When We Light the Fires You Will Know

Kuno preps Reiner for his first big mission

High City of the Northlands

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Reiner Dornkirk
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Title: ZDC Lieutenant
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"When We Light the Fires You Will Know"
The Afternoon of 46th Ash, 122
Location: The ZADC Noble Gambit
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By the time the private led the lieutenant back into their cabin after breakfast, the second cup of coffee had left him finally feeling like a person. The grog of too little sleep had given way to the anxious excitement of his first big mission. He hadn't really processed it until now, that this was a much bigger day than yesterday's first official shift. He was more than an errand boy. This whole, badass battleship was tasked with flying him safely to his destination. He was like... some kind of delegate or something. He'd never felt so special in his life! But there was pressure in that, along with the honor.

Reiner made a B-line for the chest, kneeling down to pick up the dossier and pull out the papers that contained his orders and the rundowns of the commander's he'd been tasked to meet. He rolled from his knees onto his bum, criss-crossing his legs under him to a more comfortable position on the floor with his back against the chest.

"So..." He began, sifting through the documents. "This is what I got, if you want to take a look..." He freed up one hand to pat the floor next to him, "Get comfy and tell me how to be a better envoy." He'd played the role of courier in the past, of course, but that had typically been more like yesterday's work. Running papers from one building to another building in the same general vicinity. He'd certainly never had so imposing or well-armed an escort as the Noble Gambit.

"I can't tell you how relieved I am that you'll be with me. Knowing you're right behind me, I'll feel so much more relaxed- I'm sure of it!" He placed the envelopes marked more esteemed eyes than theirs back into the portfolio, and handed the papers intended for him to Kuno.

"Take a look!"
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While the meals made by the wives and mothers of the civilian workers had been of higher quality in both ingredients and preparation than meal aboard a ZADC ship, there was something about the military food that sat better with Kuno. Joining the airforce had been the event that had triggered him having guaranteed meals for the first time since he could properly walk, so, in a way, bad as it could be, it was his comfort food.

After a moment he shrugged and plopped down on the floor, crossing his legs so there was room for them both in the small space, he took the papers as he was handed them, glancing as Reiner explained and then settling in to read them more properly. His mind unfolded, took in the information and ran it through the gears of the social machine between his ears.

At the end of half an hour he leaned back on one hand, stretching his long torso out before the other man. He held one of the descriptions letter in his other hand.

"This one," He gestured with the paper, "Is going to be our problem." He pointed with one finger at one of the other papers now on the floor about him, "I know Commander Lang seems like he'd be the biggest problem, but as abrasive as he is, he's for the State through and through. Once he sees that the Minister wants the stores to support the ZDC and the civilians through Frost he'll fall in line. He might yell at you, growl like the grizzled old bear he is, but he'll fall in line. The other two look like they view the posting as a stepping stone to the rest of their careers, and probably aren't wrong. We're heading to Lang first and once they see that he's following the Minister's orders they will to. Where as,"

The paper he still held was nodded to,

"Vonnegut is another story."

Commander Hedwig Vonnegut had a spotless record and a variety of commendations for both bravery and conduct, but anyone who flew in the air knew she had been given the ground post that supplied the airships as a backhanded reprimand for her tendency to go her own way regardless of expected procedures. She got the job done, but damned by anyone who tried to tell her how.

The Minister was a smart man, and, as far as Konrad could tell, a good one, but it could not be said that he was over endowed with either cunning or a delicate touch in complex social situations. It had even been kind of a joke, he had discovered spending time with the factory workers and their kin. Stefan Dornkirk, possibly the most eligible bachelor in Zaichaer had been unable to charm even women throwing themselves at him. The notion had amused Kuno, and when he'd asked about the Ministers lovely wife he was told that it had been an arranged marriage which the man had been forced to fall back on when all else failed.

"What do you know about her? She came from my branch and I don't know how much of an impression she's made since landing her feet on the ground.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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As Kuno caught up and familiarized himself with the documents Reiner had already perused, the young private just quietly watched him for the first five minutes or so. Occasionally he would sip his coffee, but mostly he just kept quite as not to be distracting. Eventually, he uncrossed his legs and stretched his feet out in front of him, idly letting the toes of his boots tap together and then fall away from each other. Watching the shiny new boots tipping in and out was almost hypnotic, given how little sleep he’d had the prior night. Even his third cup of coffee wasn’t enough to keep him from dozing, and eventually his head lolled toward Kuno and his shoulder fell against the lieutenant’s as he nodded off completely.

When Kuno spoke up, he lifted his head sharply.

“Hm?” He blinked a few times, taking stock of his surroundings before catching up with the present as he staggered toward wakefulness.

“Mm.” He grunted, listening to Kuno’s assessment and nodding along as he processed.

“Uh, can’t say as I know much…” He began, in response to the direct question posed him. “Our troop transport stopped in her jurisdiction to refuel en route to the Northern front. I remember the major joking with the ship’s captain by singing that old nursery rhyme…” He cleared his throat and quietly, breathily sang in straight tone:

“She’s the queen of the castle,
Get down you dirty rascal…”

He shrugged,

“They had a good laugh about it, but I didn’t get it until that description you just gave, heh…” He dragged his back up along the wall to sit up straighter, in hopes of staving off further trips to the Land of Nod, now that they were properly strategizing.
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From the corner of his eye the small part of his mind that always paid attention to his surroundings, even while the rest of him was hyper focusing, was taking not of the way that Reiner moved, the way he fidgeted and watched Kuno, the way his feet idled together and apart like a kid waiting for a parent to finish a conversation so they could show them something they'd found or made. It was, frankly, adorable, but he would never think such a thing, so the thought was tucked away into the room filled with other things he would never think.

When the head landed on his shoulder he adjusted slightly, making room for it with an equal lack of thought, as though, while his mind was busy, his physical form wanted to accommodate Reiner, to comfort him. It didn't even seem he'd noticed, consciously, that the other man had fallen asleep. He spoke as though they'd been speaking just a moment before and the half hour or more between their last exchange aloud had been paused time while he processed.

A chuckle greeted the recitation of the children's rhyme. It wasn't inaccurate and, based on what he'd heard about the women, she might not even object. Rough and tumble, he'd heard she was, though he'd never spoken to any man brave enough to claim to have taken her for a tumble.

"Mentioning that the other three commanders were on board would probably backfire. What we really need..." Here he stretched his own, longer legs out in front of him, groaning a little as the blood came properly back into them, "Is a problem for her to solve. One that we 'don't know what to do about'."

He used air quotes to emphasize, "But that we really don't care how it is fixed. We can't communicate with the Minister and I don't want to step on any toes but we may have to take some initiative and let the brass figure out how to accommodate it when we get back."

His face was far away as he tried to come up with something that was important enough that Vonnegut would be interested but not so important that it would throw a wench into any gears.

"I'd suggest transportation... but we're bringing the Islands right to them. Distribution maybe? Not sure that's enough in her wheelhouse to care about. Hmm."

Lolling his head so he could side eye the darker man he raised a brow, "Any ideas?"
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Reiner Dornkirk
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For what it was worth, Reiner didn’t seem the least bit troubled or embarrassed about having just lifted his head from Kuno’s shoulder. He did, at least, wipe his mouth to check for drool, lest he afflict the poor lieutenant with more unasked for bodily fluids on his things. Fortunately, it had been a dry nap, so he just stretched his back muscles a bit and settled in to listen to Kuno’s assessment.

He smiled to himself as his roommate spoke. He was such a subtle, clever sort of fellow. This was exactly why Reiner had wanted to invite him to the next Dornkirk family function. He was certain Kuno would find a way to instantly be more at ease with Reiner’s family than the young Dornkirk himself. He might even be able to chisel a smile into Stefan’s stony countenance. He certainly had a knack for inspiring smiles in at least one of the Dornkirk clan, as proven in this very moment. It flattened out, when he was posed a direct question.

Feeling a bit out of his depth, he turned his eyes back to his boots, crossing his ankles as he pondered.

“Hm…” He stroked his chin, looking as if he was hoping the act of exhibiting the outward appearance of one deep in thought would help him find a valid solution to the issue at hand.

“Well, let’s think about what a self-appointed queen might value. Subjects come to mind,” His index finger tapped his chin a few times, “Fealty…” His eyes darted to Kuno, “And domain! So, I think we should maybe try to figure out a way to give her one of those. We could try to extract some more ZDC troops and relocate them to her charge, or if we could connect to a smaller outpost that’s disconnected and put it in her jurisdiction, I think… that could help?”
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Kuno listened and wasn't catching what Reiner was trying to put down for several moments, a confused little frown furrowing his brow but then it clicked and he blinked. Reiner was not necessarily properly educated for the position that his lofty cousin had dropped him into but the lad wasn't stupid.

"That could work." He thought it through aloud so they could stay on the same page. "If we gave over to her the defense of the Riverlands now that they will need more than token garrisons. Lang might pitch a fit but I get the feeling he won't be remaining in a desk position while the Zaichaer is in danger anyway. It would give her domain that she considered 'hers' and a mission that would genuinely be both difficult and necessary. I'm sure the ZDC is doing their best to contain the beasties but the Mists didn't stay in just the city, not to mention everyone from the biggest Covens to every random disgruntled peasant are going to be trying their hand at taking more than they are given."

Moving his shoulder so it nudged into Reiner's in a gesture that somehow conveyed Kuno being impressed by the younger man's logic he grinned.

"See, you are cut out for this sort of work. Now we just have to find a way to present it to her so that she thinks it is her own idea." He pressed his lips together and went back to considering. The commander wasn't a stupid women, clever was sort of her shtick. Lying probably wouldn't work for long as she was known to have good intelligence even in places she really shouldn't have.

"I'm not sure how." He admitted after a long minute in thought. "Maybe we'll figure something out after speaking to the other commanders. If one of them has a problem with security we could ask Vonnegut if she has a solution. Not even suggest that she take command, only explain the problem and let her decided to take over. Doing so will imply that she is following the Minister's lead. It isn't a very strong tie but she might concede to at least meet with the Minister himself under the assumption that she is. At least then it isn't our problem."

Kuno truly did want the commanders, particularly Vonnegut, to give up what they were guarding to the Islands. The airship supplies that were under Commander Vonnegut's control would be sorely needed for repair and maintenance, not to mention if the Windworks was ever going to be making new ships again.
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Reiner Dornkirk
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Reiner bit his lip and grimaced. The silence that followed his proposal was deafening. For that span of time he felt like a complete and total idiot, and his pale cheeks flushed red. But by and by, Kuno answered in affirming terms. He wasn’t sure it wasn’t a nicety, but even if it was it was welcome. Even if his roommate was just offering him the plausible deniability of not being useless, he would take it gladly. He pressed his shoulder to Kuno’s and grinned broadly.

“Y’think so?” He could scarcely believe it was so. His grin broadened as Kuno spoke on. Granted, perhaps his roommate was just a good friend who was making a case for why Reiner wasn’t worthless, but in the moment he could dismiss that and accept that there was merit to his recommendation. And the more he listened to Kuno, the more legitimate the lieutenant made the private’s suggestion sound.

Then came the direct compliment. Hearing from the man he respected as the most clever friend in his circle that he’d had a good idea, was enough to make the young private’s eyes dart down in bashful aversion.

“You think so?” He asked, disbelieving. He didn’t wait long, lest Kuno answer in the negative. Instead, the young private was inclined to acknowledge Kuno’s acumen and express gratitude for having access to it.

“Thank you, Kuno! I’d never have come up with this strategy. I hope you know how grateful I am to you… I’ll give you all due credit for your suggestions. I’d never have come up with them without you…” He trailed off, his hazel eyes darting from Kuno’s green to the bed across from him.

“I…” He sighed, “I detest nepotism, but I’ve never understood how truly unfair it was until now. You’d be so much better in my position, and if merit were the deciding factor, you’d hold it.”

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Kuno grinned at the bashful acceptance of his compliment, he had meant it, but it was also nice to see that his charm wasn't without effect.

"You know," He said, turning a bit more so they could see each other now that they weren't pouring over paperwork. "I'm not so sure it was wholly nepotism. Sure, you were a convenient choice but that's just it. You will look like a convenient choice for the Minister. You have his name, you look enough like him and the First Minister to be recognizable when someone hears the name. No one will suspect that you are anything but what you are presented as, a family member who is being given tasks far beyond his capabilities because of who he is. Particularly not since you are both young and low ranking."

Setting aside the paper the hand that had held it came to rest, warm, on Reiner's knee, all thoughtless ease, without breaking his explanation.

"And me? I'm just an escort, a more senior officer sent to 'babysit' the Dornkirk that the Minister sent because his name is important and he thinks flashing it at people will be enough. Except, to military types, it isn't, and he knows it."

Green eyes shone all the brighter and his smile was infectious as the speed at which he spoke and the speed at which he was processing matched each other so he learned what he was saying as he said it.

"Maybe I was wrong about how strategic your cousin is, or maybe the Captain-Seeker is using the espionage training it is rumored he got. This may be a test, of you, of both of us. If we fuck it up, the Minister will be here himself to flash the Islands and get cooperation. But if we don't fuck it up, if we are play are parts for everyone to see but behind it we're clever and make note of what we see and hear, I bet the Minister can use this ploy with more commanders. Even the High Generals, maybe."

The ideas swirled in his mind for a moment and then he said,

"I don't mean to say that your cousin is just using you. No reason to hire you as his assistant or have you over for dinner if you were only a ploy but a smart leader uses the tools that are dropped into his lap. Right?"
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Reiner Dornkirk
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“Heh…” Reiner shook his head. “Even that goes to prove I’m out of my depth…” The young private sighed,

“If you’d been the one making the assignments? Sure. You might find me sufficient. You might think that I had any skill for any of this, because you actually know me! We spend day after day together, we talk all the time and… I mean you have an inkling whether I’m a dumbass or not, but…” He shrugged. “Maybe I think too little of my cousin and he’s surveiled me enough that he thinks he knows my skill set, but even so… If he’d had the opportunity to get to know you, he’d see that you’re the better choice.” Reiner was exasperated. Of course he appreciated the opportunities presented to him, but that only made it more frustrating to realize Kuno had been denied those same opportunities. He sat back and listened, as Kuno highlighted the silver lining to all this, nodding.

He pursed his lips. On the one hand it sounded like he was an agent of much needed change, on the other hand he sounded like a pawn. He wanted to believe Stefan actually cared about him, but it was hard to say what the stony-faced aristocrat felt. Whatever the case, Kuno addressed all of his concerns and more.

“You’re right.” He conceded, “As always. I tend to think in simpler terms, so it helps that you guide me through the gray.” Reiner bit his lip, scooting slightly closer to Kuno.

“So, you’re saying we should be bold, yeah?” On the one hand it was terrifying to take matters into his own hands, but on the other hand it was the only way to make him feel like his position was earned.

“I hope my cousin’s gamble doesn’t blow back in his face.”
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"Nah, you just need someone to teach you to swim." Whether or not he believed that Reiner would actually be able to be good at this sort of thinking wasn't something Kuno had actually determined, but he was willing to try. A minion with connections was a good thing to have in your pocket, an ally who could think and move in tandem with you was better. He'd had one or two as a child, but they had either risen or fallen with the fate of their care takers and couldn't take him with them.

He'd had a few fellow soldiers who he had considered actual friends rather than simply followers. One had been reassigned to another ship after training and their first assignment together, the others had fallen to one enemy or another and Kuno couldn't let them take him with them.

A part of his mind split away and began making plans to test Reiner's ability with a rifle, with a pistol, tactics and survival skills; to shore up the younger man's chance to live through what was coming, what was already upon them.

"Seems to me any private in under the Minister's control could have dropped off a set of letters. It isn't much of a gamble giving it to you, even after such a short time knowing you. It feels more like an opportunity for you to show him what abilities and skills you have to offer."

He shook his head at the idea that he would have ever been chosen to carry the letters.

"Choosing a random man, even newly promoted to lieutenant makes no sense. If not for you I think the Minister would have just given them to the captain. Merovech is highly respected, having him do it would be at least showing respect to the commanders and giving them a man they knew how to deal with. Sending you tells a different story. He wants the commanders a little bit confused, or at least unsure of how to react to you. They could treat you as a PFC, basically ignore you, BUT you're also a Dornkirk, and no one dismisses them out of hand. Seeing how each one reacts to you might tell us more than any of them say out loud."

He pursed his lips, tilting his head a fraction in the way he did when he was pondering multiple outcomes.

"A pawn you may be, but a valuable one. Looks to me like the Minister wants to know if you have the potential to be another queen. Let's show him you have all the potential he's willing to support, and you come with a free knight."

A wink over a grin punctuated the words to leave no doubt as to who the 'knight' was supposed to be.
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