Oh Eleanor

The lands of Atinaw surrounding the capital city.

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Glade 29, Year 120

"Who will I be serving?" he asked. The woman turned, soaking the small towelette within the basin, before stepping back towards Taelian and applying the moist cloth to his forehead.

"Adelguth Iulide," she said. "Hideous name. I can't stand the Atinorin names -- some of them have a sort of... repressed beauty but others..."

"Glargabog Torbrundug," Taelian facetiously named. Eloise lightly laughed, nodding her head in agreement.

"The Queen's name is actually very nice. Luteria Ruthesee-Sil. She's a half-ling like me, but not Hytori; a Sil. Were you aware of that fact? I suppose it must refresh you to know that the ruler of one of the world's premier nation bears the blood of your own."

"Depends," he replied. "Does she actually use it to benefit our people? Considering I've never really heard of her until now... probably not."

"No," Eloise replied. "Probably not. You'll be near her, though, in Loregard. If you're dissatisfied with her job? Replace her. That's the power of mages like us -- the truly strong ones. We're Kingmakers. It's why they fear us; we have the power to upset the balance. This Finla of Loregard... Adelguth, you will be beneath him, but with the right steps you may issue commands above. He's a soldier, he's always been one." She emphasized this as a point, clutching her hands together before her thighs. The woman softly exhaled.

"Atinaw is similar to Daravin in that they respect strength more than administrative skill, more than stability. It's why Daravin is such a mess, as it currently stands -- the Empire has vast resources, a mass of fertile lands and an excellent strategic position to sweep across the rest of the world. It has mountains defending nearly the entire western and southern length, the Nametaker's Tides protecting the east, and a volatile and fractured Lorien to the north. Realistically, Daravin should have swept over Auris and Dalquia by now. And Atinaw, the same; I suppose they enjoy their bunker against their eastern Imperial foe, but the western one only continues to grow to outshine them. Before long, the Gelerian Imperium's technological advancements will make them rise to dominate Ailizane. Atinaw has no chance but to fail. Unless they expand their power."

Taelian bit his lower lip. Geopolitical power politics had always interested him to some degree, though he wondered of the legitimacy of Eloise's assertive claims. She was no augur; many things could happen that could, for example, force the Imperium into decline.

"I want Atinaw to succeed," she said. "Unlike other Empires, they do not use their power to subjugate or oppress. They do not discriminate against us Elves, or mages; they do not live in constant fear. While I cast scorn onto the brutish nature of this nation, I also revere it for its human simplicity. Taelian -- you must understand, the Covenant as an organization seeks to expand the toleration of mages across the world. We cannot afford to let lands like Atinaw fall to places that despise us -- that would see us thrown from the gallows at the end of a rope, tightly clutching our necks. We must fight the tide of change, and we do so from within."

He frowned. "How?"

"By gaining power ourselves. Taelian -- eventually we must dictate from above to below, not the other way around. I wish to gain power in Atinaw. And truth be told, I believe that we can."
word count: 612
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"What do you want for me to do in Loregard, then? Usurp the authority of the Finla?" he asked.

"No -- do not be so blatant. I want for you to act in the best interests of the Finla's success... internalize that as a very part of your core. Do not be a sycophant, a manipulator, a game-player; at least not in your intentions for his wellbeing. With his other courtiers, and even the members of his Kinship, yes. But with him... make his growth the very focus of your deeds. It is only by this that you can assure you will be noticed; that you will be chosen as his premier adviser, standing high above the rest. When that day comes, you will be made a Thespian, and will have the power to truly perform the Customs in the court of Atinaw's crown. You will become one of the players in the affairs that shift the direction of this nation. Atinaw may be more brutish than its neighbors, but all nobility plays something like the Candor. You will shine above them all."

The Ebon Knight felt his motivation waver. It sounded -- terrifying. Being involved in the games of the high nobility, in one of the world's most powerful nations. How could he play at a game like that, or even begin to? Eloise overestimated his experience, and even his talent. He often felt that way. "If you're so certain of the potential the Customs offer us, why are you not more elevated in Atinaw's hierarchy of power?"

It was a blunt question. Perhaps even offensive. Eloise, however, appeared to take it in stride.

"Because I am Daravain. Because I am not a fighter, and because I am known as the leader of the Covenant. They are already aware of my intentions -- I am declared universally to be a witch who would whisper behind a Lord's ear. You have the backstory necessary to succeed in this nation; to inspire others with your being. A revolutionary from a blighted land, a warrior against oppression, who came here to battle blood-leeches and never faltered in his mission. A mage with an unknown magic, crafted by the God of Death to punish those undeserving of life. An urchin from the dregs. And besides that -- you are another thread in the web. Wylen and I already represent some level of institutional power in Atinaw; one more and our triumvirate has the potential to greatly expand. We can benefit one another in this place. But you must show to me your ability to succeed."

His expression went flat, and Taelian's brows shifted, arched downward. He was intrigued, but also confused. All of this still felt far beyond his calling; he would have been better as a soldier. That was what he had always been.

"What do I need to do, in order to show you?" he asked.

"Do well in Finla Iulide's court," she said. "Your early activities in Melitene are far from canceled; you will be visited by Wylen and myself in Loregard in order to ensure you are up to par. The Customs must now become integrated into your life. Over the coming months we will ensure your total aesthetic cohesion, your persistent excellence in glamourie, and utmost eloquence. The process will be arduous. You will be struck apart, made fragments upon the pavement of our courtyard. Made anew. Your identity will come into question -- your ideals. You will realize then if you can become the powerful Taelian that I wish for you to be. If not, our time together will end."
word count: 616
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It was a lot to think about. Eloise was no longer sugarcoating her words -- she had in many ways delegated him, placed immense expectations onto his shoulders, and even threatened him. But beyond it all was an offer of power; power that she knew he wanted. Because no matter how well Taelian did moving from one place to the next, shutting down Dranoch cells as they spawned, nothing would oust the potential he held if he were to become a great ruler. The things he could do to aide Sil-Elaine...

But he had no intention of spending his life in Atinaw. That very land that he wished to save; Sil-Elaine, and a renewed Daravin, they were where his heart was focused. And nothing here could pull him away. He wouldn't be like Sahfri, or the legendary Brilan Ald, or even Queen Luteria Ruthesee-Sil. Taelian remained loyal to his home, and to his heart. He had never desired power merely for it's sake.

Eleanor lived, surviving the fight against the Dranoch. As Taelian expected, Rhylor did not; he died a few nights ago, nothing that even a master Necromancer could do had been enough. It seemed they had poisoned his blood. Each of those tragedies reminded him of where he had come from, the pain and the dregs that Eloise referred to. His life as an urchin. There had to be something for his people other than the pain. If there wasn't, then they had no reason to continue on.

"I want to become the King of Sil-Elaine," he said, turning to Eloise. It was the first time he'd admitted it, but it had long been a thought. "I can lead the Famished into a better life; I'm one of them. I can do better than Aldrin, who sacrifices others rather than embracing them. He is drunk of the taste of his own power. I want to rule, and if Atinaw may be a stepping stone, then it will be."
word count: 346
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Taelian Ela'Rannoch

[indent=30]Experience: 5 points

[indent=30]Knowledge: Leadership: The Self Others See
[indent=30]Leadership: The Mold You Present
[indent=30]Leadership: Have a backstory others can look up to
[indent=30]Leadership: Power to serve an ideology
[indent=30]Leadership: Commanding from above
[indent=30]Leadership: Delegating from below

[indent=30]Injuries/Overstepping: None[indent=30]

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word count: 213

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