The Craft Ⅰ

Hundreds of miles Northeast of Solunarium proper at the Vasta River Delta sits the only other major settlement in the kingdom: The port city of Tertium- so named because it is the third settlement to occupy this location. Originally founded as Vastium Orientem (East Vastium), the city has been razed to the ground twice, after being conquered by foreign powers and rebuilt to serve as a port of trade and a tether to the world without. As the once reclusive Solunarian government is beginning to make diplomatic inroads with many nations abroad, Tertium’s star is on the rise and many of Solunarium’s less fortunate are flocking to the city in search of new opportunities to prosper.

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☠ 1st of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios | Thoughts: A like minded person | Mood: Excited, Intrigued

The sounds of the carriage moving through the streets of the Tetrium filled the space between Læbirius and his father. The silence between them was palpable and it was slowly starting to eat slowly away at the young necromancer, so much so that he wanted to ease it with words. "Where are we going?" he asked, giving his father a curious look. The elder elf never raised his eyes as he spoke but it was clear and directed. "A friend, someone with just as much a love for world magic as you have."

Læbirius would have been lying if he said he wasn't intrigued, someone else with knowledge in world magics? So far since his arrival in the Solunarium, he had only seen those who wielded cardinal runes, like mesmer and masquerade, so to meet a fellow world mage excited him. As the carriage came to a stop, Læbirius peered out from the window to find they had stopped in front of a shop. From the outside, it seemed like any ordinary store, one that seemed to sell magical items and such. Upon their exit they were greeted by a spectacle-wearing woman, elven it seemed like, as she bowed to them both and gestured for them to enter.

walking through the doors Læbirius was taken back by all the items on the shelves, the reagents, and much more. There were runeforged creations that lined some of the walls, and shelves of scrivening scrolls as well. "The proprietor of the establishment is expecting us, please alert him to our arrival." Mælor instructed, the elven woman bowing and running towards the back of the building. Mælor watched intrigued as his son moved from shelf to shelf, in awe of their contents and amazed.

Soon the woman came back from the back of the building and ushered them into the back. An audible gasp left his mouth as Læbirius walked into the forge in the rear of the establishment. He had never seen one before, and he wasn't sure if he should get close to examine it or what, but his curiosity was bubbling. He couldn't even imagine the many creations one could make in this building. As they were escorted further in there in the middle of the forge was a man at work. He had curly ebony hair, and skin reminiscent of his mother's which clued Læbirius in that the man was indeed Vastian.

He seemed to be finishing up what he was working on, the elven woman coming over to take the creation he was working on as he removed his gloves and turned to face them, a look on his face that made it seem as if he wasn't pleased to see them. After a few moments of silence between both men before they burst into laughter and embraced each other in a brotherly hug. "It's good to see you old friend, I hope you are doing well." the vastian man nodded and smiled.

"I'm doing rather well my friend, or should I address you in a more formal manner?" he jested, his eyes falling onto Læbirius. The young mage could feel the man's discerning gaze observing him. He felt nervous but he did his best to hold his composure, fighting his urge to avert his eyes. The vastian man smiled and extended his hand out to him. "And who might this be?" he inquired, Læbirius shaking his hand and moving to observe to rest of the forge.

"That is my son, Læbirius. He has a passion for world magic. I figured you could guide his talent, teach him the proper way." Mælor informed, Varinios having a shocked look on his face. "She must have been quite the woman to warm that icy heart of yours." the bronze-skinned male jested again, nudging the older elf in his shoulder. He continued to appraise Læbirius for a moment before escorting him over to a workbench. Mælor smirked as he went to turn and exit. "Well I will send someone for you later on in the evening."

He could see his words couldn't reach his son as the two had already begun conversing about their interests in world magic, and when Læbirius mentioned he was interested in necromancy Varinios seemed to light up. "Well do you own any of the tools of the trade?" he would inquire, Læbirius giving him a look of disappointment as he scratched his scalp. Varinios chuckled as he waved him over. "No need to fear, we can easily rectify this, come." he encouraged, Læbirius moving to follow the older male to a workbench.

Varinios went over to a shelf and retrieved an Aetherite dragonshard, bright in its illumination, a purple-blue gemstone that swirled with variations of violet and blue fire inside of it. Coming back to the workbench, he place the gem in front of the half-elf and then retrieved a chiseling tool. "Let us start by making you a Soul Totem." he said, gesturing for Læbirius to show him what he knew. "When making one, what must one on focus as they inscribe the dragonshard?" he posed, looking at the young man with a certain level of intent curiosity.

"The pictographs must entail concepts of creating a focal point of not just aetheric power but of interacting with the soul. The pictography must also incorporate ideas centered around absorbing and interacting with the raw essence of things both living and dead." he recited, focusing on his etching as Varinious watched. "Good, now once you are done you want to place that in a bowl with pictographs that match that of the ones on the dragonshard."

Læbirius took the dragonshard and placed it in the bowl, Varinious coming up next to him. "Remember the bowl must be made of bone. What comes next is that you must fill the bowl with your blood correct?" he posed, Læbirius nodded his hand extending as Varinious handed him a knife. He winced as he filled the bowl watching as his blood filled the bowl. The mage could feel himself drained of energy as his blood was placed in the bowl.

Varinious came and wrapped up his wound, a smile on his face. He came to sit next to Læbirius. "The next part is that it takes up to at least three days for it to set and be completely absorbed, then it will be primed and ready for the next step. In the meant time, let's chat about you." he could see the fatigue settling in Læbirius and went to fetch him something to restore his strength. Coming back with a sandwich he placed it in front of Læbirius and watched the young man eat.

"So tell me, what has you so fascinated with Necromancy?" his head tilted to the side as his eyes continued to gauge the young mage before him. "It was something I wanted to understand after my mother died." he noted, though the true reason was not something he could bring up in casual conversation, especially not with strangers. It was something he would have to keep close to his chest. "I've been fascinated with death and understanding it ever since." he added.

Varinious seemed intrigued, and then tapped his hand on the table. "I see, well consider me your guide in all things world magic. I have come to have quite an understanding of them and find they can be used for many interesting things and applications. Now eat up, it may not seem like a lot, but you must restore your strength quickly." he said, relaxing against the workbench as he looked over to where the bowl with the soul gem was soaking. "Put your faith in me, and I promise not to steer you wrong my boy, your father wouldn't have put you under my tutelage otherwise." he jested, hearing a knock come on the door, and got up to check.

"It seems your escort has arrived to take you home. Come back in three days and we will finish the process of making your first soul gem."he said escorting the young mage to the door.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
word count: 1503
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Hilana Chenzira
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Name: Laebirius

XP: 8 Points, can be used for Necromancy
Etiquette: Meeting new people
Scrivening: Creating Pictographs centered around creating a focal point
Scrivening: Repeating pictographs on a different medium such as bone
Necromancy: Aetherite soul totems
Necromancy: The process of setting a soul totem
Resistance: Wincing at a cut
Injuries/Ailments: Knife wound, minor blood loss.
Loot: None

Notes: Oh, wow. Good introduction to necromancy!
word count: 84
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