Peeping Tom

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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Cloud Caelum Garr
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Garr woke up early that morning, filled with anticipation for his upcoming lesson at Academia Arcanum. He had been studying magic at the prestigious school for some time now, and today was particularly special because his professor would be teaching him and his classmates about the Astral Projection ability, a skill that Garr had always been curious about. After washing up and getting dressed, he grabbed a quick breakfast, barely able to contain his excitement. His thoughts raced with the possibilities that learning Astral Projection could bring, and he couldn't wait to get started.

As Garr made his way to the magical school, he passed through the bustling streets of the Umbrium, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. He couldn't help but notice the contrast between his world of magic and the mundane lives of the commoners. While he was learning to transcend the physical realm, they were busy with their everyday tasks, completely unaware of the wonders of magic that surrounded them.

Upon arriving at Academia Arcanum, Garr admired the grand architecture of the school. The large, ornate buildings were a testament to the knowledge and power held within. He felt a sense of pride in being a part of such an esteemed institution and eagerly entered the classroom where his lesson would take place. The classroom was filled with students who shared Garr's enthusiasm for learning about Astral Projection. They were all talking excitedly amongst themselves, discussing their expectations and hopes for the day's lesson. Garr found a seat near the front of the room and joined in the conversation, eager to hear the thoughts and opinions of his peers.

Their professor, Felix, entered the room with a stern expression on his face, silencing the students with his mere presence. His reputation as a strict but knowledgeable teacher was well known throughout the school, and Garr respected him immensely. Professor Felix began the lesson by explaining the principles of Astral Projection, emphasizing the importance of understanding one's own aether before attempting to project one's Astral Body into the Slipspace.

He detailed the history of the practice, explaining how it had used by people who sought to explore the mysteries of the world beyond the limitations of their physical forms. As Professor Felix spoke, Garr listened intently, hanging on every word and trying to absorb as much information as possible. He was determined to master this powerful and intriguing ability.

Once the theoretical portion of the lesson was complete, professor Felix moved on to the practical application of Astral Projection. He explained that the students would need to find a calm and focused state of mind in order to successfully project their Astral Bodies, and he led them through a series of meditative exercises designed to help them achieve this state. Garr found the exercises to be surprisingly challenging, as his excitement and anticipation made it difficult for him to quiet his mind.

However, with Professor Felix's guidance and a great deal of patience, Garr was eventually able to find a sense of inner peace and stillness. As he reached this calm state, he could feel the energy of his aether surging within him, and he knew that he was ready to attempt Astral Projection. Professor Felix instructed the students to lie down on the floor and close their eyes, reminding them to maintain their focus and calm state of mind. He emphasized that the process of Astral Projection was delicate and required a balance of control and relaxation. Garr followed his instructions carefully, lying down and closing his eyes as he tried to maintain the sense of inner stillness he had achieved during meditation.

The professor then guided the students through the process of projecting their Astral Bodies. He instructed them to visualize their physical forms and imagine a silver cord connecting their bodies to their Astral Bodies. As they focused on this image, they were to gently release their Astral Bodies from their physical forms, allowing them to float freely in the Slipspace. Garr found this visualization challenging, but he knew he was destined to succeed. As he concentrated on the silver cord and his Astral Body, Garr began to feel a strange sensation, as if his consciousness was separating from his physical form. He felt a moment of fear and uncertainty, but Professor Felix's steady voice kept him grounded, encouraging him to continue the process. Garr focused even more intently, and soon, he felt his Astral Body fully separate from his physical form.

Excitement surged through Garr as he realized that he had successfully projected his Astral Body into the Slipspace. He could perceive the classroom and his fellow students from a new perspective, as if he were a ghost floating above them. He was able to move freely, unbound by the limitations of his physical form, and he marveled at the experience of floating weightlessly in the ether. He was even able to make his form invisible, per the professor’s instruction

Garr took the warning seriously and was cautious as he explored the slipspace in this astral form. He found it fascinating to see his classmates' Astral Bodies, each one unique and shimmering with a distinct aura of energy. He could sense the emotions and thoughts of his peers as they too navigated the Slipspace, and he felt a sense of camaraderie and shared wonder. As the lesson neared its end, Professor Felix instructed the students to return their Astral Bodies to their physical forms. He guided them through the process of reintegration, ensuring that each student returned safely and without difficulty. Garr felt a slight disorientation as his Astral Body rejoined his physical form, but the sensation passed quickly, and he soon felt grounded and whole once more.

As the students sat up, feeling the physical sensations of their bodies again, Professor Felix congratulated them on their successful Astral Projections. He reminded them that, while the experience was undoubtedly exhilarating, it was essential to approach the practice with respect and caution. The dangers of becoming lost in the Slipspace or accidentally severing their connection were very real, and they must always keep this in mind when using Astral Projection.

As Garr made his way back home, he wondered whether he would even use the ability much. He supposed it would be useful for keeping track of his slaves but aside from that… he didn’t know. That's when a mischievous idea struck him like a bolt of lightning. Excited and eager to test the limits of his new ability, Garr hurried back to his room, closed the door behind him, and hid himself under the covers. With a deep breath, he began to project his astral form through the slipspace.

He searched for the most attractive woman in his class. He found her in her own home, completely unaware of his presence as he had turned his form invisible. A giddy feeling began to brew in the pit of his stomach as he spied on her, watching as she went about her evening routine. Garr found himself irresistibly drawn to the sight of the woman, admiring her effortless beauty and grace. As he watched her, a sense of awe and appreciation washed over him. He marveled at the way her features seemed to harmonize perfectly, creating a captivating visage that lingered in his mind. Her every movement seemed to exude an enchanting allure, and Garr felt a warmth spread through him as he took in the scene. It was a guilty pleasure, one that he knew he shouldn't indulge in, but the thrill of being able to witness such a private moment was intoxicating. He realized that his newfound ability could lead him down a dangerous path, but for now, he reveled in the thrill of his secret adventure, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension about the potential consequences of his actions.

The abrupt sound of pounding on Garr's door jolted him out of his astral reverie. As the banging continued, an insistent urgency in the rhythm, he knew he had to act quickly. With a deep breath and a mental tug, Garr severed his connection to the slipspace and returned his consciousness to his physical body. His heart raced in his chest, a mix of adrenaline and guilt coursing through him. Hastily, he pulled himself out of bed and opened the door, revealing a flustered servant standing before him.

"Master Garr, your father has summoned you immediately," the servant panted, clearly out of breath from his hurried attempt to locate Garr. With a groan, Garr couldn't help but feel irritated at the sudden interruption, knowing that he couldn't ignore his father's command. He quickly threw on his clothes, his mind racing with possible reasons for the summons. Had his father somehow discovered his activities? Or was it something entirely unrelated? The uncertainty gnawed at him as he followed the servant through the dimly lit corridors of the estate. As they approached his father's study, Garr steeled himself for the confrontation, unaware of what awaited him on the other side of the door.

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Peeping Tom

Points awarded:
  • 8 - For Traversion
  • Traversion: The importance of relaxation and focus in successfully initiating Astral Projection.
    Traversion: Successfully using astral projection
    Traversion: Navigating the slipspace while in astral form
    Traversion: The ability to communicate with others in the physical world while in the Astral Body.
    Traversion: turning one’s astral form invisible
    Traversion: The necessity of returning to the physical body after Astral Projection
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • Great thread!
    If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
    enjoy your rewards!
word count: 135
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