heard the chiming until living in Kalzasi. Now, he'd brought his set with him and when the wind swayed, they always inspired him to sing.

He wasn't a particularly incredible singer. In fact, sometimes he felt embarrassed by his voice, when he realized the blunt failings of his tone. Taelian's song voice was masculine, but held at its end an airy lightness that he always thought would've been perfect for a sort of choir. Turns out it wasn't.

He woke up that day feeling strange, but -- strangely good. His emotions were stronger, and in some ways they were all over the place, at some points overwhelming him with a sort of remembrance that made him feel... sorrowful joy. He had been thinking of Riven a lot, and so he blamed that. He kept wondering if he would respond to his letter; if he would ever come. Worry was a feeling native to the young Ebon Knight, who had never viewed himself particularly highly; who still sometimes felt that the prospect of such a compelling love eluded him. Not because he did not want it, but because he felt the winnowing of his soul had precluded him from it. Riven had taught him long ago that such feelings were wrong; that he deserved what he had been given, the perfection that was his Arlaed. But he'd been away from the man for a long time, now. A full season. Three days from now would mark the day.

Taelian spent a lot of mornings like this. Melancholy and joy both came with remembrance, and in his solitude he reflected. Always, however, he came to the one conclusion he could only hope might be true: that he would see him again. Because... Riven loved him, and particularly today, he could feel that love. Through the Bond... it was so clear. He didn't understand why.

Before his feet was a basket of clothes, all lain atop one another in a damp hill. He smiled as he looked down, realizing that as a courtier he could no longer wear wrinkling clothes with torn threads escaping the seams. He would need to look better; proper. Eloise had already demonstrated him in one Atinorin court suit, a brocade vest with fanciful suede shoes and slicked back hair. He felt handsome in it, though it wasn't his to keep. He'd have to buy more.

Taelian rose to hang up the first shirt. A dark green tunic, sleeveless, unimpressive. He would need to keep a different wardrobe for the fancy clothes, whenever he got them. Perhaps not even clean them at all, but pay some maid to do so. Taelian did not know how to live like an aristocrat. Even now, he was only playing at being one.

When Riven's backpack thudded softly against the grass, Taelian didn't notice it. A gust of wind came and rose, and the sound of whistling leaves overwhelmed everything for a moment. Again, Taelian smiled, though this time it was far brighter. It really was a nice day.

Hey, he heard. He almost didn't. The moment he did, he froze like a statue, his arms barely jutting out from his sides as his mind curiously began to race. He recognized the tone; of course he did. Even a lifetime couldn't make him forget.

I'm -- I'm here, Tae. He was still frozen. Now he knew... and there was no part of him that felt prepared to face it; to face him. Riven had come for him. He hadn't left him, he hadn't chosen to wait or to stay away. Like Taelian... he had wanted to be together all this time. So of course, while one man might have been near tears, Taelian immediately fell over the edge and began to cry. He dropped the shirt clutched between his fingers, the wind carrying it onto the grass. It began to roll; he didn't care.

"Riven?" he turned and saw him, the Siltori's face erupting in a brilliant gleam of a grin. He was as handsome as he'd ever seen him, maybe moreso. Maybe he'd felt that way because he hadn't seen another man like him since; so perfect, towering, with every inch of his shape portraying the gallant and gentle man that he was. "Arlaed..." he whispered softly, tears in his eyes. Taelian began to step towards him, increasing his pace over time. When he was near enough, he immediately released his weight onto the other man, knowing he'd be caught in his arms. Taelian wrapped his own around Riven's broad form, holding him as tightly as he could.

"I love you. I love you. Arlaed... I love you. I don't ever want to be away from you again."
word count: 897
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It was astounding; the power a single smile had to erase any feelings of pain and exhaustion still weighing down in Riven's body. It was absurd and almost unfair, how a single moment made the sudden goodbye, the uncertainty of the wait, the long travel and the sleepless nights... All of them worth it, just for that smile, that light in his fiery eyes. The tears that started running down Taelian's smooth cheeks as he walked towards his lover, one step after another. Seconds were dilating into blissful eternity as Taelian started to run towards him and Riven's watered eyes started to tear down as well, landing on Taelian's hair. The Siltori's face had sunk in Riven's chest after he had caught Tae in his arms, both men holding on tightly to each other. Just to make sure neither of them was going away this time, to make it true. They were together again. They belonged together. Riven could feel his Arlaed's chest softly convulsing, crying tears of joy, of a longing that was no more. Riven's own tears fell on Taelian's ivory hair, glistening under the midday sun as he silently held on tight to his lover, feeling the familiar shape of his back, his comforting scent. Taelian could surely hear his heartbeats, bold and slow. They stayed like that for a while, letting the tears fall and wash away the last season, the ache they had felt for each other. The muffled sobs and the hiccups slowly receded, only the melody of the wind chimes and the soft rustling of the trees remaining.

Slowly, Riven let go. Only to the amount Taelian would, and steadily he managed to separate enough to gently rub his Arlaed's chin and softly pull it up. He looked at the Siltori's ivory eyes with a soft smile; they both looked messy enough. Wet cheeks, red eyes, almost trembling. "I love you, Taelian." He said, leaning down to kiss him, softly brushing his lips against his lover's. He slowly pulled him in; he had missed his softness, his taste, the perfect shape of his mouth. He cupped his neck with his other hand and leaned in, tilting his head to lock their lips together. Their tongues slowly slid in, cautious, slowly entwining as they gave in to the kiss, both lovers' feelings resonating and manifesting in their touch. It was both loving and passionate, careful and caring. It lasted a while before they pulled back, grinning, Riven pulling Taelian closer again and kissing his forehead. "I've missed you, Tae. I've really missed you. When I got your letter I just..." His voice cracked again, but the Avialae didn't even bother to finish the sentence. Things had changed; Taelian had been called away to Atinaw, and Riven had stayed in Kalzasi, undergoing a journey of his own as he found himself alone again for the first time in so long. And still, his mind had never left his lover; his wings were proof of that. But they were together again... and that familiar feeling still persisted. It was like those months had never passed.

word count: 542
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Their embrace had been long, though at least in terms of sheer time, it failed to make up for all the ones they had missed. Even as tightly as he clutched Riven, and as satisfied as he felt in doing so, he still felt a longing for more. More of him -- so much more. His mind was thrown back to countless memories; the days they spent with one another at his little home in the urban mess of outer Kalzasi, his back pressed into Riven's chest as they both laid on Taelian's tatami floor. The time they spent together in the woods; the moment where they first kissed, then fell in love, then made love. But despite missing so many more moments like that... it was alright. He was here now, and more would come. The more he thought about it, the more satisfied he felt. All of the memories stored in the touch of this man... they were more than enough to weaken him. Riven was the love of his life.

When the tears passed, the embrace followed shortly after. They gained a small distance from one another, and slightly away from the heat of the moment, Taelian realized the somber warmth lightly drenching his ivory locks of hair. He began to laugh, looking into Riven's teary eyes, his pathetic but handsome and loving expression. Taelian looked much the same, and seeing his emotions reflected so clearly upon the other man's complexion was a humorous moment indeed. The Siltori instinctively threw his lips forward, planting a soft kiss upon the other man's lips as Riven began to lean down. Riven caught his kiss and met it with another, the two of them following one another's passions until their mouths were open, their tongues locking and dancing along one another. He nearly shook at the warmth of Riven's breath, and felt weightless in his strong grip. He'd never forgotten what it was like to kiss him, but to experience it again after so long was exhilarating. He kissed him more, and began to rub along his back. Finally the kiss broke, but even then Riven couldn't quite stop either. He kissed his forehead, and again Taelian giggled and grinned.

He felt the man's beard touch the skin of his nose, his cheeks, forcing Taelian's eyes shut as Riven's lips and jaw lunged at him. Another thing he hadn't forgotten: the passion.

"I missed you too, my Arlaed," he replied, a grin consuming his expression. He felt so overjoyed that it almost hurt; his lungs were beginning to strain from the laughter, and his heart had been beating so quickly. Taelian began to stroke the other man's beard, staring into his fiery eyes with his own, the circle of flame still circling his iris' outer ring.

"You've changed," he noted. Riven's wings... their feathers appeared larger, with elongated, glass-like rachis. They were illuminated a warm blue, much like the shade of his flames and his eyes. They appeared magical and mesmerizing, innately impressive. It had to be a Quirk. Taelian had changed too. It could not be seen, but the Rune of Reaving was adorned along the right side of his ribcage. Visibly, the Rune of Transposition was lit a bright silver-teal upon his left palm, and Riven would likely note that a molten-like scar began beneath both sides of his collarbone. At least in appearance, both of them were different men. He was certain that in thought, the story was much the same -- but that was only right. They had grown.

"You're even handsomer now," Taelian added, his grin coming back, fully alight. "I was going to ask if you got taller; I'd forgotten what it was like to be this small." The mage laughed. Riven really did dwarf him, as was demonstrated by the tears in his hair, and the fact that he could still only reach his chest. That was one thing that would never change.

"Are you going to stay with me in Atinaw, Riven? I... I want to start a life with you. I thought I cared more about the Remedy than anything else... but, turns out that wasn't true. It felt lonely without you, every night. I kept thinking of plans to escape, ways to go back. But I knew I had to fulfill my duty, at least one last time. Now I'm done. What we have comes before all that, that's what I've chosen. If you want to stay here, we can. Or I'll come with you, back to Kalzasi." He hesitated for a moment before saying as much; it must've been clear enough that he never loved the city, even though it was where they met. But if it was Riven's home, it could also be his. The small details didn't matter. "Wherever you go, Riven... I'll come with you. And we'll figure it out."
word count: 851
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Riven smiled at his boyfriend's giggles; all those tears were enough for the day. He wanted to smile now, smile for Taelian, for the memories they could had built together; they were going to do it now. It wasn't too late; rather, it was the right time. And as he looked at his surroundings, he guessed that it was also the right place. He held on a bit tighter, just to feel the shape of his body; the strong muscles on his back and his firm chest. He was so handsome; he could have sworn he was even more handsome now. He grinned back at Taelian as he caressed his beard; he probably looked a bit messy, given that it had been a while since he had shaved last. Not that he really cared... because he knew Taelian didn't. And knowing he had been missed... it made him happy. It was strange; a part of him had known that Taelian was going to miss him when he left. A smaller side of his psyche was afraid, though. Fear and anger because he left him alone in Kalzasi; but Riven had seen his Arlaed's honest look, the pain that flowed away with his tears. That part of him felt stupid now; he wouldn't make his lover hurt again. He wouldn't hurt himself either. He gently grabbed Taelian's hand and put it on his lips, giving it a soft kiss.

And when he noticed his wings... The Jetstream; the new wings that had pulled him away from Kalzasi, that allowed him to do what a younger Riven had killed for: flying away as fast as he could, and in this case getting to Taelian as soon as he had been able to. The flight from Alfsos had been amazing; absolute freedom, bliss, excitement. Finally seeing Taelian. It felt so surreal and so right at the same time... Yes, he had changed. And he had changed for the better. "Yes... I have changed, Arlaed. These wings are the one thing that have brought me here so fast. I... I really think this quirk appeared because of you. I kept wishing I could just fly to your side, and suddenly, one day, I could." He said, with a wide grin. "I don't think that's true though. I'm a strange winged man with northern clothes on and circles under my eyes darker than my feathers." He said, laughing a little. It felt good to joke around again, to allow himself to have fun.

"But you've changed too, love." He said, softly putting his hands on the Siltori's shoulders, his thumbs opening his shirt a bit to showcase two symmetric fiery scars; hot to the touch, though Riven was very used to heat. He softly smiled; somehow, they suited him perfectly. "You look... a tad tired, Tae. But happier; happier than I've ever seen you, I think, and not only because of me. And more handsome, too." He said, rubbing one of his cheeks with the back of his hand, leaning in for a fast kiss, their lips brushing against each other. He smirked as he pulled back. "Still as tall as you were, though... or should I say short?" He chuckled, getting his little playful revenge at Taelian's joke. "But still the perfect size to me, Tae. I wouldn't have you any other way." He said, smiling warmly.

And when Taelian asked him if he wanted to stay... the honest truth was, he hadn't considered any other option. If he had flown all the way to Atinaw, it wasn't to leave his side again. At least not in a long time, but he could understand why Taelian seemed so hesitant. The Sil had left him for the Remedy; he was afraid Riven could choose something else as well... but he wouldn't. There wasn't any other goal, any other way. He smiled warmly at him, pulling him into a hug before answering. "If I've come here, it's to stay. There's nothing else I can do in Kalzasi. Lord Savien hates me; he's only allowed me to stay for the sake of public scrutiny and out of respect for his son. Talon has left Kalzasi for good, and you... you were gone. It was my home, yes... but I've outgrown it. And I chose you once, and I'll choose you as many times as I have to. I'm here to stay with you, Taelian... and to stay for good. We'll figure it out." He said, his expression sweet and hopeful as he mimicked Taelian's own words. "Let's stay in Atinaw, at least for now. The land is beautiful... and I feel like we deserve to start again, in a little home like this one. Maybe a bit bigger; oh, I could do wonders with the garden..." He said, chuckling, his mind wandering off.

word count: 843
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I think this Quirk appeared because of you. It was a statement that held its own weight, enough that it did not need elaboration. It made Taelian's eyes begin to water again -- largely because he knew it was true. "And because you love to show off," the Silver Elf gleamed, lightly laughing once more. "They really look stunning, the feathers, I mean. Like magical spires, lit blue, racing across the length. Do they make you faster? Is that why you were able to come see me so quickly?" he questioned. Taelian's inquisitive nature was showing, fascinated by Riven's changes. Perhaps, he thought, it took away from the romance of it... but he couldn't help but be intrigued by his Arlaed. Riven had always been a man that inspired passion in him, but also awe and wonder. He was unlike any others he'd ever met.

And somehow, Riven used that as a point of contention against himself, denying how handsome he looked. Taelian grinned. "I'm an Elf from a swamp. You can't pull that one on me," he teased. "Also, you forgot the amazing smile, the broad shoulders, the charming eyes and... the body. I haven't seen a single man in Atinaw as handsome as you, you denialist." Or on Ransera, he thought, though he didn't want that one to go to his head.

Riven praised him in return, though equally pointed out how tired he looked. He rubbed his cheeks and laid a kiss upon his lips, causing for the Siltori to blush a rosy shade. He had become a powerful soldier and mage over the last season, and even something of an intelligencer. Yet despite all he'd grown, Riven still made him feel small and fragile, but in a way that made him feel safe. He'd not forgotten the feeling of ease that the Avialae brought to him, and it was wonderful to know it again.

"Ah, you ruined it!" he exclaimed, as Riven called him short. Taelian broke out into laughter again; the other man always knew how to make him smile and laugh, enjoying their lighthearted banter more than anything else he could think of. "I'm not short! In fact, I'm considered very tall among humans, and pretty tall for a Siltori, too. You just have poor perspective, being a titanic oaf," Taelian teased, before immediately sinking his face back into the man's shoulder and laying upon it a few soft kisses. Each one was an apology.

And Riven apologized in his own way, reminding Taelian that he was perfect for him; that he wouldn't have him any other way. Of course, the blush returned.

"I love you." He had to say it again.

And that was when he asked if Riven intended to stay. Because the truth was, he wanted him to, so desperately. He would go wherever with him... but he felt they could build a home here, better than almost anywhere else. At least for a time, until the two of them decided to move on. They were, in some ways, wandering souls. He knew that; they had gone all over, only now with a companion at one another's side, each one to stay.

Riven's response wasn't ambiguous. Taelian's heart, beating quickly, only began to beat faster as Riven declared that he wanted to stay. That he had no attachments there; that Taelian was his attachment. That the two of them could start over here, and even that he wanted for them to have a home for themselves. Again, like the soft man that Riven often made him, he began to cry. And alongside that, he laughed, jovially as he quickly nodded his head.

"We can," he nearly lost his voice. "A home... just for the two of us. Riven... that sounds great. A garden... ah, you would do wonders. Me? I'd get us amazing furniture! And the exterior would be nice, too. Everything about the building would be charming; we can survey somewhere remote together, pick somewhere amazing." He even had a lot of money. It was more than a dream -- if his Arlaed wanted, they could go tomorrow. Taelian's mind was racing with possibilities; the times they would share together. The life they would have.

"Riven... I can't even handle the feelings going through me right now. You've flown a long way, right? Let's go to sleep. And not have to worry about returning to our separate homes. The bed here... I made sure it was big enough for both of us, and strong enough to support even you. Because I knew you'd come, and I--" His voice broke.

"I'm so glad you're here."
word count: 807
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Riven run a hand through the upper edge of his wing as he smiled at Taelian's compliments; though recent, he had grown to love his new wings very quickly. They felt right now; even more natural than the ones he had been born with. They were a perfect conduit for his magic. He smiled, and plucked one of his new feathers; a smallish one that sit in the middle of a really populated area. It would grow back eventually. He handed it to Taelian; the glow didn't shine under the transparent rachis anymore, but it was still a relatively long, beautiful feather. "They do make me faster; see the small holes on the base and tip? My wings create wind streams from each and every feather now; combined, the push allow me to fly faster than I ever had. And that's how I came so quicly, love. I'll show them to you later, if you don't mind. I'm tired... and I don't want to mess your garden up. You can keep the feather though" He said, with a grin "It's hollow; it makes an amazing quill." He kissed Taelian again; being able to do it whenever he wanted was a gift in itself. "I'm sure you'll have lots to tell me about as well, Tae"

He couldn't help it but laugh when Taelian defended him from his own self-bashing; it was sort of true... but Taelian had a point when he mentioned Riven's attractive traits. "I bet you've broken lots of hearts in Atinaw with that sentence, my love... poor wandering souls. I'm not bored though; if that means having all of you, then so be it!" He said with a smirk, pulling the Elf closer. "Thank you, Tae" He said tenderly, pressing another kiss on his head.

And then he ruined it with a smirk, apparently. It was fun watching Taelian rioting, and it was even funnier because he was technically right; he wasn't short at all among humans, and he wasn't short even among his own people. "Ah, right. Okay, let me see..." He said, putting a flat hand on Taelian's head and another on his own, as he had seen kids in Kalzasi do to compare their heights "Yeah, this titanic oaf says you're still a shortie--" he started saying, but his boyfried tackled him again and kissed Riven's bare shoulder.

"I love you too." He said, and it was true. No matter how many times they said it.

And the more Taelian talked about it, the more sure he was; he wanted to stay there. He wanted a house to call their own; a place they could decide on together, far from distractions and trouble. His mind was full of possiblities, all of them including the only two necessary components: Taelian and himself. As long as he had that, it could be anything and anywhere, and he would love it... but maybe taller ceilings weren't too bad of an option.

His mind was ready, but his body was tired, and Taelian was right. The moment itself had been almost overwhelming, and his heart needed time to settle in and get used to his new reality. And he had only slept on the train to Alfsos; he hadn't even wanted to stay a single minute on the capital. The moment he was in the station, he took off. "You're right, Arlaed... I could really use some sleep" He said, kissing him deeply, grabbing his hand and his backpack carefully and walking towards the small home. "I'm glad that even when you got this house, you thought about me. I love you, Taelian. I don't think I can stop. We have so much to talk about... but for now, let's have some rest. We deserve it." He said, gently opening the front door to Taelian's new, yet temporary home.

"I'm so glad I'm here, too."

word count: 684
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Review Request: viewtopic.php?p=3395#p3395

XP: 8

Magic Experience: 4 for Riven in elementalism

Injuries/Ailments: Maybe next time.

Awarded Lores:
Psychology: Choosing to control your own life
Psychology: The pain and joy of remembrance
Rhetoric: Mean Nicknames
Negotiation: Agreeing to prioritize a relationship

Riven: Came to Atinaw to be with me
Riven: I want to be with him for all my life

Research: locating a person
Running: Uphill
Flight: Jetstream speed
Elementalism: the Jetstream
Biology: structure of a feather
Etiquette: small gifts

Loot: Nothing!

Aw, that was cute. They definitely seem to have genuinely missed each other, and you portrayed that really well. Enjoy your rewards.

word count: 119

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