Gettin' Outta Dodge (Yeva)

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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Chieftain Boraba and returned back to the city to check in on the recruits. It was time to bring everyone back home to Ounokt Nora. Norani, and all of the other recruits, had been spending their time in the city learning exactly how the primary military of Ecith functioned. Being from the villages, they knew nothing about how the forces were structured, what their responsibilities and expectations were. They shadowed other soldiers, from entry levels to generals. They were allowed to ask as many questions as they wished, they participated in the daily trainings each put in.

They learned that to rise in the military wasn't a title where one could grow old and fat and serve the military from a desk. The generals put in more, and higher quality training, than all of those below them. Serving to protect Ecith and the people of it never got easier. It got more difficult and you did it by choice. Norani studied hard, she struggled in the trainings, but she did them. Some of what the generals she shadowed did an hour, took her twelve hours to accomplish. But she did it.

Most nights Norani was the last to almost crawl her way into the open room at the inn, the same one in which she'd met Yeva, that first day in Drathera as an adult. Her everything hurt. She could feel muscles she didn't know she had. And trying to find room in the communal bed was difficult. Several nights she had to take the outermost edge, laying upon the outer corner of the frame, uncomfortable but still falling asleep out of sheer exhaustion. Other nights she slept on the floor, her pack as a pillow. If she was too frustrated, she went to the Aerie and slept in the nest with Ruvaf. Those were the better nights more often than not.

The best days were the ones where she was told, usually by the cook at breakfast, to take a resting day. And no one refused the orders of a cook in Ecith. Those days, she would find Yeva, which wasn't overly difficult considering everyone in Ecith shared information freely, and Yeva was particularly easy to find. On those days, Yeva and Norani simply enjoyed the city, and each other's presence. They explored together shops, art, learning the city culture. Yeva taught Norani many things from her own life and experiences abroad, and Norani taught Yeva more Ecitharese, more ways to better adapt into Orkhan culture, at least from her own limited, country bumpkin perspective.

Norani and Yeva were friends now. Without a doubt. On these rest days of Norani's, the pair managed to get back to the open rooms at an earlier time, finding space in the bed. Yeva was still tentative to the idea, very tense at the concept of sharing a bed. Norani didn't understand why. There had been a late night discussion, the pair of them sitting against the baseboard of the bed, talking about it. Norani had grown up sharing the same bed, not just with her parents and siblings, but with friends and neighbors. Orks usually preferred that skin to skin contact of those they trusted, which was everyone in their culture. That was the connecting factor. Norani didn't know that abroad, people often only shared the bed with those they had sex with or were romantic with. She had asked what people do before they found those others? Sleep alone?

Norani hated it.

Sleeping alone sounded cold, disconnected. If not for the arms of those around her, and hers around someone else, what would keep the Unknown from snatching her away in the night? Orks survived the millennia by finding strength together. Not going it alone. Norani didn't press it if Yeva refused, but if she allowed it, she would find a spot for them in the middle of the communal bed. And she would hold Yeva, the elf's back against her front, Norani's arms around the woman. And Norani would wait until she could tell that the redhead fell asleep before allowing herself to fall asleep.

She wanted Yeva to feel safe and accepted here in Ecith. As everyone here should. As Norani grew up feeling.

But on this morning, a morning after one of her resting day, they were to make their way to one of the landings, for Norani and the recruits were being called home. Norani was up at sunrise, as usual, and she was out on the landing, prepping the straps for the flybags on Ruvaf. He was still getting used to the idea of having things tied to him so he wasn't the most comfortable. But his and Norani's trainings, and the improved diet in the city and having joined the military, he'd grown quite large in the last season. He was big enough now to carry Norani, Yeva, and their gear comfortably.

Still, he was fidgeting with the straps and Norani was working to calm him down, just as the other recruits were as well. It was a tale as old as time here in Ecith, and Chief Boraba smiled, watching them as she sat on the ledge next to her own, massive Ci'uvan, mother to most of the smaller ones here. She had been in their position, not too long ago. And one of them very well might replace her one day. And the idea brought her comfort. That was how things were supposed to be.
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Yeva had been buzzing with excitement since she woke, eating her breakfast with vigor and running along the landing to complete last minute errands before their trip. Over the course of the last season, she had grown less skittish within the city, replacing her pants and boots with airy skirts and bare feet. She wasn't yet ready to make the plunge to no clothing, but with Norani's encouragement and the casual acceptance of the citizens around her, Yeva had tiptoed from her comfort zone. Today, she wore a midriff top as well, and wooden bangles that clinked together as she jumped to a busker beating drums, her red curls piled high on the crown of her head and held in place with a bone comb, and outside of the occasional brush of self consciousness when she slowed from breathlessness or an orc grabbed her hands to pull her to dance, Yeva allowed herself a chance of mirth.

It reminded her of the gatherings in Sol'Valen, although those events were less spontaneous, required more social courtesy, and were filled with family members that enjoyed the gentle ribbing that she had once dreaded with a passion. Here, without no expectation other than to learn and live, she could spin and sweat, trying to keep up with the thundering steps of orcs stomping in rhythmic unison. She was panting in the early humid heat, a smile plastered on her face as she finally broke free of the music's spell and went to grab the basket she had used for shopping. She slipped the straps over her shoulders and said her goodbyes to the participants, racing to where she was to meet Norani and the tribesmen.

When she came rounding the corner, Yeva's skin, which had transitioned to a soft tan over the course of the previous season, was gleaming from a thin sheet of sweat and her feet slowed as she began to approach the orcs and their Ci'uvan. Shortly after they met, Yeva learned that Ruvaf had been a juvenile and he was expected to grow much larger. And he had. Carefully Yeva weaved through the riders, searching for a familiar wash of green, before spotting her friend calming her raptor, "Good morning," she greeted, slipping behind Norani and shrugging her pack from her her shoulders. She watched the two interact for a moment, before stepping forward to wrap her arms around the orc woman, clasping her hands together at the woman's ribs. It was a considered act, Yeva never quite sure if her physical contact would be considered inconvenient, but so far Norani had yet to pull away. With trust established and regular discussion about her own struggles with embracing Ecithean culture, Yeva appreciated her friend's patience and had been becoming more generous with her affections. Hugs were easiest, cuddling was a bit harder, but with strangers, the thought of close contact sent her heart racing and she felt a consistent need to wiggle free, red and stammering.

Baby steps.

Their height difference was always most evident when they embraced. Norani was whole head taller than her, so she pressed her cheek against the woman's back, talking into her shoulder blades, "I'm nervous," she admitted after a pause to gather her thoughts in Ecitharese, "But excited." she smiled again, the thought of flying making her stomach flip. Yeva exhaled as their body heat began to build, peeling her cheek away from her friend and leaning to the side to try and peek beyond Norani's bicep, "Is he alright? He looks... uh," Yeva's arms loosened and she stepped back, crossing her arms across her chest as she looked at Ruvaf and the other raptors. She remembered the word, catching the sharp eyes of Chief Boraba, who was watching onwards with a smile of her own. Yeva gave a small wave, but looked back to Norani, "Restless."

A couple change of clothes, some coin, toiletries, and a few divination tools were in her basket, but she had packed light. Far lighter than when she first came to the city. She did not want to put more strain on the mount than needed, "What can I do to help?"
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Norani heard the words of greeting from her dear friend and her smile grew bright upon her face. Norani patted her flying mate, knowing he would need to work out some more of his crankiness against the straps until he was more comfortable. She felt Yeva press up against her back, her face pressed between her shoulder blades. Norani's hands moved down, gently covering Yeva's own, sharing in the embrace, and her entire body relaxed in the contact. Norani heard Yeva's words and felt her move around her own body to peer at Ruvaf. As Yeva slipped away, stepping back, Norani patted Ruvaf, letting him push against the straps, seeking his comfort.

"Yes, he is restless. Come, come."

Norani gestured Yeva over, beckoning her to come close to both Ruvaf and herself. Norani had introduced the two together previously, and while Ruvaf was well behaved, he didn't have the same bond. He hadn't yet learned how to read Yeva's body language or understand her words, not like he had with Norani, with Boraba, and some of his own flighted friends. So he was still easily confused by her mannerisms and that made him a little bit uncomfortable. But he trusted Norani, and she trusted him to not harm Yeva.

Norani stood close to the raptor's shoulder, beckoning for Yeva to come in close to her, while cooing to Ruvaf. Speaking to Yeva in Ecitharese, "He is learning to wear the travel packs. It is not something Ci'uvan are trained for unless they join the Dragoons." She reached up, gently pulling on one of the straps, "It must be tight enough that it does not chafe his skin or fall loose, but not so tight as to restrict his movements."

If Yeva came in close to where Norani beckoned, the pair would be standing with Yeva's back to Norani's front. Norani would gently grasp Yeva's hand, guiding it along the raptor's neck and torso muscles, to show how the straps worked with his musculature, not against it. Physical touch was important to Ruvaf, and Norani wanted him to become friends with Yeva as well. It would simply take time, practice, and patience, as was the case in all things. Norani found her face in the back of Yeva's pile of scarlet curls, and a took in the soft scent of what she washed with. Notes of citrus and spice.

"Talk to him, touch him, be gentle. The more comfortable he is with you, with me, the calmer he will become."

Norani would stay there by Yeva's side the whole time, sharing this time to calm the great creature down. Ruvaf eventually did, shrugging and relaxing and once he did, Norani would move to make them just a tiny bit tighter. It was important to get them just right while he was no longer tensed up. Once he was settled in, Norani moved in to hug him tight, showering him in praises one might give a close friend. Stepping back from him, as other Dragoons were finishing readying their mounts, she smiled at Yeva. She showed Yeva where she could stow her pack among the straps and how to secure it properly.

"I got you a gift."

She reached into a pocket on the pack, pulling out a small leather visor. "Wear this above your eyes. It will protect them from the sun and from debris and wind." The visor was thin, ornately decorated, with small raised ridges, meant to fit over her brows. Yeva would find that it would fit perfectly. The leatherworker Norani had gone to for it had seen Yeva in one of the mess halls and was able to recall her dimensions perfectly.

"When we fly, you will sit in front, here." She gestured at the spot on Ruvaf's back. "If you tire, you can lean against his neck. He does not mind." Smiling, she moved her hand further along Ruvaf's back, "I will sit behind you. We must remember to not hold too tight onto him. It makes him uncomfortable and will tire us out quickly. When we turn or dive, we balance on our thighs. This makes it easier to flow with him and the wind. When we soar gently, we can rest. He will rest on the updrafts as well."

Then Norani's face grew serious, "This could be dangerous. There are creatures far bigger, faster than us that live in the wilds here. We will take the safest route we can, but nowhere is safe out here. If a warning cry goes out, stay low against Ruvaf. We will protect you and each other." And then a soft comforting smile, "If I fall, stay with Ruvaf. He will take care of you."

Then the sobering moment passed, "Shall we mount up?" This was asked with a bright smile. Norani moved forward, leaping upon Ruvaf's back with a practiced ease that she did not have a mere season ago. She patted his back, and he leaned down low. Norani gave Yeva the opportunity to jump up herself if she wished. And she was ready to catch the woman if she needed a helping hand.

As everyone was mounting up Chieftain Boraba spoke to the group, largely to the non-dragoon travelers it seemed. She spoke in the Common tongue. She knew the recruits would've informed the travelers of the dangers and some basics on flying comfortably. "We will fly for several days. We will break at high sun briefly and make camp before dusk. Leaving the camp unattended puts yourself and everyone at risk. You will be expected to help with chores and meals. If you have particular talents or desire to do certain tasks, speak up. We will break camp before dawn. Any who fail to follow these rules," a dark glower, "Will be left behind, but not forgotten."

She walked along each Ci'uvan, checking the straps, the dragoons, and the accompanied travelers with the gaze of not simply an expert but someone who was the best in the world at their particular skill set. She made small adjustments as she went, sharing why and how to the Dragoon. Arriving at Ruvaf she smiled up at them, fixing a couple of the straps, mentioning how the muscles there flexed harder when they would bank. She looked at Yeva, a happiness upon her face, but there was a sadness hidden in the back of her eyes. She patted Yeva upon the knee, "It is good to have you with us, Yeva Bleu."

Norani had watched this from behind Yeva with a bit of confusion. The Chieftain had not spoken to any of the other travelers in this way. Nor at all. Maybe it was because Yeva was coming as a friend, not as a merchant? It was... strange.

Once all the checks were finished, Boraba leapt upon her own Great Ci'uvan, her eyes scanning the winds. Norani leaned forward, whispering into Yeva's ear, "Are you ready?"

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Norani's hand ran along the leather straps of the travel pack while speaking, demonstrating how much give was acceptable and where it remained close to the hide. She hesitated at first, as weary as Ruvaf, but nodded to her friend who slipped behind her and took her hand, guiding it forward to run along the creature's neck and torso. The skin was coriaceous and thick, stretched tight across powerful muscles that twitched and flexed beneath her fingertips. Norani's voice was soothing, spoken calmly behind her as she encouraged her to engage.

Yeva wasn't sure what to say. Her hand continued to glide over Ruvaf's frame, still drawn along by Norani's hand, "Alright," she said softly, deciding on a proper greeting, although she felt silly at first, "My name is Yeva... I am stranger," her voice was soft, spoken first in Ecitharese using basic grammar and common, simple sentences, "I am sorry for... fear. I will not hurt you," after a few strokes, she felt more reassured to see that the Ci'uvan did not swing its head to snap at her.

She wondered how many of her kind Ruvaf had seen; Hytori weren't quite as common in Ecith as they were in other places. Those that were within the city had a few intermingled features from their life alongside the orcs, and even fewer had red hair. The hot sun and tropical climate made for darker skin and even darker hair. She considered how she must look from the raptor's perspective and smiled. Both her and Ruvaf relaxed and Yeva fell into a language she had not used in a long time.

In Mythrasi, "You are beautiful... I hope we will become friends eventually."

She finished the interaction with a soft pat to Ruvaf's neck, stepping back to allow space for Norani to finish travel preparations. They tied up her pack and Yeva felt her stomach flutter, one step closer to taking off. Her eyes drifted, watching the others in the group ready their mounts for take off. After a bit of observation, she was beginning to identify which rider had a deeper bond with their Ci'uvan, with how they moved and responded. Some of the mounts needed more reassurance than others, but all were given the same expression of touch and respect. It was the type of interaction someone could easily overlook, but it gave a lot of humanity to the orcs.

There was a lot of depth here.

"I've got you a gift."

Yeva lifted her eyes to Norani, blinking in surprise. She pointed to herself, a soft smile beginning to creep on her expression? "Me," when the orc woman began to reach for the packs and rummage inside, Yeva lifted a hand, "Oh, you didn't have to."

Although humble, she couldn't hide her curiosity.

The item was crafted, and when it was pressed into her hand, Yeva's smile broadened, "Thank you."

A leather visor to offer a bit of protection and was expertly made. She turned it over in her hand, surprised to see its size.

"Wear this above your eyes. It will protect them from the sun and from debris and wind."

She tucked the loose strands of hair behind her pointed ears and pulled it over her head and settled it at her brows. Shade instantly fell upon her face and she looked pleased, "It fits perfectly," Yeva adjusted to not snag on her curls but was confident that it wouldn't come flying off, trusting Norani. It warmed her heart to see her friend had considered her when shopping, "The maker did a wonderful job. Maybe we can thank them when we come back."

It was a funny suggestion, considering they hadn't even left yet. Of course, they discussed that as well. Norani gave her clear instruction, Yeva asking questions here and there when she needed a bit of clarification and nodding when she was sure she understood. She didn't want to get this wrong, and as warned, it could be dangerous.

Her stomach fluttered again, biting at her bottom lip nervously. She didn't like the idea of Norani falling. Ruvaf might take care of her as her friend claimed, but the idea didn't sit well with her.

It was time.

She exhaled. It was time. Shall we mount up?

"Y-yes... I am ready."

Norani hefted herself up on Ruvaf, and Yeva watched her closely. Where she put her feet and hands, how she swung her leg. She stepped forward, vowing that once she learned more of the local herbs, she would craft something for protection. Instead, she said said a small prayer under her breath and then lifted her leg to slip it into the foothold and pushed upwards with a small jump, her legs stronger than they had once been. She rose up and rather easily, the trickiest part involving her swinging her leg up and over without knocking into Norani, but she did so with surprising grace. Once seated, however, she shifted a bit until comfortable, grabbing Norani's hand that had been ready to help her up and wiggled in excitement, hugging the limb to her stomach, "I did it!"

Yeva looked over her shoulder to beam at her friend and then patted Ruvaf in appreciation for not moving when she stepped up.

Chieftain Baroba laid out the rules and expectations, Yeva's mirth sobering slightly as final checks were completed. When she approached Ruvaf, Yeva was surprised to feel the leader's hand touch her knee.

"It is good to have you with us, Yeva Bleu."

There was something thoughtful in the woman's expression and Yeva scrambled for a good response, "I am thankful to be here... For many reasons."

The Chieftain continued on and Yeva watched the woman until Norani's voice brought her back.

"Are you ready?"

There was a pause as she recalled all of the instruction on flight, "Yes," she breathed, pushing closer to the her friend. Balance on the thighs. Rest on the glides. If tired, lean on his neck. Yeva was more concerned with the great height and her response to it, "Nervous, excited, and ready."

In truth, she could hardly wait.
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A throaty whisper in Yeva's ear, "Good."

Norani's thighs tightened her grip on Ruvaf's back, and she nestled in closely against Yeva, a protective arm wrapping around her mid-drift. Norani could feel the muscles of Ruvaf tensing and coiling, preparing for the signal that both knew was coming. The Matriarch, not Boraba, dictated when the flight started, as she scanned the seemingly imperceptible winds. The instant her wings raised, the entire flight's wings joined hers. Ruvaf's wings were long, and from their vantage point, Yeva and Norani could see the sunshine coming through, illuminating them into a soft pink, displaying the veins and wing bones prominently.

And then the Matriarch's wings started their downward flap, and the entire flight joined her. With one powerful push off, Ruvaf was hurtling upward twenty feet in an instant. The combined force of the air managed to knock over a Gnome that was walking by, carrying a tray of sweet buns. She managed to not spill any of them on the stone floor of the Landing, looking up in wonder at the great flying creatures.

They hovered there for one long moment, weightless, giving a new view of the surrounding farmlands and grasslands. Then Norani leaned forward into Yeva, guiding her forward as well, and raising up on her thighs. Ruvaf angled into a steep dive with the rest of the contingent. They were diving straight down the face of Drathera, picking up great speed. Ruvaf kept his belly closer to the mountain, allowing Yeva and Norani a clear view of Lowtown that was racing up toward them, the harbor on their left and the farmlands on their right.

Then the contingent began their swooping arc. Norani's stomach leapt into her throat as it always did on these hard turns. They swooped into a slightly upward angle, firing out from Drathera like an arrow from an Orkhan longbow. They climbed steadily on the speed from the dive, beginning to slow down a bit. And that's when their great wings began flapping in unison. The Matriarch was at the nose, the scouts on either flank, and the recruits all fell into V-formation. Ruvaf, Norani, and Yeva were third back on the left side. They continued to climb for several more minutes until they found a warm updraft, as indicated by Ruvaf easing on his wings, gliding on the easy currents of air.

Norani leaned back, sitting back down on Ruvaf's back as they soared even higher than Drathera. The air was thinner here, but after Yeva's conquering of the stairs and Norani's own flight practice, they'd find it perfectly breathable. They were flying eastward for now, Drathera at their backs, the Crystal Sea on their left, and beautiful green grasslands for miles before them and to the right. In the extreme distance ahead of them, tiny specks of mountains could be seen, and out to the right, the green ridge of the great jungles. The sky was clear, the sun was warm, the air was cooling, and they were flying, untouched and unscathed high over this beautiful continent Norani called home.

Norani would remember this moment, their first shared flight, forever, as one of her most cherished memories. Beauty incarnate with her two closest friends in the world. She couldn't be happier than she was in this moment.
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Flying was unlike anything Yeva had experienced before.

The feeling of Ruvaf's power beneath them, strong enough to lift them both was impressive. The mystic remained amazed even in the sky and gripped the saddle, heart pounding as she was given the view most visitors must have dreamed of. From the skies, she oversaw Ecith's landscape and understood better now how Drathera was tucked along the mountain going up. She could see the farmland and the coast, and the orcs below, that moved about their day like shifting specs of gem-colored sand. It might have deterred someone else in her position, to know how much more there was to this place than just stairs to learn and conquer, but if anything, it only thrilled the woman further.

She felt like she was on a true adventure.

Norani guided their bodies, using the pressure of her chest to tilt them both forward. Ruvaf steered forward and soon the group was diving more towards the ground in growing speed. The redhead released a small, delighted sound from the back of her throat, perhaps a squeal, as her stomach lifted and fluttered in the most unusual tickling sensation. Her giggling was stolen in small handfuls by the wind, and occurred in a second round as they veered with the continent. It was intense, not unpleasant, and happened mostly on a quick change drop or tilt of direction.

Yeva was all smiles, grinning so much she had to fight the impulse so as to not to catch a bug.

Eventually, however, the flight party found purchase on a warm updraft and levelled out. Yeva knew she would have felt breathless from such an endeavor even if the air wasn't so thin, and she patted Norani's thigh in gasping excitement, "This is amazing!" she praised, her curls tousled by the wind.
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Norani smiled brightly at Yeva's mirth. She remembered that feeling from her own first flight. It was exhilerating, it sent her soul soaring and caused her heart to race. And Yeva's laughing tone was infectious, as a similar escaped through Norani's tusks, "Listen how the winds sing up here!" The current they were riding on was a soft thrumming of warmth, but there were several smaller, cooler ones that whipped past them, sending their tied up hair back. Despite being closer to the sun, the air was still quite cool this far up, but Norani enjoyed that chill that shook through her. It was a sensation she had only experienced while flying. Even the winter rains weren't cold like this.

The entire flight relaxed now. Some were pulling snacks out of their saddle bags, others were conversing across the formation. Norani, laughing, "Heads up!" One of the Orks, a man named Puva, twisted in his saddle and tossed a soft leather ball back toward them, sending it Yeva's way with experienced aim. In Ecitharese, he shouted for Yeva to catch and throw it to someone else. It was a common game among the flight. The rules were simple, if not explained. If you dropped it, you fetched it. And when you threw it, you threw it to someone that hadn't been thrown to yet in the current round.

Meanwhile, across the formation from them, Luapo started a song, and Norani, and several others, joined in.

I wish that I could fly
Into the sky
So very high
Just like a dragon's sigh

I'd fly above the peaks
Over the seas, through the trees
To anywhere I please, oh

I want to get away
I want to fly away
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I want to get away
I want to fly away
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Let's go and see the dunes
The Astral Sea or the moons
Where it could be ours soon

Let's fade into the sun
Let your spirit fly
Where we are one
Just for a little fun
Oh, oh, oh yeah

I want to get away
I want to fly away
Yeah, yeah, yeah

I want to get away
I want to fly away
Yeah, yeah, yeah

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Goosebumps ran along her arms. The crisp air made her breath visible, and Yeva was reminded of the chilly days in Zaichaer, when the early morning sun began its rise above the smoke stacks. It was certainly the coldest drop in temperature she had felt since arriving to Ecith by far, and there was a creeping shock that awoken her senses. She inhaled deeply, feeling the cold mist hit her face, holding her arms out, eyes closed as she felt her body renewed. Her body responded, a shiver running through her. Her head tilted back, feeling the breeze brush across her neck and chin.

"Listen how the winds sing up here!"

Yeva's smile broadened to flash her teeth, as the hush of the trees below rustled loudly. Her arms lowered to hang loosely at her side as she settled in against Norani, "It's nice."

Beauty incarnate. Yeva exhaled slowly, peering around to watch the others, how at ease they were. Men and women, powerful warriors, showed a side that was both gentle and playful with the friends and mounts. How ferocious they could be, as was their history, and yet she had been allowed to fly alongside them, to break bread, to learn anything she wished without reprimand. There were a people whose very history had been suffering and blood, and yet here they were, flying creatures that appeared terrifying and yet held the depth of family.

Today the mystic learned about flying, but she also understood more about life.

"Head's up!"

Yeva tensed, sitting forward hastily as one of the orcs, Puva, lifted an arm and met her eye. In the same moment, a shared understanding, he tossed a ball towards them, the unathletic elf scrambling to catch it. His good aim was her saving grace, and while it hit her hands and jumped between them, she shouted in joy when she caught the sphere. Knowing how far the drop was and what would happen if she failed, her stomach continued to flip, heart pounding in excitment."I did it!" she looked back at Norani, seeking her approval, "I didn't drop it!"

A number of the others chuckled at her reaction, so simple and pure, as the rise of deep voices sang out to chorus the moment. It was a fun song, one she had never heard and rallied her to prepare to throw, "How do I...?" Yeva tried to get a good grip on the ball, that was honestly quite awkward in her small hands. She would allow Norani to show her and then spied one of the closest fliers who had not yet been thrown to. After all, did she have the strength to send it soaring very far? Yeva pulled back and tried her best to launch the ball, watching as it veered to the man's left and him and his raptor swooped to catch ir.

It wasn't nearly as straight as the one she had caught, and she felt embarrassed. She took a deep breath, prepared to shout her apology, but he lifted the ball with a smile, rising up to rejoin the even flight, "Very good!"

She realized this was a game to practice many things, and even if another's throw was off, it was an opportunity for the receiver to practice their reflexes, their reading of a situation, and engage their flight response time. It was a chance for them to build stronger bonds with their raptors, changing their flight direction in an instant. In that way, her inexperience could challenge them. Her involvement was not a burden, but a gift. At that thought, she did not feel so bad.

As the song boomed around her, Yeva tried to hum its tune, placing her hand over Norani's, "Thank you for bringing me."

What other experiences awaited them, together?
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Lores: 8 Skill Lores

Loot: None
Injuries: None

Points: 10 Exp, may not be used for Magic

Comments: I love Yeva's enthusiasm for new experiences so much.


Lores: 8 Skill Lores

Loot: None
Injuries: None

Points: 10 Exp, may not be used for Magic

Comments: What a toad
word count: 92
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