
The Jewel of the Northlands

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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
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40 Frost 122

Exhaustion pulled at him. For days now, he had been spending every waking moment fighting against creatures in the darkest parts surrounding Kalzasi. He had returned to his homeland about fourteen days ago. In that time he had been fighting the shadow creatures during the dark hours of the night. Every village he could see, every town he could reach, he had been systematically visiting and gifting members of the populace with his protection. Whether that be the active of establishing vast circles of Scrivening imbued with his holy fire in order to ward off the presence of the dark creatures or empowering the Dawnmartyr Knights or Sky Guard who fought bravely in the wilderness, Talon had not rested much over the past fortnight. During that time he had kept himself largely cloaked using either his powers over the Dominion of Light, Aoren’s illusions, or his own Skyforge Raiment’s cloak. Even so, news had begun to spread across the country that a powerful warrior had been beating back the darkness encroaching on Kalzasi with a relentless tenacity. He pulled his thoughts away from the battles of the past two weeks.

How long had it been since he had smelled the fresh mountain air? The crisp bite of winter that always touched the breeze that flowed down from the Astralar Mountains was always the smell of home. Laced with the hint of pine and that unique arcane smell that could only be ascribed to a place as heavily ensconced with magic as Kalzasi, and it helped to unfurl a knot that had wound itself in his stomach. The glitter of Dawnstone blanketing parts of the city, interspersed with the newly discovered Moonstone to compliment it, created a latticework of gold and silver light that was keeping Kalzasi safe from the shadowy creatures that had plagued the world since the eclipse. The feeling of the air of Karnor gliding over his wings was a feeling he had missed. It made the already toubling ache in his soul throb that much harder but before he could become consumed by that feeling, it was gently pushed aside.

Had Kalzasi always been filled with so many people? Had it always been so alive? He felt as though he were seeing the city for the first time. Emotions welled up inside of him that were too complicated to give voice to. Pride. Longing. Homesickness. Relief. Pain. Fear. Love. All of it was a complex web of feelings that he could not properly sort through and truthfully, he did not want to. The last time he had seen Kalzasi properly had been one of the most joyous and most painful days of his life. A happy memory that had turned tragic. His mind shied away from it but he pushed it to the forefront of his thoughts.

He could still hear the bells ringing across the city. He could hear the voices raised in song. There had been thousands sending prayers of uplifting joy, hope, and reverence to him. Flowers had rained down from windows and people had lined the streets in celebration. Sky Guard had flown in formation to provide spectacle for the people. The air had been filled with the smell of foods traditional to Kalzasi as his people’s spirits soared. After a season laced with problems and tragedy, their resilience had refused to bow before the weight of the challenges present to them. Whether it was an avalanche, a tidal wave, or a swarm of monsters at their doorstep, Kalzasi had stood strong.

Talon had been the happiest he had been in years. He had stood before the Holy Mother of Kalzasi and said his vows, joining his best friend, his lover, his husband in union.

That joy had turned to one more tragedy.

He could still hear the screams. He could still feel his own agony and despair at the horrifying event that played out so soon after something so joyful. Kalzasi had been wounded but with a dark sort of pride, he was glad that his people had not fallen in the face of even his brief demise. It was a testament to his country’s strength that such a horrifying day, a horrifying year, could still not bring them to their knees. The aftermath had changed his life. It had changed the world, really.

Talon folded his wings and angled his body allowing his boots to touch down upon the soil of the Palace of the First Wind for the first time in almost a year. Had it only been a year? It felt like so much longer. As he landed, Aoren landed beside him. As soon as he strode forward, the guards at the gate of the palace were wide-eyed. Talon reached up and lowered his hood. Even if they had not recognized the silver of his wings, they would not mistake his face.

“Th-the queen! Send word to the queen! Quickly! Prince Talon has returned! The Prince has returned!” Two of the guards immediately took off toward the palace and Talon felt his anxiety rise higher. As he walked forward, he and Aoren were flanked by soldiers. In very rapid succession, people began to come alive around the palace. He could feel it. He could hear it. It carried with it confirmation of the rumors that had been circulating for the past two weeks.

Talon Alexios Novalys had returned.

As he was reaching the steps leading up to the great doors of the palace, the doors opened and there was a single figure sprinting down them. Before he knew it, his younger brother’s arms were thrown around him and he was being hugged tightly. Talon, still exhausted, took a moment to process the fact that his brother was hugging him. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around Rien and hugged him tightly. Others joined. His other siblings. His cousins. His other mothers. And then he was staring at his mother. His mother was staring at him in her stoic way that meant she was holding back more emotions than she cared to reveal. Her eyes were misted. As his family parted to make way for her, Sahfri reached up cupping his face. He leaned down as she pressed a firm kiss to his brow, a single tear falling down her cheek.

He felt the presence of his mother’s mind entering his. He welcomed her and as he did so, he felt the minds of his brother Rien, his other siblings, the rest of his family all joined together through the power of their mind-magic and the Bond they shared. Talon felt the dam of his emotions break and he clung to as many of his family members as he could wrap his arms around. Across all those bonds, those connections he felt only a single thing. A solitary thought that welled up inside of him.


He was finally home.
word count: 1168
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Title: Dabu
Character Sheet: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=578
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Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


40 Frost 122
So much had been happening of late, that Rickter had felt pulled every which way possible wherever he looked. The campaign back to the Imperium, the quest for Novuril, and the constant waves of shadows the wolf and his pack have held off. He'd only checked in once or twice with the frozen tree, though nonetheless, helped stave off shadows where necessary for the city.

In between those busy periods where the small hours provided him respite, he found himself occupied with one marginal occupation after another. But ultimately, he remained fixated on his immediate family. The House of Waves had gradually become more of a home than he anticipated, thus, he genuinely beheld a soft smile in watching Hannah and Telion as they were 'walking' the twins, so to speak.

Already over a year old now, the boys were grown pups already, even if they still had a few more years to go before they might ever show signs of their heritage. The pack was settled in the lounging area, while Patrick helped some of the other House cooks with lunch. The wolf found great pleasure in watching everyone, yet after he rested his head on the arch of the chair, he felt something else flow through him from another member of their pack. Aoren had shared a vibrant warmth that felt like an innate call for Rickter. A need to visit the Palace of First Wind once again.

So the wolf readied himself and notified the rest of his pack, determined to return with answers once he knew more about what had occurred. Once outfitted in his fur vest and leather trousers, Rickter spent a minute to Spacial Map his way toward the palace gardens. In just one simple step he slipped through Slipspace with naught but a ripple in the air, as he Vaulted right into the gardens where he'd anticipated to arrive. Immediately he could feel the air within the palace different, jovial a bit, as the air smelt of sweetness the wolf hadn't noticed in a long time.

And there upon the doorsteps of the palace, a pair of silver wings shone among those that gathered near the entrance. It... can't be! His heart immediately dropped when he recognized those wings, especially since the last time he'd the Demigod they belonged to. Rickter hadn't forgotten those words he had spoken, and though he hadn't the answers he'd hoped for just yet, the wolf still felt determined to finish what he had vowed to the greater Gods seasons ago.

Yet here He was. Was this really Talon? As excited as he'd expected to be, there was a whirlwind of emotions that stirred within Rickter. Emotions that felt complicated just by merely seeing the return of his missing beloved, and yet still, the fawn or flight response in his mind still didn't seem to kick in. He was just purely shocked by what he saw, enough to where he simply stood within the garden, his heart still hammering in his chest as he watched everyone from afar.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Dialogue" Thought
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 609
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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He was not sure whether it was something within himself or something of an external factor that made him look up. He turned his head and standing there was a man who caused a welling of greater emotion to rise up inside of him. His feelings regarding Rickter were complex. He immediately recalled his absence at his wedding. He recalled the fallout surrounding the mission regarding his sister. He remembered the ensuing days after that. The ultimately failed rescue attempt that followed in the Imperium and the astral projected reunion shortly before his departure for Solunarium.

In the days following his release from that accursed armor and the Imperium’s direct control, he had learned many things. He had learned of the many plots and plans that had been devised to try and rescue him. None of them ultimately succeeded. In the end it had been a bargain and undertaking of his own making that had resulted in his own freedom. People and powers had freed him because he had orchestrated it. The effort had nearly driven him insane with both pain and the whispered attempts of the armor trying to dissuade him from such action. It had been harrowing. In retrospect however, he was the only person who could free himself. Even so, he did not yet feel completely free of the empire’s influence. In truth, he wasn’t. There was still unfinished business between him and the Gelerian Imperium. Business that would have to be addressed in time.

If there was one thing that he had learned while a prisoner, it was that the Free Cities were laughably unprepared for the kinds of things the Imperium was capable of. The next few years would be arduous for him, for them all but he wanted to ensure they could weather the coming storms. They would have to.

“Go.” He was pulled from his thoughts by his mother. She was staring at Rickter with clear disinterest but must have understood the need for their reunion. His family parted, allowing him to step toward the Rathari.

His approach was slow. He truthfully did not know what he was going to say. He was still sorting through the complexities of his own feelings. What was there say between them? What was there to say between himself and his family? As the distance closed between them though, he found that none of that mattered. Rickter was safe. Rickter was alive. Most importantly…

Rickter was there.

He stepped up to Rickter and simply enfolded him into his arms, squeezing the wolf tightly. His wings wrapped around them. He held on to the man. Rickter had never stopped fighting to find him and to bring him home. That was all that mattered.

word count: 466
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Title: Dabu
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


40 Frost 122
He'd fallen into a state of pure shock the moment he had seen Talon, or Damien, he wasn't even sure what to think of the man that stood among members of his family. Seeing them all celebrating the return of their missing member though, Rickter could feel the old wounds left by the events from nearly a year ago finally heal. The absence of Talon combined with the loss of Savien dealt a harder blow than anything Rickter ever saw in his time serving them, enough to where even he felt torn away from the circumstances born of what took place back then.

Now? The wolf was complete mess of emotional whirlwinds deep within, his heart drummed flagrantly while his gaze lingered in a rather melancholic stare. Whatever shape or form Talon took regardless, he had returned home finally, and though Rickter wanted nothing more than to run up there and squeeze the life out of him... He also hadn't forgotten the ire of certain figure, one in particular that always looked upon him different from the rest. Rather quickly his eyes fell to the ground next, aware that the Iron Queen had even noticed him there. He felt a world of conflict rise within him next, the uncertainty that maybe he shouldn't have been here, even at the behest of those who might've urged him to come. Regardless of what others like Aoren might've demanded, Rickter always felt like somewhat of an outcast after his return to Kalzasi.

And yet...

Talon drew closer now that he'd approached Rickter within the gardens, the frosted glade near the palace had always been sort of meeting place between them. Even now, when the arms and wings came around him, Rickter couldn't help but freeze as he felt a warmth surround him. A warmth he had felt robbed off for too long now that he thought of it, a warmth that he would've to through hell and back for just to have once again. This was real then, Talon was actually home this time. No matter how much his mind couldn't fathom the reality of it, every second spent in this man's embrace quickly reminded him of the love that was ripped away almost an entire year ago.

"You said..." There was so much that happenened between them, so much that went on all around them that the world drastically changed everything. Even now when peace came over him and Rickter could no longer fight the urge to squeeze the man, his heart still raged with the fires of war that kindled deeply in there. He had fought in every way he could, and even so, hadn't once found the answers necessary to set free the one man he loved. He didn't even have the courage he used to, to bring up the one damn question he had waited so long to ask. "You told me not to come after you anymore..." Not without a solid plan involved in the next attempt he might've made at rescue.

Had the situation been so hopeless between them? For that long? His legs might've weakened a bit as he clung tighter to the man, the warmth now seeping into his bones as he felt the rains of that day stream from his eyes. He had fought. He had struggled. Most importantly, he held onto that belief. One day, just one day, fate would bring them home together again. "I..." There were too many words. Sorry. I love you. Why. Don't understand. So many thoughts whirled throughout his mind and he just gradually fell apart, sobbing into the arms of the one man who brought him such vibrant warmth and comfort.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Dialogue" Thought
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 719
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Location: The Northlands of Karnor
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Talon wrapped his arms around Rickter. He hugged him tightly to his body, burying his face in the crook of Rickter’s neck. He breathed in the scent of the man in his arms, his wings coming to wrap around them both. He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling a welling of emotion building up inside himself as well. It had been a terrible road, the journey leading up to this moment. He wanted so badly to be able to take back those words from all those months ago. They had been spoken from a heartbroken and angry place. The Imperium had broken him. Body. Mind. Soul. He could not live in denial of that. His pride had rejected the idea that he would have fallen so far but as he stood there, holding one of the men he loved so dearly, it was impossible to deny. He had been forced to reconcile that truth when he and Aoren had been reunited. He had been forced to realize it again when he had finally been joined with the whole of himself again. Now, he realized just how much work he had to do in order to repair the relationship between himself and Rickter.

Forgive me, my wolf.” He whispered softly. Talon pulled back. He reached up to cup Rickter’s face with both of his hands, sliding his thumbs over the Rathari’s cheekbones in order to wipe away tears. His own face was wet with them, he knew. He did not care.

I was…so lost. I had no hope. I had no reason to believe that…” He shook his head. The words did not come to him. “I did not believe in much.

He stared into Rickter’s eyes. It was then that he both noticed and felt something about Rickter. His mouth fell slightly open. He stared at the wolf Rathari in surprise, his eyes going wide as the realization hit him. Talon had always been sensitive to the aethereal, growing even more so following his ascension and his years of using Semblance. He could feel the change in Rickter. Opening his senses to the flow of aether more fully, he beheld what could only be described as a cascading waterfall of potent aetheric power manifesting in Rickter. He knew Rickter’s aura. He knew it down to his bones. The aura in front of him was brilliant and while he still recognized it as Rickter’s, it was different.

Ice. Wind. Frost. A cold morning on a winter’s day. These things funneled through his senses via the observational lens of his Semblance. Were he not among the ranks of the divines himself, he would have been momentarily stunned by the sight of it.

Rickter?” The question in his voice was clear. Talon leaned in closer, staring, searching. He was searching for something deeper, something that should have been there. He was reaching for the Bond. Aoren had re-Bonded with him weeks ago and it had brought a tidal wave of serenity and soothing peace to his troubled mind and soul. He had not realized how desperately he had needed the Bond in order to feel whole. The absence of it had only made him more brittle and bitter.

Tentatively, he found the wellspring of the Bond in his soul. He stepped across it and he did something he had not done for an entire year, he reached for Rickter. He extended his hand across the Bond and waited to see if Rickter would take it. He wanted to feel Rickter, fully and completely, he wanted to lose himself in his wolf all over again. He wanted so many things to make up for the time he had lost during his imprisonment.

The question was, would Rickter even want to re-Bond with him? They had both changed. Talon was scarred. He was still horribly wounded, mentally, emotionally, and in his spirit. Rickter was clearly changed in a way that made it impossible to miss. Was there a way forward for them?

Talon wanted to believe that there was.
word count: 690
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Title: Dabu
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Character Secrets: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=761
Letters: https://ransera.com/viewtopic.php?f=105&t=816


40 Frost 122
He felt the warmth come over him like a blanket, as the curtain fall of feathers practically closed Rickter off from the entire world. He felt the incredible embrace of someone he thought he'd forever struggle to save, having only realized the futility of the effort regardless, now that his beloved Shinzo had been saved anyway. Was his role in Gel'grandal really so simple compared to his desperate attempt? He'd been there to see Aoren freed as promised, having only confirmed Florian's suspicions long before their shared encounter, however. Rickter tried his damndest to refrain from dwelling on such past events, though, if only to realize he'd stiffened a bit from the tight embrace around his arms. Until finally, the first thing to cross his senses was that very same smell, buried the overwhelming smell of the Aetherium that radiated off the man.

Rickter smelled the Astralar Peaks themselves on the man before him, and before he knew it, his hands clasped tighter around the waist of Talon to embrace him tightly at the lower back. For nearly a year, one near unbearable year, wrought with anger and desperation had finally come to an end. It was almost soul-crushing as it was uplifting to feel the way he felt, only because truthfully the wolf thought it impossible up until now. Talon really was here. It grew impossibly difficult to keep the tears back now, as it grew exceptionally obvious as to how lost the wolf had felt without his northern star.

Then he felt the safety of his lover's fingers return to his jawline, their embrace still somehow satisfying familiar despite the distance born between them. Talon asked for forgiveness, the wolf's own heart pounding a bit, even as the tears continued to stream from all corners of the eyes. Rickter listened as to allow the familiarity in Talon's tone to settle in, still noticing subtle articulations but nothing to speculate over. Where emotion used to burst into any will he manifested before, he now resonated with a quiet storm still whirling within. But even the warmth started to lift that feeling away, as Rickter felt it fill him deeper than it had before.

Rickter undeniably understood the hopelessness that Talon described, he had seen it for himself firsthand when he astral visited. There came a look of surprise from the returned prince, and after a moment, Rickter realized why that had been the case. He was different too after all. Despite having endured several hardships over the past few seasons, he had never really fully processed everything that had transpired until recently. Even now, as the snow gently fell around them, Rickter did not feel a shred of cold anymore. Merely a part of it. So to feel the vibrance of this warmth fill him again, reawakened something he'd thought dormant beneath ice forever.

He'd accepted it at the time, because he was angry at himself. Angry toward the world. That drove him to unimaginable lengths, and yet did not serve as the catalyst to his awakening like one might've pondered. He had touched the Aetherium if only briefly, before meeting the God of Gods himself, and then seeking to uphold vows still beyond his own being. Though, now he wasn't entirely mortal anymore, and while it was a development he didn't plan for, he contemplated the weight of its responsibility heavily in the days that followed. "Yeah, that's kinda been my reaction this whole time." He remarked casually with a paced breath, a reluctant smile given toward Talon as the Draegir wiped the last of his tear streaks away.

There came the call of his name with inquiry in Talon's voice, a tone that suggested something somehow coherent to what the wolf felt. A bridge for the divide between them, a means of reconnecting across that gap. How long did he pine for this feeling at the start of this journey? And more importantly, how distracted had he grown to have nearly forgotten it? Bitterness was rooted in him but not towards his lover, no, towards the chaos that Fate herself had weaved to force this on them. Yet that resentment had dissolved too after his ascension, and now look at him, lost and terrified at what could come next.

Not only because of how desperate he'd wanted to before, but also due to the potential danger that existed between them if he did. Rickter hadn't fully wrapped his mind around this ancestral curse of his, though, he knew if Talon were to remain connected to him; then that could've potentially meant exposing Talon to this curse as well. As powerful as his soulmate had grown across their journeys, the wolf would still refuse to allow such a risky burden to fall onto another's shoulders. Yet if there was one thing he wanted to do, now more than ever, it was to heed the feeling that grew within his gut the moment he tilted his head forward.

Nuzzling his forehead across Talon's forehead generated such clarifying peace, and everything that the wolf held onto now finally felt worth letting go of. The past did not matter. Whatever fate had brought on them did not matter. He felt the spiritual embrace of his bondmate surround him for a moment, as though Talon beckoned for him to reconnect their Bond. The wolf's eyes closed in response as he breathed deeper than he ever had in a long time, filling his entire belly with air as he sought to reveal the gateway to his soul. Despite what the Echo could do for him, it was nothing like the magic of the Bond that grew between them.

Talon... Just the thought resonating through him was enough to broaden his smile. Thank you. He wanted to express so much that he didn't know where to begin. Yet it would all hopefully be easier and clearer now, once he focused on the gate found deep within his core. There had only be one time that Talon had stepped through its threshold, and that had been the final night they had both seen one another. Before the start of their separate journies. I have so much to ask you... So much to share with you! I just hope...

No. He believed they could recover from their hardships. Together. Thus as the final wards fluctuating throughout his own aura diminished, Rickter felt the light of his soul radiate through him once more. The embrace of Talon generated another heat spike through the wolf, the warmth of his soul completely returned now that he welcomed the connection with his Bondmate. In doing so he yearned to share everything with Talon, to allow all the pain and grievances his soulmate had to carry alone, and to ease the lingering weight of those burdens with his own emotional embrace.

The Prince of Dawn is what he might've became, however, the wolf would never forget the wholeness he found in serving the Prince of Kalzasi. He would carry that part of him still, never letting the fear of the future dismay him from their course. "You have nothing to apologize for, Shinzo, not after the lengths we've gone through to protect each other." Rickter had learned many difficult lessons this past year, certainly enough to have stirred great introspection in him. "Besides, you finally found your way back home." The comfort of those lingering words brought a few more soft tears from his eyes, the hold he still physically held on Talon more endearing again now that he'd felt rather calmed.

Yet deeper inside the wolf, something within called out in earnest. Through Rickter and into Talon; a yearning for something deeper to rise to the surface of the Bond.

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
"Dialogue" Thought
"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1405
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Title: Forge your Legend

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Points: 10 XP
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Injuries: N/A

Comments: Very sweet reunion between them. <3

word count: 32
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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