A ragtag group of misfits search for missing villagers in the desert..

Apart from the two major metropolitan centers in the kingdom, The Atraxian Expanse is home to tens of thousands of Solunarians. Some of the Vastii still hearken back to their days as nomads, roaming the open desert and braving its many trials, but most have formed settlements along the River Vasta or around nearby oases. Most of these settlements in the present day are completely self-governing, but there are a few in the vicinity of valuable resources, which are overseen by representatives of the greater kingdom. Unlike the two fortified cities of Solunarium and Tertium, many of these smaller settlements live under the constant threat of desert squalls, droughts and attacks from desert-dwelling predators, like Tusk Titans and wild wyverns.

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Although Arvælyn ultimately declined the advances of his Avialæ semi-sibling, there was something about the overture that stirred him a bit. Not that it took a lot to rouse the virile elven youth, but once they were alone in the tent, Finn would reap the boons he’d denied Raithen.

Another day, a foreboding discovery, a scouring of ruins and several carefully curated meals later, they were in their tent again when the purpose of their expedition seemed to assert itself. An earthquake on sandy ground was an odd sensation to wake to, but the voices of more knowledgeable desert-goers indicated it was something else altogether.

Emerging from the tent after the others, his golden eyes widened at what loomed afield making its lumbering approach. Raithen barked a few instructions before taking flight, and Hilana appended his orders with a bit of useful intel before quitting the apparent impending battlefield.

“You don’t die either!” Arry felt obliged to repeat the sentiment every other member of the party had imparted, but added, “And don’t let anything happen to that pretty face!” With a wry wink. Arming himself with a pair of khopesh blades, Arry jogged behind Finn toward the monocular monstrosity.

He activated his most practised Rune and dipped into the strange symphony of the creature and quickly noticed that it was not alone. There were other souls following behind it at a distance. Other, presumably normal-sized Cyclopes and…

“Humans!” A far more familiar form of Symphony. There was fear afoot, but it was not directed at the colossal cyclops… he felt their fear was for the beast.

“Raithen!” He cried, “It isn’t hosti-…” The eye exploded, sending a gush of scarlet into the sky overhead. Wincing at the sudden shift in the creature’s Symphony he sighed to Finn,

“Well, now it is…” Even if Raithen had heard him at that distance, the observation had come too late. The beast roared and raged as a storm of sand whirled about its head. Until a greater gust of gale force winds dispersed Raithen’s efforts.

“What the fuck?!” A new and stranger Symphony joined the jumble in Arry’s awareness… or was it Symphonies plural? Diving from the firmament soared another colossal creature— this one far more violent. He could sense predatory hunger and a territorial bent that verged on malice. Massive talons dug into the chest of the blinded, hamstrung giant and the force of massive bat-like wings dragged the beast by tearing muscle and sinew into the air for a quarter of a mile, before the combined weight of the colossal cyclops and the three-headed megawyvern brought both down. The cyclops collapsed onto its back, crushing two smaller Cyclopes and about a dozen Vastians. As the humanoid giant tried to struggle against the attack, the two heads on either side tore their razor sharp fangs into its wrists and grappled its arms to the ground as the central head bellowed as it emitted a gushing geyser of black, corrosive acid onto its face and into the gaping eye socket. Within moments, the toxin had burned through to its brain and the body went limp. Surviving Cyclopes and Vastian villagers screamed in horror as their might champion lay slain as two Draconic heads tore into his meat, and the third, set its attention upon the survivors. Suddenly the central head let out a rattling war cry that drew its flanking counterparts up from their feast, their black fangs dripping red as the Wyvern reared up and spread its giant wings. It seemed the real battle was upon them.

Arry reached into the æther of the survivors and shouted a command the gravity of which was reinforced by his Craft.


Even if they were too far to hear him, they would sense the compulsion and set about to fleeing in all directions.
word count: 651
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Watching from above what followed his initial attack did not make what Raithen was seeing any less titanic in its scale or horror. Felling cyclops was not new for the Avialea, nor even was having to content with rouge wyvern on occasion, but this beast was...

He blinked, forcing his mind to accept what he was seeing as real and immediate instead of some show of Masquerade mummery. In moments the two colossi were plummeting to the ground, in a few more the cyclops was dead, reduced to a meal for the victor. Taking a slow breath he could feel the effects of Mesmer as strong as any he'd encountered and it was only due to his training with his mother, and the distance from the mage spreading the warning that allowed him not to turn and fly to where Hilana was to escape.

Instead he circled, tried to get an understanding for the group of humans and smaller cyclops that were now mostly fleeing. Had the Wyvern been the one to flatten the village? It certainly seemed capable, but how had the people living there gotten warning to leave before hand? Questions were for investigation, and investigation was for after the danger was neutralized.

Diagrams of Wyvern anatomy flipped through his mind's eye like the books he'd studied them in. The head's were the most dangerous, then the tail, then the claws, based mostly on level of reach, any of the three could kill you as easily if you got within range. The tactic he'd used in the past had involved his flechettes and while they might still prove useful, the thickness of the hide of this giant of its kind might render them mostly useless.

Circling around back to where his band of two were he landed heavily and said,

"Uhm, ideas? If either of you could use that Mesmer on it, confuse it or lull it I could take out the eyes. That won't be as effective as it was on the cyclops, but it might at least give us a chance. I don't think my flechettes will pierce it's hide, though they might be able to tear the wings. Getting anywhere near is suicide even if it's blinded. Finn, do you think you could open a portal to its insides if I grounded it?"
word count: 404
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In the distance, Hilana could only worry for her friends. She circled steadily on Hayima’el, not wanting to stand still and get complacent; lest she look like easy prey to any assortment of predators. And while she worried, she looked over the sands, maintaining a wide circle that was close enough to the way that they had come, while still allowing her to scout and keep an eye on things such as they were from where she was. On the top of a dune, she had an advantage, somewhat; unless some predator was buried underneath. But even if that was the case, then going downhill might give them a good head start on the run. Either way, she had faith in her bull, just like she had faith in her friends. Just had to push that worry aside and put it away. Trust in their abilities, trust in the Founders to watch over them... This was part and parcel of her not having any Runes nor much practice in terms of combat, which was something she was going to have to rectify. Then perhaps she could be useful in a fight rather than just patching people up after.

But even in the distance from where the fight was underway, she felt the weight of something extremely heavy hitting the ground. Hayima’el snorted, tossing his head, and they continued their walk on the top of the dune. He didn’t like it either, but Hilana had to assume that they had managed to fell it. Whether by Mesmer or by combat, she didn’t know, but judging from the violence of the way it hit the ground... It was probably the latter. She wondered if that was the one that had squashed the village; it did seem entirely possible. But if that was the case; why had they not found anyone in the ruins?

It didn’t make sense. She leaned forward, resting her forearms on the front bar of the padded saddle, looking up under the shade at the stars, looking up in order to find the constellations. She knew the ways to the next ones, what the stories above in the endless sky told her. And later...when all of this was over... she could tell them to the others. When all of this was over.

word count: 405
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Finn hadn't heard Arvælyn's earlier warning or he might have held back; certainly, he hadn't wanted to do violence, though it had seemed necessary at the time. He did, however, feel the push and pull of his mesmerism, and vaulted away, then laid his eyes upon his amatus and vaulted to his side. By this time, Raithen was approaching them.

"The fuck...?" he muttered.

The wyvern was dragon-sized, and he hadn't even imagined that was possible.

"Wait, what?" he looked at Raithen, confused. He supposed he could have managed to open a portal into the beast's insides, but it would take a bit of time and concentration. He couldn't see it, hadn't been there, and the creature was alive and moving, its superposition was in flux, its lines in the slipspace changing.

"I think it were better we try to defuse the situation. I've been training with wyverns, so perhaps I can calm it down." He looked to Arvælyn for confirmation or argument. Perhaps if he could manage the wyvern and his amatus could manage the cyclopes and humans, they could avoid further bloodshed.

Hilana, at least, had gotten away. And she knew the desert well enough that she could go to ground and stay safe until they figured this out.

Finn began to gather power in his Rune, preparing to reach out, find harmony with the wyvern's rage and then change the course of its music. If Raithen or Arvælyn protested, he would stop, but for now, time seemed of the essence, so he reached out to the giant creature with his silent song.
word count: 294
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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As Arvælyn's mesmeric energy shot forth toward its intended targets, he felt an odd shift in Raithen's Symphony- as if his half-brother was responding to a fainter tug from the same compulsion he cast toward the survivors. Furrowing his brow in confusion, he wondered whether it had something to do with their sanguine kinship. Had Raithen somehow drawn the invisible tethers toward himself? He knew that Raithen didn't practise the Craft himself, having devoted himself wholly toward the study of Kinetics, thus far in his young life. In any event, the Avialæ seemed to shake off the milder version of his urging, and there were more pressing matters in the foreground than exploring an ultimately inconsequential ætheric fluke.

Quickly realising that he was wholly unequipped to vie against a colossal beast, Arvælyn halted his advance and skidded to a halt in the sand. His mind dashed apace with the alacrity and clarity of panic. He considered his recent training, but none of it had prepared him for a conflict on this scale. His first impulse was typically to resolve matters with his oldest, strongest Rune, but a cursory scan of the massive creature's Symphony sent his mind reeling backward. It was a jumble of chaos. This was no natural born mammoth mutant, but a product of the Dread Mists. The only aspect of the creature that seemed cohesive was the collusion between the minds housed in those three heads. The only aspect that seemed consistent was its aggression.

As Finn blipped into existence at his side, he turned sharply poised to defend himself, before softening at the sight of his amatus, who was soon followed by Raithen. They were all of them as perplexed as the next.

"This creature's Symphony is pure discord... I only skimmed it, and felt madness brimming that threatened to take hold of my own. I think..." He shook his head, sadly, to Finn. "I think this creature will find peace only in death. Oh, fuck..." One of the heads turned its attention on the only three who weren't running in different directions.

"Uhh..." He glanced at their surroundings and, noting the approach of a fleeing Cyclops, a notion occurred to him. The creature was armed and armoured. All of them were. Whether they'd been domesticated cyclopes or a wild tribe that somehow colluded with the absconded villagers to prepare for this, they were battle ready. It was just that cyclopes were not known for their tactical acumen and, lacking instruction, they would surely be felled apace.

"I'll distract it." He began to draw æther toward his Rune of Masquerade, as he withdrew the compulsion he'd been sending into the Symphonies of the Cylopes and villagers.

"Finn, if you can coordinate the Cyclopes with Mesmer, maybe Raithen can strategise us toward a concerted effort to fell the beast with their aid." With those words swiftly uttered, Arvælyn turned his attention toward conjuring a Reflection of the Cyclops running toward them, creating a duplicate running away from them and toward the Megawyvern. The beast roared angrily and turned its attentions toward the illusory would-be assailant.
word count: 532
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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Raithen - 11
Arvælyn - 11
Hilana - 11
Finn - 11

Points: 15 per player, may be used for magic for all but Hilana

Pharaoh: 1 mod xp

Injuries/Ailments: Various but now old

Loot: None

word count: 66
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