Cider Clan concepts


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Myles Arnnett
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Flora Name: Frostfall Berries

Habitat: Frostfall Berries are found exclusively in the swampy landscapes of Sangen, where geothermal activity keeps the swamps from freezing in otherwise bitter cold weather.

Rarity: Rare

Threat: Low

Description: The Frostfall Berry plant is a deciduous tree that grows up to 30 feet tall. Its branches are thick with shiny, oval-shaped leaves that turn from green to deep red in the fall. The fruit of the Frostfall Berry is small and round, with a tough, woody exterior that is green in color and covered in tiny white hairs. When ripe, the fruit turns a vibrant shade of purple and the exterior becomes soft and pliable.

Biome Role: The Frostfall Berry plant serves as a crucial food source for wildlife in the swampy Sangen region, including birds and small mammals. The plant also plays a role in the local human culture, where its fruit is a key ingredient in a traditional hard cider recipe.

Aging & Reproduction: Frostfall Berries take several years to mature and reach full fruit production. The trees typically begin to bear fruit in their fourth or fifth year and can continue producing for decades.

Size: Frostfall Berry trees can grow up to 30 feet tall, with a trunk diameter of up to 1 foot.

Abilities and Features: The Frostfall Berry fruit contains a unique set of alkaloids that produces an inebriating effect when ingested. The berries are also known to induce a sense of euphoria and heightened sensory perception.
Cultural Significance (If applicable): Frostfall Berries are a vital ingredient in the traditional hard cider recipe of the Sangen region, prized for their unique flavor and intoxicating effects.

Reasons to interact: Frostfall Berries can be harvested for use in hard cider production, making them a valuable commodity for those with an interest in brewing. They are also sought after by those looking to experience their inebriating and euphoric effects.

Magical properties (if applicable): The Frostfall Berry's unique alkaloid profile makes it a sought-after ingredient for those seeking mind-altering experiences. Some mages have also experimented with using the berries in magical rituals, though the results of such experiments are highly unpredictable.

Recommended Stats for safe harvesting and identification/Cultivation: Due to the Frostfall Berry's inebriating effects, it is recommended that those handling the fruit wear protective gloves and take care not to ingest it accidentally. The tree is hardy and can be grown in a variety of soil types, though it prefers moist, acidic soil. Harvesting is typically done by hand, as the berries are delicate and can be easily damaged by machinery. Identification of the plant can be done by its oval-shaped, shiny leaves, small round fruit, and tough, woody exterior.


Flora Name: Nectarcant

Habitat: Nectarcant is found exclusively in the cool, swampy landscapes of Sangen in Ransera. These melons are only grown in secret by a small family of cider makers who guard the plant's cultivation and use it as the secret ingredient in their famous hard cider.

Rarity: Very rare

Threat: Low

Description: Nectarcants are large, round melons with a bumpy, green exterior. They have a sweet, juicy flesh that is light green in color and filled with small, black seeds. When fully ripe, the flesh of the nectarcant takes on a slightly luminescent quality, glowing faintly in the dark.

Biome Role: Nectarcants play a vital role in the ecosystem of Sangen, providing a valuable food source for various swamp creatures.

Aging & Reproduction: Nectarcants have a short lifespan and are only able to reproduce through pollination by specialized insects that are native to the region.

Size: Nectarcants can range in size from small, personal-sized melons to large, communal-sized ones that are meant to be shared.

Mundane Abilities and Features: Nectarcants have a juicy, sweet flesh that is commonly eaten fresh or used in recipes, particularly in the creation of the famous Ranseran hard cider.

Magical properties (if applicable): The flesh of the nectarcant contains potent aphrodisiac properties that have a strong effect on those who consume it. The effects can range from a feeling of heightened pleasure and euphoria to a more intense, almost overwhelming experience. The strength of the effect depends on the ripeness of the fruit, with the most potent effects occurring when the fruit is fully ripe.
Cultural Significance (If applicable): The nectarcant is an incredibly important plant to the family of cider makers who grow it, as it is the secret ingredient in their famous hard cider recipe. The nectarcant has also become a symbol of indulgence and excess in Ranseran culture, with many seeking out the fruit for its aphrodisiac properties.

Reasons to interact: The nectarcant is highly sought after for its unique properties, making it a valuable commodity on the black market. The family of cider makers who cultivate the plant guard their secrets closely, but there are always those who are willing to take risks to get their hands on the rare melon.

Recommended Stats for safe harvesting and identification/Cultivation: Due to the potent effects of the nectarcant, those who wish to harvest or cultivate the plant must have high resistance to magical effects and be skilled in the identification of magical plants. They must also be willing to take extreme precautions to ensure the safety of themselves and others, as the effects of the fruit can be unpredictable.


Name: Sangen's Aphrodisia

Brew: Sangen's Aphrodisia is a hard cider made from the juice of fully ripe nectarcants, combined with a blend of other locally sourced fruits and spices, and fermented for several months until it reaches a perfect balance of sweetness and alcohol content.

Notable Effects: Sangen's Aphrodisia is known for its potent aphrodisiac effects, which can range from a feeling of heightened pleasure and euphoria to intense sexual desire and arousal. The strength of the effects depends on the ripeness of the nectarcants used in the brewing process, with fully ripe fruits providing the most potent results. Overindulgence can lead to a loss of inhibition and control, as well as a prolonged, almost trance-like state of heightened pleasure.

Material Composition: Sangen's Aphrodisia is made primarily from fully ripe nectarcants, which provide the potent aphrodisiac effects. Other locally sourced fruits, such as tart berries and sweet citrus, are added to balance the flavor profile and provide a pleasant acidity. A blend of spices, including cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom, are added to enhance the aroma and give the cider a warming sensation when consumed.
Description: Sangen's Aphrodisia is a hard cider unlike any other, with a unique flavor profile that is both sweet and tart, and a warming aroma that fills the senses. The cider has a slightly luminescent quality, glowing faintly in the dark, and is known for its potent aphrodisiac properties. Those who consume Sangen's Aphrodisia report a feeling of heightened pleasure and euphoria, with some experiencing intense sexual desire and arousal. Overindulgence can lead to a loss of inhibition and control, as well as a prolonged, almost trance-like state of heightened pleasure.

Methods of Creation: The process of creating Sangen's Aphrodisia begins with the careful selection of fully ripe nectarcants, which are then juiced and combined with other locally sourced fruits and spices. The resulting juice is then fermented for several months until it reaches the desired alcohol content and flavor profile. The family of cider makers who create Sangen's Aphrodisia guard their secret recipe closely, ensuring that the cider remains a closely guarded secret.

Recommended Stats to make: Those who wish to make Sangen's Aphrodisia must have high resistance to magical effects and be skilled in the identification and handling of magical plants. They must also possess advanced knowledge of brewing techniques and be able to closely monitor the fermentation process to ensure a high-quality final product. Due to the potent aphrodisiac effects of the cider, those who consume it must exercise caution and moderation to avoid overindulgence and potential harm.


Name: Swamp Serpents
Habitat: Geothermal Swamps of Sangen
Rarity: Uncommon
Threat: Moderate

Swamp Serpents are large, amphibious creatures with long, snake-like bodies that can grow up to 10 feet in length. Their skin is slick and rubbery, ranging in color from dull green to dark brown, which helps them blend in with their surroundings. They have sharp, pointed teeth and small, beady eyes that seem to constantly scan their surroundings.

Biome Role: Swamp Serpents are important pollinators for the Nectarcants, as they are one of the few creatures in the Geothermal Swamps that can traverse both land and water. They use their long tongues to reach deep into the nectarcant's blossoms, spreading pollen from one plant to another.

Diet: Swamp Serpents are primarily herbivorous, feeding on the leaves and stems of aquatic plants that grow in the shallow waters of the swamps.

Aging & Reproduction: Swamp Serpents reach maturity at around 5 years of age and can live up to 25 years. They mate in the early spring, with the females laying clutches of 6-8 eggs in hidden nests near the water's edge.

Size: Swamp Serpents can grow up to 10 feet in length and weigh over 200 pounds.

Abilities and Features: Swamp Serpents have a special gland in their mouth that secretes a sticky, sweet substance that is highly attractive to insects. This substance not only helps to lure insects to the nectarcant blossoms for pollination, but it is also a vital ingredient in the cider-making process. The family of cider makers who have domesticated the Swamp Serpents use this substance to attract bees and other pollinators to their orchards, which helps to increase their crop yields. The substance is also added to their cider during the fermentation process, which gives it a unique flavor and has been rumored to enhance its aphrodisiac properties.

Cultural Significance (If applicable): The Swamp Serpents are highly valued by the cider-making family who have domesticated them, as they play a crucial role in their farming endeavors. They are also considered a delicacy in some parts of Sangen, with their meat being used in traditional dishes.

Reasons to interact: The family of cider makers may offer rewards or trade opportunities for assistance with caring for their Swamp Serpents and protecting their orchards from predators. Additionally, the Swamp Serpent's sticky, sweet substance may have various uses or applications for those who seek out its magical properties.
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