Lyra's Plotnotes

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Business Type - Goods and Services

Items Sold
  • Magic Scrolls
  • Magic Staves
  • Magic Wands
  • Custom Scrivening Services
  • Paper (of various types)
  • Ink (of various colors, magical and non magical)
  • Writing Instruments (Quills, pens, etc)
  • Bookbinding Services
  • Illustration Services (For books or scrollwork)

Base Income - World Age: 10gp/day
Skill Bonus
10 gp x 1.5 (Apprentice Scrivening) = 15 gp /day
15 gp x 2 (Journeyman Scrivening) = 30 gp /day

Sales Bonus - +20%
Ingenuity/Creativity Bonus - +5% Approval Here

The services offered by Ale'Ephirum goes beyond just creating magic scrolls and wands with single uses. Upon request, this shop will create custom scrolls and items which capture a customer spells to be utilized as needed, without requiring one to expend their own aether. In addition to the custom works above, should you require specialized glyphs and pictographs for your magical facility to protect yourself and others, Ale'Ephirum can provide you a custom and optimized version of exactly what you need. The Shop by its very nature will grow and start to offer other services, including alchemical solutions to tie into custom works provided initially.

In addition to the magical services and goods listed above, the shop will also sell ink, paper, and books. Ale'Ephirum also offers book binding services, as well as illustrations.

Total Income - 20 gp/day

Assets - This is a list of all structures and items that are either sold or used in the foundation/operation of the business including their costs. Employee cost is also included here.

Shop(Elaborate): 2,000 gp
Workshop (Elaborate): 2,000 gp
Magical Laboratory (Elaborate): 3,500 gp
Potion Lab (Elaborate)
Storage (Luxurious): 3,000 gp
Bedroom (Simple): 350 gp
Bath (Simple): 200 gp
Library (simple): 500
+25% in Raw Materials and General Items- 3,263

Debts - 16,313 gp owed to the Central Bank of Kalzasi
3% SIR (490 gp)

Sales Bonus- Business owners receive an additional 20% to their wages simply for being a business owner.
Negative Modifier- Areas saturated with a particular business model or profession may incur a negative penalty. Additionally, specializing in a manner of business that is extremely niche with a very select audience may also incur a penalty.
Creativity Bonus- Businesses that display exceptional levels of creativity or ingenuity may be awarded a bonus of up to a 5% increase to wage earnings.

Shop Layout

Ale'Ephirum is from an ancient dialect of Vallenor. In the common tongue it can be loosely translated several ways, including 'the old ways', 'what was forgotten', and 'what is lost'. The shop is located in the Plaza of Jeweled Arches, down one of the side streets near the center of the plaza. One could almost miss it were it not for the sign that overhangs the street indicating that there is a shop present at the location. The entrance of the shop is nondescript, simple wood of a dark color that matches the buildings around it. The entryway seems cramped and leads straight to a desk where Lyra often sits. The size of the shop is deceiving, for as one turns the sharp corner to the right the shop opens up into an elongated hallway that is lined with shelves. Books, scrolls parchment, and even ink can be found on the shelves, the scrolls often within square slots designed to hold them, and the books only partially organized. Those who wish can browse the shelves, and select books and scrolls to examine using small tables or pedestals along the hallway designed for the purpose.

A set of steps near the desk leads up to the living courters where Lyra has made her home, while a door on the back left wall of the hallway of scrolls leads to the back workshop. A large worktable rests and shelves cover nearly every inch of wall space. Here is a wider collection of parchment and ink types, and this is where Lyra keeps most of her stored supplies for Scrivening. Near the back wall of this workshop is a plain wooden door that opens to a set of finely polished stairs that lead down into the basement.


The stairs lead down into the large laboratory for potions and alchemy research. Several shelves of various pieces of equipment can be found here, and a large wooden table at the center serves as the primary location for Lyra's research. To the right of the stairs, the laboratory continues inward, opening into a 2nd lab designed especially for necromantic experiments. Chests of ingredients, shelves of glassware and equipment fill this space, and every niche of wall, ceiling, and floor of both labs are covered with glyphs and markings crafted specifically by Lyra for the purpose of containment, and other features.

To the left of the stairs is one final doorway which opens into a large storage space. Glyphs and pictographs line the walls of this area as well, but there is currently no equipment here.

word count: 977
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Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari

Race: Hytori
Sex: Female
Age: 10,000 +
Height: N/A
Weight: N/A

Birthdate: N/A
Birthplace: Sol'Valen

Titles: Lady of Whispers, King Breaker, General of Shaeoth

Fluencies: Ancient Vallenor, Ancient Common
Conversationals: None
Ineptitudes: None


Lyra resembles most of her Hytori race, or those who claim to be of the same kin as her people. When in her true form she appears as a slightly insubstantial version of the ancient elves, with their long ears and golden eyes. Before she was sealed away she was considered beautiful, and even centuries later that beauty remains, though not it is slightly... off. When she smiles it never quite meets her eyes, and her motions while elegant are just the slightest bit threatening. Her voice is a rich and full, almost husky when she whispers, and when she moves she leaves tendrils of black smoke in her wake.


Confident, alluring, vain and of course prideful. Lyra is the embodiment of power, and she behaves with the confidence of one who knows their own superiority. She views most, if not all non-Hytori with disinterest. She neither likes, or dislikes the other elven descendant races, but feels that her people of old were clearly superior. The races that have appeared since the days of her shattering Lyra views as primitive, barely more than beasts. That said, however, all of the races seem acceptable when compared to humans. For humans Lyra holds little more than utter disdain, not just for their apparent weakness, but for the failure their very existence represents.

Lyra purposefully presents herself different to everyone she meets. She continually looks to poke and prod at a person's psyche, their mindsets, and seeks to use them for her own purposes. She is manipulative, but in a subtle way and is not afraid of using underhanded tactics to get what she desires. More than anything though, she promotes those of the mortal races to give in to their baser instincts and desires, and often tries to coax those around her into committing acts that are nefarious, rebellious or outright taboo.


Lyrielle tu Kovash Elmari was born during what scholars call the age of wonders, in the time just before Ilixidor was cast out by the Phoenix Queen, Princess Thessalia Val'Eilran. Though not of the ruling class herself, she was well enough versed in the inner circles politics to understand the implications of the 'betrayer's' actions when they came to light. Lyrielle, often called simply Lyra, separated herself as much as she could from the turmoils and strife that plagued Sol'Valen in those days, instead focusing on her study and research into Archmagic. When Ilixidor was cast out Lyra thought little of it, however, she found herself drawn in by his followers who spoke of odd and unusual applications of magic rituals that were, up until this time, considered taboo. This more than anything is what drew her into the fold of the betrayer's followers, and for her actions she was banished from Sol'Valen with the rest.

To Lyra this exile was more than a slight, it was a brand on her soul for a crime which she felt she had not committed. Thus when she was called on she plied her trade, offering to Ilixidor and his people all she could to further their goal. It was as if she had been struck with a divine inspiration. Her work spread, and with the power granted to Ilixidor by Shaeoth she was able to complete her greatest archmagic ritual, one which she used upon herself to gain the power to take back what was stolen from her. Little did she know that her actions would draw the eye of Shaeoth himself. In the time leading up to the Kinslayer Wars Lyra became the voice of turmoil in the ears of the people. She whispered sweet lies and corupting deceptions into the hearts and minds of the people of Sol'Valen, weakening them so that Ilixidor and his followers could land the decisive blow.

When the phoenix queen fell Shaeoth came to Lyra with an offer. He would grant her power, power that would make the rituals she had performed to this point seem like minor parlor tricks. In exchange she would join him as one of his Generals, and continue her work twisting the minds and hearts of mortals to purge the weak and corrupt from the world. At this point Lyra had become indoctrinated into the teachings of Ilixidor, and in a twisted way believed that what they did would be good for the world and its people. So when she was offered this opportunity she accepted, and Lyra became the Whisper in mortals hearts which tempted and seduced them to do unspeakable acts.

Lyra was there the day that Arcas fell. She was the fog that covered the battle, spilling rage and blood lust into the souls of the army's of Shaeoth, she was the icy fingers of fear and despair in the hearts of the forces of light and hope. She was the thrum of triumph as the demigod fell, and thus like all the generals on that day the Dragon King's wrath fell upon her in full. On that day she was ripped from the fields of battle, her soul shattered and spread far across the world of Ransera. What was left of her and her mind was sealed away, buried in the kingdoms of old so that she would never be free again.

For 10,000 years she has waited. Trapped, unable to speak, to interact with the world outside. Lyra knew that, eventually, the seals would weaken, and after the Sundering the time had come. She began to spread tendrils of her influence out, pulling and plucking at the hearts and minds of those as they entered the Warrens, beckoning them to her, tugging at them so that they could set her free on the land once more. Once that happened she knew what she had to do. Gather the scattered pieces of her soul, regain her full power and more, and then find the generals of Shaeoth so that they could restore the demigods power and continue their work once more.

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Soul Constructs

When Lyra creates a link between herself and another person/creature Lyra is able to manifest that person's soul construct. A link can be established in several ways, but the most common method is through gifting Boons or through Brands. Whenever she touches a person's soul using any of her outsider powers a thin link is formed, however, and once that connection is in place Lyra is able to manifest that person's soul construct no matter the distance between them. This is a list of soul constructs that Lyra has collected thus far.




Name: Hector

CS: viewtopic.php?t=3187
Soul Construct: Iron Blood Centipede
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=3855

Odd like the soul it was born from, the Iron Blood Centipede is roughly the length of a human's arm. Its exoskeleton is tough like its name sake, but it is its ability that makes it stand out. By drinking the blood of another creature it is able to store and infused the blood with iron, similar to the master level quirk that Hector possess.

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It tends to cause pain during the process of blood letting, digging its claws and pincers into a person it draws from, and once it has collected and infused enough it gives its summoner the ability to utilize the blood as they see fit. The centipede is glutenous, and should the summoner not be warry they risk permeant scarring or even death to themselves or the one they attach this creature to.


Name: Imogen

CS: ... =43&t=2673
Soul Construct: Lemur Sunsinger
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=3896

Imogen is true to herself and to her own desires, and this purity of self is shown in her soul construct which takes the shape of a lemur holding a flaming sword. Her dedication to the Sunsingers is so powerful that it manifests in her own soul construct, which possesses the same quirk as the sun singers:

Spellbreaker - No falsehood, corruption or perversion of something’s natural state will be tolerated in the light of a Spellbreaker’s fire. Nova manifests in Spellbreakers as a cleansing fire that will burn away curses (such as those put in place by Affliction), poisons, toxins and even break the influence that Dread Mists have over a given area, burning such mists away. Additionally, the fire will also cut through and disrupt other magic that the Sunsinger views as impeding or harmful to them. The extent to which a Cursebreaker’s Nova can break such things is dependent on their individual power as a mage.

Given how powerful this soul construct is it can only be summoned for brief periods of time, fading within the span of a couple of minutes and unable to be summoned again for at least 12 hours. The power of the soul construct is directly tied to the level of Imogen's Reaving ability.


Name: Iselya

CS: viewtopic.php?t=936
Soul Construct: Orb of Curses
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=4154

A class orb that contains both light and shadow. The shadows appear to be steadily absorbing the light, and move of their own accord within the transparent glass sphere. The Orb of Curses has the ability to absorb curses at or below Iselya's current level of Affliction. The orb can then be used to deliver those curses to another person. If absorbing curses created by Iselya the orb can combine the curses, creating a curse more powerful than the sum of their parts. When extracting and transmitting curses black tendrils of darkness extend out from the orb, and the more curses it holds the more the shadows within consume the light.


Name: Læbirius

CS: viewtopic.php?t=3399
Soul Construct: TBD
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=4001







Name: Rickter

Soul Construct: Frost Wolf
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=4154

A black wolf that is larger than its real animal counterpart, its fur shimmers with ice and when it is summoned a pervasive cold is spread across the immediate area. When it howls it creates a dome shaped area around it expanding 50 meters at its max. Within this area a constant snow falls, and magics, including world magics, are suppressed. With the exception of Elementalism, Reaving and Negation, all other magics can only be wielded up to one mastery below ones current mastery level. The affects of this ability are not applied to the one who summon the soul construct, or Rickter himself.

As the Soul Construct of a God, the Frost Wolf can be used as an avatar by Rickter. When in possession of the soul construct the god has full use of his divine portfolio, and is made aware whenever the soul construct is summoned.


Name: Shaeoth/Killian

Soul Construct: Void Panther
Thread Origin: ... 091#p22091

Their reunion was short, but very sweet and through it Lyra gained a connection directly with the new God of the Void's Soul. His is a powerful, nearly incomprehensible soul, but through the power of Lyra's understanding of the soul and the god himself a construct was formed. Shaeoth/Killian's construct takes the form of a large panther seemingly made of shadows. It's size is twice that of its animal counter part, and when standing fully erect its head rises above Lyra's own. Like the god it was born from the Void Panther can freely walk through shadows, and its physical strength is on par with its size. It is vulnerable to light based attacks, including those born from dragonshards, but other magics and techniques must be at the expert - master ranks to cause the construct harm.

As the Soul Construct of a God, the Void Panther can be used as an avatar by Shaeoth/Killian. When in possession of the soul construct the god has full use of his divine portfolio, and is made aware whenever the soul construct is summoned.


Name: Talon/Arcas

CS: viewtopic.php?t=127
Soul Construct: Eagle of Hope
Thread Origin: ... 091#p22091

During the refinement of Killian's soul a link to Talon's own soul fragment was also created. His soul construct takes the form of a white eagle with silver tipped wings, seemingly made with an inner light. Those who gaze upon the eagle are filled with a strong sense of hope, revitalizing them even in the darkest pits of despair. The presence of the eagle also decreases the effectiveness of mental magics which cause fear, terror and despair, and make those magics which affect the mind and heart more difficult to use.

As the Soul Construct of a God, the Eagle of Hope can be used as an avatar by Talon/Arcas. When in possession of the soul construct the god has full use of his divine portfolio, and is made aware whenever the soul construct is summoned.




Name: Vergil

NPC: viewtopic.php?p=18050#p18050
Soul Construct: Grey Scale Serpent
Thread Origin: viewtopic.php?t=3855

A large snake with grey and silver scales, this construct is possessed of an inner cunning that reflects its soul of origin. Like its originator the serpent is able to reshape itself in small ways, increasing its bone and muscle density, and possesses a rapid regeneration ability which combined with its sturdy body makes it quite durable. It is 32 feet at its full, uncoiled length, and depending on its mass can weigh up to 450 lbs.

word count: 1773
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Cradle Arc Plot Notes

Conception - 54th of Searing, 122 AS The Prince Returns (Talon)
Note: This is also when she has her 2nd Revelation

Due Date: 64th of Glade, 123 AS (~40 weeks may push a bit further out)

Goal: Lyra plans to build a protective space for her child using all of her skills that is hidden and protected.


  • A special dragonshard incubator where the child will be placed to grow
  • Base made of Voidrillium, the chaotic energy used to help fuel the power of the cradle and protections
  • Voidrillium infects living tissue around it. Lyra put out a bounty to have a large monster captured to be the unwilling host to grow a large enough Voidrillium shard to make the Cradle
  • Dreamstone (received 1st of Ash, 122 AS) used to make cradle to allow access to dreamscape
  • Using Alchemy and Runeforging the Dreamstone qualities needed will be extracted and added to the Cradle
  • Young dracolich soul will be the foundation of the Core that will nurture the child in the Cradle
  • Using her Eldritch abilities the soul will be torn down and rewritten as the artificial soul that controls the cradle, protects the child and teaches the child within the formed dreamscape inside the cradle
  • Combination of Vitalis and Necromancy will help to quicken the child's growth in the cradle, and the artificial soul will work to prepare the child for her eventual release whenever that will be

Dark Demesne
  • Lyra will make a portion of her dark demesne into the location of the Cradle
  • Will use Nyx and advanced world magics to create a special ritual that opens and closes a portal to the mirror realm where the cradle will be hidden
  • Defenses built in both in the demesne as well as in the void realm where the cradle is located
  • Access to the area will only be given to select individuals. Threads required: Telion, Franky (potentially Talon)

End Results
  • Lyra's child will be born and put into the Cradle
  • Will remain hidden for x number of seasons, and will emerge older than her years
  • Certain parties will take advantage of Lyra's weakened state and seal her away shortly after the child is placed in the cradle


Constructing the Cradle
Ash 122 AS Winter 122 AS
  • Zaichaer - Meeting with Franky
  • Kalzasi - Meeting with Telion
  • Kalzasi - Bounty for capture of large creature to become the host of large Voidrillium
  • Zaichaer - Prepare Ritual area in Dark Demesne (possibly 2 threads)
  • Zaichaer - Prepare soul for repurposing
  • Zaichaer - Craft Cradle
  • Zaichaer - Craft Cradle
  • Zaichaer - Craft Cradle
Spring 123 AS
  • Zaichaer - Install Cradle in prepared space in Demense
  • Zaichaer - Finish soul and infuse it into Cradle and Cradle area
  • Zaichaer - Have child
word count: 474
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