Faith of the Heart [Talon]

Destyn says a little prayer for Talon

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Faith of the Heart
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Destyn's large eyes widened larger still, as Talon went about executing and interweaving his Crafts, narrating all the while. He spoke like an elder, Destyn thought. Like a wise watcher of his quondam clan who treated with spirits and sometimes spoke as they did.

The Fae was completely out of his depth in terms of the actual task being enacted before him, so he listened carefully to the words. This was not his native tongue and, though he was fluent, it could occasionally escape him when he was distracted or overwhelmed. He was both now, so he needed to make the conscious effort to focus upon the sentiments espoused by his saviour.

Looking around them at the stunning display arrayed about Sivan's garden, he blinked- hoping the true keeper of the garden wouldn't take this adjustment for an incursion. He'd always been warm, welcoming and obliging to Destyn's many quirks, but the Fae had never cast an intricate, multilayered spell over a significant part of the elf's property. Granted, he might have done so had he the capabilities, but in point of fact he hadn't.

When Talon's toil seemed to reach a cadence and the demigod gestured, Destyn's eyes followed his hand to the pedestal and he nodded, comprehending. He rose to approach the pedestal, pausing before placing the crystal into its apparent sticking place.

"I am glad that you made, you know, this demonstration because I could not myself do any of that.” He observed with a bashful laugh. "I think you had better teach me what it all means, if you have, you know, the time and willingness...”

With that said, he placed the crystal into its place on the pedestal and stepped back to regard the effects.

Faith of the Heart
word count: 390
“Why be a wallflower when you can be a Venus fly trap?”
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As the crystal was put into place, there would be a brightness glowing that both Destyn and Talon alone could see. And once more, Destyn would find himself in a world that was not the one he was just in. The first immediate detailed would be the loud, thundering roar that shook the Fae to his very bones. This would be followed by a noticeable dampness in his pants.

Then perhaps he'd notice that he was standing waist deep in a crystalline blue lake at the base of a waterfall that stretched into the clouds above. It seemed to be pouring from the cloud directly, rather than from a mountain or a cliff like many waterfalls are oft to do. As the water crashed into the lake, it sent spray all about and Destyn would find the taste of water pure and delicious in his nose and upon his tongue.

And with that, he was back in Sivan's house. And while he was gone, the seed had punched through the soil as a small, two-leafed seedling. And sitting beneath one of those leaves was the smallest of an Essenti Wood Elemental, peering out at Destyn with big, bright eyes.


Loot: The Seed has progressed 1 stage of growth after Benchmark 3 was completed.

The new friendship of an Essenti leveled Wood Elemental.

A lamp that matches nothing in Sivan's house.

Injuries: None

Points: 15, may not be used for magic.

Comments: It''s always good to receive help from friends.


Loot: The pride of a job well done.

Injuries: None

Points: 15, may not be used for magic.

Comments: Glad to see Talon giving gifts to his most ardent worshiper.
word count: 327
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