A Place To Start Over

The capital city of Atinaw, home of the royal throne.

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Searing 1st 120th Aos
Continued from Here

"And you're sure about this?" Elinora's tone felt plagued with worry, the look on her and Albert's faces after Patrick explained the situation. Even Dominik seemed a little lost at what to say, but what they all heard was the truth. Patrick disclosed with them what little he learned of Leliana, while the outlander herself sat at the bar waiting for them. It had only been maybe five minutes at best, yet what the other three came to know had to intrigue them as well.

"It's what she said," the second son confirmed with his mother, "I don't know if she was serious or not honestly."

"No, no. She's too timid to be tossin' a joke like that around." Elinora remarked as she absently bit on her thumbnail. "Even worse I'm pretty sure I know what she's referrin' to. In Atinaw it's not a problem but elsewhere, clearly slavery is still a prominent issue."

"And to think the other regions live with honor." Albert muttered with a gruff tone of disgust. "She would've had to fought hard to make it here."

"I'm well aware dear," Elinora added as she looked from her husband to her boys, "I would like to talk with her personally. I need to figure somethin' out myself after all, and if your suspicions are true Pat; then it's imperative you help her adjust here."

"Me?" Patrick looked at his mother and then his father, both of them hinting a smile as the word sunk in. Of course he had to be the one to do it, the moment she asked him for a room he suddenly became the responsible one. "I'll handle it." He then came to agree as even his brother nodded.

"We'll help too." Dom felt the need to assure him.

"Right then," Elinora interjected as she stood straight from leaning against the desk, "let's get started. Shall we?" As if on queue Dominik opened the office door, leading the others out as Albert remained stationed at his desk. Dominik was the first to stop when he passed Vincent, checking to see if the fellow bartender needed any help. Patrick himself came to stop in front of Leliana, a wink shot at her as Elinora herself walked around him. The mother hen did not stop or slow down, that is until she walked around the bar to stand next to the new hire herself.

"Hello, Leliana I presume?" The older woman checked with a warm smile and hearty grin. "Welcome to the Silver Lion dear, my son has told be a bit about you. Would you care if we had a word in private?" When she requested for privacy Elinora gave a slight nod of the head, towards an empty table Rose had just finished cleaning off. "I'd like to get to know you before we decide on hirin' you is all." The mother assured her as she waited patiently, hopeful that her presence didn't intimidate Leliana in the slightest.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 534
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It felt like an eternity before Patrick returned with the others. For a brief moment she was actually relieved to see him, and sent a small smile his way before rising from her seat at the bar to greet the woman whom she could only assume to be his mother. She was very pretty, with long dark hair and deceivingly youthful features. The resemblance between her and the three boys was there, maybe even a little more so with Patrick.

"Yes--hello--that's me," Leliana started lamely, taking her other glove off and tucking them both into her belt. "I--thank you. You have a beautiful establishment." Would blatant flattery get her far? It couldn't hurt.

The half-breed glanced at the far table and then back at the woman, trying to smile with some level of confidence. She practically radiated maternal kindness. Even a cynical skeptic such as herself could see that. It helped put her at ease, but not totally. Lily gave Patrick one last look before following his mother and sitting down across from her.

The outlander sat straight in her chair with a rigid sort of nervousness, hands folded in her laps, ankles crossed to keep her feet from bouncing under the table. The other woman's gaze was piercing in its intensity but somehow still remained warm and soft. She felt her cheeks flush under the scrutiny but forced herself not to look away.

"What is it you'd like to know?" Lily pressed, testing the waters after swallowing the lump in her throat.

She wasn't sure at all what these questions might end up being. It was all wild speculation in her mind as usual. Would she be able to answer them all honestly, or have to deflect? Would his mother be able to see through her facade? What had Patrick told them already? She hadn't given much away that she could think of. Leliana chewed her lower lip absently, resisting the urge to bite her nails. A terrible nervous habit.
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Patrick smiled softly to the woman in that brief moment they reconnected, a hopeful look in his eye when Nora had came around to greet her. Seeing the two of them head off together towards the table, he came to realize that he actually wanted Leliana to work here. If his hunch had been correct and his mother right, then she would've likely been a slave from elsewhere. Whether she was a runaway or not, that didn't matter to any of the Barnells to begin with. She was a free woman now and, more than anything, deserved to experience that freedom for herself. Which was probably why their mother leapt at the opportunity to meet with her, because Elinora had strong prejudices against slavery; and she was naturally the personable one out of the entire clan.

"She's kinda cute." Dominik commented when they both sat down, mindful to keep it low so that only Patrick heard him.

"Yeah, okay big shot." The middle brother remarked with a minor chortle. "If you think so, you should probably ask her out."

"Ask who? What's goin' on now?" Connor interjected as he strolled out the kitchen, joining the both of them behind the bar. "Whoa, who's that pretty thing?"

"Leliana." Patrick answered in turn, mindful of the hungry eyes his younger sibling made.

"I'll be damned, even knows her name and everythin'. Must be love already." Connor teased as he looked from the table towards his brothers, Patrick sneered at him before crossing his arms and watching the two talk once more.

"Piss off the both of you." His defensive comment led the both of them to laugh. "Besides she's clearly got other things on her mind. I'm just here to help her adjust is all."

"So what you're sayin' to me...." Connor trailed off with a raise of his eyebrows. "She's totally free game for us all." The middle brother looked back toward the youngest then, a minor glare spared at him while Elinora responded to Leliana aptly with enthusiasm.

"First things first dear, my name is Elinora Barnell. The man you've had the pleasure of meeting before is my son, Patrick, and he's brought to my attention that you're lookin' for a place to stay. As well as a place to work for a while also." The motherly hen explained fluidly as she leaned forward, her hands clasped together as she rested her arms on the table. "Would you mind tellin' me where it is you came from? And what sort of work you did before you decided to stop here in Atinaw?" The woman inquired politely with positivity exuding from her dulcet tones, her eyes curiously fixated on Leliana as she remained completely receptive; open to discern whether or not the outlander would come out with her past or not.

It wouldn't have mattered if it were the truth or not however, Elinora had already made up her mind on the matter as of five minutes ago. Yet she wanted to get an impression of who Leliana was herself, which was precisely why she picked a table for the two to be alone at.
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:31 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 552
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"It's good to meet you ma'am," she said with real sincerity. Elinora seemed like a very kind woman, and it appeared the rest of them were much the same so far. Maybe Patrick really had been genuine earlier.

In most cases her would be simple questions to answer. Basic information for an interview, but for Leliana the answers were stuck on her tongue. She was silent for probably a little too long, thinking about how to phrase a response. The half-breed didn't want to outright lie but she wasn't about to spill her life story to strangers either, no matter how kind they seemed. For one, she didn't want their pity. Secondly, she didn't trust readily. She had trusted people blindly before and it ended in utter catastrophe.

Where are you from? What did you do? She licked her lips before speaking carefully.

"I was born in Daravin, just outside of Amoren and grew up in the countryside. We worked for our lodging and food. I've done a lot of different odd household jobs like cooking, baking, cleaning. I can dress some game. I've helped host large parties. But--I've--" Leliana hesitated briefly. "I've been on the road the past six months or so and picked up a lot in that time too. I can't say whether they would be useful skills working at an inn. I'm a quick learner though. I'll work hard."

None of what she'd said had been an outright lie. Maybe shades of gray, but there was a lot of truth to it. A little bit of fudging in this situation couldn't hurt, at least that's what she told herself to justify it all. Leliana's hands were balled into fists in her lip, nails digging into her palm to keep her focused and calm. The outlander glanced absently toward the bar where the men were talking. Patrick was still there. She looked back at Elinora, not really sure how to gauge the woman's expression.

"If you have a position that you think I could fill I can start immediately. I'm open to any jobs you have." That last bit might have sounded a little too desperate.
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Elinora was mindful when she noticed that Leliana hadn't initially answered the questions, but also patient as she seemed to expect it. Then when the answers finally came, she gave the same warm hearted grin she always did; but it was also different from the ones she normally wore. Patrick knew it because he was used to seeing it every day, when she would interact with some of their regulars... or any customer for that matter. No when she gave this grin it still held that same bright and welcoming value, that quality about her never failed to surface even in the stressful times.

No Patrick saw genuine empathy in his mother's expression, and while he couldn't hear anything because of his brothers chattering; he knew from the look his mother had that his hunch had to be true. "You sound very experienced." Elinora complimented vibrantly towards Leliana, with a minor curl of her finger over her lips afterwards. Leliana would be able to see that Nora seemed suddenly plagued with thought, or perhaps consideration towards the answer she gave with Daravin. The more she listened the more often she nodded, yet at that point she had also started to grow a little quieter also.

Probably because she was thinking at that point, certain that what she heard was in essence a truth. Maybe not the whole truth but it was one nonetheless, and while Patrick could see how much she wanted to be upfront; somehow it looked as though Nora refrained from her usual approach. That's interesting. "What?" Connor checked as he noticed Patrick slightly craning his head, his eyes brimming with curiosity as he observed the two interact.

"Mum's doin' her thing." Was all he had to say, as he started to focus more on Leliana now. What did she keep secret from their mother? And how was Elinora being so perceptive about it? He wish he knew, for Patrick could never fully understand his mother's antics.

What Elinora added near the end though brought a short laugh out of the mother hen, as she leaned forward once more with her hands relaxed on the table once more. "We could definitely find somethin' for you dear. I think we could benefit from havin' you around." Yet the bright smile on her face lessened a little, as she felt the need to lean in closer and take one of Leliana's own hands. "Rest assured you'll fit in here, just give it time and you'll see." With that said she released the hand, and eased back into her chair once more as she resumed her dutiful role as proprietor.

"Much of your skills will already be of great value here dear, cooking and cleaning is all part of keeping an inn for a business after all. And if you're lucky the boys won't hassle you too much." On that note she quietly chuckled, before continuing with the rest of her speech. "Which I've assigned Patrick to be the proprietor to help you adjust, he'll show you the ropes as you get comfortable here; and I do hope you stay for a while at least." In saying this Elinora rose from her chair, with one last look shot to the bar where the three brothers still lingered. "Also do feel free to enjoy a full meal, we like to feed our own around here and that includes you now."

With that said and done she gave a brief wave, hopeful that she would be seeing more of Leliana in the future. She didn't take long to return to the office where Albert waited, but in passing gave Patrick an expectant look along the way. "Did I miss somethin'?" Connor couldn't help but bluntly ask as he looked between Dominik and Patrick.

"I'll explain in private, why don't we give Pat room to welcome the lady." Dom responded in turn as he started to usher Connor forward, leading him towards the kitchen while Patrick waited for Leliana at the bar.

"So," He started with a friendly smile, "how'd it go?"
Last edited by Patrick on Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:13 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 710
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Leliana grinned crookedly, glancing again at the men standing behind the bar. She was starting to relax now, put at ease by the soothing lilt of Nora's voice. She hadn't even realized she'd instinctively sat forward toward the table until the woman grabbed her hand and gave it a firm reassuring squeeze.

The outlander let out a quiet gust of breath with a relieved sigh, shoulders slumping slightly; tension releasing from her tight muscles. Elinora's eyes radiated such a motherly warmth that the half-breed felt a few tears threaten to build in her own. She blinked them away rapidly, feeling the telltale burn in her cheeks.

"Thank you--I really appreciate this. I won't let you down--thank you," she gushed, having to clear the emotional frog in her throat a few times before getting the words out properly even though she sounded a bit like a broken record. Leliana rose from her seat, mirroring her new employer. She couldn't quite wipe the smile off her face as she trailed after the woman, breaking away as she entered the office to convene with Patrick at the counter.

The others were gone now, discreetly dismissing themselves for whatever reason. Lily assumed she would get the chance for a proper introduction soon. She couldn't quite discern whether it was butterflies in her stomach or horror. Maybe a bit of both. Leliana had been quiet for a few long moments before catching herself. She started with a jump, smiling apologetically at Patrick.

"Sorry, I think I was lost in thought there for a second. I guess--well it went well I think. She hired me. Your mother is very kind, you know?" There was a hint of sadness in her tone. A melancholy note that always accompanied thoughts of her own mother, long passed now. In a few ways, Elinora had reminded Leliana of her. This was no time for such thoughts though.

"Now what do we do?" That was the million farthing question. The half-breed looked around the large room curiously, taking it in now from the unfamiliar perspective of the newly-employed. There was a foreign excitement building inside her too, bubbling just below the surface. She'd just received her first real job as a Freewoman.
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Leliana's endearing excitement brought a jubilant laugh out of Elinora, as it genuinely felt uplifted the mother to receive such heartfelt praise. Yet such actions weren't anything beyond the norm in terms of their mother, which was why Albert always relied on her to handle the personable front of the business. She always had a way of not only connecting, but innately improving the lives of those around her; a trait she never flaunted by any means necessary either.

With everyone spreading out to leave Patrick and Leliana alone however, that came to leave the two of them to discussing her new role in the business. He didn't wish to outright refer to her as a barmaid, but essentially that would be Lily's first new task. Come to think of it the nickname Lily suited her nicely, and Patrick quite liked the name both it's abbreviated and full state. Somehow he could tell now what Elinora was thinking, what she could potentially see in the woman in front of him. She was certainly timid but in that state he could see it now, that hefty weight on her shoulders that she tried to keep hidden away.

What his mother did was simply help her out, gave her the means to leave all that weight behind her. Here Lily could start fresh with a clean slate, and therefore Patrick had to be the one to help her in this transition. Funny. They weren't by any means a movement or group that dealt with slaves, but given that Leliana was a freed slave they didn't need to be; they simply just had to cover her tracks while she adjusted to everything. So as he waited to hear what she had to say, Patrick filled out the name for Room Five in the logbook; giving it the entry "Arianna" with no specified check out date. She was here to stay however long necessary, and he'd help with that too when the time came.

But for now the important matter was making sure she felt comfortable, ready to learn the ropes on her first day as a barmaid. So after letting the ink dry, Patrick closed the book and slid it off to place it down below. With it rested on the shelf where it belonged, he could fully focus on Lily now; and the comment she had to make on his mother. Instantly Patrick laughed a little softly, with a relaxed lean on the bar as he looked to her warmly. He still found difficulty in making eye contact with the lady, but nevertheless dropped all inclinations of being reserved in her presence.

"Believe me, you've only scratched the surface with her." He assured Lily with a glance back at the office. "Wait until her and Pa Pa both stick up for you. Fierce combination they both are!" And that was no joke nor lie, for Patrick had seen the both of them lash out at a couple patrons once or twice. Those who were bravely foolish enough to incite a brawl, or perhaps prove bothersome to the staff like Rose, were never spared the verbal lashing they could unleash. Together they were the fierce lions that ran this place, and every one of it's employees a member of their pride.

When Lily then asked what they were to do now, Patrick looked about ready to answer but then stopped. He hadn't seen Lily eat yet, or so he didn't quite believe. While he felt sure she would've rather get started on learning everything, he couldn't help but feel inclined to treat her to one of Connor's most favorite specials. "That's up to you, we can get started now if you like." He assured her but not before raising a finger to pause. "But! Seein' as how you're officially new, and probably famished, we could get you some of Connor's famous pork chops. They're his favorite special to make." He offered the suggestion with a warm smile, his eyebrows slightly elevated as he waited to see what Lily wanted first.

"So what's it gonna be?"

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She couldn't help but grin at the thought of both of his parents coming to her aid, feeling a little self-conscious now. The Barnells were quite the force to be reckoned with it seemed. A comforting force no less, taking her under their wing. All the attention was making her cheeks feel a bit warm. Leliana sat down on the bar stool across from Patrick, leaning over the bar propped on her elbows.

"They must compliment each other well since they run a business together. It's envious. I'm looking forward to getting to know them--everyone." There was a brief lapse. "I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better," she corrected. It was the truth too. The whole family seemed like nice people. She wasn't going to be letting her guard down anytime soon, but having good people in her life was always welcome.

She clasped her hands and rubbed her mouth, watching a few of the patrons on the other end of the room talk among themselves as the waitress passed by confidently carrying a tray of food and drinks. The woman made it look easy. Lily had never had to do anything quite to that extent, but hopefully she would catch on quickly.

The outlander finally looked at Patrick again, enticed by the idea of food. She had sampled some mushrooms earlier, but a hearty pork chop--that caught her attention. It had been so long since she'd had a full meal of anything other than preserved fruits, meats, or campfire roasted game. Leliana cleared her throat and looked a little sheepish as she spoke.

"If you really think it's okay... I don't think I could turn down a famous pork chop." There was a glint in her eye and an amused tilt to her lips. If there one thing that would always put her in a good mood--it was good food.
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Business: Job interviews
Business: Have skills relevant to the job
Persuasion: Have conviction
Persuasion: Selling yourself
Deception: Justifying deceit
Deception: Lying by omission

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8


Leadership: Bringing A Problem To Attention With Peers
Detection: Noticing The Looks Your Brothers Make
Psychology: Knowing What Your Siblings Are Thining
Rhetoric: Hiding Behind Insults When You're Being Picked On
Detection: Spotting Mannerisms In People You Know
Deception: Using Warm, Friendly Smiles To Hide Emotions

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Points 8

Comments: This thread was sweet; the dialogue was well put together, and the emotional undertones of Leliana finally having a job she'll get paid for was very nice. Great job, both of you!

word count: 132

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