A Knight to Remember [Pharaoh]

The Luxium represents the upper half and primary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Situated between the foot of the volcanic Mount Sorokyn and the wide River Vasta, this above-ground metropolis boasts five thriving districts beneath the shadow of the glorious Palatium Furiarum (The Blazing Palace) from which the Solar Court rules in splendour. This bustling metropolis is by far the most populous region in the realm and, along with its shadowy sister-city the Umbrium, houses upwards of eighty percent of the Solunarian population at any given time. During the reign of a Solar Court, every major government agency in the kingdom is headquartered in the Luxium, with the notable exception of The Silver Sentinels, the covert intelligence agency run by the House of Phaedryn-Sol’Aværys.

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The touch and adoration settled into Raithen like a good friend fitting in perfectly under his arm. It was warm and satisfying. He laughed at the word play, feeling the air leave his body and return as though he were a part of everything and all of it was inside him. The wing on the shoulder closest to the knight spread to fold around the Aurisian's back, feathers brushing along all the exposed skin.

"That is well, for if not I would have had a significantly less entertaining night." Not that the employees of Indigeo would be disappointing were he left to their tender mercies, but they were not what he had come seeking.

"Mmm, mhm." He intoned at the mention of his racial situation, moving so their faces were only an inch or two apart and setting his mostly empty glass down on the table so that the hand not busy under it could drape loosely around the back of Ayreon's neck. "I have none. Been flitting around tasting what is on offer. Not sure I'm made for setting down to nest."

It was wholly likely that he had bonded with his mother to some extent but it hadn't been intentional on his part, and the influence she welded over him existed with out without magical assistance. Having never had a relationship of any kind with another of his own kind he didn't really understand the Bonding. He felt strong urges to connect to people at times, but the feeling didn't usually last and, when it did, the intensity of it did not sustain.

"I've not met many of my kind either, in passing only. Tell me," By this time his eyes were making a none too subtle movement between the knights eyes and his wet lips, "Does this appreciation of poultry extend to tasting?"

Not waiting for the answer he leaned in and tasted for himself; pressing for the exquisite sensation the wine added to the touch of skin so sensitive as lips, then, after a moment, opening to flick with his tongue in true tasting.
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Ayreon chuckled, his hallmark smirk sustaining long beyond the laughter.

"How fascinating..." The knight whispered, for their conversation was altogether intimate. "I don't begrudge you your wanderlust. I'd be a hypocrite if I did, but from what I've read the bonding seems intense and I do fancy intensity. If I were capable of such a thing, I think I would be very keen to try it out. It has its detriments to be sure, but what pleasure doesn't have some sort of hangover, come-down or other such toll." The mention of taste sent his intoxicated mind toward a consummate focus upon that particular sense.

Taste was strange. He supposed one was always experiencing it, but rarely conscious of it outside of very particular scenarios which tended to be tied to pleasure: Food, drink and sex. Now cognizant of his tongue, he set it to dancing behind his teeth. There were still traces of the liqueur, along with the faintly metallic taste that must have been just the default for his mouth.

Rather lost in his mind-altered musings, he was a bit surprised by the incursion of novel flavours in the form of another mouth against his... another tongue partnering with his own in the dance. He straightened his back and leaned more into the other man.

His focus shifted now. For some reason, the effects of the drug seemed to highlight one sensation at a time. Not that the others were absent, but they were muted by the potency of a singular sense. It had been taste, but now it was touch. Tongues could execute that function as well, and so he was attentive to the velvety smoothness of the counterpart appendage and the full lips of the winged boy. There was also the feel of soft feathers at his back and smooth skin under his hands.

"Exquisite..." He whispered against Raithen's lips.
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It took a moment to Raithen to realize when the kiss broke, to realize that the word had been spoken by Ayreon and not himself. His fingertips rose to trace the lips he'd been tracing with his own a moment before and his expression moved from mellowed closer to molten. Not moving any further away he spoke quietly enough that even in the public room there conversation would be wholly private.

"Now that you have sampled the offerings available, or at least observed them, have you a better idea of what you'd like to take?"

Raithen was resisting the urge to climb atop the other man, wrap his wings around them both creating a semblance of privacy, and do what would please them both right there. If the good knight wanted a bit more privacy, or if he wanted to climb onto the stage and make their love play into a performance, with or without audience participation, Rai was interested in all options. All he needed now was to know, but felt it would be fair to lay all the cards on the table first.

"Soon now this first stage of the wine will be done and the heightened sensations will settle into touch only...mmm," The musing was due to finding no perfect way to describe what was to come, what was already beginning for him, "Mostly, rather. For me, I feel more, but also subtler things, and pleasure is," He paused and grinned, meeting there eyes, "Exquisite."

He let this information sink in, punctuating with another slow kiss, then added with a feather's brush of hesitation in his voice,

"I am not one to open in situations like this, but, if you are also not inclined to receive I am more than happy to experiment in mutual gratification without, or we can collect a partner willing to take us both, or more than one."

He was used to having this part of the conversation with men. Raithen was young and lithe and it was often assumed that he would be the receiving partner in a coupling. It was better to just get the idea out of the way before everyone was naked and well oiled.
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Ayreon, for his part, did not seem remotely concerned with their displays of affection being public. If he wasn't an outright exhibitionist, he was at least cavalier. This was further exemplified by his sudden desire to doff the rest of his garments, that he might feel that uniquely pleasurable sensation of skin on skin. Hands and lips were nice, but torsos and arses shouldn't be left out of the equation in Ayreon's reckoning.

It wasn't the simplest of tasks, given how they were presently arrayed, but the knight was motivated and, as Raithen posed his question, he slid off the last of his constraining clothes.

"I know precisely what I'd like to take." He replied with a snarling smirk as his eyes scanned the golden skin beneath the wings, but he didn't elaborate before being given a more advanced tutorial on the intoxicant they'd recently imbibed. It all sounded well and good to him. He was, after all, the sort of person to blithely try out an unknown decadence with a near complete stranger in a foreign realm without really inquiring as to the breadth of its effects. He'd been prepared to be wholly incapacitated, if it was a pleasurable sort of descent, but this was probably preferable given the environs.

"Ah..." His smirk faded at the line Raithen drew in the proverbial sand, "That is a pity. I don't care for boundaries." He cast his eyes across the room, "Here all this time I'd only had eyes for you, but I suppose I shall have to scan the horizon, now..." Whether or not he knew it, Ayreon was projecting disappointment. His body still reacted to the touch, but his attention was now pointedly elsewhere. His expression was not unlike it had been earlier in the night when Raithen had offered his arm, and Ayreon overtly ignored the gesture.
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Grey eyes roamed freely over the pale skin that was being exposed without any sign of abashment, that he liked what he was seeing was obvious through his entire body.

Raithen was not so burden with an over abundance of clothing. Drawing the golden clasp pierced through the thin fabric of his garment at the shoulder caused the whole thing to fall in a puddle onto his thighs. From there is was only a little shuffle to have him bare to his sandles. Without the slightest hesitation he climbed, straddling, atop Ayreon's lap, pressing their chests together. The thing was, the knight's aggression was attractive, and no less so simply because the Avialae did not physically enjoy being entered. It made him want the aggressor, want the attention. In moments such as this one he regretted that his body was not made to unfold as other's of his sex seemed to be able.

"Trust me," He murmured as the majority of his nerves came alive to the feel of skin on skin, "I don't enjoy boundaries either." The tone of delivery implied he was still amused, but there was wryness in it too. Both were covered in the sound that came from how they felt, bared and touching.

Looking down from his slight height advantage he murmured, "While you seek out something to your liking, I'm going to explore what is to mine."

Sliding down, graceful in this state as he was not in others, till his knees were on the tiled floor and his face was hovering over the object of his interest he observed briefly before beginning to ply the arts he had learned in courtesans aeries and prostitute's dens. However much his body made certain types of offered pleasure difficult for him, his intention had always been to garner the greatest enjoyment for all involved. If Ayreon was no interested in ending the night with Raithen, the younger man intended to at least experience some of what the knight had to offer. The first flush of real pleasure while under the influence of this particular wine could be overwhelming for those who did not indulge in similar things often. Rai suspected Ayreon was not one to be rolled under by even heightened levels of physical pleasure. Still, he wanted it to be him who introduced the intricacies of this unique delight.
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The light, violet eyes of the knight perused the newly revealed landscape as it was presented. Soon thereafter his hands grazed the hills and valleys he'd already devoured with his gaze. Then he extended his tongue to slide it across one of Raithen's nipples, before the other slid down his form, causing quivers to wrack his entire slender body as the smooth skin of the boy swept over his own.

Though Ayreon's hackles had risen, they were promptly smoothed over by as Raithen offered up another pleasure in lieu of that which seemed to be forbidden. It was difficult, under the influence and the circumstances, to retain so petty a grudge whilst basking in the lap of these augmented delights.

He tipped his head back, loosing a throaty sigh. He let his mouth hang open as his eyes rolled up until he was staring at the wall behind his head. There he remained, relaxed in places and tense in others. It might have been seconds or minutes. However long it was, he eventually tipped his face forward to look down at the blonde head of the Solunarian royal scion.

"It would seem I didn't need to look far, after all..." He told the boy, as he swept long, slender fingers through his silken hair and smiled adoringly and approvingly down at him. Raithen's thoughtful attentions seemed to be enough to retain Ayreon's. Perhaps it was due to the state he'd been left in by the intoxicant, or perhaps it was just a tribute to his particular set of skills, but whatever the case the knight seemed content (perhaps more than that), at least for the moment. He neglected to scan the room for alternatives, now that they'd breached at least one boundary, albeit not the one he might have coveted most to charge through headlong.
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The instant reaction to the baring of his body was all the gratification Raithen needed to be perfectly happy in plying his skill. The touch, possessive and tasting was exactly the sort he liked, which made it even more of a pity his body was not cooperative in allowing the possession to be fully realized.

Feeling Ayreon react, first to their forms being shared and then to what he aspired to below edged Raithen's gratification up toward needing a greater fulfillment of his own. The ache that had started off soft and sweet was beginning to nudge toward painfully demanding, though it was not yet there.

Time slipped for the Avialae as well, dream like, without leaving any impression of its passing except in the pleasant ache growing at the back of his throat as it was stretched by filling. When he heard the knights voice he lifted his eyes and his mouth smiled around it's burden. Something about this one was tugging at things in his life that were lacking and had always been. Raithen's desire to please was always high on his list of priorities, particularly in a setting such as their current one, but once in a while he came across a masculine individual that would draw it out of him like one draws a kitten to run along behind a string.

Pulling away momentarily the winged man signaled to one of the serving women, a complex set of gestures that, if one was observing, one could see being passed between the workers of Indigeo. She nodded, and in a few moments two women and a man took to the stage across from their table and began to perform acts which could be, if one was being vague, described as a dance. If Ayreon was not interesting in watching, the music helped Raithen concentration on his rhythm. As the slow beat increased, so did the movements below the level of the tabletop.
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How much of this was the drug and how much the boy? Ayreon wondered as he tipped his head back and shut his eyes to give himself over wholly to his tactile senses. There was certainly a boost to that boon provided by the intoxicant which hadn't faded so much as it had focused in from the broader high with which it had begun.

When Raithen withdrew momentarily to garner the attention of staff, Ayreon knitted his brow but didn't trouble himself to lift his head or even to open his eyes. He assumed whatever had elicited the cessation would be temporary and that the pleasures would either resume or revise into a novel medium. And right he was. A bit of music entered the mix and the resumption commenced.

He did glance up eventually, briefly perusing the sights on the stage, though he still found the vision at his lap more alluring. He'd never had the attention of an Avialæ before. He hadn't seen many and those he had seemed unwieldy in their size. This one was enough of a runt that he made for a more suitable lover for one of Ayreon's size. The elf even had the height advantage, if one didn't count the wings in the equation.

It wasn't long before the moment was at hand and in mouth, as the knight let out a vocal utterance in Silandris and the length of his willowy body quivered and pulsed for a few moments before subsiding into stillness. A lazy, satisified smile curled his lips at one side and he lifted his head lazily to look down at Raithen.

"Such a good lad." He praised in a quiet rasp as he lifted a hand to cup his jaw, stroking his cheek with a thumb as he looked down into his eyes. "Is all of Solunarium so doting to foreign delegates?"
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The gratification of the moment, when it came, was for both of them. While Raithen might remain physically unreleased he felt the same sort of languid satisfaction Ayreon was showing. His smile, when he lifted his head to the praise was beautiful, perhaps more so for the way his lids were heavy and his expression worshipful.

His hands came up to roam over the form above him in a way that was possessive as a cat is possessive of a sunbeam to lay in. The touch should cause little after images of pleasure, comfortable but also intense in their own way. For his part, when Raithen had indulged in this particular chemical miracle, and one of his lovers was thus obliging after the main attraction he shuddered and arched into it. He was getting something of that now, being the offering rather than the alter was never a bad thing in his estimation.

When the question finally filtered through to the language center of his brain he smirked, which fell into a laugh.

"Some might be so willing to offer the use of their property, but I don't think many would do so themselves." Maybe he was wrong, he had never been a diplomat welcomed into a noble house. Slipping up till he was again seated upon his chosen alter he added, sounding almost sleepy he was so relaxed,

"Their loss."

The little rhythm his body took up, all but unconsciously pressing their forms together, enjoying the way so much bared skin felt as it mingled, looked so natural on him it had an air of the animalistic. Instinctive desire directing his form to seek out that which it wanted. If the physical show of his own unquenched ardor pressed between them in the process the Avialae seemed no more intent on it than any other place where they touched. His wings rose from where they had been tucked close to fit under the table, and wrapped around them, muffling the light and sound of the active pleasure den outside of their embrace. Raithen was the furthest thing from shy, but he wanted to concentrate on just the object of his pleasure in that moment, staring down into Ayreon's eyes and just existing there together.
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Ayreon chuckled rather adoringly, and paid Raithen a light kiss in answer to his compliment. Perhaps it was the softer sentiment he sought to convey, or perhaps he simply wasn't the sort who preferred to taste himself on another's lips, but whatever the case it didn't linger or delve any deeper than those full, pillowy lips. When he broke it, he sighed in satisfaction.

"I so am pleased that I shall be spending more time in your realm, Raithen. I do hope that you will be my guide to many the novel pleasures your land has on offer that I have yet to experience..." He trailed off, as his gaze shifted from Raithen's face to the canopy created by his wing, behind which the dancers continued about their sultry work.

"I would watch you take your pleasure on one of the staff, I think." He said with a somewhat imperious glint to his grin. "But I wish for you to look at me for the entire time you do so. I would sit back and casually drink myself to surfeit, while you toil at your own, base pleasure. Can you do that for me, little bird?"

If he obliged, Ayreon's grin would both deepen and darken. He would kick his feet up on the table, cross his legs at the ankle and watch like some portrait of a haughty, decadent prince in repose. As Raithen would soon discover, that was exactly what Sir Ayreon was.

The indulgences, sensual and intoxicating, would continue into the morning hours and would end with utterances of intention on the part of the Aurisian-accented elf. He was, it seemed, intent upon spending more time in the company of this winged Adonis.
word count: 292
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