Hilana is debriefed after her draconic delve

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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"I think that would be wise." Phocion agreed on the matter of her interest in Elementalism studies. The Crownwyrm had all but explicitly bade her to pursue that path, as it seemed a resistance to high levels of heat would be necessary and Phocion would not be present to serve as her 'steward' at all times.

"Oh, I think you should get started with your preparations with all haste. I was merely suggesting the trip itself might be best held off until after the jubilee. I would not want you to be detained abroad for what promises to be an eye-opening spectacle." He sat back and clasped his hands over his sternum, nodding.

"The High Sentinel is indisposed at the moment, but I've no doubt she'll make time to discuss the relic with you. She takes particular interest in such things, and will doubtless have historical information on top of whatever she can glean through Sembling. I shall put in a request on your behalf."

At the mention of his youngest and most recently introduced brother, Phocion pursed his lips and rose from his chair. He pivoted round to face the window and gazed out at the Umbrium, his eyes trailing toward the very entry point they'd used to pervade the Thalamum Draconum.

"I think he will survive." The Sentinel offered softly, "But that he will be changed. I know not how, nor whether it will be for good or ill, but..." He glanced to his wrist, the silver light of his emblem illuminating as he held it up. It was like a magical manacle counterpart to the collar borne by his brother.

"Put it out of your mind. There is naught you or I can do about it, but wait for news." He cleared his throat and glanced over his shoulder to the Vastiana, "Was there anything further?"
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She nodded when he agreed that Elementalism practice would be wise. She could use all of the help that she could get, and Hilana knew that no two teachers were ever the same. Perhaps it would be much the same within the Sentinels, as regimented as they were. It was called an Order for a reason. She would find out, perhaps, depending on how things went. She already knew that Prince Phocion would see that it was dealt with with those he trusted to be discreet and knew where their loyalties lay. Hilana, for her part, would just have to keep her mouth shut and try not to offer what was not needed.

“I understand,” Hilana smiled at that. The Jubilee promised to be something, and she would likely watch the parade and listen in outside of the arena for some of it, and carry on the rest of her day. Probably with her books and Tiaz; she had doubts that Vasilei would keep the shop open for it, simply because who would be in there? She had questions for Phocion; she wanted to know if he was looking forward to it, or if he was grim, because security concerns were surely at an all-time high and that surely meant a lot of stress. But still... she knew better than to ask. That didn’t seem to be a subject he would, or could, volunteer much on, she would just have to see how it went. She knew full well that just because she wanted to know something didn’t mean she was going to get whatever details she sought.

“There’s no rush. All in time,” she bowed her head to him as he mentioned the High Sentinel. With Arvaelyn, with everything... plus being a Princess and the head of her House... the girl wasn’t in a hurry to figure out all of the intricacies of the artifact that she had been gifted. There would be time before she set out for this to occupy her time, if she was granted an audience, but as the Moonborn said, the Mask was an interest to Her Serene Highness, and they were working towards the same goal in terms of Gods and Dragons; although she was in the dark about essentially all of it. But she had a feeling that it wasn’t in their interests for Hilana to flounder, fail, and screw up. Not with what was at stake, and it seemed that that could be everything.

As Phocion got up and went to his window, Hilana stayed quiet, her hands clasped, but lowered. She watched him, and she was earnest, at least. The girl did care for his brothers, and for Finn, as strange of relationships as she seemed to have with them. She had certainly been concerned about Arvaelyn’s state from the moment she had clapped eyes on him, even going so far as to actually call out encouragement to him as the Crownwyrm bore him off within the Thalamum Draconum. She was an odd duck. “That’s hard... but I will do my best, Dominus. Thank you,” she bowed low to him, sweeping out her skirts. “I think that that will be it for now. I don’t know if it would be wise to pick up some weapons and practice until I’m worn out or not, not with everything else... but perhaps that would be a good failsafe. If I can think of anything else, I will leave word with Sentinel Phaleyndr, as you said.” She tucked her pencil and notebook away in her rucksack, picking it up and shouldering it once again. “But... I wanted to say thank you for today, Dominus. I know that you said that what is going on is bigger than you and I, but I’ve appreciated your time, advice, and guidance... and I am grateful,” she bowed her head to him before straightening. “Be well, Your Highness. And I will see you when I see you,” she beamed her bright smile at him. “In light and shadow, go with grace.”

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Still gazing off into the dim artificial light of the Umbrian skyline, Phocion intoned:

"If Her Argent Luminescence saw fit to favour you with such ardent attention, Miss Chenzira, I have faith it is a burden you can shoulder." He clasped his hands behind his back, remaining silent and still as a statue as Hilana replied and rattled off a few notions for her next steps.

At her gratitude, he half turned his face at a downward tilt so his pale eyes could regard her in the periphery of his vision. He paused for a long moment after her words had ceased to pour forth. If he had any emotional reaction to the sentiments, they were certainly hard to read at this angle, still and stony as he was with his face mostly obscured.

He shifted his gaze back toward the city beyond.

"May the Founders stand between you and harm in all the empty places you must walk." He replied. "You are dismissed."
 ! Message from: “Pharaoh”
This thread is pending review as part of Hilana's ongoing Legendary Addendum. Rewards TBD.
word count: 182
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