Planning A Rescue I

Which takes considerable time and resources.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Title: Dabu
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Planning A Rescue
Ash 9th, 122nd Year, A.o.S.

Today marked the official meeting that would occur within the Maze residence. The House of Waves always had a way of keeping busy but the traffic flowing in and out lately had never been this much, what with associates and resource allocations being figured into the upcoming trip that was underway. Planning this sort of thing was certainly not within Rickter's portfolio of skills, however, he had quite the pack of individuals each with their own dynamic skills and backgrounds. Would that be enough to attribute to the necessary goal of this venture? He'd soon find out for sure.

Centered within the offices of the familial abode was a table littered with parchments, notes, and documents of different varieties, along with a few maps that helped give a better impression of what the trip itself would entail. Rickter had worn the usual casual robes that consisted of the house colors, with his beloved Telion accompanying him before the start of the meeting. The twins had been put down for a nap for now, which allowed her time to attend while the house servants kept an eye on them for the time being. Within the hour the rest of those attending would soon arrive, and the somewhat spacious office area didn't feel so open anymore, having amassed thirteen people in the room including the wolf and his beloved.

His immediate family within the Maze household, as they were naturally the proxy he'd needed to achieve this task. Then of course his own Pack members and the associates that came with them. For Patrick, that was his remaining Atinoran family members, who were the ones he was assembling this meeting for. Then, of course, Hannah also attended with another she figured could help with the attempted rescue, given his history before he had left the Imperium entirely behind. "Thank you all for coming here today," he greeted them humbly with a polite bow of his head, "I realize the midday hour approaches, so I have asked the staff to whip up a hefty meal for all of us today. During that time, I'd like to get this meeting underway."

Rickter then looked amongst those who attended as they gathered at the table before him, the various sorted documents collected and piled before each individual who had helped collect the notes in question. "To start I'd like us all to introduce ourselves to one another, as I know most of us are familiar with one another to some degree, but to benefit those who don't would be a healthy start for everyone." He reasoned with a patient look passing from the Barnells to the Mazes, and then to Hannah and Trevor before he finished his opening statement. "We've gathered together to iron out the logistics of a rescue operation underway, on behalf of the Barnell clan here, so that we might rescue their detained pack members. Elinora?"

"Thank you kindly, Kozoku Maze." The mother Barnell graciously bowed her head in turn to his prompt, her soft yet infectious smile met with rapt attention as she centered her attention on the group. Elinora then proceeded to introduce herself first as the matriarch of their household, followed by the names and gestures of the men who they belonged to. Dominik, Patrick, and then Conrad who went by Connor usually. Currently, their patriarch Albert was in Imperial custody by the Inquisition, along with her eldest son Burton, as they were caught during the previous attempt at rescuing Talon from his own chains to the Imperial Empire.

She even provided some insight into the backstory of her family, and how Albert's role as a Dawnmartyr was what led her to decidedly open a family business. Utilizing this business as a front for intel gathering, they ran a tavern meant to help adventurers find employment publicly, but provided benefits for secret organizations such as the Dawnmartyrs in private. It was a clever ruse that allowed Albert to remain a part of the Order, but now that he had been apprehended, it would likely be a challenge to get him and Burton free from Imperial clutches. "Information gathering has always been a practice Albert and I worked together on, but our resources are vastly limited after the war between nations. Gelerian forces stifled much of the information we could gather due to a loss of informants, but we do have at least a couple within the capitol that can assist our endeavor."

"Thank you for all your insight." Rickter respectively commented before Trevor subtly cleared his throat, garnering the wolf's attention as all eyes shifted to the rogue and her mustached companion. "Hannah, Trevor, go ahead."

"With pleasure." The brunette smirked casually as she glanced at the black-robed man next to him. Hannah then proceeded with her introduction, determining it best to introduce her companion on his behalf as well. Trevor Daeliston from the College of Entropy, formerly, the son of a wealthy magistrate within the Gelerian Imperium. Though the history between him and his family was kept to a minimum for personal reasons, Hannah had narrowed it down to disagreements between Trevor and his own father more than anything. And while Hannah hadn't much influence or personal favor in Gel'Grandal, her brief time there did merit a few personal favors she could pull in with some of the lesser nobility. Trevor in general had a few contacts that would've allowed him to reintegrate into the political dynamic the Daeliston family was involved in, potentially garnering him the chance to setup a potential window of opportunity for the rescue.

This intrigued the Barnell clan rather vividly, as even Rickter could see it as a substantial asset to the cause. "Well, now, that is something." The motherly lady of the Barnell clan mused with a thoughtful glance at her own personal notes. "We do have a contact we were planning on reaching out to, an informant that we think can help you with your endeavors. She's remained fascinated with Imperial tech, which if I'm to assume correctly, the Daeliston family do dabble in Magitech."

"Quite astute of you, the Daeliston Dynasty as they like to call themselves thrive with Magitech experimentation. My father kissed the Inquisition's ass just to legitimize his study, as he was always obsessed with breeding 'the perfect soldier' for the Empire's military." Hannah nearly snorted a chuckle as the others in the room had various smirks, the amusement of the analogy not lost on them as Rickter raised his eyebrows a bit.

"Fascinating. I look forward to how this collaboration develops then." He deflated the humor of the situation before setting his gaze upon the Maze family next, as they were to be the key component in how this venture was carried out. "Finally, we'd like to hear from you, father and uncle."

Erikson and Otis glanced at one another before the older man nodded, and assembled his notes thoughtfully before addressing the group. "Greetings honored guests, as the patriarch and former Kozoku of House Maze, we are honored to provide and assist all of you with this endeavor." Otis introduced himself further as the pioneer and head director of the Maze Shipping Company, a privateer organization still very early in development, but a growing enterprise nonetheless given the dedication the father had in his business. The Company had only a few privateers available for hire, each with their own routes to distribute goods from Kalzasi via land and air. And while these contracted privateers could've sufficed for the job, Otis himself felt it best to spearhead this operation and deliver those who were intent on going down to the Imperium.

"Our family has been indebted to, as well as a part of, the Order for as long as our memory can go back to. Our parents, and our grandparents before them, were members of the Order and served among the ranks. While I personally hold no title or affiliation with them, my mission in this will be the same as it was when Ailos fell, to get you and any of our other informants in and out of Gel'Grandal as smoothly and quietly as possible." It was then Otis looked to Erikson in turn, who then cleared his throat to speak after.

Introducing himself as the youngest of the two brothers, Erikson remained dedicated to the Order in comparison to Otis. While the cause remained a monumental challenge overall, there were those within the Order who had served with Albert, and just those few were willing to lay down their lives in an effort to help save him and bring him home. Erikson's intention was to return down with them to aid in this endeavor, given he too had a few personal Runes within his arsenal. "We cannot guarantee a swift nor safe retrieval, but with time given, we know we can extract both Albert and Burton from Inquisition custody. Having said that, infiltration alone will be nigh impossible without further aid, and, even we were successful there's no doubt the two would be able to lead ordinary lives after."

"Of course," Elinora responded calmly with a nod of understanding, "Albert and I always knew the risks when we started our business. Having said that, I know he'll be willing to make accommodations for changes necessary to continue the cause."

"Very well then," Rickter queued in, "we all know what's at stake and we know the risks we're taking... Now, I think we should discuss the finer points of our operation."

"Every side attacks you when you don't pick sides."
word count: 1693
"Dialogue" Monologue
"Telion" "Hannah" "Patrick"
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
Noble House
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Posts: 408
Joined: Fri Jun 05, 2020 6:12 pm
Title: Forge your Legend


Points: 8
Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A

Comments: Meticulous planning at play, glad this is finally getting finished though!

word count: 35
Templates, Workshop
"Common" "Synskrit" "Norvaegan" "Vastian"
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