Some (Plants) Like it Hot [Laebirius]

In which Hilana goes gathering underground and makes a new acquaintance.

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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15 Frost, Year 122

[Closed - Laebirius]

In the Umbrium, Hilana was coming away from her Elementalism lesson with Sentinel Ævril. She had her energy toned down to a more appropriate level considering her earlier expenditure of aether, and as a result, she was calm and content, utterly relaxed even as she trotted along. As she made her way towards the lift, she had a thought: their magma bloom stock swerve getting lower than Vasilei liked, and with her training in resisting heat, this might be a further opportunity for her to get some more practice in. Two birds with one stone - she knew what she needed, and she knew further where to go. It might get a little warm, but there was no time like the present to keep practicing what she had been learning.

Having decided, the botanist made her way south towards the warmer, more accessible areas of the Cavernae towards the Pulvine districts. That was going to be her best bet - she wasn’t about to enter the Thalamum Draconum just yet - the Crownwyrm had told her to come when she was ready, but Hilana had more to do. The Cavernae were warm and the blossoms flourished there. As much as they were a valuable source of nutrition for those who had limited options otherwise, the blooms were used in a host of medicines, including the energy drinks that Vasilei had helped her make last season when she had spent more time awake than even she should have during the autumnal equinox. The hottest areas were where the blooms grew best, and Hilana looked at Tiaz on her shoulders, lifting a hand to run her fingers over his scales. “You and me, hmm?” she smiled at him. Tiaz only coiled up a bit tighter on her shoulders before relaxing slightly, his head resting on his own body. She lightly scratched under his chin, mindful as always of the sensitive spots, his tongue flickering.

She always carried gathering bags in her rucksack, if only because she never knew when something might catch her eye. And for the most part, unless it was an elegant and manicured garden - in which Hilana would politely inquire about acquiring a cutting or three in exchange for appropriate payment - she had free rein to go ahead. But if the word was no, then she wasn’t about to get tagged as a thief. She knew better. No plant was worth her freedom, after all. She could always get another shipped in or found from somewhere.

If anyone was following her, she paid no attention as she picked her way easily towards the Cavernae. If anything, this was a good trial run for returning to the Dragon Chamber as she took a quick drink from her waterskin and made her way up along the path, all but dancing over the rocky areas to get up towards the vents where the large blooms grew in abundance.Magma wasn’t far off from here, and she had to focus with the elemental spirits in order to cool the air down a bit around her to make it easier for her to tolerate the heat. She gathered her skirts with one hand, bringing them up to allow her steps more freedom, as the brilliantly-coloured patchwork tiered skirt was starting to catch on the rocks. Different coloured cotton blocks had been stitched and gathered, albeit with no discernible pattern, the lengths all but brushing the sandy ground and not exposing her sandals. She got to where she wanted to be, though, and shifted her rucksack, getting out two of her waxed gathering bags, and settled down into a crouch in the middle of the bloom patch. Beautiful. She popped a petal into her mouth before starting her harvest with a knife. She knew how to work just so with the heat-resistant stems, and while she was on a good patch that was several feet around her in any direction, Hilana wouldn’t take it all.

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☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn | Thoughts: What are we looking for again? | Mood: Curious

Varinos and Taidryn were out ahead of Læbirius as they walked the streets of the Umbrium. As they were still preparing for their journey to the Commonwealth of Ecith, they had some things they needed to gather before their departure date. He was curious about this flower they were coming to get, this Magma Bloom as it was called, was supposed to be some sort of energy-revitalizing herbal remedy. He figured with the knowledge of the Varinios he could probably whip up something with it for the journey.

What Læ hadn't accounted for was the heat, this being his first time down in the Umbrium since his arrival. He was stunned that there was a whole other world beneath their feet. Some of the buildings they passed by seemed like refurbished ruins, but without further investigation, he couldn't tell for sure. His main concern right now was not passing out from the heat, which caused him to come out of his usual shirt and tunic down to a sleeveless undershirt.

Taidryn took note of this and summoned a spirit of aquatic origins to hover around him. It was a rather adorable looking octopus, and he released bubbles that held a cooling mist in them, refreshing Læbirius in order to stem off an incurring heatstroke. They continued on as they got closer to the area in which Varinios was told he could find a bounty of Magma Bloom, and his source was correct. The three men stood just a few feet above the flower patch and looked at its beauty. The colors of the Magma Bloom and the churning lava off in the distance made for a beautiful scene, and if Læ had any talent in the arts, he would paint the landscape before him.

"Quite breathtaking isn't it Læ? Come we have some flowers to collect." he urged, patting the young mage on his shoulder as she went down first into the field of flowers. Taidryn followed after, gesturing for his lord to come. Læ took a few more moments to take in the scene before moving, noticing only now that they were not the only ones who were here to harvest some plants. "It looks like we aren't the only ones harvesting today." he noted to the other, pointing in the direction of the woman.

Varinios smiled and changed his trajectory towards her. "It's a lovely day for picking flowers dont you think my lady? Do you mind if we join you?" Varinios purred, putting the charm on as he motioned for Læbirius to come and join him. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Sharan Ex-Mastardez Varinios, a Cleric of Divinity & archeologist." he bowed slightly, now pushing Læ in front of him a bit. "And this handsome devil is my protege, a promising world mage in the making and an aspiring archeologist." he nudged the young man to introduce himself.

Upon looking at the woman, he could tell she was Vastian, her skin almost the same tone as his mother's albeit hers was a bit darker. He bowed slightly as the octopus spirit clung to his neck. "I am Phozenzia Len’Nagarath Læbirius, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance madam." he spoke, Taidryn staying at a respectable distance, as he noticed her vasitan appearance and didn't want to start any trouble.

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The girl was engrossed in her work, looking over the magma blooms and assessing the health of the patch and elements around it while she was at it. The spirits were happy in their home, and this area was relatively undisturbed and had been left to grow. She wasn’t attuned to the element of wood, not yet at least, but she was a botanist and she knew what she was looking for when it came to local plants. Her fingers touched the stems, gauging their health and thickness, her eyes roaming over the blooms and petals. No pests, everything was as it should be. That was a plus, because if anything, it meant the ecology was in balance. Precisely as it needed to be. It was a constant ask of the wind spirits to keep her immediate area cool enough for her to not be overly bothered about the temperature around her. Tiaz was less fond of her request of the spirits, but the black, grey, and white python was happily leeching body heat from her. Coming, Hilana heard the spirits whisper.

She didn’t give notice of her awareness of their approach, as the earthen spirits weren’t too concerned on alarmed. Hilana knew it was in general a good practice to mind her own business, and she was carefully trimming the magma blooms and placing them in the sacks beside her where she was crouched low amidst the large patch of flowers. There was a large python hanging onto her, looking for all the world like some sort of artificer-crafted accessory until Tiaz lifted his head and flickered his tongue. But when she was spoken to, she looked over her shoulder, twisting to see the trio coming towards her. The herbalist rose easily from the crouch, skirts that had been hidden by the flowers that surrounded her a contrasting patchwork that was well-made, if a copious amount of fabric for this heat. She didn’t give any signs of any particular caste to judge by her appearance otherwise, as her jewelry was minimal and primarily in her ears, a contrast of copper and silver earrings with bits of gemstone or coloured glass on them.

As Varinios introduced himself and bowed, so did Hilana, her hands folded in front of her and she bowed her head and shoulders. “Of course, Sir,” she wasn’t sure of his Caste, so when in doubt… but there was no questioning the proper address for the young man that was introduced next. “Dominus,” she greeted Laebirius politely, offering another bow, though deeper than the first one before straightening. “The pleasure is mine.” She noticed that the third member of the little group neither approached nor spoke and introduced himself, and his features caught her eye.

Well. Look who showed up in the city. The Capital, of all places! The one who’d robbed and murdered her kin, her cousins in the sands. The descriptions given were clear enough that the hybrid was recognizable, and while she said nothing, she promised herself that she was going to let the Sentinels know. And if they did nothing... She knew someone else she might be able to approach about it.

She forced herself to return her attention to Varinios and Laebirius. She at least did not act reviled or disgusted, Hilana remained perfectly pleasant with a bright smile. “I am Matsi Chenzira Hilana, Dominus. I am a botanist and herbalist in the Luxium above, in a shop called Sweet Remedies in Port Vasta.” She never introduced herself as a poisoner; that was something that she knew to keep under wraps. Others might seek her out for that later, but the girl wasn’t stupid enough to reveal that sort of thing up front. But that did explain what she was doing, harvesting the plants as she was.

Gens Chenzira may have sounded familiar to Varinios; the patriarch of the Equestrian family in Tertium was well-known to the nomadic tribes in the sands for paying top dollar for relics and artifacts, not to mention locations where things were found, and in turn selling them to the highest bidder. They had connections across the Kingdom, but the bulk of the family was in Tertium. The sand-crawling youngest daughter being in Solunarium Proper would have been quite the surprise. “It is always a good day to work with flowers. You are here for the magma blooms?” she inquired. There could be little reason otherwise, considering Varinios had asked about joining her, but it was at least agreement. “Mind your step,” she advised. “There are some loose rocks when you come this way.”

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☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn, & Hilana | Thoughts: What are we looking for again? | Mood: Curious

He almost felt bad for disturbing the woman as she worked, but knowing Varinious he could be so damn persistent in most things so Læ did bother to stop him. Both men approached, heeding the young woman's warning about the rocks, Taidryn covering the rear as his eyes were turned to the route they had come from in order to make sure no one would creep up on them.

As they approached he could feel the water spirit cling to him a little tighter, as the area increased in heat and he patted the spirit on its head as they joined the young woman. She was an herbalist for an apothecary in the Luxium, which meant she could have something for his nightmares. But he didn't want to ask something of her so soon after meeting her and decided to wait till after they were better acquainted. He could see the look in her eyes as Taidryn approached and wondered why her eyes lingered on him like that.

He let that go for the moment as he continued to inspect her. It was uncanny how similar her style of dress was to his mother. She wore modest clothing, long skirts, and flowing dresses, her fabrics always light and airy, but comfortable to the touch. She was also very pretty, not that he truly paid much attention to appearance but more so to the work and actions of others. When they finally reached where Hilana was, he finally noticed the bounty of the blooms around them. "My mother dabbled in herbal medicine. This flower fits one she used to tell me was good for a burst of energy and how she wished it was common in Kalzasi."

He reached down to touch one of them, mesmerized by the colors and the warmth, the water spirit giving him a look of curiosity while looking to the woman as well.

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With Varinios and Laebirius approaching, Hilana shifted her step slightly to make room for them in the area that she had cleared so that they didn’t need to crush the plants that she was working with unduly. Now that they were up close, they could see the method that she had been using. The stems had been cut cleanly with the sharp knife, but she was leaving the roots in the hot earth. And they likely found a welcome change when they got to Hilana’s little personal bubble, the air was noticeably cooler. She could tell that they weren’t used to this sort of heat and the little octopus spirit didn’t enjoy getting closer to the source, either, and to be polite the herbalist extended the range of the cooling air around her. This gave the young half-Re’hyaean, his paedagogus, and Taidryn’s summon some additional respite.

She didn’t seem to be put out at least by the interruption, so there was that. Hilana was a sociable young woman, and she was well-used to being around people. While she hadn’t sought out their company, she wasn’t about to avoid or refuse them. Even with the Orcani-blooded criminal that seemed to be accompanying them. The grey, black, and white python was largely unbothered by her movements, staying where he was on shoulders.

As he explained that his mother had practiced herbalism, the Vastiana nodded. “That would be these, yes. They are called magma blooms,” she explained. “They do all of that and more, but if you’re not used to them, they can burn you. They have a nice flavour, but if you look at the petals…” The girl crouched easily, her fingers and knife severing the stem low to the dark, pungent earth, and straightened up, bringing with her the flower that she had just harvested. “See the little crystals? Those have the most heat buildup,” she plucked three petals from the bloom she was holding onto and offered one each to Varinios and Laebirius before popping the last one in her mouth. “Sweet flavour, but nicely tangy. You’ll soon feel it kick in as you chew,” she explained once she finished her petal off. “If you have a few in quick succession, the crystals build up until you’ve got a vicious burning feeling on your tongue and throat, and then you’ll need something to counteract it.” She was cheerful. Locals were able to build up something of a tolerance, but the Re’hyaean mixed-blood didn’t seem to have an accent that was at all local.

“I’d offer you a petal, little one, but I can’t promise you would like it,” she told the octopus, giving it a little wave. One of her paedagogi was also a summoner, and Hilana was quite fond of his little water spirit companion who she saw often. The little octopus was surely more of the same. With Laebirius looking at the flowers, the girl moved her skirts back to make room for Laebirius to inspect the magma blooms. “Their root system is quite complex, but you can tell the age of their original bulb and how many years they’ve been growing by the stems,” the girl offered the piece of advice. “The older they are, the more obsidian-like the stems become as they calcify. They have perhaps 10 to 20 growths per bulb.”

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☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn | Thoughts: What are we looking for again? | Mood: Curious

"You said you worked at an apothacary correct? What would you recommend to be the best way to administer these blooms once collected." Læbirius inquired as he held one in his hands. Varinios was crouched down collecting some blooms for their upcoming journey into Ecith, and Læbirius was fixed on the woman and her answer.

Læbirius ran a hand through his low-cut hair as the octopus spirit clung to him, its grip lose as somehow the air around them was cooler than when they first approached. He could only assume it was the woman before him who was the source of this temperature change and it was clear she too was a mage as well. "In truth I am in need of a good apothecary as I have been having trouble sleeping, nightmares and restless nights, all of which stem from some past trauma, but I rather deal with it now rather than later."

Images of those terrifying dreams flash in his mind's eye as he mentioned them, but quickly brushed them away as he realized he may have been asking too much of someone he had only just met. Tydrian looked over his shoulder at his lord, a look of concern from what could be seen. The half ork was concerned for Lae, but said nothing more of it for now. "Forgive me, I have to learn one cant unload all their burdens on folks here. It's sad to still say but I'm still getting acclimated to life here in the Dual Realms."

He chuckled as he watched both Hilana & Varinios work. He was watching carefully at the technique she was using specifically, as she seemed the most knowledgeable about procuring plants. That sort of thing he left to this mother, but now he found himself kicking himself for not learning any techniques while he still could.

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“Correct, Dominus,” Hilana nodded in agreement, and considered his question. “There are multiple ways for you to use magma blooms. The first is to just eat the petals by themselves, plain. They’ll keep for a while like this, or you can just pluck them off and keep them in a cotton bag, or in a pouch lined with beeswax. They keep quite well that way, but they will dry out faster when they are removed from the head of the flower,” the girl showed him the parts that she wanted with her fingers. She did choose to use layman’s terms; most had little concern or background for the anatomy of a plant, and as such it was just easier to explain it in a way that was relatable the first time.

“Now, if they dry out, you can steep them in hot water for quite a while. The sap inside the petals is what gives you the nutrition and the energy, so if the petals do dry out, reconstituting them in water is good. Then you can eat the petals, and use the subsequent water for tea,” she explained. “You’ll still get a residual burst from that. There are ways with alchemy to make them last a great deal longer as well, or you can just make tea from the start. Some do that if they’ve the time and they’re strapped for space while traveling. You can strip the petals, dry them up, grind them, and mix them with tea leaves and other plants or fruits or nuts, really, whatever tastes good to you, and then drink that. There are some alchemists that make potions out of them and they also keep, but then you’ve got to carry the vials around, too.”

Apparently, this sort of thing was the girl’s favourite subject, and now that they had gotten onto it, Hilana was off to the races.

When he explained that he was having trouble sleeping, the Vastiana nodded. “That isn’t uncommon, but you could definitely visit Port Vasta in the Luxium some time, and I could set you up,” she added. “There’s a number of plants and herbs that are very good for assisting with dreamless sleep and general mood boosters, and those help with the nightmares as well as making things a bit easier on the day to day. There’s no real reason that someone should suffer from trauma, and it is good to be proactive, Dominus,” she smiled at him, turning the plant over in her hands and keeping an eye on Varinios’ work in her peripheral vision to see how much he was harvesting as they talked. There was plenty, and Hilana didn’t own these plants or patches, but sustainable harvest was always key. Feeling Laebirius' eyes following her movement, she took a moment to slow down and demonstrate her technique for him so that he could see the way to do it. "The darkness of the stems indicates their age. Some of them were at their end, and so I dig them up. Some will go for many years yet," Hilana offered. "This one is perhaps five years old, so we're only cutting down here, and that will encourage it to grow again."

The flower went into her sack. “You needn’t apologize, I do the same regularly and often,” she was cheerful, selecting another plant to work with. “It is only a matter of finding those who have an ear to listen. And that’s what doctors and herbalists should do, no? So you are from Kalzasi?” He had mentioned his mother being from here, but wishing for these blooms in the north. The Jewel of Karnor, Rick had called it, where a number of her Peregrini friends called home or had in the past. “What brings you here to Solunarium, if I may ask? How are you finding it? Is it a culture shock?” she inquired.

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☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn, Hilana | Thoughts: What are we looking for again? | Mood: Curious

Dominus. Hearing that title in reference to himself made Læbirius feel awkward he didn't feel as though he was better than this woman, yet he could tell her tone was in respect to his noble blood, even if was a bastard child. It was an odd thing to experience, especially since he grew up treating everyone equally, a quality and principle his mother felt was important to his development. Even though it made him feel a bit uncomfortable being addressed in such a manner, he knew it was simply a part of the culture and she couldn't have known any better and didn't make a fuss over it as he continued to hear her dissertation about the bloom and proper ways to collect and use it.

He was if anything else impressed by her knowledge, as she gave details about the flower he could have imagined, not to mention the many ways it could be refined. World magic was one of his many fascinations and he never thought about taking up Alchemy, but it seemed as though he may have to learn a thing or two now. Her explanation was compelling and he found himself trying to process It all. "If I had known I would be getting an expert lesson in botany I would have brought something to take notes with." he chuckled, a smile flashing on his features as he looked between Hilana and the blooms that surrounded her.

The way she was positioned and illuminated but the magma veins and blooms made gave her such a radiant glow he found himself blushing. He was so caught off guard by her that Varinios had to nudge him as she had offered to help with his restless nights and nightmares. "Any help in that regard would be appreciated. Something happened the first night I slept here, and it apparently has my father shaken. He refuses to tell me, but I know he has sat outside my door since then." he whispered, making sure not to unload too much on her in their first meeting.

"Yes born and raised their. My mother and I traveled between Kalzasi proper and the many villages that outline it. She was a doctor herself." he began, the light of warmth and nostalgia in his eyes as he spoke of his mother. It faded sadly into a sobering look as he came to answer her next question. "She past away my mother. It's the main reason why I'm here now. My father retrieved me from my foster parent and brought me to these lands." he spoke, fiddling with his attire.

"I would say shock is an understatement at this point. I feel as though I must walk on glass otherwise risk the wrath of my father and the crown. I am a foreign fish in a whole new pond." he jested, chuckling at his reality. His eyes ventured over in Varinos' direction the man busy collecting Magma blooms of his own for their trip, then over to Tydrian who was still keeping vigil for anything that could pose them harm.

Looking back at Hilana he smiles at her. "In all honesty if I could get a detailed tour like you give about plants, I think it would make my transition here much easier." he joked a bit, rubbing one of the tentacles of the water octopus that clung around his neck.

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She chuckled at his comment about making notes. "I carry with me a notebook everywhere I go," she admitted. "I never know when I'm going to come across something best written down to remember later, or multiple lessons with multiple tutors. I've a decent memory, but when you're learning so much... it's better to make your own notes and keep it all together." The botanist was cheerful. That cheer faded to solemnity as he explained further on his night terrors. She was thoughtful.

"That has to be very difficult. Do you find yourself in a different physical state than the one you went to sleep in? Do you feel like you are exhausted, in physical pain, or depleted of your aether?" Hilana wanted to know. The girl supposed that these were perhaps intensely personal questions, but in order to treat him properly, she needed to best understand what she was dealing with. There were a number of possibilities, and many of them involved treating the mind. She might have thought he had a curse or hex leveled on him. But there was the question of what caused these terrors to begin, and that was something to work through. Either way, they could use the plants in the greenhouses, or those tat were local, to try and come up with the best possible solution for him. All things considered, altered mnemonosyte might be a viable option indeed, especially with the fact that his family was surely wealthy and could afford such a thing.

"I'm truly sorry for your loss," the girl inclined her head as he mentioned that his mother had left this life. She was familiar, considering her own had passed early on when she was but a toddler. That, perhaps, was a kindness. It was easier to bear losing her before she was more than a few years old rather than the one who was your sole parent for most of your life. She didn't need Mesmer or Semblance to know that Laebirius was very much missing her. Perhaps the two were connected, the loss of his mother and the nightmares. But that was a question for another time. "I am sure that she is with the Founders now."

She seemed sympathetic as he agreed that it was a considerable change from what he was used to. She could understand that too. Solunarium was a difficult place for outsiders and foreigners.Hilana had met a great many of them over the years, and each of them had a hard time adjusting. For a peregrinus who didn't move in lofty social circles, the stakes were not as high. But for one of Populus Ex'Reha, that was a different story altogether. She had at least grown up in this culture, but while his parents were both natives, he had been raised abroad in a place that was by all accounts far less structured. "If it is of any consolation, once you learn the rules of etiquette here in Solunarium, it will serve you well no matter the situation," she offered comfort and encouragement.

Hilana was surprised by his request, and she had to wonder if the Dominus' family had not seen fit for him to be shown around the Sacred City. Well, Cities now, what with the schism. Perhaps they had, but had stuck to the Umbrium? It was hard to know. Maybe he had had such a tour, but the young mixed-blood simply wanted her to expound further for him. Perhaps despite all of the servii and the bodyguards and the tutors, he was lonely in a place he didn't feel comfortable in. In Tertium, Hilana had played the role of tour guide countless times over the years: she could certainly try her hand here. Beyond that, this was a tricky request for her to decline. She could, but they also knew where she worked and Hilana didn't need to invite trouble. "I've only been here a few seasons myself, as I was raised in the Expanse and in Tertium, but I would be delighted to show you around. I am more familiar with the Luxium above than I am the Umbrium down here, but that's mostly since I live and work up there. You mentioned that you are planning a trip? Might I ask where you are going? Only reason I ask is so that I know when we can figure out a day that works best for your tour." That, and she loved traveling herself.

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☠ 15th of Frost, Year 122, A.o.S ☠
Company: Varinios, Taidryn, Hilana | Thoughts: She's so knowledgable | Mood: Curious

He had come to realize this woman was quite inquisitive. He noticed she seemed to light up when asking questions. She, like himself, had a passion for learning it seemed, and in that, he could relate to her as he found it hard to find kindred spirits here. "I'll keep that in mind for any of my future encounters." he mused with a chuckle. The compassion she showed for him in regard to his night terrors was appreciated as well. Though he couldn't remember much, he remembered enough of those nights to recall the important details.

"I mostly wake up in a cold sweat, but it's not so much my physical I'm worried about. These nightmares are very surreal, as real as you and I are right now. I fear for my sanity. At first, I thought it was because of the realm of summoning I draw from, but I know that is not the case now. I simply just want to have a restful night's sleep is all, I rather not relive that moment in my dreams if I can help it." he chuckled, trying to ease the sobering nature the conversation had turned to.

He chuckled more as she reassured him that once he learned the etiquette of the realm, he would be fine. Part of him wasn't sure if he could be as pompous and pretentious as those within his station were, but he was certain he would adapt to how Solunarians conducted themselves in his own way. "I'm learning, but it definitely not an easy endeavor." he mused, a smile coming onto his features as he looked to Hilana and found himself admiring her, and the fact he couldn't help but blush in her presence.

Pushing past that when she inquired about where he was going he felt Varinios' hand latch onto his shoulder. "We venture into the desert my dear girl. Looking for lost ruins and such, hence why we came for some Magma bloom to keep us energized on our journey." he answered, a look of charm painting his features as he did his best to deflect her from asking anything more about where they were going. "Though I can say we won't be leaving for some time, around the 47th or so of this season."

"Common Speech"
"Vastian Speech"
"Vallenor Speech"
word count: 490
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