Working in Glade

The Umbrium is the lower half and secondary seat of the Solunarian Capital and one of the dual-cities that comprises Solunarium Proper. Before the rise of Aværys, mining revealed the site of a ruined, underground city which they dubbed Oblitium “The Forgotten City”, the foundations of which were incorporated into what is now The Umbrium. Warmed by the magma that churns just behind the walls, the Umbrium houses the Palatium Umbrarum (The Shadow Palace) which was constructed directly beneath its sunlit counterpart, the Blazing Palace. This palace serves as the primary seat of government when the sovereign is moonborn, and houses the headquarters of The Silver Sentinels.

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Cloud Caelum Garr
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Glade 4 123

Garr awoke in his underground dwelling in the Umbrium, ready to face the day with excitement and anticipation. As he prepared himself for the journey above ground, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in his noble lineage and his extraordinary magical skills. Today, he would be attending a slave auction, hoping to find suitable candidates for his new business venture. He had recently started buying slaves that needed conditioning, training them, and then selling them for a small profit. Last season hadn't been very profitable, but he was determined to make this season different and not let his past failures hold him back. The challenge of the process intrigued him, but he was still inexperienced in selecting the right slaves.

The air was crisp and fresh as Garr emerged from underground, his footsteps loud and pounding as usual. The light of the subterranean realm gave way to the warm, golden sunlight of the above ground city. The city was abuzz with activity as merchants hawked their wares, and the clamor of metal rang out from the blacksmith's forge. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, drawing Garr's attention for a moment before he refocused on his mission.

As he made his way through the city, he couldn't help but be in awe of the towering, ornate structures that surrounded him. It was in these markets that Garr would find the slave auction, a place where he hoped to expand his business and make a name for himself. Upon arriving at the auction house, Garr was taken aback by the sheer number of people gathered there. A diverse crowd of buyers and sellers filled the space, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. Garr could feel the energy in the air as the auctioneer began the proceedings, presenting an array of slaves for the crowd to bid on.

Garr knew that he should be focusing on the traits that would make the slaves good candidates for his business, such as obedience, loyalty, and adaptability. However, as he surveyed the group, he found himself drawn to the attractive ones. He couldn't help but be captivated by their beauty, their striking features, and the way they held themselves. He had yet to learn that physical attractiveness alone was not enough to make a slave valuable.

The auctioneer's voice boomed through the room as the bidding began. Garr's heart raced as he jockeyed for position, determined to secure the most alluring slaves for his business. As each slave was presented, he found himself captivated by their unique features: a statuesque woman with cascading golden hair, a strong and sturdy man with piercing blue eyes, and a slender, dark-haired woman with an enigmatic smile.

As the bidding intensified, Garr's enthusiasm grew. He was so enamored by the appearance of these slaves that he failed to heed the auctioneer's warnings about their potentially troublesome behaviors. He dismissed the murmurs in the crowd about their reputations for disobedience, believing that his skills in Elementalism and Traversion magic would be enough to overcome any challenges they might present.

By the end of the auction, Garr's persistence had paid off. He had successfully outbid his competitors, securing the three attractive slaves he had set his sights on. His chest swelled with pride as he led his new acquisitions through the bustling city streets and back towards the Umbrium.

Upon reaching the entrance to the Umbrium, Garr paused for a moment, taking in the familiar sight of the underground realm. As he led the slaves into the magically lit underground, he could sense their apprehension and uncertainty. He reassured them with a confident smile, explaining that the Umbrium was his home and the place where they would undergo their training and conditioning.

Once they arrived at the barn, Garr wasted no time in setting up a makeshift training area. He knew that the sooner he began the conditioning process, the quicker he could sell his slaves for a profit. He was eager to prove to himself and the doubters in Solunarium that he had made the right choices at the auction.

Garr's first task was to assess the skills and abilities of each of his new slaves. He started with the tall, muscular man with fiery red hair. The man's strength was immediately apparent, as he effortlessly lifted heavy objects and completed physically demanding tasks. However, Garr also noticed a hint of defiance in his eyes, a subtle resistance to his commands.

Next, he turned his attention to the lithe, graceful woman with enchanting emerald eyes. Her agility and flexibility were remarkable, but Garr soon discovered that she was also crafty. She seemed to delight in trying to outsmart her new master, adding an unexpected challenge to the training process.

Finally, Garr began working with the striking, dark-haired man with a captivating, mysterious air. The man's intellect was undeniable, and he displayed a talent for strategy and problem-solving. Yet, he also exhibited an aloof, independent streak that made it difficult for Garr to exert full control over him. As the training sessions progressed, it became increasingly clear that Garr had underestimated the difficulties of conditioning his new slaves. Their disobedience and resistance were far more pronounced than he had initially realized. However, instead of becoming disheartened, Garr resolved to rise to the challenge. He believed that if he could successfully train these slaves, his business would flourish, and his reputation as a skilled noble would grow.

To address the unique challenges posed by each slave, Garr began to incorporate his magical abilities into their training. He used his Elementalism magic to demonstrate the power and control he possessed, hoping that the display would instill a sense of respect and obedience in his slaves. Additionally, he utilized his Traversion magic to create a series of portal-based training exercises, designed to test their adaptability and loyalty.

Hour after hour, Garr pushed himself and his slaves to their limits, striving to break through the barriers that stood between them and success. He was determined to prove that he could mold these attractive but disobedient individuals into valuable, well-trained slaves that would fetch a high price in the market.

As the training continued, Garr began to learn valuable lessons about the complexities of human nature and the importance of balancing discipline with understanding. He also discovered that his initial focus on physical attractiveness was only a small part of what made a slave truly valuable. The real challenge lay in recognizing and nurturing the unique talents and qualities that lay beneath the surface.

After a long day of training and conditioning his newly acquired slaves, Garr decided it was time to practice his Traversion magic. He knew that refining his teleportation abilities, or Vaulting as it was commonly called, would not only benefit his personal life but also help improve his business operations. Eager to hone his skills, Garr decided to teleport his way back to his home in the Umbrium, focusing on increasing his accuracy and precision with each short Vault.

Garr took a deep breath, concentrating on his surroundings and visualizing the space he intended to Vault to. He raised his hands, channeling the energy required for the teleportation, and with a soft whoosh, he disappeared from sight, reappearing closer to his destination. Excited by his success, he continued to practice, teleporting incrementally closer to his home with each Vault.

As Garr progressed, he found that the process was becoming more intuitive, his confidence growing with each successful teleportation. He paid close attention to his surroundings, committing every detail to memory in order to ensure accurate Vaults. The familiar landmarks, the twists and turns of the Umbrium's tunnels, and even the subtle changes in temperature and humidity all served as valuable reference points for his Traversion magic.

Garr's focus on accuracy was paying off. Each Vault brought him closer to his destination with minimal deviation, reducing the need for corrections and adjustments. His determination was unwavering, as he knew that the more accurate his teleportation, the more efficient his business could become, providing him with a valuable edge in the competitive world of Solunarium.

As the teleportations continued, Garr started to feel the strain on his body and mind. Vaulting, while undeniably efficient, required a significant amount of energy and concentration, especially when performed in quick succession. Nevertheless, Garr was undeterred by the mounting exhaustion, pushing himself to maintain his focus and continue practicing.

Despite the fatigue, Garr's progress was impressive. The distances between each Vault grew shorter, and the accuracy of his teleportation became increasingly precise. As he neared his home, the satisfaction of knowing that he had saved a considerable amount of time with his teleportation practice spurred him on. Even though he was physically and mentally drained, Garr couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in the improvement of his Traversion abilities.

With a final, determined effort, Garr performed one last Vault, appearing at the doorstep of his home in the Umbrium. As he caught his breath and steadied himself, he reveled in the accomplishment of having traveled the entire distance through his teleportation magic. His success in practicing his Vaulting abilities not only demonstrated his skill as a mage but also highlighted the potential benefits for his business and reputation as a Patrician. Exhausted yet triumphant, Garr entered his home and collapsed into a comfortable chair, his body and mind aching from the exertion of his teleportation practice

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Working in Glade

Points awarded:
  • 8 - Can be used for magic/list]

    • Negotiation: Participating in an auction
      Business: using magic to save on labor costs
      Business: having a good idea how long a task will take
      Business: don't let previous business failures hold you back
      Business: it's important to be determined
      Traversion: Working on accuracy when vaulting
    • N/A
    • N/A
    • Great thread!
      If you feel I missed anything contact me and we will make adjustments!
      enjoy your rewards!
word count: 127
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