[solo] masquerade

The Jewel of the Northlands

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18 Ash 120 Steel

Talon finished writing a few notes on the schematic in front of him. He had spent the past few days pouring over the details in order to make sure that his approach to the beginning stages of this project would be met with the greatest amount of success. What he was embarking upon would take a considerable amount of effort but it was a project that he intended to see through to completion. The completion of Bloodfang had lit a fire under him and he was determined to surpass himself and his capabilities as a runesmith. He was in the middle of looking over the beginning steps when the book in front of him was suddenly snatched away.

H-hey!” He half-rose out of his seat, turning to see a raven winged Avialae holding up the book and examining the page with a puzzled expression.

I sometimes worry at the way your mind works, Shinsei.” Aoren gave him a wry smile as Talon rose from his seat in order to take the book from him.

I happen to enjoy the way my mind works, Captain.” He reached for the book but found it just very slightly out of reach as Aoren raised it higher forcing Talon to enter his bodyguard’s personal space. “Give it back. I need to review the schematics!”

Rather than acquiesce to his demand, Aoren moved the book even further away from him until Talon tripped over the leg of his chair trying to reach it. He fell against the warrior who swiftly caught him. The result saw them both staring into each other’s eyes with Aoren having an arm wrapped around his waist. Talon remained there for a moment, frozen as he was still reaching for the book. When that moment passed, he straightened himself, clearing his throat. He could feel the redness creeping across his cheeks before flicking his fingers and grabbing the book from Aoren’s hands with his kinetics. The warrior grinned impishly before whistling as he went to stand next to one of the workbenches in Talon’s workshop office.
word count: 362
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You’ve been pouring over the designs all day. It’s time for your initiation.” Talon blinked at Aoren.

Initiation?” He searched his memory for what his friend was talking about. Aoren sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Oh for Naori’s sake…” Rubbing his forehead, Aoren gave him an exasperated look. “You forgot didn’t you?

Talon clutched the book in front of him as if it were a shield against the accusation.

I…well…” Aoren chuckled, shaking his head.

You forgot.” He sighed then rolled up the sleeve of his left arm. Talon watched the play of muscles across Aoren’s arm as he extended it, following it until he saw the marking that was in place upon his bodyguard’s left deltoid.That triggered his memory.

Oh.” He had asked Aoren to both initiate him and teach him the ways of Masquerade. From a conventional standpoint, he did not see himself using the magic in its standard practices. He wanted to use it primarily to help him map out the many ideas and schematics that played in his head. The idea of being able to project into reality the vision of things he saw in his mind made the process of drafting his various projects far less daunting. The two of them had went back and forth about what Aoren was willing to initiate him into. He had broached the subject of Reaving but his bodyguard had vehemently refused, stating that Talon was not ready. Setting the book down the desk, he rubbed the back of his neck.

Are you nervous?” It was a sincere question. Aoren was staring at him intently, searching the planes of his face for any hint of hesitation. Talon shook his head.

No.” He had confidence in himself. He knew he would be able to survive the initiation. He had read a few studies about the process of Masquerade initiation. It was one of the stranger and more physically transformative threshold processes.

When you were initiated…?” Aoren understood his question immediately.

I grew scales. A second set of wings. Dragon wings, to be exact. A tail too. I also had one of the most insane dreams I’ve ever had. I still don’t fully understand it but I remember it.” Aoren’s expression went distant for a moment. He was clearly recalling the details of the initiation induced dream that he had been through. Talon let out a breath. His bodyguard began walking toward the doors of the office.

I am going to have Pyrra send a message to the palace informing them of your initiation. While I am gone, I suggest you strip down.” Talon nodded. When Aoren had stepped out of the room he began undoing the ties of his shirt. He lowered his wings carefully and undid the various sashes that held his shirt in place. He sat down in his chair and tugged off his boots, socks and pants. Finally he stripped off his undergarments. He was in the middle of folding his pants, facing away from the doors of his office when they opened again. Glancing over his shoulder, he caught Aoren’s eyes as the warrior entered the room. Talon was not blind to the fact that there was mutual attraction between the two of them. Aoren had been subtly and not-so-subtly making his interest in him known more and more in days of late. Talon did not mind it. While he was still dealing with the pain of having lost someone dear to him, he was healing. It was a slow process but he was getting there.

Aoren was behind him, his chest pressed up against his back. Warmth spread through Talon’s body as the Kathar gently reached up to undo the leather tie that held his hair in place. Aoren gently ran his fingers over the arm of his wings causing goosebumps to rise across Talon’s flesh.

Remind me again why I have to be naked.” The warrior chuckled, gently turning him so that they could look each other in the eyes. Talon was not ashamed of nor shy about his body. He had spent the entirety of his childhood, adolescence and now a large part of his adulthood, fighting and training with the Sky Guard who patrolled the Warrens. He worked just as hard as the soldiers who kept their people safe from its horrors and it showed.

Because it is not uncommon for this initiation to result in the growth of phantom limbs, the projection of strange features and other things that are not good for clothes.” With firm hands, Aoren guided him to the center rug in the middle of the room.

Are you ready, my Shinsei?” Talon nodded his head. He did not trust himself to speak with how close the two of them were. Aoren raised a hand, conjuring a dagger. The Rune of the Masquerade began to glow with a fiery orange light as he brought the tip of the dagger to Talon’s left deltoid. Talon exhaled, closed his eyes and gave a nod. He did not flinch as the knife began cutting symbols into his skin. The whole while, Aoren kept his other hand on his left shoulder, his thumb gently rubbing across tense muscles. He concentrated on his breathing as the process continued until with a final cut, Aoren withdrew his dagger. The two of them held each other’s gaze for a moment before Talon suddenly felt a sharp pain in his skull. He flinched, wincing as his whole body felt as though his skin were being electrified by a stormgem. Control of his muscles gradually became lost to him as he began to convulse. His vision began to dark and the room began to spin.


Everything went dark.

20 Ash 120 Steel

Sunlight streamed into the bedroom. Talon opened his eyes slowly, feeling as though he were waking up after being pelted with rocks. His eyelids felt heavy. His body felt heavier. All of his limbs felt as though they were made of lead. It took a moment before he could shake the dizziness from his head. His vision swam, everything spinning and going double before things came into focus. Confusion settled in his mind until he recognized the ceiling of his bedroom at the Palace of the First Wind. With a soft groan he began pushing himself up into a sitting position. When it felt as though he might collapse back onto the bed, a strong arm suddenly slid behind him and helped prop him up.

Easy, my prince. Easy.” Aoren’s deep voice was soft in his ear. He sagged against the strong arm helping to prop him up, resting his head against his friend’s shoulder.

Is it over?” He had spent the past two days going through a fever dream that was impossible to describe. He remembered growing extra arms only to watch them fall off. He grew an extra pair of wings, a beak, he had seen beams of light shoot out of his eyes. The confusing mess of sensations, images, and experiences that he had been inundated with had been mind numbing to navigate. He had managed to wade through all of it and find his way back to himself. It had not been easy but he had done it.

Yeah, it’s over.” Aoren urged him to lean more solidly against him. He obliged, lacking the strength to keep himself upright. “So, what do you plan to do with your new powers, my prince?

Talon knew exactly what he wanted to do with the Rune of the Masquerade. It would not be an easy accomplishment but he fully intended to commit his craftsmanship, his magic and his resources to the pursuit.

Build something.” His head was still too foggy to provide anymore distinction than that. Aoren chuckled and held him closer. Talon found he did not mind it. Aoren was warm and his presence was a steadfast comfort that made the numbness fade. He had a lot of work to do but at least the task would be made easier with the warrior by his side.
word count: 1375
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Name: Talon
XP: 8 XP. Can be used for magic.
Requested Lore: +6 Lores

Note(s): Talon is now initiated into Masquerade.
word count: 29
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