A Family Meeting

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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A Family Meeting
Glade 92nd, 120th AoS

Searing Solstice officially was right around the corner, and for the Inn that meant a lot more traffic than normal. All day in and out the bar kept a steady flow of drinks pouring, with high amounts of food ordered in the sparse spikes of activity that transpired. Overall the Barnells were given an incredible amount of work, and that in turn brought a fast paced transition to time itself. Before too long the sun had fallen close to the horizon, and when the last of it's light finally left the world; last calls were made at the bar before the family prepared closing up.

Rose and Vincent were the first to go once everything had been caught up, and the inn had reached a state of cleanliness considerably functionable for tomorrow. They would all have quite the busy day ahead of them, as they did every year when the Searing Solstice began. Hell even the Searing Precession brought more business in, and for that the Kinship was thankful because every little bit made a difference. Which was why when they were both dismissed for the evening, Elinora and Albert both made sure to properly thank them; as they knew tomorrow would be long and tedious to work with. Yet when the inn was finally closed up and dinner was finished, Connor and Elinora both set up the kitchen for it's last flow of traffic.

Thus the Barnell family began yet another routine family dinner, with the whole lot of them gathered at the table nearest the kitchen. Since they sold the last of their daily special earlier, Connor made his classic favorite pork chop platter as Elinora did some prep work with it for tomorrow. Since they would technically be doing it for the first day of Searing, the family had figured it wouldn't hurt to have stuff made ready for early business tomorrow. Eventually after everyone walked through the kitchen to grab their plates, all of the Barnell Kinship sat comfortably together at the table; weary but happy to consider their day nearly over with.

"And to think that clansman from Threndos hadn't a clue what I went on about!" Elinora continued on as the conversation flowed between the five of them, with a few soft and weathered smiles shared among the family members.

"Yeah, considerin' where he comes from..." Connor remarked with a short snicker, in regards to the matter Elinora had vented about earlier. Patrick merely chuckled softly and continued eating, as he listened to the conversation carrying on a little further.

"They do a lot of farmin' that's for sure." Dominik clarified with a raised fork, before using it to tear another bit off from his pork chops.

Elinora quickly reacted by taking a napkin to her mouth, eager to chew the bite she'd taken before speaking with food in her mouth. "Even so you'd think the Academy would send a few scholars their way. It's difficult to mind proper when you lack the education for such things!"

Albert's turn to chuckle came along next, as he seemed to find the notion Elinora was remarking on hardly serious. "Regardless of education I don't think they'd have the time to learn. Not when the harvest season is comin' up so quickly." He reasoned as he finished off what remained of his potatoes.

"And those poor farmer's have to deal with heat stroke all Searing long." The mother hen almost cooed empathetically, clearly concerned as she slowed down considerably in regards to eating. Patrick assumed that she had to have gotten a fully belly, since she ate most of everything on her plate by now. Almost everything on his plate had been consumed, and hell both Dominik and Connor were finishing up with theirs also.

"Speaking of Searing, we still need to look at the books; though we can do that tomorrow. Actually think it's time we had a family discussion." Albert's expression changed as he too looked to be finished eating, with a heavy lean into his chair as he looked around amongst his Kinship.

Elinora of course was already quick to be receptive of this, a sudden look of awareness on her face as she focused on Albert. "Of course dear, what's on your mind?"

"Somethin' for the new season? Or there a matter that needs to be addressed?" Dominik proceeded to check as he finished chewing his last bite, following up with a hard swallow as his throat muscles bulged for a few seconds.

Albert sighed initially with a contemplative nod, clearly thoughtful about the matter he wanted discuss. "It's relates to the business yes, but it's mostly a family matter at heart."

Elinora's eyes then widened, as she couldn't help but slightly lean in watching the head of the family. "Oh? This should be interesting."

"I dare say next season is gonna be an interestin' one, as I'm a firm believer that we can always improve where we fall short." Albert began with yet another couple of firm nods, which received the same response all around. "For starters I'd like for us to refine our teamwork a bit better, we're still doin' good but when those peak hours hit; things get crazy and people get frustrated with one another."

"I agree well enough, it's normal to have slight disagreements; especially whenever it's chaotic and everyone's running mad." Nora reasoned logically as there were numerous examples to recall, specifically when the brothers had short scuttles or just sour attitudes in general. Long business hours tended to do that however, and when they worked together consistently day after day; well of course that would make the hectic parts of the day even more stressful.

"That and..." Albert's expression still remained considerate, but there was also a sense of weariness in his tone. "I've been thinkin' we need to hire more help."

Connor immediately raised his head up at that, a hopeful look on his face as he'd hopefully have another hand in the kitchen. "Oh, thank the Old Ones!" He responded in turn as he'd been needing the help lately, even with Vincent or one of the family members around. There was always just too much for one to do, especially when they were alone back there.

"Another staff member or two could certainly make things easier, which means our team building skills would be further improved as well." Elinora added as she seemed pretty amicable towards the discussion, certainly curious as to how they would go about hiring more help also.

"Thing is Nora, we'll need the help for other reasons." Albert selectively worded that phrase for a reason, which definitely bought every ounce of attention available at the table. It was in that moment Albert seemed even more considerate, almost enough to be a little reluctant even, before he finally came out with what he wanted to say next. "I've been thinkin' the three o' you should consider joinin' the Order."

Elinora was the first to initially react, as the rest of them looked at Albert in total awe. "What?" The mother came to question with a less enthusiastic tone.

"Excuse me?" Connor said next as he looked absolutely repulsed by the idea, mainly due to the fact he had no intention of joining the Order. He had always made it clear to his brothers that he'd never be able to, not because he didn't want to necessarily, but because he felt quite sure he wouldn't be able to handle it. That he would, ultimately, be the one who brought dishonor to his Kinship; and therefore be the one thrown out if such a situation did occur.

"You really want all three of us in the Order?" Dominik sounded utterly surprised by that fact, while Albert himself merely nodded in response to the question. Patrick honestly wasn't sure how the eldest brother felt about the matter, given that he was fine with joining on his own terms. For all Patrick knew his older brother guessed that he might join, or at least hoped he wouldn't be the only Barnell to pledge himself to such a cause.

"I've thought about it for a while... and yes." The old man admitted once more a bit more firmly. "See the Order teaches you the real value in honor, and bravery, and quite honestly you all three need that kind of discipline."

By now he had heard enough, for Patrick that was breaking point in this conversation. "So you want us to join the Order.... to what? Find our own honor? Or just bring more honor to you?" He obviously spoke in a very brash and bitter tone, an attitude that warranted a mixture of looks from everyone else. Obviously there was the look of offense in his father, but the rest were pretty shocked by his insinuation.

"Patrick!?" Elinora quickly reprimanded as she looked horrified, completely caught off guard by the sudden change in his tone. Already Albert looked to be quite miffed towards him, while the other two brothers looked utterly baffled by him. However none of that mattered to him now, for Patrick's turn to go on a tangent had started now.

"No ma! I've kept my mouth shut up 'til now, and I'll be damned if I let someone else decide the kind of life I want to live."

Albert's expression soured into a wrinkly, flushed look as he appeared to want to shout. However he remained collectively calm, albeit in a very displeased tone of voice. "You certainly aren't afraid to squander the one that's been given to you."

"Thing is pa pa, we've never really been given much of one have we?" Patrick remarked in turn with just as much withheld ferocity.

"Pat..." Dominik tried to interject softly, hopeful to reconcile his brother from continuing any further. However...

"Every day for over the past twenty years, we've done nothin' but lived under your roof; workin' to earn our share when we came of age. In all that time I hardly recall ever bein' allowed to do much else, which is why now I'm officially drawin' the line!"

That last statement actually made the patriarch chuckle, as he couldn't help but cross his arms while addressing Patrick. "Drawin' the line huh? And what happens if war threatens us once more? How will you protect your family, your Kinship, if you don't want to take up arms and hone your skills. Or are you gonna 'draw the line' there also?"

Patrick immediately shook his head at the notion, clearly able to see the point from a different perspective than Albert. "That's different now innit?" He remarked before further elaborating on the subject. "I dare can't say how I'll react if such an occasion arises, but I certainly won't be afraid to do what it is I feel is right. Joinin' the Order may seem like that to you, but to me you're only pushin' more onto us all; more than any one of us should allow you to honestly."

"Patrick!" Dominik sounded more urgent and even a little aggravated, as he clearly showed a bit of slight against speaking out against their father.

"Watch your tongue boy! I am still your father, and the head of this Kinship!!" Albert was nearing the point of a raised voice now, his brows furrowed heavily as he balled his fists together rather tightly.

"Then maybe it's time you take a step back, think about what that means to all of us. Because for a father you're spendin' an awful lot of time worryin' about honor, when in truth you should worry more about what your family instead." Patrick emphasized as he scoot back in his chair, clearly ready to walk out on this conversation. "I'm done for the evening. Excuse me." Right away he rose from his chair and, with one easy motion, grabbed his plate from the table on his way towards the kitchen.

"Patrick! Wait!" Elinora almost pleaded as he marched on, quick to follow after him as he ignored them from that point on. While he didn't wish to dwell on the subject anymore, Elinora didn't leave any opportunities for him to walk out on her. Not when she wanted to get to the bottom of what brought him to act in such a way, which he did in turn tell her everything that had been on his mind; and it was literally everything that had taken place that season. The work they put in, the fact Connor faced drug addiction, the camping trip, literally all of what Patrick had been sitting on.

It was a lot for her to take in sure, but Nora could understand where it was he came from. While he certainly didn't give the best impression earlier, it was clear that he and even Connor were stressed lately. Thus she came to the conclusion that, for now, Patrick needed to focus on what he said earlier. Of course he naturally agreed that now, certainly after the earlier conversation, was the time for him to start focusing on what he wanted. It then came to him that meant living under his own roof, therefore his own rules, if he wanted to do exactly what it was he'd told Albert earlier. The stranger fact was that he felt entirely serious, driven to do it just to prove that he could find his own honor.

Thus Patrick had a lot to think about that night, but strangely found no trouble sleeping either. Not after the long and tiresome day he, and everyone else, had to suffer through like so many before.

"I'm through livin' up to someone else's expectations."
word count: 2422
Business, Templates, Workshop
"Patrick" "Dominik" "Conrad"

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