Highlord of Kalzasi, Pt. 1

Stage One of the campaign for the Throne

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Kalzasi had been in political turmoil since the the tragedy that Talon's wedding ended up being, but it would appear that the stalling surrounding succession was finally drawing to its rightful end. Kalzasi needed a proper leader, and now was the time for those within it, those with power, at least, to pick one. Such a process was all so very tedious in the eyes of Jae-Seong, though he knew it was important, and it was something he would take incredibly seriously, as he well should.

Present among the other nobility, he was, for the most part, a silent observer. He has been...absent, a lot, especially for one of House Novalys. For him not to show up would be insulting; for him to show up and then havs a lot of opinions that would derail the conversations of those who actually dedicated time and effort into politics? Well, that would also be insulting. He was a warrior, a mercenary, and he knew it. His decision, for the most part, would be made internally, based upon the information that flowed from the lips of others. On top of that, he was not a social man, he genuinely preferred to gather his information by ear as opposed to making much of a fuss himself.

Lingering near the representatives of house Dahshida, he learned much. The arrival of Rickter of House Maze also piqued his interest; he knew how close Talon, specifically was with the man. That being the case, after loitering around Dahshida for long enough, he made a bid to approach Rickter when the timing felt appropriate.

"I...regret much of my recent abscence. I know you've always been close with Talon, and out of anyone, it would be you that could shed light on his current circumstances. Have you any word? Anything at all?" He spoke with an almost desperate sort of sincerity since prior, nobody else had any information.
- - -

"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 425
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Kala Leukos
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Kala had other business to attend to with the Council, but this was a matter of great import.

Her wings were shrouded in Torin's cloak, hiding them from prying eyes. Even the glamours were twisted and inverted so a sembler would see only that it was glamoured to catch the eye—not to hide. The wings would be revealed later. Below that, she wore layers of white on white, the color of mourning for their Shokaze, and her face was obscured by a beaded white veil. When she was given leave to speak, she rose and addressed the concerns of her House.

"I am not blessed with Galetira's Vision," she admitted. "All the same, the safe return of our Shinsei and his husband are miracles I pray for daily. My House has no complaint with the governance of Great House Novalys. That being said, Vicis saw fit to absent our Shinsei when the time came for this convocation, and so he cannot speak for himself. Despite his power and skill, despite the safeties of Kalzasi and its people, we lost him to the same people who assassinated our beloved Shokaze. This is our shared shame.

"The problem with following precedent today is that Talon Novalys as Shokaze—should he be returned to us—will also be a Draegir reborn. His responsibilities will extend beyond Kalzasi—to the Dawnmartyrs, to the dragonflights, to the world wherever memories of Divine Arcas are venerated. On the one hand, it would not be fair to make a tug 'o war of him, and on another, elevating him to head of state means Kalzasi's highest throne will be in one pair of hands in perpetuity. Are we to become a theocracy? His elevation would call our form of government into question, and we would remain in a regency with our Shokaze in the clutches of our enemies. A Shinsei is terrible enough a bargaining chip—how much worse a reigning Shokaze?

"If he is meant to be Shokaze, his chance might come again as an immortal scion of Great House Novalys, but for the time being, we need a Shokaze who is present. To that end, we nominate Prince Rien Novalys, second son of our departed Shokaze and of our Queen-Regent."

From what she knew of Rien, he would not thank her for this, but she was trying to do what was best for Kalzasi, what would bring true Unity to the Kalzasern people. She remained standing in case rebuttal questions were asked of her.
word count: 424
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Seated at a small table in a corner of the Council hall was a group of people wearing similar attire. Robes and ornaments of office for each of the Great Houses, the scribes that had been tasked with observing and recording the proceedings accurately and in detail. On the surface it seemed to be only logical to have multiple scribes to capture the words of such an event, but it was not simply to ensure that all that was spoken was properly noted down on paper. It was also an insurance. If all houses were allowed to supply a scribe, then together their notes would reveal any deceptions or omission from the others. They wrote with quick motions, rarely looking up from their parchment and scrolls save to check that they had enough ink for the rest of the manuscript.

Beside this collection of professionals Lyra sat in a chair with a small book in hand, one hand moving a thin black stylus fast enough that her hand was nearly a blur. Though while the others kept their heads down, her eyes swept the crowd and examined the people in the Council Chambers. Her silver hair was tied in a neat braid that fell over one shoulder, revealing pointed ears which with the shift in her features might make her difficult to recognize were it not for the usual gold trimmed black robes she wore... and the small serpent around her neck that rested its head contentedly on her shoulder.

Lyra was not a noble, nor anyone with any true say in the Great Houses matters. She was simply an onlooker, and she took her time examining and making additional notes with odd screening symbols as she continued to transcribe what was said. There were several familiar faces, noticing Jae-song and giving him a small wave and smile before turning her eyes to look at the rest of the crowd. The Dahshida woman was of some interest, as was the younger prince Rein. She had never interacted with either of them, but now seeing their face and hearing their word Lyra resolved to make their acquaintance soon. Then she saw Kala, and more over heard her words and could not help but smile. These were similar concerns she had brought to the Iron Queen's attention just that morning, and she was curious how others would react to what seemed an obvious truth.

Settling back and petting Artur on his scaly head, Lyra glanced down at her notes, adding a few new symbols as she glanced up to study Kala through the veil, an eyebrow raising in surprise at what she saw.

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There were mutterings among the Assembly as Kala presented her arguments. Murmurings of surprise and a low buzz as many considered what she presented. Above the din of conversation however, there rose the sound of clapping. It started slow but it soon grew in speed. It was a single person.

“I must say that I am…surprised. Honored, of course.” Rien Novalys ceased his solitary applause as he looked at Kala. He gave the noblewoman a bow.

“What I am not surprised at however, are the concerns that Lady Leukos has put words to.” He stood up straight. His sharp eyes roamed the chamber as more mutterings flowed throughout it. Elder nobles and members of the peerage shifted in their seats.

“In her wisdom, Lady Leukos has given voice to fears that have been on the minds of many members of this august chamber. Do not deny it. It is a topic that many whisper about behind closed doors but refrain from speaking of out in the open for fear of causing offense to a living god.” There was an uncomfortable beat of silence as chattering ceased and Rien grabbed the attention of the room.

“We all have those questions. What does the future look like under the reign of a God-King? What do things look like for the Northlands? Our enemies fear, and rightly so, that under the reign of the God of Justice, that swift and terrible retribution is waiting for them for their hand in our recent tragedies. Our allies also fear what would happen in the wake of such a coming storm. For make no mistake, the only lesson to be learned by our enemies from their treachery is that it is only through subterfuge and deceit that they can hope to face us.” There was a murmur of patriotic assent to that sentiment but for the most part, the assembled remained captivated by the words of the Second Son of House Novalys.

“Is that what Kalzasi needs? Is it swift and terrible judgement for our enemies? Is it a burning Light that obliterates those that would stand against us? More importantly, is that what my brother needs?” Rien looked down, a look of sadness crossing his features.

“My brother-in-law has told us what he suffered while imprisoned.” From where he sat in the seat of House Novalys Daizoku, Aoren visibly stiffened. His posture showing clearly what he thought about the ordeal they had suffered at the hands of the Imperium.

“I can only imagine what Talon has faced in his imprisonment.” A more somber tone swept through the silence in the chamber.

“Kalzasi has faced tragedy in recent years. More than any one people deserve. But we are not alone in our struggles. To the East, the Vykul Hordes grow ever more bold. Our friends in Antiris are stretched thin. Zeraphesh is burdened with near famine. Shemashk is struggling to keep the Ghostfence from collapsing and hold back the Ashen Wastes. What Kalzasi needs, what the Northlands of Karnor need, is a way forward that will inspire unity. A chance to rebuild. We deserve the chance to heal.” These statements received more nods of agreement and mutterings of acknowledgement.

“Talon, deserves the chance to heal. To rebuild.” He took in a breath and nodded. “I love my brother. None can say that I do not. His whole life he has been raised to fulfill his duty to our people.”

Rien lifted his head to look out over the chamber.

“What Kalzasi, what Karnor needs, is Hope. That is why, with love for my brother, with the blessings of my mother, and my brother-in-law, House Novalys pledges its support…” He turned his attention to the Highlords of Kalzasi, the reigning Daizoku who were gathered. His eyes settled upon one.

“...to Karam Senue.”

There was a beat of complete and utter silence in the Great Assembly of Kalzasi’s High Council.

Then the council erupted into activity.

Upon her throne, the Iron Queen sat quietly. Her expression was unreadable. Beside her, Aoren looked stoic but resolved. Rien, ignoring shouts from the council members, went to join his mother quietly.

And Karam Senue, who had been standing, slowly lowered himself into his chair as though he lacked the strength to keep himself upright. A look of shock was plastered on his face.

The dynamic of power in Kalzasi had shifted.

word count: 765
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Kala Leukos
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It was gratifying to hear a ripple of assent after her words; she and her family had not been the only ones with reservations, as much as she liked Talon Novalys as a person. Perhaps she ought to have been prepared to be unprepared for the Queen-Regent's response, calculated by her and articulated through her son. Though she didn't know Rien Novalys well, he seemed a credit to his family. Perhaps she ought to spend some time at his inn. Love for his brother and a love for Kalzasi that embraced unity more than the power of his own family spoke well of him.

Sahfri looked urbane as usual, but this clearly was happening with her support. Aoren too was stone-faced; she assumed he would be more focused on Talon's well-being than anything else. She felt for him. She wished her venture into the Imperium had garnered some useful intelligence, but alas, she hadn't been an effective spy.

And Karam Senue looked as though this gambit had taken him entirely by surprise. She didn't know him well either, though he had acquitted himself well after the assassination. From what she gathered, he was less an enemy of House Novalys than his father had been. If he was supported by them, then it was likely his ascension could in fact lead to new unity among the Synnekar. She smiled at him, though he would hardly notice her in the sea of faces as a paradigm shift unsettled him.

If he had the support of Houses Novalys and Briathos, then House Leukos would support him as well.

Perhaps now old wounds could heal and more resources could be brought to bear on Talon's behalf. Perhaps now they could move forward. As she watched the ebb and flow of power around the vacuum Savien had left in his passing, she considered the words she would use when she spoke to the Council on other matters.
word count: 331
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Highlord of Kalzasi I
Ash 1st, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Perhaps there had always been a valid reason for Rickter's solitary personality before, or at least, an indication as to how much he used to be before his involvement with House Novalys. Currently, he was caught up in just the sheer amount of people and activity, while he hid the fact he had a minor headache to the best of his ability. Yet while he was just merely sponging off the activity of the people around him, it didn't take long before he seemed to garner the attention of his peers from where he sat.

It had been a while since he'd even seen or smelled, the Rathari that came sauntering his way, but with that unmistakable voice, Mino managed to draw his attention quickly from the throngs of the crowds surrounding them. "My thanks," he regarded with a slight bow of his head, "quite a few seemed to agree with that opinion... much to my surprise." It would've been easier to admit that he would've continued such a life if circumstances had led to otherwise, but Rickter wasn't one to dwell on such thoughts any more.

No, instead he looked for the best approach to handling life's current problems. After all, he had a whole world of obstacles set before him, and the more he threw himself at them, the more he realized that he needed to choose his battles more carefully. The wolf noticed the scent of pine tinged with the mountain air, and no sooner did it register when Rien was the next to greet the wolf. "Aye, I think we've an idea..." He remarked to the younger Novalys, a more hearty grin on his features now that another friendly face had drawn closer.

Another approached with similar scents like Rien, only the smell of the mountain proved more prominent, as the wolf was greeted by somebody he'd never actually had the pleasure of meeting. Moon Jae-Seong. Rickter only knew that name through word of mouth really, but he was a Novalys in retrospect as well, so this had been the first time the wolf got to put a face to that name. "Oh, uh," The wolf seemed caught off guard by the inquiries at first, "he's still entrapped by the Imperium... But we'll get him out somehow."

Indeed it took a great deal of patience for him not to go knocking on their door, if only to risk suicide by engaging the Imperials with a head-on approach. Rickter did not doubt his skill at all in that regard, but, he'd grown to realize that not every problem requires such an aggressive approach. "Until then it's just a matter of time." No sooner did Rickter say that did the sound of another voice weigh in, drawing silence within the room as all eyes fell on the speaker at present.

The wolf hadn't the pleasure of outright meeting her directly, but ignoring the ringing headache he felt within his noggin, everything he heard the lady speak to the assembly made sense. There was little argument as to whether what she claimed seem disputable, and for a moment while he seemed engaged with her, Rickter couldn't help but trace the scent of ripened fruit and ink. The thought of Her made him crinkle his nose a bit, as if the mere reminder of her scent made his nose itch.

Regardless, Rien's reaction to what Kala had expressed intrigued the wolf, as he paid close attention to what the man had to say in turn. The wolf couldn't say he was surprised either, come to think of it, as the power of gods hardly seemed fitting to rest in possession of mortals. But that never stopped others from taking it for themselves either... And when the mention came of the torture both suffered, Rickter's features tensed a bit as if the thought burdened him.

The speech to the assembly led to an interesting outcome to say the least, and the wolf honestly had no real expectations as to who he wanted to elect personally. As much as he would've thought otherwise before, what Kala and Rien covered simply reinforced the feelings he had on the matter now, given that Rickter knew just how dutiful Talon was to his people prior. Something else he felt kept him engaged with the shift in support, as he noted that Karam quickly garnered the support of essentially three houses in one go.

It did make sense to him after all, Karem was another potential suitor for Talon. While he hadn't really harbored any feelings or ill will to the Synnekar, the feeling in Rickter's gut told him that Senue should also have his vote. Seeing the faces of those among the family to the reaction, as well as Karem's own shock, intrigued the wolf as he quietly pushed back to scoot out of his chair. He might've briefly winced from the ambiance of mutters around him, still ignoring the fact his head pounded through his skull.

Now that everyone else had their piece to say for the moment, Rickter's rise to a stand led him to rest his hands over the waist of his back. "We thank you, Lady Leukos and Lord Rien, for sharing your insights and support to the convocation. Lord Karem has the support of House Maze as well, as our House has already been pledged to his." Though that had been before Rickter joined the House of Waves, even so, he wouldn't have allowed his loyalties to clash with those of his kin. Thankfully now they didn't have to, since House Novalys pledged their support before he did.

And thus he left it at that with a respectful bow forward, a clench in his teeth when he felt a bit of pressure in his noggin. He felt reality slightly slip in and out of his grasp as he straightened, and settled back down into his chair as his uncle and father both seemed surprised at what he'd expressed.

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."

"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan"
word count: 1129
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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Now, don’t get him wrong. Mino didn’t mind having to mingle much with other nobility, but Rickter was of special circumstances. Interesting circumstances and what is a cat if not an endlessly curious thing? But just as he might voice his curiosities — to ask about what he’d been up to in all this time — there were others joining the conversation. Rien, for one. Someone that garnered the dip of the rathari’s head in greeting.

“And always a welcome sight to see you.” There might have been the hint of purr to his tone before he turned away to the next individual that showed face. One he didn’t know very well, but he’d likely end up knowing soon enough. The rathari’s glance shifted between Rickter and this (to him, for the moment) newcomer. Maybe his memory would be jogged by a bit of interaction, but that would be lost as more votes were sent up and the sands of the hourglass shifted down to the last grain on a decision needing to be made.

Not that Mino had even made the decision to begin with. No, it had been something Lady Blue had decided when she’d locked herself away with the others in their large board room, and even when they’d gone to tea in the garden. Fervent discussion on how they might align themself, that Mino had no part in. Even if he was meant to represent them. They had to show loyalty, but to the right person. Unity, but just for long enough. Just until they could get what they wanted and amass more power. One of the great houses being elevated in status meant there would be a shift in the power dynamic, and that House Lekivian might plug in the holes that would come with such things. Nothing was ever seamless, and they’d always been quite good at ripping holes in these sorts of things where they could.

But sometimes the rathari wondered if they might be a bit greedy.

His problem for another day, or maybe never if the ladies continued to have their way.

Nominations went up. Rien, Rien — and then Rien himself nominating Karam Senue. The man himself surprised by the support given. Mino looked immediately to the Queen Regent, curious. But wasn’t it just as well that the shift of support would swing so fast? Now, he was nervous. Felt that feline instinct that going against the grain might hurt the house more than it would help them. But, then, there was the matter of his own survival, over the house. He might have cared for a few individuals at one point, but what would that matter in the sight of treason, potentially?

“House Lekivian—” He had no grand speech to give. He hadn’t really cared for the proceedings. In, out; that was the plan. That had always been the plan. “Extends its support to Tizan Veyl.” No frills to add to it, he gave his bow with the same smile he had worn when he’d first walked in, and made his way back to his seat, ears twitching.
word count: 529
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Name: Reika
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Name: Rickter
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Name: Mino
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Name: Moon Jae-Seong
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Name: Kala
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

Name: Lyra
XP: 10 XP
Requested Lore: 8 Lores

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Thank you for participating in this first round.

We move on to the second stage of the selection process. The candidates are as follows:

Karam Senue - Daizoku, House Senue
-In a stunning turn of events, House Senue received the support of House Novalys in their bid for the throne. During the tally of votes, it has come out that House Dahshida and House Ahtivin have also pledged their support to Karam Senue. Among the lower houses, House Maze and roughly a third of the Assembly gave their support to House Senue.

Talon Novalys - Daizoku, House Novalys, Shinsei
-The entire Assembly of Lords was shocked when Queen-Regent Sahfri, Prince Rien, and Kon-Daizoku Aoren pledged the Royal House in support of Karam Senue. An official statement has been released by House Novalys explaining their position.


It is not lightly that House Novalys elects to enter a partnership with House Senue in order to forge a path ahead for our sovereign nation. Many have been the trials faced by our people and to that end, our Brightest Star and Beloved Daizoku should shine His Light upon us in a different way. Talon Alexios Novalys is the Light of Hope and Justice for our people and he should be free to be with and among the people whom he loves so dearly. We shall never abandon our duty to guide and guard Kalzasi. We look forward to the road ahead and the bridges that will be built and mended from this new day.

Sahfri Andara d’Larienne Novalys”

This statement has created a division among the Assembly of Lords with many uncertain as to where to go from here. As a result of this, House Senue in partnership with House Novalys is currently campaigning among the Assembly to garner stronger support. By the rules of the Assembly, only Talon Novalys himself can withdraw his nomination due to his role as Shinsei and as he is indisposed, he remains a candidate by default. Most believe however, that following the declarations of support in the first round, that the crown will not go to him.

Tizan Veyl - Daizoku, House Veyl, Speaker of the Elder Council
-Tizan Veyl is a known face among the nobles of Kalzasi and in other Free Cities. A cunning businessman and a man who commands one of the largest fortunes in all of Karnor, it is not without reason that he has been able to hold on to the Council Speakership for so long. He was nominated by House Lekivian and following that nomination, a surprising amount of lower houses rallied around him. Many of them are known business associates but a surprising number of them had no prior association with the Silk Palace of Kalzasi.

Candidates will now be working to garner support across the nobility and peerage of Kalzasi. The next round of votes will likely determine who is enthroned as the ruler of the nation and one of the most powerful leaders in the region.

word count: 564
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