Dark Shadows

[Lyra] Rickter pays a visit to an old friend in hopes of chartering his course for the season.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Dark Shadows
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
Life had a way of bringing them together and then pulling them apart, like two magnetic forces alternating between attraction and opposition. However, Rickter would not dwell on whatever Fates had deemed between them for the time being. His affiliation with the Lady of Whispers was always an enigma for him to sort out anyway, but when he had other important matters on hand to see to...

Well, there he was. As Rickter could see the ports that veined into Lake Udori from the property, the wolf marched steadily up toward the front door of the building that had been deemed Lyra's mansion. It had been a long while since he'd actually visited this place, having remembered that it had been completed practically a year ago. Rickter had worn simple garb for this occasion, dressed in a white shirt over his beige trousers, the traditional "Rickter" look as some would say when they'd see him walking by. "So who are we meeting exactly?"

The Atinoran beside him had worn his brown tunic without the leather vest, his white sleeves rolled up to the elbows as he finished combing fingers through his hair. Clearly, Patrick wanted to look spiffy for any possible nobility they were going to meet, but if only he knew, just what kind of person that Lyra (or even Lyrielle) tended to be. Thus, when they reached the manor's front door, the wolf paused, realizing the answer to that question when he looked at Patrick with a brief note of concern.

With a hand gently but firmly patted on the Atinoran's shoulder, Rickter gave the man a knowing grin before he channeled aether through that hand. "Just a mutual friend I haven't checked on in a while. You'll find that she... grows on you. In time." Perhaps that was the case, although, Rickter still would never outright trust her as he had the past few months. He had stooped at a low last season when things got out of hand, but now, he was far better equipped to handle the circumstances set before him.

Thus as he solidified the placement of an anchor onto Patrick alone, Rickter laced the ward into it to ensure his companion would be safe from the Whisperer's influence. The Atinoran looked to him a little questionably in regards to the answer Rickter gave, but the wolf still pretended to smile at least, when he decidedly knocked on one of the double doors to Lyra's mansion. It took no longer than at least four seconds for footsteps to click behind it, and when it came to an open before them, Patrick's wandering gaze shifted from the eerie carved creaturs behind them to the figure beyond the threshold.

"Ah, Lord Rickter..." The silver-haired butler acknowledged as the wolf's gaze fell upon him, Rickter himself modestly smirked in response to the sight of the Siltori in front of him. "Master Salem." There was that tepid glint of appreciation in the butler's eyes, before they shifted onto Patrick with a narrow of curiosity. Yet another look of admiration from the man. "Rickter"

"The Lady is inside, yes." Salem answered briskly as the wolf chuffed from his correction. "I take it you wish to see her?"

"That would be greatly appreciated." He assured the Siltori as the man looked thoughtfully at the two men. Finally, with a very brief sigh, he opened the door wider and allowed the both of them to enter.

"Very well, right this way." He said as the wolf nodded for Patrick to enter first, the Atinoran beheld a look of uncertainty, but nonetheless took the invitation as a means of getting out of the cold. Kalzasi still had chiller weather than what his Atinoran members were accustomed to, while Telion seemed better acquainted with it compared to Patrick, it was always around this time of year that they both started to wear extra layers.

Having entered behind him, the wolf gave the Siltori a firm nod before they stood within the lobby of the first room. Having been here only once Rickter had almost forgotten what the interior looked like, and already he felt a chill creep down his spine, giving him the ghostly feeling of a tail tucked between his legs. But he didn't feel that way this time thankfully, rather, he was motivated to see what he could learn from Lyra in just this one visit alone. They had always danced around one another before, when it came to things they wanted to know about one another, but perhaps now with all that had happened between them...

They could finally find an understanding between them. "Wow, nice... place." Patrick's tone definitely didn't speak anxiousness to Rickter, but given that the Atinoran was their newest addition to the Pack, the wolf had figured it best to keep him around while the other two were busy with other things. "Thank you," Salem regarded with a bow before he looked from Patrick to Rickter, "I will announce your arrival to the Lady. It'll be just a minute." And on that note the Siltori marched off, eager as ever to please his master. Not that the wolf blamed the man, he likely found purpose working under Lyra and her affairs. She had slowly grown into the ever-busy body Rickter knew her to be, ever since their first encounter when he'd helped brought her back to the surface.

Thus the two men stood within the courtyard of the room, the wolf's aura gradually thickening until he began to radiate a well of natural aether. Not enough to be seen by the naked eye, but at the very least, enough that even Patrick noticed a stark tension in the air around Rickter. "...Is she really a friend?" The wolf nearly scoffed but he still settled for another chuff, even made a little groan at the end of it before he looked to the Atinoran.

"Believe me that's a more complicated question than I can answer right now." Regardless he looked about the room to see where the Lady might come from, his aura laced with a similar ward to the one he'd instilled on Patrick the moment they arrived. While they were protected from any suggestions that might've crept in their thoughts, Rickter didn't bother to mask the aura itself like he had done before, for he wanted Lyra to know who She was dealing with. He wanted to remind her that he wasn't here for any games.

Just the ever impossible goal of getting back what's been taken from him.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1215
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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The sound of fabric on wood came from the right of the door, the direction of the sitting area. The silk curtains parted and two women dressed as maids stepped out, each carrying a tray in one hand. Their appearance, similar in some ways, was not human or elven in nature. One holding a tray with a pitcher and two goblets had eyes like the night sky, skin slightly blue in completion with hair braided and put up on the back of her head. The other who carried a tray of foods, mainly cheeses, and nuts, smiled a sharp-toothed smile, wisteria blooms filling her long hair that fell just short of her shoulders.

"The Lady welcomes you." they said in unison, offering a slight bend of their waist before holding back the curtains into the sitting room, "She asks that you make yourself comfortable, and she will be with you momentarily."

If the two men chose to wait in the sitting area the two maids would serve them both, pouring drinks and offering their refreshments before leaving them and the tray. When she left the one with sharp teeth would linger a moment at the edge of a door half hidden at the back of the sitting room, her eyes fixated on Patrick before she giggled and softly shut the door behind her. Their wait was not long, and soon the entrance to the main hall would open, and Lyra herself would step through with Salem at her side.

Lyra looked human, she smelled human, and her clothing was black with silver trim. Around her neck, a small snake with black scales yawned wide, showing long fangs before it blinked lazily at the guests before resting its head beneath the loose black hair that fell around Lyra's shoulders.

"Your visit is unexpected, but not unwelcome." Lyra said, studying Rickter for a time before her eyes wandered over to Patrick, "And you brought a guest with you as well. I am disappointed that you have left Telion behind. How are she, and the little ones?"

Her voice was soft, at the edge of humming as she began to walk down the stairs, Salem lending his hand as she did. Thin lines of aether flowed around her, seeking them out, touching, testing the barriers yet they were rebuffed. Though her expression didn't change, amusement showed in her eyes when she studied Rickter. She could not hear his symphonies, but that did not matter any more. She expanded her senses, heightened them until she could hear his heartbeat, steady and rhythmic. She could smell the pheromones that he released, and she saw the minor muscle movements and the stiffness of his fingers.

"You really should relax from time to time child." Lyra said with a chuckle, She made her way into the sitting room, taking one of the three available chairs with Salem at her back, "You are a guest in my home. I will follow proper decorum so long as I host you." she paused and cast her scarlet-rimmed eyes at Patrick, smiling a bit wider, "The same for your friend as well."

Leaning forward Lyra plucked a small nut from the tray of food, popping it in her mouth and closing her eyes. The wonder of being able to taste again had still not left her, and she sat there enjoying each satisfying crunch before swallowing the morsel and reaching for another.

"What is it you have come here for?"

word count: 599
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Dark Shadows
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
After they had entered and Salem had gone there came the soft presses on wood from another room, the wolf's attention brought toward the doorway with curtains as he detected two noticeable scents. Flower pollen and the late crisp night were what stood out to him, when two lady-like creatures brought out a platter and pitcher to present to them. Two Faes from what the wolf could discern, as the smell of nuts, dairy, and other food products was immediately traced as well.

So this was the sort of lavish lifestyle Lyra enjoyed having? Admittedly he couldn't help but raise a brow, while Patrick looked among the two with piqued interest. Their unified synergism also intrigued Rickter, but alas, he didn't wish to pry too heavily into their presence here. Clearly, they worked under Lyra and that was enough for him, even if he seemed a bit reluctant to entertain the notion of sitting in another room. Regardless, he looked to Patrick and nodded for the Atinoran to step ahead.

Thus they both entered the sitting area and found themselves comfortable, each end of the velvet sofa they shared claimed while drinks had been poured. Still rather reluctant about it all, the wolf gazed down at the snacks and beverages provided for them, his lips pressed firmly together as though he debated whether he was actually hungry at all. Or not. Patrick did not seem reluctant at all to sip on the wine they poured him, his eyebrows raised a bit when he pulled the cup away to gaze at the red beverage within. To the wolf it smelled of... fruits that had fermented perhaps a bit too sweetly, but he could see it in the Atinoran's eyes, that Patrick was actually contemplating the beverage itself before he went in for another swig.

Finally, the wolf gave in.

With a sigh through his nose Rickter leaned forward to grasp the cup on the table before him, his thoughts still spent on the food while he lifted the container to his lips. He soon tasted berries steeped in alcohol but couldn't quite make a distinction between them, the Atinoran already on the verge of grinning when he rested his own cup back down. Patrick also noticed the look he received from one of the serving girls, as his lips tucked into a more playful smirk that Rickter quickly noticed; before his eyes moved toward the door that had shut. "Try and keep it in your pants, mate."

"Sorry, what?" The Atinoran raised his eyebrows when he looked surprised, and totally innocent, toward the wolf sitting next to him.

"You heard me." Rickter remarked as he heard footsteps from further within, coming from up the stairwell where Salem had already gone earlier. Not that he doubted Patrick nor his intentions, the man was pretty simple compared to Rickter at times, but even so the two men had their own share of impulse issues they needed to keep in check. Before too long the footsteps he heard clicking on the floor reached their room, and when Rickter shifted his partner too looked to see at who had arrived. There came a wrinkling of the wolf's nose, when the scent of a serpent sent mere tingles down his spine.

Another slight impulse. It was always bestial nature for a dog to want to hunt down a snake, especially when such a creature slithered about the mutt's stomping ground. Though, this certainly wasn't Rickter's place so to speak, he couldn't deny there still lingered that impulse even now. Only, the real snake here wasn't just the one around Her collar, but the ever-mysterious woman Lyra who had finally come through to greet them. She smelled... human? That wasn't entirely what Rickter expected at all, not when he'd remembered her other usual scents.

This was different indeed. She looked and literally seemed human in every way now, and before him walked yet another enigma he couldn't quite figure out. Naturally, she didn't expect to see them, but also, she welcomed their presence as legitimate guests of her house. Not entirely unexpected of her, still, the wolf felt every sense of reservation warning him about her. He chuffed lightly at best, regarding the welcome with a nod toward his companion in turn. "Thought I'd introduce you to our newest pack member."

Patrick's eyebrows rose as he finished taking another swig of the wine, the cup pulled from his lips when he looked to Lyra with a bit of surprise.Yes, Patrick was his guest this time around, though it was not without good reasoning on the wolf's behalf. For when Lyra seemed disappointed and asked of Telion and the pups, the wolf slightly tilted his head with his eyes deviating back down toward the sliced cheese and nuts on the silver platter. "They're good. Twins are likely fighting their next nap, but luckily, their mother is a force of nature." If ever she weren't then Rickter would have true reason to worry, for Telion was one he did not want to cross now that he had better ideas of her own strengths.

"This here is Patrick Barnell, a southerner just like Telion." He pointed out with a quick glance to the Atinoran, who rubbed his hands over his leggings while he gazed respectfully at Lyra.

"Pleasure to meet you." Patrick regarded still with a deviant smirk as he relaxed further into the cushion, as the wolf still remained arched forward with elbows on his knees. There came a brief sensation in the wolf's mind then, a subtle shift in the Flux as he felt the attempt wane. It was strange how perceptively aware he'd grown of these minor things, then again, it was also how he had grown into the master battlemage he was today.

Though she didn't display any real reaction Rickter couldn't help but stare at her, meaning within his eyes as he knew what it was she did, even if the poke wasn't with her usual Mesmeric power. No. Whatever she'd become now it felt different, far different in fact, than from the first time he had met her down within the Warrens. There came about a light grin on his face when he looked at her, before his gaze shifted to the ever-admiring eyes Patrick wore, normally when gazing a woman up and down for the first time to remember her features.

"You'll have to pardon a wolf for his caution then." He thought he might add insult to injury, if there were such a thing present at that moment, but refrained from doing so when he finally eased his shoulders a bit. It did seem a bit rude of him to just come in and actively remain warded before his host, Patrick on the other hand he wanted to keep safe for the time being. Not just from any wily influences Lyra might've instilled in him, but also from any information she could possibly glean from the Atinoran. Thus the wards that protected the wolf's own mind and soul went down, their charge was minimized so that Lyra would engage with him a bit easier.

Evidently, the pace of Rickter's heart remained steady as a drum. After their last meeting when they'd been ported back to Kalzasi, she had obviously seen him at one of his breaking points. Yet it seemed the stoicism he held now amused her even more, and the subtle impulse to try the food seemed all the more tested when he watched her visibly eat one of the nuts from the tray. Patrick gave in and went for one of the sliced cheese wedges, the wine he drank following the first couple of bites he took when he visibly relaxed in the cushions once more. Then came the question... What did Rickter come here for?

There were so many things to discuss in general, that not even Rickter seemed keen on where to begin. And while he would've loved to bullshit around with Lyra, as he did many times before, recent events had determined it better to be straight and on the point with her. Therefore...

"We're gearing up for a trip back to the Imperium soon, but I wanted to approach you about Talon before we went." He admitted as the wolf finally eased back into the sofa as well, his gaze not as firm as before when he sipped the wine from his cup. "See I visited him yesterday, astrally mind you, only to find that he isn't the same as when we all left him." His eyes moved from the cup to Lyra with suspect, having not forgotten the words he told her shortly upon their return to Kalzasi.

"He plans on going south, that is all I know from the meeting. But I was hoping you could tell me what exactly came about your... 'blood money' as you so graciously put it before." And on that note Patrick's eyes widened a bit, the playful candor he held before lost when he looked to Rickter. Clearly, he wasn't quite updated on how things unfolded when they arrived, nevertheless, he looked to between both Rickter and Lyra to assess the conversation between them. All while munching on the rest of his cheese and sipping the wine.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1684
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Unexpectedly the wolf did as she suggested, and the lowering of his wards elicited a slight raise of an eyebrow. She studied the man as she ate another nut from the tray, but said nothing as Salem brought a tray with a pitcher and a glass. With practiced ease the butler filled the glass, balancing the trey with one hand while offering the now filled glass to Lyra with a slight bow. The liquid inside was a deep red, slightly sweet smelling and similar in appearance to the beverage served to the men. With a smile Lyra took the cup, swirling the liquid which was slightly thicker than wine, and gazed over the rim at Rickter as she drank. For those with a sensitive nose it was unmistakable, a tang of iron that could not be masked by the sweet mixings added to the slightly too thick liquid.

"From the south are you?" Licking the red from her lips Lyra's eyes turned on Patrick, "I know little of your country. You must tell me more when we have time."

With a wave she dismissed Salem, who gave another bow and disappeared beyond another door concealed behind thick velvet curtains. Lyra studied the two men for a time, one finger idly running the edge of her glass. Her gaze lingered on Patrick for a few moments longer before focusing on Rickter.

"I would imagine he is quite different from the man you knew. Perhaps he has not yet had time to collect himself." She chuckled slightly as if amused with herself. Taking another sip Lyra smiled over the glass, "Consider your request half fulfilled. Talon, and the hope he represents, is in a safe place. The rest will take some time."

Tendrils of aether flowed out like a web from Lyra, wrapping the room and those within it in a soft, yet persistent, thrum of reassurance. Her eyes traveled to Patrick once more. Standing she walked across the room with purpose, coming to rest in the mans lap and placing a hand gently on his cheek before the first protest could be made.

"Who are you?" Lyra asked, curiosity strong in her gaze as she wove threads of magic into the man. She raised his heart rate ever so slightly, setting a flush in his cheeks as the warmth of arousal spread through his body. Lyra leaned closer, looking into his eyes as his pupils dilated, "You must have an interesting story for Rickter to bring you with him." He gaze flicked to Rickter, "What is it you two are planning? What will you do in the Imperium?"

word count: 454
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Title: Dabu
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Dark Shadows
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
The wolf noted the Lady's reaction when he visibly agreed to lower his own defenses, his lips still gently tucked into a coy smile at their corners while he observed. Salem poured her a glass and while it looked like any other plain red wine, Rickter's nose had already picked up a peculiar odor in its makeup.

Lyra knew he would too. Her eyes were on him the moment she took a drink, and from there, Rickter's uncanny sense of a gut feeling rose up from within. Though that wasn't enough to explain what she was now exactly. The wolf knew of another who favored the rubied drink, but it remained impossible to tell whether Lyra too possessed the same power. At the moment to say the least. As Rickter pondered the possibility though, Patrick finished his cheese wedge and washed it down with another gulp of his wine. Clearly, he was oblivious to the vintage their host had decided to drink.

At the inquiry from being south, the Atinoran's smile widened a bit more, though the prideful grin was shared with a brief glance of uncertainty toward Rickter. "I'd love to, sometime."[/align] He regarded her comment of telling her more, after all, the Atinoran didn't become a history major by whim. Patrick had his own mother to thank for that, and after he nearly finished his wine with another gulp, the bartender rested his cup on the table before them.

Salem had been dismissed afterward. Then for a moment, things grew quiet between the three of them, Rickter hardly ever looking away from Lyra as the Lady observed them both. When she finally answered him on the subject of Talon, the wolf couldn't help but lightly chuff as his first response. Time? Their friend, his very soulmate who he'd deemed part of his very heart, had been through so many ordeals in the past months. Time was something they wouldn't have much of, if he wanted a guarantee that Talon would be back in one piece. Though... this was part of his own doing after all...

And while he loathed to accept it, Rickter knew there would come a time when he needed to be ready. Ready to risk it all once more, or to be prepared to lose yet another piece of himself once more. The wolf sighed rather aggravatedly, the borderline growl steadily declined when he felt reassurance. The lace of aether he traced didn't go ignored, but he at least knew well enough that his Talon was supposedly safe. Come what may, he would be ready to reinforce that when he had to.

It was when Lyra stood up that Rickter raised an eyebrow, however, as Patrick looked to the wolf confused on Talon's condition. The rise of their host though caught the Atinoran's attention, and he seemed fully open to allowing the Lady of Whispers to sit on his lap. Welp. That was a mistake he would soon regret, or so Rickter figured when Lyra's hand softly touched upon Patrick's cheek. The bartender's eyes widened as he admittedly did not expect to feel everything aroused between them, as her question to him filled with an overload of sensual urges he clearly wasn't in command of.

The bartender's face actually flushed in a way that suggested him being flustered, and while amusing in a way, Rickter couldn't help but wonder what exactly Lyra did to him. Her aether ignored the very wards instilled on Patrick, wards that the wolf never once took down the moment he made them. So that meant Lyra was using magic he hadn't perceived, yet, magic that Rickter failed to take into account once he felt the aether slip through his wards. The arousal in his trousers became apparent to the Lady then, as Patrick initially had no idea what to say or how to respond to her inquiry.

The wolf merely chuffed once again as he sipped from his own wine, and placed the cup on the table before them before he shifted to turn toward the pair. It was still an amusing sight. And while he found humor in it Rickter still held minor concern for Patrick, as Lyra somehow found new and unsettling ways to unnerve the wolf. Perhaps because of his sense of control, and how easily it could falter around Her at times. Nevertheless, he looked to her stoically before he responded. "We're planning another rescue. Only this time it's with his kin." The wolf admittedly bluntly with a nod at Patrick, who had already taken a moment to collect himself before responding.

With a clear of his throat, the Atinoran leaned further back into the cushion of the sofa. "I was born and raised a bartender, my parents are the owners of a pub known as the Silver Lion." He elaborated with a brief glance to Rickter, before he eyed Lyra with his own confident smirk. "My father and brother were captured by the Inquisition, a few days after the 'rescue attempt' happened without us."

"So we're taking Talon's leave of the Imperium as an opportunity to save them." He didn't wish to indulge Lyra in the other reason as to why they were going back, but that was mostly because the wolf had a couple of other meetings to go through beforehand. If discussions panned out though, Rickter would be bringing back more than just a couple of loved ones for his newest pack member. "His absence gives us ample opportunity to sneak back in and get his family out."

Patrick seemed to be a bit more reassured of himself now, as he looked at Lyra with vested interest now that they were in close proximity. Clearly, the wine was already speaking through him also, but Rickter certainly wasn't going to encourage that between the Lady and Atinoran.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1095
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Amusement sparked in Lyra's eyes as she felt the man's arousal, settling in further into Patrick's lab and softly stroking a nail down the side of his neck. She absently drew small circles with her finger while her attention turned back to Rickter.

"Another rescue attempt." it was her turn to snort derisively, "Forgive me if I have little faith in your success. If it is true that the Inquisition has them, I suspect your chances are slim at best."

She all but lay on the man as she continued to stroke his neck, seemingly lost in thought as she also idly played with his hair. Lyra bit her lip and looked down into Patrick's eyes for several moments before continuing.

"Though the Prince is gone from the Imperium, that does not mean the security will be lax. In fact it was because of his presence that you were able to get as far as you did." Her hand trailed to Patrick's chest where she pressed the palm of her hand flat over his heart. She felt his steadily increasing heart rate, the scents of arousal mixing with other emotions coming from the man. It was odd how negative emotions could heighten the more carnal desires of a person.

"You lack a sense of tact or any ability in subterfuge. Rickter, you are a dog in heat, bounding after one bitch after another with no thought given to the consequences." Her voice dipped lower as she leaned in closer to Patrick, whispering with her lips just a breath from his, "If you wish to succeed you must be like a whisper on the lips, gentle as a lovers kiss, but act with the fire of a lovers embrace."

Her hand trailed Patrick's neck again, and this time as she held his attention her nail pierced the skin, drawing a trickle of blood as she carved a quick symbol in the flesh. In seconds the mark was in place, and a trickle of black entered the wound before her hand covered the mark and mended the flesh once more. She smiled as she drew back, her hand still gently massaging Patrick's neck as she looked fully at Rickter again,

"What exactly is your plan? Do you know where they are imprisoned?"

Lyra knew that Rickter had seen what she had done, but likely did not recognize a brand on sight. When her hand moved away to reveal the mark she kept a nail resting against Patrick's throat, playfully running her other hand down Patrick's chest with eyes that warned not to react.


word count: 456
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Title: Dabu
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Dark Shadows
3rd of Ash, 122nd Year, A.o.S.
Patrick overall was putty in her hands now, an outcome that didn't necessarily spark concern but neither disappointment in Rickter. The man was rather easily influenced when it came to others' attention, though, Lyra's intentions sparked a wariness in the look Rickter fixed on her. She had rebuked the idea of yet another rescue, even if it were intended for someone other than Talon for once. Yet while he would've humored her insipid platitudes all day, there was something to take away from all the things Lyra had to say. As derisive as her remarks would get, he somehow wondered if she were simply mocking him; or actually trying to help him in her own way.

"I'll admit the war brought out a certain... eagerness in me. Nonetheless, a hound knows when to shift tactics once he's on the hunt." He reconciled rather flatly with a fold of his arms as he watched the two, a slight pucker to his lips to keep from innately frowning at the sorceress. Patrick's pheromones had already spiked as he had fallen for the woman's charm, yet even so, the talk of this rescue operation stirred other reactions in the Atinoran as well.

"My brother saw them taken by Inquisitors before he slipped away. So wherever their headquarters are would be where to look?" Clearly he was a dumbstricken kitty nearly ready to purr in her arms, the concern for his relatives prevalent but subdued with another brush of fingers over his skin. She massaged at his neck for a reason, but Rickter had yet to determine what it was quite yet. Whatever her game was now, he'd have to play along just for the moment.

"We'll have to slip in unnoticed, thankfully, I might have a hand or two involved in that once the arrangements are made." The first order of business would be identifying what their headquarters was, and where they actually would find Albert and Burton within. The wolf hadn't forgotten his meeting with those in the Land of Nod when he slept the rest of the day yesterday, and how a couple of his new companions would actually be able to help with the process. That just meant he needed to handle things on his end, and make sure the plan came together as efficiently as possible.

"Plan?" He acknowledged as he tried hard not to sneer at her, having seen the little stunt she finally decided to pull off. Clearly, he hadn't realized the new potential she'd reached after they left Zaichaer. He couldn't help but wonder how such an event actually led her to be this powerful now, but, minor aggravations aside he breathed patiently through his nostrils before answering. "We're going to sneak into the city on airship. We'll have a merchant's permit there waiting for us once we arrive, which will be our coverup while we root out the prisoners' location."

While every fiber in his body felt the veiled threat of her gaze, he only needed to clench his jaw as she seemed to play with her new toy a bit longer. Patrick's eyes had widened as he still gazed upon her, his hands beginning to roam before he might try to grope at her thighs inquisitively. "Do you two need a room?" He reluctantly offered with a lowered tone, clearly unamused when Patrick glanced over toward him.

"Wait, really?!" The Atinoran didn't know whether he was serious or not.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Rickter" "Patrick"
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 688
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
User avatar
Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend

Both Participants

Points: 10 XP
Loot: N/A, though, maybe a possible sex slave for Lyra? :?
Injuries: N/A

Comments: This was really fun to write! Am honestly interested to see what develops from this for Patrick later.

word count: 52
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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