[Lyonesse] Hero to Zero (Constantine)

The southern lands of the Entente, making up the decentralized realms of South Daravin. The Southern Marches are the bulk of the Empire.

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1st of Searing, 120

It was perhaps one of the best regions Khaori and his captors had set foot in so far—Lyonesse, a land that portraits in his homeland were most likely inspired by the most. It had great features and splashes of different colors, he had to admit, that are most pleasing to the eyes. The fae had always been a true admirer of nature’s beauty and although he thought of the entire existence of Daravin itself as horse manure, he had to give credit where it’s due…quietly. The pleasing sight of what the gods have blessed the region with did not last long though. It was not long before Khaori and the other slaves met the true side of Daravin. Even as a slave, shackled and caked with filth, Khaori could not compare to the ghettos he was beginning to pass by on their way to the capitol.

The outskirts of Duran reeked of poverty and disease, something both new and scary to the fae. His gaze met the pleading eyes of multiple men, women, and children causing him to press himself against the horse-drawn wagon he was tied to out of fear. A million and one thoughts ran through his head as he stared at the misery in horror. The only thought he could really grasp is the one wondering if these were the conditions most slaves lived in. If so, Khaori would have to reconsider his plan of remaining quiet on his identity. He isn’t equipped for that sort of lifestyle.

“Oy! What’s the matta, princess?”

The wagon had come to a stop. Khaori gritted his teeth and shot a glare at the person driving it; his tormentor. Half of the slaves both on and off the wagon should be grateful to the fae—the slaver’s eyes (amongst other things) were constantly on him. It did not matter the emotion, the middle-aged Siltori slaver felt the need to always take it out on him. Even now, the Siltori was in a really great mood, however, Khaori knew what was coming next.

“You think you too good for these people?” The slaver hopped off the wagon, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear him. He definitely caught a few people’s attention and Khaori did not have to look at the people to know they were upset. He could hear the mutters.

The fae refused to answer the man. Keeping his head low, Khaori just watched his shadow creep closer and closer to him until finally, he could feel his breath on the back of his neck. The Siltori smelled of alcohol and some sort of tar—he didn’t exactly understand where that smell was coming from. Eventually, the slaver placed his hands on the branches of cherry blossoms poking out Khaori’s sleeves, causing him to flinch. Khaori did not know what to expect next yet he prayed the slaver wouldn’t do anything in broad daylight.

“You think you betta than me too? Don’t you?” The slaver’s grip around Khaori’s shoulders grew tighter, he could feel the anger seeping out the man and into his own flesh.“You think because you dress pretty and live come from Auris, you betta than me?” The Siltori’s hands raised to his neck and suddenly, the fae was being choked. He could feel his throat close up a bit, the pressure would soon break his windpipes if something wasn’t done soon. Is this how he dies? A part of him hoped so, he wasn’t meant to be a slave and he refused at this point.

“Aye! What the hell you doin’ Don?”

The Siltori let go immediately once he heard his partner calling for him, a mixed-blood on a bronco that could hardly hold still. The two were similar in appearance, Khaori could only assume they were brothers.

“You can’t seem to leave that damn thing alone.” The mixed blood hopped off the horse and immediately came between the fae and other slaver. He stared the other man down before untying Khaori, holding on to his chains while addressing his brother again.“I’m gonna take the damned boy with me. You’ve had your fun, but I can’t have you goin’ around killin’ p— oof!”

In the time it took the slaver to address the other, Khaori whipped the man with his chains. The pain gave him no other choice but to let the noble loose, giving Khaori a few seconds to collect as much as he could of his own shackles and run in the opposite direction while the two were still stunned. He took off, making it only a couple of feet outside the ghetto. Khaori was too busy looking back that he eventually ran into someone. Someone much larger than himself.

word count: 832
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

♅ Hero to Zero ♅

♅ 1st of Searing, Year 120 ♅

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"

♅ Etro had been enjoying the day as it were, finishing some errands he was running early in outside the slums of Lyonesse, and deciding to venture around to take a breather. Though the air was filled with the smell of atrophy and despair. Compared to the city, this part of the region was deplorable.

To see the people in such a state broke his heart a bit, especially as a man who loved the land he was born in and its people, it hurt to see such neglect of the common folk. But as far as Gregorio was concerned, it was the way things were, and to challenge it would be suicide, both socially, politically, and literally.

Etro was one to worry about the condition of those around him, it was just how he was. As long as those he interacted with were of good health and good company, he was content. It was truly saddening to see the people in such a state, and knowing nothing could be done about it.

Deep within his own thoughts, he wasnt aware at first of what was going on in the slums. Soon though he noticed as the disturbance in the flux. Stopping he recognized that it whatever it was approaching rapidly. Turning he could see the commotion, a figure running for their life.

He knew he was going to regret it, but if he could save one life among this retched place he would, no matter the consequences. As the figure got closer he could see the shackles, the chains singing as he ran. The poor kid, taking a risk and a chance on his life in order to escape such a fate as the one he was running from.

In a matter of moments, the young man collided against Etro, who was ready to take the hit. He could hear shouts from inside the slums and with haste, hoisted the young man onto his horse. "Hold on to me, yah!" he commanded as he mounted his mare and set off in the direction of Noir Chateau. ♅
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 416
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1st of Searing, 120

He fell back on his butt, the chains and shackles surely followed, hitting him in the face. It must have been payback from the pain he caused to the slaver. Damn it, why did the gods hate him so much? A throbbing pain began to spread across his face and for the first time since childhood, Khaori wanted to cry. The pain he felt from the chains wasn't the only reason, his kidnapping had a part to play in his current feelings. He felt like an unlucky soul at the moment, a soul that was given life for comedic purposes. Khaori was everything his people were against yet nothing to them at the same time in this very moment. The fae’s initial instinct is to get back up and continue running. But he had nowhere to go.

Eyes closed like a shield to prepare him for whatever’s next, he expected the person he ran into to take him back. It was clear that he's a slave at this point and that he had run away. If a majority of the folk in Daravin felt the way the slavers did, he could only expect to be dragged back to those very men. Or worse. He could be held there and wait to be whipped to death. Khaori only imagined that the worst would happen to him. He wasn't exactly prepared for what was next.

The noble was a small man, both for his own kind and the race he disguised himself as for security purposes. He hardly met the height of a dratori woman. Nonetheless, he did not think he was small enough to be hoisted onto a horse like a child or a damsel in distress. If that wasn't discomforting enough, he laid on his belly while riding the horse too. Khaori just had to open his eyes at this point to grasp this perplexed situation. It was hard though, the jostling against the horse made it difficult for him to turn his neck and get a glimpse of the person stirring the horse. With enough struggle, he could see the man at last. A large man with a large build to match and lovely skin. Khaori would consider him attractive, but he hated humans. Now, this one more than ever.

“Put me down, you dope fiend!” Khaori started to kick and he tried to pull himself up. Sadly he lacked any core muscles.“Put me down or I swear—”his voice trailed off and proceeded to cuss the blonde out in eldhan. If the anger in his voice was not clear enough, the fae’s scrunched up face with eyes shooting daggers should have been another clue that he wasn't pleased with the act of kindness. To be honest, Khaori did not want it from him or any other foreign person. If he couldn't receive the help from his own people then he shall remain independent and figure it out on his own. He did not need pity or the help of this man.

He began to throw a tantrum, eventually sliding off the horse mid-trotting until he hit the ground with a tumble, hardly landing on his feet. After the tumble, that came with a few bruises, the fae was sprawled out on the dirt floor gazing up at the sky. That time on the floor was used to collect his thoughts and question what he was doing. More or so, what was he going to do now. If it wasn't clear by now, he had no plans whatsoever.

word count: 622
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

♅ Hero to Zero ♅

♅ 1st of Searing, Year 120 ♅

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"

♅ He could say he blamed the poor kid for resisting, he must have been through a lot before ending up here. But was this really necessary? All Etro was trying to do was give him a second chance at freedom. He didnt think he would be met with so much aversion to his help.

Though when he thought about it, it made sense. The man's trust was shattered in others, he couldnt trust Etro even though the half-elf was only trying to help him escape his captors. He could feel his eyes stabbing into and then felt the young man fall off the horse. He couldnt believe it but expected it nonetheless.

Bringing the horse to a stop, he approached the young watching him for a bit. He could see a bit of himself in the slave, the rebellion against the circumstances handed to them. Kneeling down he extended a hand out to the man.

"Listen, I understand your anger, your fear, your frustration. I too was a slave at one point but found my way with the help of others. I'm not a native of Daravin, so I won't turn you in, but you will have to come with me. If you stay by m side, you will be taken care of. But that's only if you want to live. I doubt the treatment of a runaway slave will be kind if they catch you."

He didn't mean to put in such words but the sooner this man knew the severity of the situation the better, and soon too. Another presence was approaching, must be the slavers. He couldn't wait for the man's answer as he rushed to pick him up, placing him on his horse.

Turning he could see the figure getting closer. Taking hold of his halberd, he pulled it from the holster on the horse and stood ready. He didn't feel like killing anyone today, but it seemed that fate had other plans for him. ♅
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:02 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 408
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1st of Searing, 120

He did not budge not one bit while the man made his way to him, a sort of depression began kicking in. Khaori remained on the dirt ground, the embroidered and expensive outfit he held as a most prized possession at this point soaking up the somewhat moist mud beneath him. At this time, he's realized that he had no plan or nowhere to really run once more. Khaori heard of Daravin—the entente, really— yet he's never heard of how to escape it. That's not something you teach to a noble; none really ends up in these sort of situations. The fae, like many of his status, never saw himself at the bottom of the mortal food chain. As the large man came into view, shading him from his only nutrition, he just blankly stared at him. This couldn't be his only other option.

“Not at any point was I a slave. I am a lord, a jewel to my people!” He spat in Eldhan, knowing the human couldn't possibly know such a sacred language.“I may be tied down, ”he continued, “but I'll rise again! I am like a Phoenix. These are only my ashes.” He arose, hissing at him. The eldhan rolled off his tongue with eloquence, unlike his common. Common still came off nicely, but Khaori’s thick accent often caused him to stumble during speech and hard words at time.“Stay by your side? Like a wife? You could never afford me.” The fae finally spoke in common again, this time with a haughty tone.

“And another thing—”

Before he could even spit more words, the man picked up on the sound of hooves. It came from the direction they were running away from. The lord’s anger soon turned to fear. He did not want to admit that he needed help from the man but if the lingering presence of Veratelle had mercy, the human scaring the slavers away would be all he wanted and needed. No more, no less.

The human man had a habit of picking him up like a rag doll and tossing him on the horse. There was no reaction out of the lord this time, a wave of nausea being much more stronger than his own sheer will to speak and bicker. The sight of the mixed blood slaver made it even worse. Of the brothers, he was the calmer one. The fae did not receive any kindness from him, however, whenever things got rough between Khaori and the other brother, he was always there to break it up. He wasn't a caring man to say the least, he just cared about what was in his possession. Khaori heard him multiple times mention how much he hated damaged...er, property–referring to the slaves. Want to know what he hated more than damaged property? Runaway property.

Khaori was going to die if this damned human did not hold his ground. The fae laughed in the face of death at first, but if the gods would let him live, Khaori would worship at their temple at every chance. Please let this weed win.

The bronco didn't stop until his muzzle softly touched the mercenary’s face. Whether it was an accident or not, the fae couldn't tell and he did not care. The moment he made eye contact with the slaver, his life flashed before his own eyes. The slaver had a tranquil look yet the underlying truth is that he was going to murder him. The lord could see it like a vision.

The mixed blood coolly slid off his horse and warmly smiled at the mercenary, sticking out a hand to shake.“Charlis Knosos.” He told him as his gaze soon shifted to the weapon in the blonde’s hand.“Don't tell me you gon’ get all hostile now over a lil’ slave. I'm sure you seen enough of `em around here to know what's going on.”

word count: 692
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Location: Lyonesse, Daravin
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=77
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

♅ Hero to Zero ♅

♅ 1st of Searing, Year 120 ♅

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"

♅ The half-elf let out a sigh as the young man spoke in a language he had never heard before. Not only was the guy resisting, but the language barrier was making it hard to calm him and see the tension. He truly wanted to help, but the poor slave was not making it easy.

In his mind, however, the more pressing matter was the presence that was approaching. Despite whatever and however this slave might have felt about the situation, Etro was his only way out. His grip tightened on the shaft of the halberd, only to loosen a bit at hearing the young man speak in common.

Etro turned an looked at him with a confused face, not knowing what he meant by that, but when he thought on his own word choice, he could see where the slave could have gotten the notion. In any case, it was no time to dwell on it as the horse of the slaver came into view...quite literally.

The slaver's horse was close enough to Etro's face it could lick him. His grip once again tightening, he heard the man out as he dismounted his mare, approaching. Etro didnt waste the energy on trying to shake the man's hand, and the fact that he didnt see this man as a human being only made Etro's blood boil.

Etro's gaze bore into Charlis, unamused by the man, and was growing increasingly agitated by him. "I can't say that I can hand him over. He was in distress and I aided him. I ask you to forget about this one and return to your other merchandise before they too escape you as well. And at this point, I'm not asking."

His eyes said enough for the man to hopefully get the picture. Etro had no intention of handing the young male over to him, he would die first. His body flowing with aether, rocks began to float and levitate around him, a faint amethyst glow upon him and the loose debris. ♅
Last edited by Etro on Tue Jun 16, 2020 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 416
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Hero to Zero
1st of Searing, 120 AoS

Magic was nothing new to the young boy, Khaori’s mother was and still is a magnificent sorceress who did her best to teach him the ins-and-outs of it. He never seemed to grasp it at that time, but he had enough knowledge to know when it was being performed. Khaori was only slightly shocked to see his savior use it as a threat. A part of him wondered if the blonde would really use it considering the slave-owner might have citizenship. The fae could only assume that there is a law set in place for killing your own kind although he hardly thought anyone would follow it. Talks of Daravin erupt in court frequently, Auris often hears news of the entente killing each other. If he was not mistaking the country for another, civil wars broke out like hives here. How civilized, Khaori rolled his eyes as the thought of fights constantly breaking out. If not for their magic, the fae would think of the Daravin as nothing more than savages. Anyway, that's not the point.

The slave owner, Charlis was his name, hardly flinched. He must receive threats pretty often not to care. The halfling only smiled even harder and at some point, he laughed like a maniac causing Khaori to sit back even farther on the horse.

“You see friend, I can't forget `bout that one.” Charlis pointed directly at Khaori with a dirty finger.“Why he's something special! I don't think ya seen him without that damn costume. Princess there is a walking, talkin’ rose bush that has enough appeal to bed my brother.”

The mention of the other man crippled the fae. He did his best to stay strong, however, just the thought of the other man was worse than the thought of dying again. The noble was indecisive once more—he could not decide which was inferior to the other now. Noticeably, Khaori began to breathe harder. He could not catch his breath and he wanted to do nothing more than scream. The fae tried not to harp on his time with the slavers too much, preferring to put on a brave face. Nonetheless, it was hard to do so at this very moment.

Charlis took notice, his smiling face stretching behind the blonde and onto Khaori.“I’d never leave him in the hands of my brother again, the fools incompetent. I wanna give `em a good home. I heard these fella’s real loyal. Like a dog. I'm sure there are some veirs that want him—he is well-spoken and all. And I tell you what! You give `em to me and you get a cut of the money.”

"I am like a Phoenix! I will rise again."
word count: 553
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[indent=20]Hero to Zero
1st of Searing, 120 Age of Steel
Was this man daft? Did he truly believe such words that flowed from his lips. Though he was doing his best not to show it, Etro was livid. He could feel his skin warming from the rage he felt.

He couldn't believe that he was so casual about trading someone's life as if it was nothing. To the blonde, it was a shit covered slap in the face. How dare he spout such things to him, and as if on instinct, Etro lifted the man up into the air, only for him to come down onto the spearhead of his halberd.

It was so quick he didn't think the slaver truly understood what just happened to him. "How dare you spit such foul drivel to me. I used to be a sex slave a long time ago. I know exactly what this one has had to endure and I refuse to allow him to suffer, let alone be compensated for such an atrocity.

Sink into hell knowing that the souls of those you sold into such a fate await you"
we whispered, using pull to force the man all the way threw on the halberd. He was stoic about it all and ripping some cloth from Charlis' garments and wiped the filth from his weapon. Turning to the slave, he shook his head.

"He deserved that, but I'm sorry you had to see this. He said the wrong thing, and I let my emotions get the better of me." He apologized, checking the body for anything that could lead anyone back to them. The next thing that he did was gruesome but necessary

With a powerful chop, the man's head was cleaved off. Tossing it as high as he could, he sent it flying with a push in the flux. Taking the reigns of his horse they began to journey back, silence filling the space around them until Etro finally spoke up.

"I understand you may not trust me, hell I wouldn't either if I was in your position. I need to know what he meant by saying you are special. Who exactly are you?" His eyes never strayed from the path ahead of them but his tone was very direct.

"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
"Aerendyl Speech"
word count: 493
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Hero to Zero
1st of Searing, 120 AoS

Charlis was so used to the importance of money and bribery, Khaori was sure he did not see this coming whatsoever. The man was almost too confident the blonde would turn his possession in and for a brief moment, the fae was almost sure he would too. He had a terrible perception of people; especially those who did not look wealthy or well put together. The blonde may or may not have saved him from Charlis. That did change how he feels about outsiders though—the blonde lacked money and if this were to be a gamble, he would always bet on the underprivileged to choose money over people. Hell, even the privileged prioritized money.

Khaori might be wrong and he can admit that. The older male saved his life, what are the odds of that? That might be a little more shocking than the death itself.

He turned away from what happened next, pretending he could not hear or see anything. The fae did not know the blonde’s plans with the body. Charlis was terrible, everything he did was a crime against humanity. Still, Khaori had mixed feelings about the discarding of him based on personal morals. He’d rather not know what the larger man was doing. Instead, he quietly waited on him, making room on the horse for him to take over and go wherever.

“His brother liked to fuck me.” Khaori turned away from his savior, his legs dangling off one side of the horse as he picked at the saddle.“What can I say? I am truly a sight to behold to humans, apparently. I guess that makes me special, huh?”

There was more to it than that. He was just too tired to say any more. Khaori was still in shackles too, his wrists slightly bloody and bruised. Blood trickling from them, a strange color too. The noble Lord did not care though.

“Who are you? You said you were a sex slave but you're free now? How did you gain it here? I'm sure it was not easy to escape the entente. Auris speaks of them like a disease.”

"I am like a Phoenix! I will rise again."
word count: 456
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Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=346

[indent=20]Hero to Zero
1st of Searing, 120 AoS

A sigh escaped his lips as he listened to the man explain himself. Looking him over, he could see the appeal. The half-breed couldn't help but feel bad for the young male. Having experienced this for himself growing up, he wouldn't even conceive wishing that fate on another soul.

His words did make him ponder however, as he referred to others as humans, which meant only one thing. "Does that imply that you not human if other humans find you irresistible?" he inquired, his crystal blue eyes peering up at the man on his saddle. Before he could get an answer, the man asked him who he was, his past about being a sex slave.

For a moment he was silent, then with a breeze that blew by, he began to speak. "Well I was not born here, nor was I was a sex slave here. I'm originally from Lorien, and I was not born into such bondage. I was orphaned at sixteen, my parents were killed the night of my sixteenth birthday, and was left to fend for myself. I had to do what I had to in order to survive." he began, fighting back the emotions of the memory.

"It wasn't all that bad to honest, I had a roof over my head, food, clothes. The mistress of the house was kind in her own way, and as long as I made a profit she caused me no issues. As for my freedom, it was bought, if only indirectly. As far as my former mistress is concerned, I simple vanished, but in actually a patron of mine paid her to look the other way of my journey to Daravin.

If it wasn't for him I would not know the freedom I know now."
he finished, a quick smile flashing to the male. "As I stated earlier, I won't subject anyone to that lifestyle, but if you don't want to be sent back to the slavers, you'll have to play the part of a slave. You won't be one in my eyes, but in order to throw off any suspicion, it must be done. I've learned natives of Daravin cant be trusted." he noted, patting the man on his knee.

"So tell me, what is this Auris place like, what was your life like before you ended up a slave....former slave I mean?"
"Common Speech"
"Silvain Speech"
"Aerendyl Speech"
word count: 528

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