The Stars and the Moon [Moon]

In which Kala meets an interesting mercenary.

The Jewel of the Northlands

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Kala Leukos
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Title: Lady
Location: Kalzasi
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16th of Glade, Year 123 of Steel
Mistreach Keep, Kalzasi

"That's right," Indric coached calmly, the young Avialae holding her in a chaste, ultilitarian embrace as he touched her hear and there to correct her stance and grip. "Now, sight. Aim. Release."

Kala released her breath even as she released her arrow and it flew truly, hitting a respectable mark on the target. She hadn't even used a gust of aeromancy to correct her aim, though she had engaged her Rune of Semblance to feel in tune with the air around her, the space between her and the target, as well as the target, her bow, and the arrow itself. She didn't know if that was cheating, but it was how she related to the world anymore.

"Very good," he said, grinning. "Now I have to go over and check on the boys, but I'll tell them I have you drilling a few more shots..." He sighed. "But don't take too long a respite. I don't want to be the only one they wallop with big sticks."

She laughed. "Of course. Today, we will wallop them."

"From your mouth to... to..." They laughed together, and then she calmed herself to begin the repetition that would drill all this into her muscle memory. Indric began the short trek toward the other side of the training grounds where Kaus and Ceran were whirling about, impressing a small audience with their quarterstaff spar.

"Sight. Aim. Release."

When her repetitions were done, she examined the bow, deemed it fit for the next person, and put it back on the rack before she went to collect her arrows and stow them as well. She stretched her wings as well as the rest of her, then proceeded to followin Indric's footsteps. She wasn't jealous of Kaus' greater skill; all his skills served to protect her. But they were still competitive. They always had been, each other's whetstone. But whereas they had come up together with blades, she could sometimes get the better of him with daggers in her hands. With polearms, he had a much more decided advantage.
word count: 369
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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Preferring to spend his time away from the palace, Moon Jae-Seong wandered away yet again. He did not like to be bothered with questions about the current state of affairs nor did he care to entertain idle chatter. People only tended to leave him alone when he himself was training, but one cannot do that all the time– even a warrior’s body has limits.

Sometimes, in lieu of training himself, he would opt to watch or teach others. Within the city itself, he’d usually walk through Mistreach, at the very least. People did recognize him there, at times, though this was not entirely unwelcome– most would recognize him because he often would help with training or spar with those within. On this particular occasion, he saw a figure he didn’t really recognize but he had seen her before.

The woman had shown her face in the first wave of discussions about the Kalzasern succession, though she had, at the time, concealed her wings. The swordsman had also heard many a rumor of a female Avialae who’d gained wings. It would appear that the woman he’d seen on that day was the same woman of rumor; fascinating.

After waiting for a lull in her training, he made a bid to approach her; those accompanying her did not look as if they’d respond with immediate hostility, nor did she, and his curiosity drew him to close the distance. By the time he caught up to her, she’d nearly reunited with her trainer and other companions.

“Have you a moment? I recall seeing you during the succession debates; I didn’t realize who you were at the time.” He offered with a voice smooth as silk and an affable smile, though his expressions were subtle, soft. “I’ve many a question to ask, but should you not desire the intrusion, I will go.”

Moon Jae-Seong himself was a bit of an odd sight. He was a mix of Avialae, Rathari and Lysanrin with features that looked distinctly elven; he was a pretty thing, dressed in formal silk in whites and pastels.
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 459
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Kala Leukos
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Kala noticed the elegant warrior before he spoke, and that he seemed to be aiming for her like an arrow—one of Indric's more than one of hers, though she would continue to practice, of course. Her body language shifted subtly, welcoming his presence. It took her a moment to recognize him as Novalys Jae-Seong. Before she had come to Kalzasi, she had gone over names and geneologies. After arriving, she had made a point of matching faces to those names and learning the ebbs and tides of politics even if she was more comfortable observing than engaging in them. She knew little of him other than that he largely eschewed politics and parties, preferring blades. She could understand that, though it was, of course, hearsay more than anything else and she did try to give people the chance to show her who they were.

She sensed his runes, and that he had more potential there than realized power. She sensed... but she pulled her senses inward, not wanting to intrude unduly. Sahfri wanted her safe lest the Imperium snatch another Avialae from the heart of Kalzasi. The loss of the Shinsei had been terrible, but so too would be an Avialae woman with wings. Kala had no wish to be a brood mare for a generation of Kathar, either.

But she was in the middle of Mistreach; her brother and the first of the Silver Wings were nearby.

She smiled and bowed.

"I am Kala of House Leukos. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She did not identify him, allowing him his anonymity should he choose it, though if he admitted to being present at the council session, then he admitted to some precedence.

"You are welcome to a moment. Would you care to watch my brother train with the Silver Wings or have you delicate questions that require privacy?"

The Iron Queen-Regent had made her Vice-Minister of Finance, as well, though she doubted he came seeking her insight into the markets of Karnor.
word count: 341
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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Due in part to his frequent absences, the swordsman was not always recognized for who he was– Novalys Jae-Seong. In this scenario, he assumed that, given her position, she would recognize him to at least some degree. However, if she did not, he found it difficult not to default to his typical reticence towards divulging that information. Though formalities often called for it, he was prone to starting conversations without introducing himself, and further, he would continue them that way for as long as he could get away with. He did not particularly identify with his more noble blood, yet always did he feel an undeniable loyalty to his kin.

Kala. He'd been told her name in the past on the lips of others. "Honored to make your acquaintance, Kala; you may call me Jae-Seong." Again did he distinctively distance himself. The woman herself was polite; that much, at least, was entirely unremarkable all things considered. The two were, at this point, little more than strangers.

"I wouldn't mind watching the others train, but the delicacy of my questions, I think, are ultimately yours to decide– they concern you directly above ought else." He offered a friendly smile upon an otherwise placid expression. "Forgive me for my boldness, but…your wings. A bit of an oddity, are they not?"

More than a mere Avialae, she apparently was. Conversation being a delicate dance, Jae-Seong wanted to save more pointed probing for after they'd established some semblance of a rapport; for now, he sought to gain insight on her level of comfort regarding this subject.
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 371
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Kala Leukos
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"Yes," she averred, being a good sport about it. Of course. Kala smiled. "Two seasons ago, I revealed them to the council." Her hand gestured toward the packed-dirt sparring ring where Kaus and Ceran were both attempting to instruct Indric in the basics of a quarterstaff. He was an archer more than anything, and would more likely rely on his basic sword training if anyone got close enough—though it was more likely he would vault to safety and take aim once more. At one point or another, each of the boys looked up and looked for her. When they saw she was there, they smiled and relaxed back into their training. Despite bonds with all of them, they liked to be sure she was safe, as if she wasn't more powerful than all three of them combined in her way. Then again, that hadn't saved Talon from the surprise attack, so she remained humble, and also quietly scared.

"The Queen Regent would rather some of the details be kept quiet. She fears I may fall into Imperium hands... the better to strengthen their Kathar army." She sighed; it was a terrible, terrifying thought. "But if I can answer your questions, I will."

There were layers and layers of secrets, but she couldn't hide in the Warrens or at Starfall. She belonged here and this was where her work was. In any case, she was a Leukos and they were much like their Briathos liege lords in their ability to keep secrets. But sooner or later, there would be revelations to share.

"What would you like to know, Jae-Seong?"

Her blue eyes cut away from him for a moment to watch an exchange between Ceran and Kaus; she winced when Ceran landed a blow to Kaus' shoulder. Sometimes, the twins could physically feel each other's pain. But she was practiced at splitting her attention, and soon she was smiling quietly at the swordsman again.
word count: 330
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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Of course, Jae-Seong did not approach this conversation with the expectation that Kala would be immediately amenable to the idea of illustrating the tale of her wings in full. It was a bit of a gamble as to whether or not she’d even choose to reveal anything at all, so it was a relief to hear a ‘yes’ at all to his query. His gaze followed the motioning of her hands as she spoke. He’d only just returned to the city proper two seasons ago– it was fascinating how recent a development this was, too.

As his current companion in conversation continued, Jae-Seong’s attention returned from her cohorts and back onto the girl herself. She was cautious, rightfully, but also polite, almost demure to some degree, and friendly enough. At the Imperium’s mention, the swordsman closed his eyes for a second, but otherwise did not emote.

Eyes once again open, “I can’t blame you- or her- for worrying.” They’d already plucked one gleaming feather from the body of Kalzasi; who is to say they wouldn’t reach for another? “My only ties are here, but I don’t expect that to assuage much at face value.” Jae-Seong was an enigma amongst nobility due to his flighty nature and frequent sojourns. To some, this would make him untrustworthy, a fact he was well aware of, but at the same time his own blood regarded him highly, and that did hold quite a bit of weight on its own. “But I do hope you’ll trust me– in time.”

The question at the forefront of his mind, ultimately, was ‘why you?’, but was this something she even knew the answer to? One does not always know the true intricacies of one’s own nature…especially so in youth. Was it luck? A twist of nature, of the arcane, of the divine?

“So far…your wings make you unique. Know you whether that blessing will stay that way? Or will other women follow in your footsteps in the days to come?” Jae-Seong kept his voice soft, weaving his words in a way meant to be disarming. The question was a leading one, ultimately, but he knew not whether the conversation would wind long or stop short. "...and if others will, know you how?"
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 492
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Kala Leukos
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"Gods willing," she said, meeting his eyes seriously, "I will not be the last. Should I become a mother, my children will be Avialae. That said, I have no desire to be a brood mare, for the Imperium or Kalzasi. I also have at least part of the puzzle for unlocking wings from those of us who were not born with them, but I am no Garel of Atoria—yet."

It was a strange thing. She had been granted the knowledge, but she hadn't yet the skill. Garel's book was in draconic, which she needed to learn—perhaps in Antiris with its dragon-riders. From what little she had been able to translate so far, the elemental aspects made sense, as well as a great deal of the necromancy, but she had to educate herself properly in alchemy, as well, before she could safely reenact his miracles.

"This will all take time, but at least then it can be done safely. Many people died during the Necromancer's experiments to create the Avialae. I would not sacrifice more lives without a high probability of success."

His questions brought up many that she had been wrestling with for nearly a year now. But for the time being...

"For the time being, I am training to make myself more difficult to kidnap and subdue." She smiled. Zaichaer might not be able to pull off another assassination and kidnapping, but the Imperium could, and she believed they were behind the attacks and the subsequent war with the Brass City. Destabilizing neighbors was a tried and true tactic to prepare for invasion; fortunately, the Emperor hadn't made a move on Karnor yet to her knowledge.

"Thankfully the Queen-Regent and my family have seen fit to keep me surrounded by able bodyguards." She laughed and glanced toward her brother and their friends. The tale of the Silver Wings was an odd one, though another story that couldn't be told in full yet. Ceran and Indric were like brothers to her now, bonded, though not so irrevocably as with her twin.

"I apologize for being careful. It isn't so much a matter of trust as... well, a matter of the safety of our nation and our people."
word count: 377
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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The origins of the Avialae as a whole had always been perplexing to Jae-Seong. From his understanding, of those that Garel had experimented upon, eight of his surviving subjects were, indeed, female. If this account was to be believed, and, indeed, this was the accepted history, why, then, did female Avialae in the modern era lack the avian traits of their male counterparts? And further, if the Avialae were a result of Necromancy, the reasoning behind modern era women lacking wings did not make sense to him, nor did anyone's explanations. Were modern Necromancers simply incompetent? He found that hard to believe…but if not incompetence, then what?

However, the woman who stood before him was young, so her personal lack of Necromantic skill wasn't exactly shocking. She hadn't the lifetime of experience plenty of other Necromancers scattered throughout Karnor possessed. Magic was regulated in a lot of cases, yes, and Necromancy was frowned upon in plenty of places…but many do not follow society's rules and many more defy expectations, as was the case with Garel himself, so for the women to remain wingless this long was…certainly something strange! And, of course, not everyone is as moral as Kala claimed to be. The suffering and sacrifice of others is of little importance when cast against the potential for greater good, some may argue. However, of his gripes, the swordsman would not speak.

"Ah, out to recreate Garel's miracles, are you?" Jae-Seong replied with an expression touched by both intrigue and excitement, though each were subdued by the man's natural tranquility. "However…it is, on the surface, passing strange that whomever granted you your wings cannot impart upon you the knowledge to do so unto others more directly…or simply further this gift themselves." And though he was musing, the man's eyes narrowed; he managed to strike a precarious balance between a tone of wonder and something far more pointed.

"...but ah, I suppose it matters not, does it? So long as your goal is to spread your gift, there is no need to scrutinize the process, is there?" As he said those words, his expression softened. After all, Kala, from what he could tell, was sincere with her words, lending some credence to the assumption that she would be with her actions.

When the woman spoke on her pressing present endeavors, the man tilted his head in consideration, though he understood the practicality thereof. He sighed, however light. "I'd never be one to discourage learning to fight, but your reason for doing so is a shame, isn't it? Such precautions being so necessary, that is...I can't fault you for your prudence."

"To that end, I've some skill with a blade myself– should you ever need it, it's yours." His kinship to fellow Avialae, to the state, and to his family's ideals made this offer all but entirely compulsive. Not to mention the remnants of guilt he still felt regarding his absence at Talon's wedding. "Though I admit my skills are all rather mundane at the moment– my current goals are in mastery over magic."
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 635
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Kala Leukos
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Had he voiced his concerns, Kala might have agreed.

In any case, she smiled.

"I suppose it seems like I am overreaching, but I do believe that I can accomplish it. Given time and study." She paused, turning to watch the boys spar for a moment. "It has always seemed to me as though we are but half a species. Incomplete." She was assured that her children, at least, would bear wings, whether sons or daughters or anything in between. That was not a process she was in any rush to enact, however. Avialae men trended toward the large end of the humanoid scale and she was not. As a Moritasi, she supposed she was bound to survive childbirth, but that didn't mean she was anxious to get started. In fact, she wanted to have a better handle over her budding divinity before she imparted a sliver of that into another person.

"I have been playing with knives since I was small," she assured him. "Our home is remote from Kalzasi. Everyone is trained to take care of themselves if need be. But now I am galvanized to keep training."

As for the rest, she considered him. His choice of words left ambiguity in their wake.

"If you mean you wish to spar, I am willing. If you wish to be my bodyguard, the Queen-Regent would certainly hire you. She would like me cloistered and warded and guarded, but thankfully, the door to the gilded cage is open so I retain some freedom and agency."

She was curious how such a sparring match would go. People tended to underestimate her because of her youth and size, but she had grown up attempting to keep up with her twin as well as their older brother, who was quite a bit larger than even Kaus.
word count: 305
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Moon Jae-Seong
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The edge to his expression softened when Kala stated her resolve. “I didn’t mean to imply any doubt in your direction,” he said. Jae-Seong knew little about her personally; he had no frame of reference to pass any judgment upon her potential competence…nor did he have the inclination to do so.

“I only meant…I don’t quite understand why this job has fallen to you, I suppose…because I’m inclined to agree when you say ‘incomplete,’ and so I simply wonder why nobody’s unearthed these secrets in the past.” Looking at her, he smiled. “So if that’s your goal, I trust you’ve the means to do it, whatever they are.” He did hope she would succeed in being able to impose this gift unto more than simply her own bloodline; that would be a shame to have such a blessing be so limited.

“It’s good to hear you’ve your own prowess to rely on, too.” His voice was level, but he did feel relief at the sentiment. It would be an incredible shame for the only winged woman to be taken or killed. “The only constant we’ll ever have in this life is, after all, ourselves.”

The offer the swordsman made was intentionally vague; he didn’t actually know to what use he could be put, so her listing of options was appreciated.

“Perhaps, then, I’ll contact the Queen-Regent.” It was high time he lended his sword to Kalzasi in some official capacity again, so why not this?

“But sparring? I’m open to the idea, if you’d wish. Could be good for us both.” Jae-Seong was never one to decline an offer of that sort.

She’d said she’d been playing with knives since her earliest memories; he expected competence, though to what degree, he had no idea. He did have half a mind to ask, but at the same time, it always proved a better learning experience if one were ignorant; such things tested one’s ability to adapt, a skill he considered paramount.
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"Synskrit Tongue/Speech"
"Common Tongue/Speech"
"Inandoth Tongue/Speech"
word count: 454
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