Majestic & Misunderstood

Dæmon brings Florian to Kaladon

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Majestic & Misunderstood
(Directly pursuant to Hesitant Reunions )
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Before them loomed a great, towering mountain hewn of black and dark grey stone alone on a sea of black dunes. The only overt indication that any great battle took place at this sight in a bygone era was the front half of a colossal Draconic skeleton that protruded from the base of the mount.

When last Arcas arrived at Kaladon, it was a simple, lonely mountain in an otherwise empty stretch of desert. In and of itself the site bore no strategic advantage. It was simply where the marshalled forces of Arcas and Raxen reached the Solunarian crusaders as they advanced toward more populated parts of Ailizane.

When last Arcas left Kaladon, the peak of the mountain crumbled inward as the new forged volcano rose from the site at which Varvara and Aværys fell. The sands were scarlet and heaped with corpses. Today the sands were a shimmering black.

To their rear, the party would find a newly constructed temple built of transparent crystal. The architecture was a unique marriage of Aurisian and Solunarian designs. The pyramid was imposing, and it was populated. Faintly, they might even hear the chanting of the congregants within, led by the Princeps Pontifex.

“Ultima Cumæi venit iam carminis ætas;
Magnus ab integro sæclorum nascitur ordo.”
Droned the voices of the elves and Vastian humans within the structure.

“Deus Vult!” Vrædyn called.

“Eos alit!”
Replied a chorus of congregants.

“Sicut Domina imperat!”

“Eos alit!”

The phrases repeated and the chanting persisted. Perhaps Dæmon’s Sembling eyes would notice that Vrædyn was changed since they’d last parted, and that Phocion Princeps, also altered, was amongst those gathered before the Pontiff. Both were graced with gifts unknown to the world for millennia. Vrædyn’s voice surged with novel Majesty, and the chains of Supremacy clung taut to Phocion’s soul. The congregants watched the visitors, but they seemed content to chant and made no moves to engage with those outside the temple.

Though the majority of the party was winged, drawing closer to the mountain would reveal a footpath began at the Draconic skeleton and wound the mountain leading up to the maw at its peak. It was well trod by pilgrims who’d been making the climb for millennia. Something else would become apparent when their attention was cast toward the mountaintop.

Perched on the edges of the volcano’s mouth were all five of Zalkyrion’s brood. The largest of the dynasty was the colossal Crownwyrm, Zalkyriax, whose scales favoured golden overtones though his proportions were more consistent with the silver side of his ancient heritage. He was flanked by two slightly smaller dragons whose scales glinted more on the silver side of the spectrum and another pair of golden-scaled Zalkyrians bookended them. They perched there still and silent- imposing sentinels or perhaps witnesses to the paradigm shift promised by whatever transpired this portentous day.

Down the slopes of the mountain came a gust of wind. It sent up a cloud of black sand as it rolled over the dunes toward the party, and as it passed over them it carried a lot hissing whisper.

Hie thee hither.” It urged, and all the would know innately that their destination lay at the summit of Mount Kaladon.
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Memories played across his mind as he looked up at the peak of Mount Kaladon. Some things he remembered sharply. Some things danced on the edges of his consciousness. All of it was so long ago in a world that was so drastically different than the one in front of him and yet was not so different at all. In the great tapestry of Time and Fate, the fact that patterns repeated themselves was something well known to him. He had seen it across the millennia he had spent being a witness to the plights of mortals over and over again. His silver eyes came to settle upon the dragons that were perched, awaiting them it seemed. He let his gaze fix on the central dragon. The resemblance to Zalkyrion of old was clear and the comparison of size to the mighty draconic skeleton that awaited them at the mountain was uncanny.

Dragons.” Aoren spoke softly. Daemon regarded his husband curiously. Emotion played across his face. His eyes burned more fiercely and his jaw flexed. It was not anger or anxiety but…something else. He let the man work through what was passing through him before looking back at the others.

Come. We are expected.” He looked at the temple behind them, noting the presence of both the Pontifex and Phocion. He wondered briefly what portents they believed to be coming their way. Very shortly they would come face to face with their gods, whom they had paid reverence to their entire lives. Would they be joyful? Would they be terrified? Both? Would this event plunge Solunarium into chaos that was meant to be avoided? Would it usher in a new age for not just Ecith, but the world?

Whatever happened, they would not be returning from the summit of Mount Kaladon unchanged. He let out a breath, stared at Florian directly for a moment then turned and began making his way toward the footpath.

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Florian was silent as he appeared through the portal, though Marcel gasped. Over the breeze he could hear the faint chanting, but he did not look behind him. Instead, he looked between his companions, and then gazed at the dragons above. It was a long walk, a tall summit. Florian looked down at the well-worn path. People had traveled to see this mountain, and had hiked its trail, many, many times before his feet had touched it. He followed it up until he could no longer see its twists and bends from the distance and the dark, his eyes shifting silver to see the aether of the volcano and the dragons that watched from the top. As much as he was not keen on being carried, he was less intent on spending the day hiking. He jogged up next to Talon.

Black sands, black mountain, black sky. "Wings and portals, and you want to walk?" He said, coming to a stop just before the other demigod. "I would rather not waste time and, frankly, I do not want to walk." Much of him also wanted to simply get it over with; meet them, figure what they desired, assist them or simply leave. It was rare for him to do something he simply did not want to do — which meant that somewhere, he felt he should come. He had little desire to meet a pair of conquerer gods, and a sense of duty made him aware of his promise to free Talon. It was all an act of impatience, which he was a master of. The lysanrin had a strong philosophy of now or never. But this... he could not be sure that it would spur rebellion or stop it.

Both fell into his purview, he realized, if Talon's words rang true.

"One of you can carry me," he added. In the group of tall avialae who had trained for combat their entire lives, Florian was a twig of a Lysanrin and only just reached six feet because he had made himself so.
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The approach by land or sky would be uneventful. All those present, human, elven or draconic; remained passive onlookers to the divine delegation as they made their way to the mouth of the volcano. Drawing closer, they would see the orange glow being cast up from the magma churning below onto the dark black and grey ridges of the mount. When the smoke was thin enough to get a good view of the draconic delegation, they would see it glinting off of their metallic scales, as well. And it seemed to match the fiery roiling of the dragons' eyes that stared somehow icily, even as they seemed to roil with lava all their own behind the black vertical slits of their pupils.

When they rose above the volcano's summit, they would see a natural platform had formed in obsidian on the side to which the footpath wound. The five dragons perched opposite the platform on the thinner ridges that lay across the pit that descended into a lake of magma. They might have looked like grim, draconic magistrates in some epically supreme court. The natural shelf was empty. No altars, monuments or other ornamentation had been erected by the Solunarian devout who'd visited over the years. There was not even an altar. Perhaps the Kaladon itself was seen as such.

The glare of Zalkyriax was fixed upon Talon as he flew forth. His eyes would be familiar to Arcas, as would the contempt they bore. They turned briefly to Aoren, and his great head canted slightly to one side before the stare returned to the Lightbringer. He remained silent, and the hissing, churning and rumbling of Kaladon underscored the fateful arrival of the envoy. Notably absent from this staging area were any signs of Aværys or His sister-spouse.

As the party approached the edge of Kaladon's maw, the geothermal symphony below began to take on patterns. Steady rhythms and hisses that began to sound like whispered chants that echoed up from below as if carried by the smoke that billowed upward growing thicker and thicker.

"Hail to thee, sojourners." Bellowed a voice from the core of Kaladon, that boomed and resonated through the mountain.

All at once what appeared to be a splash of lava shot forth from below and splashed down over the obsidian edge of the platform. Rather than dissipating or pooling, it held a shape. Another length of lava landed next to it, and the two glowing strips began to resemble pseudopods. They seemed to use the platform for purchase, as they dragged more magma up from below. They were connected and, it seemed, they bore a vaguely amorphous shape. Slowly, deliberately and with ostensible effort, this lava larva forced itself into the basic shape of a humanoid, albeit writ much larger than man or elf. This apparent lava golem strained to draw itself together, tightening its figure and defining its features. By and by it formed into a taut, titanic physique- standing north of twenty feet in height as a striking, smirking elven countenance was hewn from the lava, which dimmed to bronzed flesh yet somehow kept something of its radiant glow.

"It would appear, Lightbringer..." The titan began, "That thee and We withal did fain invite an audience to Our parley." Aværys glanced over His bare shoulder pointedly, toward the stony-faced dragons looming behind him. It was easier to see them now that the smoke seemed to be consolidating itself into a slender pillar of inky black, which whirled to take the form of a titaness. Milky white skin protruded from out of the blackness, as a luminescent female face formed, with silvery eyes that matched the chains of Her barbed link Nimbus. She floated forth to the platform and alighted onto the black stone with pale white bare feet. She looked to be wearing a gown made of smoke, and her raven hair wafted with its plumes even as she assumed an ostensibly solid form. Her attention was fully upon Florian.

"And thou must be the one who doth presume to claim the mantle of rebellion." Varvara observed, pacing slowly forward as Aværys did the same. "And thou art come hither of thine own volition?" She glanced to Talon. "Fascinating."

"Alas, Arcas Lightbringer..." Aværys drew closer to Justice, smiling as he towered above even the Avialæ in the group. "...Thou knowest wherefore we are gathered. Doth the child?" He inquired, casting a faint sneer toward Florian.

As if to punctuate Her brother's sentiment, Varvara extended her hand casually and more lava rose from below, this time forming not a creature but an altar of obsidian.

"It is meet that thou shouldst find thy purposes aligned at last with Ours." She noted, as she drew the altar closer, so it took up the space between Aværys and Herself. "For what is Justice in the absence of Sacrifice?"

"But there will be time enough to prate after the rite hath, at last, been executed." Aværys looked to Arcas, and gestured to the sacrificial altar. "Wouldst thou fain begin?"
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He met the contempt in the gaze of Zalkyriax steadily. Those eyes he recognized. How could he forget them? They had stood out to him even all those millennia ago. His returned stare was curious but he ultimately cared little about the contempt of this dragon, mighty though it might have been.

“Very well.” He met Florian’s gaze. He waited for Florian to be gathered up into the arms of either Adrian or Marcel. He then looked to Aoren who gave him a nod. His partner spread his raven wings and took off at a run that turned into a leap into flight. Daemon watched as the others took flight as well. When they had all ascended a small height, he lifted himself with his kinetics and followed suit. What would have been a lengthy climb was made much shorter than it could have been. He kept his eyes on the dragons as they followed them up the summit. When they had ascended fully, he waited for the others to get their footing on the platform. Just as the booming voice made itself known. He recognized the voice of Avaerys immediately.

In a glorious display that seemed fitting for the task at hand, the twin gods arose from the lava. Having spent time in his own prison, he understood the need to make such a stifling place ones own. That Avaerys and Varvara had turned their prison into a place of ritual and pilgrimage did not surprise him. Such was the inevitable course of a place where gods had been laid to rest, unable to take on new form as they were bound. At the question of whether Florian knew what had transpired at Mount Kaladon, he offered no response. He had told Florian who and what Avaerys and Varvara were. He had told him of the battle between them and the ensuing suicide the two had performed to escape a direct defeat at his and Raxen’s hands. What Florian made of those things was up to him.

Wordlessly, he floated down until he joined the others, standing at the front of the group. He let his hands rest at the small of his back as he watched the obsidian altar drift forward from the lava. On its surface he thought he could see the shadow of souls moving. He thought he could see himself. He rubbed his fingers against his thumb behind his back as too many thoughts to truly process passed through his head. He cast a glance to the skies, peering up at the shadow of the eclipse that hung in the heavens. It seemed a portent of the day that was upon them. He ignored the pageantry of the moment. He ignored the stunning forms of Avaerys and Varvara. He ignored the gaze of the dragons that peered down upon them in anticipation. He turned his head slightly and extended one hand to Florian.

When Florian had taken his hand and was in a position where he could stare at the fledgling demigod in full, his jaw flexed. A fleeting moment of hesitation played across his face but he shoved it aside and stared at Florian openly.

Florian.” He spoke softly. He was not speaking to the God of Rebellion. He was not speaking to the Lysanrin from Zaichaer. He was speaking to the young man who had visited him in his dreams. The young man who had stood before him in that chained chapel in the Imperium, there between the aethereal and the waking world and made a promise to him. He was not speaking to the majesty of the moment. He was not speaking to fulfill a bargain, a pact or even for the other two deities, mighty and majestic in their presence. He was speaking to Florian.

Will you sacrifice your blood upon this altar? Will you give of your vitality to Varvara, She Who Is the Lady of Chains, and thus enjoin your power with Hers that she might use her power to break the chains that bind me?

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Florian watched, again, in silence. Marcel had carried him up and he was more than happy to be deposited at the top. The Kathar stayed to the back, and tried their best to ignore the world of dragons and gods they had been thrust into. Both of them stared straight ahead. Florian walked forward and stood next to Talon as they formed from larva to person, taller than any mortal. He had to crane his head backwards to see their faces, further than he must normally. It took him a few moments to glean their meaning from their choice of words mingled with their unusual accents. He raised an eyebrow at their comments, and looked to Talon again.


Blood, vitality, gifted onto the altar of the gods antithical to him and everything he believed in. He could see it in their nimbus, in their gaze, in their pageantry and the way they held themselves. He did not want to free them. Was it worth a promise? He had broken many promises before. But, perhaps...

"No." Florian said, and there was a heavy pause before he continued, "Not yet." He dropped Talon's hand. "I am here for your impatience," He said, knowing full well that given time, he could have freed the demigod himself. He drew closer to the Solunarian gods and their altar, though he could not draw too closely lest he be unable to see their faces.

"I would sooner die by and for my own hand than be insulted by those who needed me to free themselves. My blood doesn't come without a price," He stated. It was particularly personal — everyone needed him for their goals, and he complied. He had given blood to Constantine, against his will. He had given blood to Lyra and she used him to destroy Zaichaer. Now Talon and Varvara and Aværys wished for his blood to free themselves from their bindings.

"You've waited for millenia, no? What would you give me to be unchained? Could his —" Florian gestured to Talon, "Vitality not suffice? Or did you wish to gain power over me through the sacrifice?" Florian siphoned slivers of aether from the god-touched moonstone that sat in his stomach, and he conjured a shard of aether, sharp as a knife. He held it in his hand before them. "Sacrifice equal blood to me that I give to you, Lady of Chains, and I will spill the blood myself."
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The Founders observed the exchange between the Lightbringer and the chaos child wordlessly. Aværys’ expression was supercilious and Varvara’s was cool and unyielding as the marble so often hewn in Her image in distant desert climes.

As they were addressed directly, the titans' eyes turned to the small creature who stood before Them in what diminutive domain They’d held for all these millennia. It wasn’t much, but it was wholly Theirs and Their growing power brought this fishbowl near to bursting. Now or later, the world would have to reckon with Them. Thus neither seemed fazed by the taunts or protestations. The Imperatrix seemed stoic and the Imperator amused. Why should anyone expect aught other than petulance from this fledgling sketch of rebellion?

At Florian's ultimatum a cryptic glance was exchanged between the Twins. After a pregnant pause, Varvara spoke up.

"If thou wouldst, in sooth, fain die before spilling thine own blood, We have no quarrel with this." Aværys shrugged a bronze shoulder cavalierly.

“In point of fact, child, We care not who spilleth thy blood as long as it be executed in sacrifice to Us. This matter hath been addressed with thy steward. Thy consent is inconsequential to Our common cause with Arcas."

"This contract was forged ere thou wast trundled like a babe in arms and deposited hither ‘pon this pitchy rock." Aværys noted through a crooked grin, "And a Divine Covenant is no petty thing. One cannot blithely demand we alter the terms, now that they have been defined. As We say in Solunarium: Alea iacta est."

Varvara gestured to Talon.

"Look thee to the Lightbringer if thou wouldst sue for clemency. Our bargain was struck with him, not thee, and he asked naught of Us but mutual emancipation. He is bound to see thy blood be shed in clear and direct sacrifice to Us. We have already sacrificed centuries to him, and will suffer naught further, save for that which We are due by right of the contract upon which We are already agreed." Silver eyes turned to Talon, as gold remained upon Florian.
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It seems the two of you are under a misapprehension.” He stepped forward, hands falling to rest behind his back. He looked up at Avaerys and Varvara.

He expanded his senses and enjoined them with the weave of the seal that was woven upon Mount Kaladon. As the ancient power, HIS power touched him, he felt invigorated beyond anything he had experienced in ages. The veil of his mortality fell away. The light of his divine nimbus flared to life. It grew brighter. The light expanded outward from him and there, in a prison of his making, where his power had woven the bars of the very seal the twin gods sought to have broken, he felt renewed in ways he had forgotten. The aura of his godhood continued to grow, threads of power weaving themselves together into the very makeup of the seal binding Avaerys and Varvara.

The terms of our agreement and a bargain struck with the Divine of Rebellion are not mutually exclusive. A deal with me is not incumbent upon a deal with him.” He narrowed his eyes at the two other demigods. “And to quote myself, I voiced agreement specifically to perform the following deeds “I will bring him to the Altar of Domination. I will give you the freedom we all seek, Imperatrix. You have my word.

He looked over at Florian. He eyed him from head to toe.

I have brought him.” He nodded to the Altar that stood between the two. “The Altar is there. The word I gave voice to has been kept in that regard.

The bands of power that were from him and his to command within Mount Kaladon flared more brightly as he suddenly clenched his fist. He furrowed his brow and concentrated. The symbol of Justice that crowned him grew brighter. The light that began to fill the belly of the mountain became a nova of silver-whtie that painted everyone in a silhouette of stark black and white. The tethers that bound Varvara…loosened. The seal that had locked her away for millennia…unwound. The light dimmed and receded until it became only a soft aura of silver-white that outlined Arcas himself. He drew that power of the seal to himself, recalling and reclaiming it as was his right. After a beat of silence he let out a breath.

I have given you the freedom we all seek, Imperatrix.” He looked between Avaerys and Varvara as he rest his hands behind his back. He let his gaze settle upon Avaerys, his expression blank.

You require that Rebellion’s blood be spilled? He is a god, not a mortal. As we are. It is his right to make a demand for imparting his power to aid other gods in this endeavor.” Arcas narrowed his eyes and glared at both Avaerys and Varvara.

Do you still refuse?

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"I made no covenant, no promise to you. It does not matter to me the consequences of breaking it." Florian shrugged. He waited for Talon to speak, squinted in the light that he wrought as he freed the goddess before them — her chains had fallen, but not the other's. Why he had deigned to release her from this prison he could not fathom, as she could just as easily sacrifice him herself to Avaerys. As he blinked the stark-brightness out of his eyes. He looked at Talon. Arcas.

"Why did you bring me, then? If you could release one yourself?" Florian sighed. He was sore from falling asleep on the stone, tired from his nightmares, and he realized he regretted allowing himself to be strung along into millenia-old divine drama. They wanted his blood, they thought, to free everyone. He named a price. It was not agreed to — instead, they wished to use him as a pawn. Always and forever. It was not his fate.

Florian took the knife, held in his golem-hand, and sliced the palm of his hand, directly through his emblem — he hoped Killian wouldn't mind. He winced, and closed his palm, blood welling at the bottom of his fist. Before it hit the dirt and stone and ash of the volcano, he announced, "I sanctify my own blood so that may any else spill it in sacrifice or malice the very world may rebel against them." Rebellion was in his bones, his body, his soul. It was him, and within every drop of blood it was infused.

"No tyrant may suffer to live where my blood has been spilled, but the blood of tyrants may spill in my name. I fear none of you conquerer-gods, nor do I stare in awe at your visage, and I will no longer play in your games. If you wish for me you will wish for me to act and by my hand alone — none of me or mine may be sacrificed for you or by you. But this last drop belongs to you, in your name, by my hand, so that we may fucking get this over with." As he spoke, the blood stopped dripping from his hand, frozen in the act — even the blood that had fallen and had yet to hit the ground rebelled against the gravity that brought it down. Every word dripped with venomous anger, and his eyes were ink-black and silver alike, full of rage, and magic, and divinity in equal measure. There was no great display of light, though his nimbus came visible, and no pageantry of molten lava and towering figures. Finally, one last drop fell from his hand. The sacrifice to Varvara.
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Zalkyriax snorted, and with his scoff plumes of smoke wafted lightly from his nostrils. Aværys’ smirk fell away, and he abruptly turned his blonde head to look up at the perched wyrm. The god-emperor’s stance shifted sharply from confidence to caution.

“Pax, amice vetus…” His booming voice waned into something soft and soothing, “Placere patientes estote.”

With a withering look to Aværys, followed by a subtler glance to his siblings on either side, the Crownwyrm grudgingly inclined his head and kept it low to better observe the proceedings on the platform below with narrowed eyes.

The form of the Imperatrix writhed and strained against the shifting forces around Her, as Arcas plied his work to unbind Her from the ancient constraints. As the last of the tethers withdrew, one could see there was little of relief for Her in this partial emancipation. She looked to Aværys forlornly. The two titans turned to one another, and Varvara lifted a hand to cup Aværys’ cheek, which He rested tenderly against Her palm.

“Nae, Arcas…” She spoke to Justice while gazing into the melancholy golden eyes of Hunger. “Thou hast not granted the freedom We all seek.” Judging from Her grim response to Her own release, She was yet constrained. Imprisoned and unfulfilled by the sustained incarceration of Her second self with whom Her soul was deeply entwined… The dilectus immortalis with whom she’d shared a womb, an empire, and so, so much more.

“Carus…” She whispered. “Mox.”

“Quod nunc non refert.” He replied, through clenched teeth. “Tantum opus nostrum incohatum est.”

Her cool fingertips gently fell down His smooth, golden cheek like raindrops. The whilom warmth afforded Her beloved froze over as she turned to the assembled and again Her voice was calm and cool in Her response to Arcas’ assertion about Rebellion's bargain.

“Alas, My quondam foe… They are indeed incompatible aims.”

“Firstly.” Aværys asserted himself, a faint snarl painting His full lips. “Thou didst agree to further terms than thou dost hither relate. The negotiation was not closed ere thou didst agree, albeit reluctantly, to My Sister’s clarification of Our requirements.Thou didst ken Our meaning and offer thine affirmative response ere We agreed to the pact. Thou dissemblest to claim thy corroborative answer to our clarification of terms be not binding. We bade thee ‘State it plain’, and thou didst plainly proclaim: ‘So be it’. That is not ambiguous. Thus doth thy task stand incomplete.” Varvara placed a hand on Aværys’ shoulder, which seemed to halt him from further litigation of the points in play. It seemed the Lightbringer was an oathbreaker. Upon that point they were agreed. This was a willful attempt at deception in Their view. The language of the exchange was not vague and, for the many things that may have been said of the Solunarian Founders, (They may not have been forthcoming and they may have been exacting with the finer points and technicalities of an agreement), but They were not liars. This contract was born of no vague prophesy like the ambiguous imperial mission upon which Arcas had been sent. However, They stood in the presence of no fit magistrate and Varvara was disinclined to pursue such a tiresome path, when They'd waited so long for this opportunity. This matter would be resolved today, whether they were liberated in life or by death.

Whatever transpired, Arcas was not like to quit Kaladon on amicable terms with Solunarium or its Founders. Old grudges would be not only upheld but appended for this new slight. That disappointment was not most troubling aspect for Varvara. The bit that concerned Her most was that this created an impasse… A conundrum in which She was released from Arcas’ prison, but still unable to fulfill Her end of their broken bargain. A barter was not a
sacrifice. The blood of Rebellion was not what The Mistress of Chains required to sunder Talon’s tethers. It was the act of sacrifice that was needed.

Her eyes looked regretful as they turned to the chaos child and she heard his petulant words. Had she ever been so young? She and Aværys had been rebels once and, under Her guidance, the fledgling might have served a pivotal role in the world to come. His hallmark defiance, however, in addition to Talon’s breach, meant that the Imperial Twins were limited in Their options. It was clear They would need to act quickly and decisively lest Rebellion’s resistance be narrowed to preclude further options or more moving of goal posts created a scenario that forced Varvara to break a vow. Such was anathema to Her as a contract was a sort of Tether. If Arcas would not see to his assigned task, She would rely upon another to pick up his slack. Fortunately, the young demigod had left enough rope to hang himself with the phrasing of his sacrament. It was a brazen attempt and not altogether inept. It might have even impressed Her, but bereft of Her mentorship, the child had made one mortal flaw for Them to exploit in his act.

As Rebellion spoke of tyrants and tyranny, She nodded over Her shoulder solemnly, and an eager Zalkyriax swept down apace from his lofty perch to alight upon the obsidian platform with a clangour that seemed to shake the very firmament as he stomped toward Florian. The orange glow burgeoning behind his lance-like fangs presaged the method of his impending sacrifice. Because of Rebellion’s invocation, No blood would be spilt. The heat of dragonfire would turn his body fluids to vapour ere it could fall, thus exempting the dragon from the fledgling's curse. Florian had no frame of reference for this, but Varvara was not the goddess of blood sacrifice alone. The Crownwyrm was poised to sacrifice the life and flesh of the little creature. The blood was immaterial.

But Rebellion spoke on…
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“Pausa!” Cried the Imperatrix, as Rebellion spilt blood from his hand and intention from his tongue. The dragon turned sharply to regard Varvara from whom a brilliant white light shot like a harpoon connecting Her celestial tethers to Florian’s wound.

Aværys grinned proudly as He watched His partner ascend from the obsidian floor to levitate as subjugation and defiance intertwined in Her nimbus and a column of otherworldly light shot forth into the sky. The beam seemed to extend beyond the very stars and past the vision of the naked eye.

Afield of Kaladon, at the crystal pyramid that stood upon the black sands beyond the mount the congregants fell to their knees in unison. Their chanting halted as glassy eyes regarded the reason for their prayers' cessation: They had been answered. Even from this distance they could see their titanic Holy Mother hovering above the holy mountain.

Further afield of Kaladon, other forces took note of the celestial light…

Meanwhile back at the volcano's maw, the fire churning in the breast of the Crownwyrm dimmed and settled back, as the dragon turned to bow his head to the goddess reborn, the other Zalkyrians still perched above mimicking the response.

“Imperatrix Æterna.” Her brother offered softly, and even He of the Sceptre bowed His head in reverence to the resurrection of His immortal beloved.

Redeo in gloria. Her voice resonated throughout the volcano and for miles beyond. Slowly she lowered from levitation and the beam of light dimmed, though a slender tether still bound Her to Florian. He would feel a shift within his veins. A heavy bond linking him to Her. It tasted of ambrosia… like the fulfillment of a hunger he never knew he brooked. With his domain entwined with Hers, the Imperatrix was able to augment his burgeoning power with Her more seasoned Craft, and thus did the Mother of Chains assume the power to break them. An ability which She planned to exploit to see that She and Hers would never again be contained.

“Stand before Us, Arcas Oathbreaker, that We may uphold our end of the pact thou didst abjure.” As dark clouds moved to overcast the moons, Aværys spoke up:

“Be Thou expeditious, Soror! Something wicked this way comes…” And as he said so, shadowy wraiths began to emerge from the darkness drawn to the light cast by this rare gathering of so many gods.
word count: 1405
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