Wildfire [Finn & Læbirius]

A fête commences to celebrate new allegiances.

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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22 Frost
Prædium Val'Vraxys
Solunarian Umbrium
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Gens Val'Vraxys had been supporters of the Phædryn branch of House Sol'Aværys since long before the Bellum Successionis. An old, elven Sentinel family, they had marriage ties to the Phædryn line that dated back centuries. They were naturally amongst the first to declare their fealty to the Zalkyrian Dynasty, which had starkly thrown their lot in with the Phædryns at the opening ceremonies of the centennial jubilee for Thalya IV.

To sanctify their newly ratified allegiances, the Val'Vraxys clan hosted a fête in their Umbrian estate in the Argentine District: The Prædium Val'Vraxys, and invited the elites of the new regime that would soon rule in the undercity. The Phædryns arrived in force. Cithæra Princeps Sibylla attended with her two Moonborn children, Valæra and Phocion Princeps, though the dragons only sent one representative: Cithæra's golden son, the dragonborn Arvælyn Princeps. The newly minted Princeps Draconum was wearing a broad, ruby-encrusted golden wesekh over the bronze skin of his otherwise bare chest. As the collar was longer in the front than the back it didn't brush up against the metallic wings that protruded from his upper back, though a crimson cape hung between them. A patterned shenti kilt rounded his narrow waist just under the cobblestones of his abdomen, and he donned gold caligæ upon his feet that laced up to the knee. Bracers of gold rounded his wrists, and a matching diadem crowned his head.

The event was in full swing by the time Arvælyn entered at the rear of the Phædryn contingent, his telltale wings, though folded, betraying his arrival as they loomed over the heads of his elven relations. At his side, strode a human, handsome as a half-elf and perhaps he was part Moonborn, being so pale of face and dark of hair.

Their esteemed host, Senator Caedrus Val'Vraxys Phenryl, bowed low.

"Your Serene Highnesses... Your Exalted Highness. It is an honour to welcome the new rulers of the Umbrium into my humble domus." The Golden Elf glanced to the human and paused, a quizzical expression crossing over his features. A pretty Vastian nomenclator serva at his side, leaned over and whispered into his pointed ear, and then his smile returned as he nodded to the human.

"Dominus Farstrider. You are most welcome as well. Please, avail yourselves of any pleasures you see. May my home, be your treasure trove."
Senator Caedrus Val'Vraxys Phenryl
word count: 431
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


Nervous.....that's all Læbirius could describe his current emotional state as they arrived at the home of the senator responsible for the evening's festivities. His father, in his own words, stressed the importance of the night, and that the half-elf had to be on his best behavior. As they rode in the carriage, Læbirius practiced his greeting should he meet the Dragonborn prince of the Umbrium.

"Your Exalted Highness, it is an honor to meet you.......Your Exalted Highness...." he trailed off as he was concerned with perfecting his greeting. He felt a soft hand come to rest on his cheek, looking at his stepmother as she gave him an endearing smile. "Careful my little scarab, don't be too flustered, this is after all your first official debut among the nobility. We will ensure to make sure you enjoy yourself and nothing goes wrong. Isn't that write my love?" she never looked his way but her words were acutely pointed at Mælor.

he simply looked at her with a slight smirk but said nothing else. Upon their arrival, Mælor flashed the letter of invitation to the guards of the elaborate estate, a marvel to behold and a true feast for the eyes. It was unlike anything Læbirius had ever seen before, his astonishment obvious to those who had been here before. Remembering the instructions of his father he kept his interactions with those who seemed interested in getting to know him short but polite. The less they knew the better, as any one of them could be in league with one of his father's enemies.

It didn't help that his nerves were getting the better of him, and in order to calm these, his stepmother called over a waiter with a tray of drinks. Instinctively Læbirius took two and downed the first one, setting the glass back down before grabbing another, nodding to the human as he held the last drink in his hands. Downing the second one, he could only wish that the alcohol kicked in. He found a small space tucked into the corner of the extravagant ballroom. Leaning against the pillar, he had the perfect view, able to see the comings and goings of the Umbrium's most promising elite from all over the city.

A calm yet intrigued smirk played on his face, his eyes darting from person to person, drinking in any hand gestures and body language, to the facial expressions of those he could manage to see. It was fun watching the interactions of such well-established men and women, all vying for the opportunity to impress the Lord of the estate as well as the guest of honor and earn their favor.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]
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While it bore no legal status, socially, Finn was now assuredly a magnatus. He had always been treated well, as Arvælyn had been acknowledged as a royal. As his amatus' star rose, so did his. But some few were aware that Deus Aværys had chosen him as His own. While it wasn't public knowledge, polite society had noses for power shifts like sharks for blood, and when powerful nobles showed him more deference than was due the lover of a prince, people adjusted their mental calculus as to his status and acted accordingly.

Having discussed all this at more length with Aværys and Vrædyn Princeps, he was a touch more at ease with things. So many symphonies sang in his runic ear, and the deference had begun to feel right.

Finn was dressed similarly to Arvælyn, albeit less ostentatious. Everything was less in some way so he didn't detract from his lover, but framed him better. Though gold looked good on him, he wore silver, a nod to the Silver Sentinels with whom he served. More of his skin and sword-hewn physique were visible than he would normally have been comfortable with, but even in the Umbrium in Frost, it was warmer than he was used to. And besides, he liked letting Arvælyn have a hand in dressing him. He liked Arvælyn's hands.

He was also learning his role, more confident in his skills, musical, martial, and political, and he was able to converse when required without stealing any of the limelight from his dragon prince. The peregrinus was happy to answer questions about Kalzasi, though he was nearly a year out of date on current news and fashions. He spoke Vallenor to the elves, Vastian to the humans, and Common when he dipped close to Arvælyn's ear to whisper something, strong hand at the small of the sunborn elf's back.
word count: 341
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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At the approach of Læbirius and his entourage, Senator Val'Vraxis leaned toward his nomenclator, who whispered the appropriate names and titles into his pointed ear so that his salutations were appropriate. They, too, were invited to indulge in the various and sundry offerings of food, drink and diversion.

Arvælyn, true to form, approached the first available tray of drinks and plucked a flute for Finn and one for himself off of it. This sort of performance was still very new to him and, though he'd long coveted the exact sort of attention he was now being accorded, he wasn't accustomed to it. He took a steadying sip of the sparkling spirit, and sighed as he turned to let his gaze roam across the fit form of Finn. Although he knew that physique in rather consummate detail, the accents offered by the Solunarian garb were still refreshingly flattering.

"I know I contributed to the selection, but I must remark you look beyond fetching in that..."

He arched a brow as Finn leaned close to whisper hotly into his ear, and turned his head to catch the eye of a half-blooded stranger. He was immediately struck by the notes of nervousness in the Symphony. He was not Solunarian raised. There were motifs in that particular brand of nervousness that were echoed in Arvælyn's own Symphony and in Finn's. He blithely sent forth a sense of ease to pervade the stranger's Symphony. If he wished to approach, and Arvælyn sensed that he did, he could do so without fear. He said as much with a smile as well as ætheric influence, but the former was interrupted by a sip of his drink. His eyes turned, again, to Finn- still the loveliest creature in a room of beautiful people to Arvælyn's fiery eyes.
word count: 312
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


He was certain that by staying out of the way he would do less harm to his and his father's reputation. He was regretting coming, but he knew that attendance at this event was anything other than an option, he had to be here. Adjusting his attire for the night, the opulence and ostentatiousness of it all, he would have much rather not stuck out so much, but it couldn't be helped.

He was coming to learn that this level of gaudiness was expected, encourage in fact, in this society. It made him miss his mother, as she often knew exactly how to calm his nerves in situations like this. As he watched and pondered his own nerves he felt the tug of comfort wafting over him. It was soothing and he followed the aetheric trail to its source, to his surprise however it only made his mind race. The one that seemed to soothe him was none other than the Dragon prince himself. Læbirius couldn't believe it, that the guest of honor was using mesmer to calm him.

Then it dawned on him, that he was using mesmer. A level of excitement came over him and before he knew it he found himself walking over to the prince and his company. Stopping at a respectable distance as he could see the guard detail tense up, he bowed in the way his father showed him how to bow to such significant royalty. "Your Exalted Highness, it is an honor to be graced with your radiant and splendid presence." he began, trying to shake the cracked voice as he spoke. "Forgive me if I don't know how to address your friend as I am still new to this land. My mother never went over specifics while we traveled Kalzasi." he greeted, realizing he was over-explaining himself like he normally did.

He kept his gaze low and never looked either male in the eye, but from the quick glance he stole of them he began to notice a trend here in the upper echelons of Solunarium society. Everyone was painstakingly beautiful. Both men before him were dressed exquisitely and had a face that could launch armies into war. He found his eyes trailing down both men before bursting red with blush, deepening his bow to them both and waiting to be addressed again. From his peripheral he could see his father and stepmother watching intently, his father's usual appraising gaze, and a look of motherly amusement.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]
Last edited by Læbirius on Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 556
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"...you should see what I look like out it," he countered without missing a beat. They were quite in sync. "You ought to let me fetch the drinks now that you are perhaps the loftiest personage in attendance."

Finn observed his amatus' Mesmer at work, and watched the young man's approach. This was easy given he wouldn't make eye contact, which was amusing given that Finn didn't even have a commoner's name, so common was his family.

"Amatus," he corrected. But at least he had the good grace not to clarify their relationship with we fuck. He might have let a whisper of that knowledge prick a melody into the man's symphony, however. Finn had to amuse himself at these things somehow. The bard probably ought to have given Arvælyn precedence in his reply as well as fetching the drinks, but he didn't think his lover would get upset. "But I don't know how people are meant to address me either. I was born as common as you please in a village in Karnor."

Perhaps he ought to reconcile where he had begun and where he was now. Aværys wanted him to feel superior to other people, but he was still a village boy who might as easily have become a village smith as the lover of a prince and one who trucked with gods. In any case, he didn't look ill at ease among the patricians of Solunarium. His hand came to rest on Arvælyn's shoulder, an easy, familiar perch for him. Strong musician's fingers gave him a squeeze, a reminder that Finn was there at his side to support him in this and everything.

If ever they found themselves at another party like Talon Novalys' wedding reception, Finn would just pop them the hells out of there. If ever a party just grew boring, he might do the same, absconding with the dragon prince to do terrible things to him.
word count: 351
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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"And rob the opportunity to serve me from some highsighted servant?" Arry joked... or did he? The serving staff seemed very eager to attend to the loftiest guests. Their Symphonies smacked of it. They had been bred and conditioned for this element of their work to bring them next to ecstasy.

"...or serve us, rather."

The twin pits of roiling lava that were Arvælyn's eyes shifted from his amatus to the approaching guest. It took him a prolonged moment to process what was being said, as it had been delivered in Vallenor- a language he was still in the process of learning. He augmented his understanding with a further dip into the man's Symphony, and then chortled a bit anxiously at the offered obsequies. He still wasn't used to such fawning attention, though he'd long coveted it, and he felt particularly self-conscious in Finn's presence. He knew the human was less attracted to formalised flattery than he was, but still this was Solunarium, so he cast chastising glance to Finn for highlighting his base background unbidden, and replied:

"Dominus seems to be the consensus for how to address my amatus... for the nonce. This is Master Finn Farstrider, my... majestic minstrel." Arry replied in Common, detecting familiar melodies of the North lilting in the man's Symphony even before he made mention of Kalzasi. It was his first and most familiar tongue, so the opportunity to practise a more cavalier conversation was welcome.

"Now, then... tell me who you are and who your tailor is. That garment is exquisite, and I'm rebuilding my wardrobe in the aftermath of..." He sighed, "All this." He gestured broadly with both hands to the wings sprouting from his back and glinting gold in the lustrous light of the beautifully appointed domus.

"And did you mention Kalzasi? Finn and I met there, you know."
word count: 317
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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☠ Læbirius P. ☠
☠ 22nd of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Umbrium Nobility | Thoughts: Dont make a fool of yourself | Mood: Anxious, Nervous


Læbirius was surprised to hear common come from the prince, and so casually as well. He was relaxed now, as the two men seemed to make things feel so informal. He bowed again and curtsied. "It is an honor your Dominus Farstrider." he felt very much at ease now that there was some commonality between them.

When the prince mentioned his interest in his attire Læbirius smiled. "My father had it made, but I helped designed it. I figured if I was to be paraded around like a centerpiece, I might as well make it something worth talking about." he chuckled, making a spin as he looked over his attire. He was delighted that the prince was interested in him, at least he seemed intrigued. He asked who Læbirius was and he wasn't sure how to answer that.

Taking a breath he was going to give it his best answer. "I am just the son of a woman who wanted to heal people. My mother was Vastian, and she taught me her ways. Though I never took to the healing arts, I like to learn, and she was also a mesmer, using that to aid in soothing patients when she worked on them." he stated, rubbing the rune.

It was one of the reasons he didn't use Mesmer, it reminded him too much of his mother. He could feel the tears and decided to focus on something else, like the fact these two met in Kalzasi. "I'm glad that you both found each other there. I wish I could have been that lucky before being whisked away here." he noted, keeping his gaze respectful.

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
[A S S E M B L Y]
Last edited by Læbirius on Fri Mar 03, 2023 7:26 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 429
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"The honor is mine," he assured him. "Ah, I didn't catch your name, Dominus."

Perhaps the man was so nervous that he had forgotten to share that information. While Finn had gotten rather adept with Vallenor since studying it in Kalzasi, he was happy enough to speak in Common with a fellow from Kalzasi.

"Ah, but you should play to your Kalzasern heritage while it remains a strength! All things out of Kalzasi have been en vogue since we arrived earlier this year... probably due to His Exalted Highness here and his staggering charisma." Perhaps he didn't always tend toward the florid style, but Finn did know how to play with words. But his smile was genuine; if Solunarium still felt like swimming with crocodiles, a face from Kalzasi was a welcome relief. "But one never knows how long fashions will last. We have certainly gone more native the longer we have been here."

He glanced at Arvælyn for a moment, wondering if he would want Finn to leave Karnor behind as he had, at least with regard to fashion and such. Perhaps he would grow to fetishize his northern barbarian; the changes within his prince were more drastic in some ways than the eyes and wings.

Then he looked back at the newcomer, wondering if he would feel torn between Kalzasi and Solunarium or whether he would dive into the crocodile-infested waters with the same enthusiasm as the draconic elf beside him.
word count: 263
we keep on churning and the lights inside the house turn on
and in our native language, we are chanting ancient songs
and when we quiet down, the house chants on without us
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A bow and a curtsey from one individual! Arvælyn had well and truly arrived, he thought to himself, suppressing a smirk. It elided easily enough into a cordial smile as the fellow explained the origins of his garment.

"Well, I applaud your eye for design..." He paused noting, as Finn had, that no name had been offered up, and so trailing off in lieu of acknowledging the new acquaintance by his any of his Solunarian designations, which remained unknown to him.

Apparently his mother had been a Vastian Mesmer in Kalzasi. Would that he'd met such a one when he'd been there, he might have come into his birthright sooner, or at least with greater ease. But who knew the winding paths of fate? Perhaps if he'd known of Solunarium ere he did, he might never have met Finn. Now that he did, it was anathema to envision a life absent of his affections.

"Finn is quite right." Arry chuckled, nodding. "The Solunarian elite still seem to be rather enamoured of Northern exoticism, so you might do well to play up your connection to Karnor. I'd wager you'd have an easy time finding investors if you sought to open a tailor's shoppe to peddle these sterling designs of yours..." The prince noted with a gesture to his present attire.

He cocked an eyebrow at Finn's comment about their having gone more native, and he delved a bit into his Symphony to glean what lay behind the sentiment. It was loaded, though with so much ballast as he'd initially suspected, and so he was content to let it lie for the nonce.

"That is kind of you to say..." He nodded to the stranger, "And what, may I inquire, brought you to Solunarium all the way from Kalzasi?" The question he really wanted to ask was what had sent his Vastian mother away from the realm, but that seemed malapert, given the fact that he'd referred to her in the past tense and sorrow sullied his Symphony at the mention of her. Arvælyn thus deemed it best to skirt round that issue in favour of safer sentiments.
word count: 367
“O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention...”

Phædryn Sol'Zalkyrion Arvælyn Princeps
['faɪd,ɹɪn solˌzæl'kiɹi,on ɑɹˌvɛɪˈlɪn]
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