Frost Crawler

Fauna Submision.


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Myles Arnnett
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Name: Frostcrawlers
Habitat: Frosty tundras and snowy mountains
Rarity: Rare
Threat: Average

Description: Frostcrawlers are a type of large arachnid with icy blue carapaces and long, spindly legs. They have powerful mandibles and venomous fangs, which they use to subdue their prey. Despite their fearsome appearance, they are solitary creatures that prefer to avoid confrontation when possible.

Biome Role: Predator. Frostcrawlers are stealthy hunters that will often wait in ambush for their prey to approach.

Diet: Frostcrawlers primarily feed on smaller creatures, such as rodents and birds, although they have been known to attack larger prey if the opportunity arises.

Aging & Reproduction: Frostcrawlers reach maturity at around 3 years of age and can live for up to 10 years. They reproduce by laying eggs in a nest they create from ice and snow.

Size: Frostcrawlers are typically around 2-3 feet in length, with a legspan of around 4-5 feet.

Abilities and Features: Frostcrawlers are adapted to cold environments, and are able to move quickly over snow and ice. They can also create webs of frozen silk that they use to ensnare their prey. The Silk seems to have the capacity to wick away and quickly dissipate any heat they come in contact with.

Cultural Significance (If applicable): Frostcrawlers are considered a fearsome creature by many cultures, and their carapaces are sometimes used as a component in magical rituals involving ice magics.

Reasons to interact: Frostcrawler silk is highly valued by weavers and tailors, as it can be used to create warm and durable clothing. Their venom can also be used in small amounts as a component in certain potions and poisons. The venom when diluted by a competent alchemist or chemist makes an excellent fever reducer.

Recommended Stats: Stealth, Survival, and Combat skills would be useful when interacting with Frostcrawlers. A PC with knowledge of cold environments and their associated hazards would also have an advantage when dealing with these creatures.

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