Leliana's Plot Notes

For players to create notes about their ongoing plots and read one another's notes.

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Joined: Wed May 27, 2020 9:19 pm
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=553
Plot Notes: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=577

• N P C - L I S T •

Name: Arangyl Ela'Morian
Race: Siltori
DoB: 10th of Glade, 337th year of the Age of Sundering (183 years old)
Relation: Father
NPC Type: Personal (Whereabouts/fate unknown)

Biography: Arangyl, like many Siltori, is a proud man. Proud of his heritage, proud of his family, but unlike some, he does not think himself better than others. Being born during the Age of Sundering was hard for many, more than just the elves. As a scholar and a historian Arangyl travels the width and breadth of the world collecting information to piece together a more detailed tapestry of what happened to each culture within Ransera.

He never was the sort to settle down, but he has left his mark one way or another in a few parts of the world. Arangyl's firstborn was a tried and true Siltori boy, the pride of his parents and coveted due to his health and early signs of promise. His travels continued, but he always made sure to return to his role as father, although he and his son's mother didn't seem destined for each other.

It was with great shame and regret that he later discovered his second-born, Leliana, left unknown to him to live in servitude for the first formative years of her life. When her existence and fate were revealed to him, he immediately set forth to free her and unite her with the rest of her kin. Intending to take her back to Sil-Elaine once his current business was finished, he never got the chance due to an ambush by slave hunters.

Ultimately he seems to have sacrificed himself to save his daughter, but his fate is still unknown at this point.

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Name: Catlyn
Race: Human
DoB: Unknown (~30 years old at ToD)
Relation: Mother
NPC Type: Personal (Deceased)

Biography: Leliana's mother has an ambiguous origin. She was sold into slavery at a young age and purchased by Maxim Hodge in her early teens. He was struck mainly by her looks, but quickly grew attached to her quiet and feminine demeanor. In his eyes, she was what a woman was supposed to be. After a few short years she was living a life of relative luxury, but no number of silk dresses or shiny baubles could make her forget that she still indeed a slave.

She met Lily's father at one of Maxim's many parties and the pair were immediately drawn to each other. He snuck back to the estate several times over the course of the coming weeks in between his breaks on business, but ultimately his duties led him away and 9 months later Leliana was born. Despite the circumstances of being demoted and forced to have very limited time with her daughter after she came into the world, she tried to have a positive impact on the child.

When Lily was about ten years old she and several other slaves tried to escape. The attempt quickly failed though, and ultimately cost Catlyn her life. This was a significant change for Leliana, because not only did she lose her mother but her innocence and naivete as well.

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Name: Maxim Hodge
Race: Human
DoB: 57th of Searing, 59th year of the Age of Steel (61 years old)
Relation: Prior owner
NPC Type: Local

Biography: Maxim Hodge is a merchant and landowner living just outside of Amoren in Daravin. One of his many pursuits is the trade and acquisition of slaves throughout the region, especially those with more exotic or appealing qualities. It was for this reason that he decided not to kill Leliana when she was born. Seeing that she had elven blood, he decided to raise and groom her as a future companion. A symbol of his taste and wealth.

He has a dual personality that he shifts between rather fluidly; that of a gentleman and that of a monster. To those outside of his immediate circle he appears to be the perfect gentleman, but everyone else that knows him more intimately, he is nothing more than a cruel man exerting control in whatever ways please him most--and most of those ways involve the various uses of his slaves, particularly feeding those that anger him most to his prized hunting dogs.

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word count: 1231
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