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[Mordin] Mirza and her family find a mysterious door...

The capital city of Ecith, known as the Three Cities in the common tongue, it is the jewel and pride of Ecith.

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90 Searing 122

It was Niko who discovered the door first. While Mirza had lived for far longer than Drathera, and she claimed she knew the city like the back of her hand, it was not entirely truthful. For even she could not accomodate every change, every addition, every alleyway in her working memory. It was rare that she came to this part of Drathera, but Niko had found both her and Mordin and dragged them here to see "something special". Mirza, of course, did not know what he meant, but she was always willing to indulge in his urban exploration.

She didn't see it at first. She wasn't familiar with this particular alleyway, where two story buildings managed to shade the many steps and wooden doors into apartments were in abundance. It was just a wooden door.

"It's a door, Niko." She stood beside him and looked at it, Aether sight showing no aberrant aether. It was a massive door, but that was not uncommon either in Drathera. It would comfortably fit Mordin to walk through.

"Yes, mama. It wasn't here before." Niko walked up to it and knocked, to no answer. The boy had always been bold. He checked the door for a lock, and seeing none, tried the handle. He cried out, "It's unlocked!" before pulling open the door. The simple room it revealed was not unusual — save for the wooden walls. And the convenient number of chairs. Two that were sized comfortably for Mirza and Niko, one that was truly massive, and two that were for someone that may have been normal sized if they were not Ecithian. Mirza looked at Niko, who had already walked into the doorway, though the door had yet to close behind him.

"What is this, Niko?" She sounded confused. She walked over and looked at the side of the building, and realized that there was no way a room of that size could fit in that space. The door seemed to lead into someone's home, but it was not. She walked back towards the doorway, where Niko had already sat in one of the chairs.

"I don't know! Come in? It smells like the ocean." While much of Drathera would smell like the ocean with the right wind coming in, it did not smell like it here. The Dragonborn took one look at Mordin, and then walked into the room after Niko.
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Title: Pirate King
Location: Ecith - Crystal Sea
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Searing 90, 122
he morning had come far to early for Mordin's taste. Though he was usually early to rise, his first mate had challenged him to a drinking contest. Causing the majority of the crew to get involved in far to much drinking at far to late an hour. But regardless of that factor, he had made a promise to one of his sons that he would show him around the city today. And Marcus wasn't the kind to just ignore promises made. As the young red head skittered about Mordin's quarters on the ship. Laying out articles of clothing and footwear to be worn. The dragonborn grumbled as he rose from the bed and splashed water on his face from a near by basin. Having yet to learn his limit when it came to booze, the man had drunk at least twice as much as the next largest person on his crew. Though his victory didn't feel like much of a victory the next morning.

"Get going! You promised and there's a lot I want to see!" Marcus called with excitement in his voice as he practically bounced near the door. Mordin shook his hair free from the binding it had been placed in and let if fall to his shoulders. Covering his sea dragon like ears as his eyes fell to Marcus. A smile on his face even if he felt like death. The Dragon got dressed without saying much else and followed the young man out onto the deck. Some of the crew wished the captain a good morning as they cleaned up what was left of the night. Mordin returned their call with a wave and a nod before following Marcus down the gangplank.

"So where is it you wish to start, Navigator?" Mordin asked. "Lead and I shall tell you what I know."

And in what seemed to be but a second, Marcus took off towards the city proper. Asking about every building and shop that they passed. To which the Ork answered the best that he could. But the city had changed a decent bit in the last thirteen years. And so to sate the curiosities of them both. They ventured into anything that Mordin did not recognize. It wasn't long before they were found by Mordins blood son. Remarking about some magical surprise that he had found and wanted to show them.

Mordin's glance went from Niko to the dragonborn behind him. The red skinned Mirza looking ever so excited to be alive. But before he could get a word in, both Marcus and Niko were pulling at his hands. Trying to get him to follow wherever this surprise was. Soon enough they had come to the secret. A massive door stood before them. An eyebrow raised as he looked upon it. Though it was big enough to welcome him in. It wasn't exactly uncommon to see in the city. "I have to agree with Mirza. It seems to be just a normal door. I may not be much of a builder myself. But I do not suspect it would take long for someone to buil-"

Stopping as Niko opened the door and rushed inside. Marcus following behind the younger dragonborn though with a slight bit more hesitation. Mordin remained outside the doorway. Examining everything that he could see. The chairs and the rather simple setup of this room made the pirate slightly uncomfortable. After a moment more he followed in. Not having to duck under the door frame for once in his life. He looked at the massive chair that now stood before him. "Unless someone else is as large as me. Then it seems like we were expected."
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The door closed behind Mordin, the last of the four of them to wander in. Mordin was right — it was odd that there were perfectly sized chairs for the four of them, and just one more than they needed. Mirza had barely heard Kynne speak under her own thoughts until Niko answered his question first.

“Niko.” He said, his tail curled around into his lap. He was a bit uncharacteristically shy — for an Ecithian, anyway — and it took him a few moments before he responded to Kynne’s request for a surprise. Mirza watched the two of them with an air of protectiveness. She did not need to be provoked much to feel the need to protect him. A man appearing in a strange room that appeared just for them was enough to put her on edge alone. It felt off to her.

“I’ve got webbed fingers.” Niko spread his hand and showed off the webbing between them.

Mirza stayed standing, but she leaned down towards the sitting elf to introduce herself. ”Mirza.” She didn’t introduce Mordin or Marcus, leaving that to their own choice. ”And what business do you have with us?” She hated the idea that something could have happened to Niko. He was as gregarious as many Ecithians, compared to her usually solemn demeanor, but he was also too trusting. He had yet to understand that not everyone was deserving of that trust.

Mirza straightened back up and walked behind Niko’s chair, leaning against the back of it. The room was, miraculously, large enough for all of them, even if it seemed and felt and was very out of place. She smelled the sea from here, but she felt as if she shouldn’t have. If they were still even in Drathera while they were in this room, she wasn’t able to tell.
word count: 317
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Captain Kynne watched young Niko display his finger webbing and he smiled brightly at the young teen. "You sure do lad. I bet you're a pretty strong swimmer huh?" His eyes slid over to Mirza's as the air in the room began to charge a bit. For just as protective as she was of Niko, the Duck was equally as protective of Captain Kynne. And within that charge hanging thick in the air was a mother's love.

Captain Kynne smiled softly, patting the table gently, and the bristling in the air faded. "Well, the Duck is the one who invited you all here. And her business is that she is looking for people to help take her home. She's quite a special ship." He glanced over at Mordin, "For she's just as alive as you or I. I am called Captain, but that's largely for the bureaucrats in port. The Duck makes her own decisions and goes her own way." His eyes sauntered back over to Mirza. "I simply have the pleasure of joining her in her exploration of all the world's waters."

A hand was gesturing loosely as he spoke, "She's older than me. I was actually born here, on the upper deck, many years ago. But she wishes to return home, and no one but her knows where that actually is. But she has conveyed, in her own special way of communicating, that it will be quite dangerous."

A gentle air, like the hand upon one's shoulder to comfort, could be felt now. An offering. And if any of those in the cabin accepted, a vision would be granted them. A beautiful, horseshoe shaped bay, steep high cliffs protecting it, a pristine beach, deep, clear waters, and a dense jungle. Emotions were attached to this vision. Longing and desire. Loss and worry. Loneliness.

After a bit, the vision would fade. "She needs something from her home. I know not what, but she's never steered me or any of her previous captains and crews wrong. I can't say why she reached out to you lot specifically, but she must have a reason. Something she sees in each of you."

Captain Kynne looked over at Niko, "A sense of wonder?" At Marcus, "Adventure?" At Mirza, "Wisdom?" At Mordin, "Strength?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "It's hard to say. I still don't know why she picked myself either. My door opened many years after my birth here." A friendly, bright smile, "I can give you the tour if you'd like. Joining for this journey is, of course, up to each of you. If you're not interested, the door behind you will take you back." His eyes twinkled as a door formed behind him, "I can't promise safety, but I can promise it will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make."

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word count: 122
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