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☠ Affa, Steed of Spite ☠
Sphere: Infernal
Rank: Minor
Length of Contract: Seasonal

Disposition: Sad is the story of these infernal spirits of equine known as the Affa. These demons are the souls of horses slain or those killed before maturity that never had the chance to run free in the world. Cursing those who killed and abused mounts, the souls of slain mounts become these spectral appearing demonic horses. It is rumored that you can see one running across fresh battlefields running over the slain corpses of mounts, even some raising up in spirit to join it in its stride across the battlefield. Those who have summoned this spirit say that at a full gallop, it doesn't even look or feel as if its hooves are touching the ground.

  • Endless Gallop: The main ability of the Affa is their ability to run for long periods of time. This ability is fueled by the summoner's supply of aether, as the Affa can run for as long as the Summoner can sustain them. Those of weaker aether endurance only last an hour to an hour and a half where as those of stronger endurance have the possibility of allowing Affa to run for days if possible. It is able to run on most terrain, and certain terrains causing a slightly higher cost in aether to maintain the spirit's stride.



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☠ Varinios ☠
Race: Re’hyæan Hytori
Age: 90
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 187lbs

Occupation: Cleric of Divinity, Archaeologist, World Mage
Relation to PC: Mentor
NPC Type: Mentor
Influence: 4

Description: Varinios appears as an energetic and quirky man of intellect, with a unique way of conducting himself and his work. However, he is able to keep a level head in dangerous situations while making quick, solid decisions; ordering those below them while simultaneously showing concern for their well-being and the success of the endeavor he has embarked upon. Varinios is considered among his peers as a genius, using his brain for the benefit of the crown.

When put as a leader of a group, he excels and is able to easily figure out complex problems and create plans for the group to carry out. However, despite his cheeriness, those who know him believe Varinios to be one the scariest people to meet when angry. This change of character is often marked by Varinios calling someone "Lambkin".

Varinios is the most calculating, cunning, and analytical soul as he is always thinking ten steps ahead in any given situation. He is able to carefully look past his feelings and see the real situation at hand, which has been demonstrated on many of his excursions out into the desert looking for ruins and lost knowledge. He is extremely perceptive and able to quickly recognize the patterns and mistakes that others make, which gives him an edge. In battle, while his preference is to concoct strategies based on the deduction of his opponents' fighting abilities and style, his natural battle instincts are also highly tuned over the years.

However, his care for his friends and family is the backbone of anything he does, as he would sacrifice just about anything to protect them and thus making him a reliable teammate despite the misleading front he puts on.

Business ManagementJourneyman
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☠ Affa, Steed of Spite ☠

Sphere: Infernal
Rank: Minor
Length of Contract: Seasonal

Disposition: Sad is the story of these infernal spirits of equine known as the Affa. These demons are the souls of horses slain or those killed before maturity that never had the chance to run free in the world. Cursing those who killed and abused mounts, the souls of slain mounts become these spectral appearing demonic horses. It is rumored that you can see one running across fresh battlefields running over the slain corpses of mounts, even some raising up in spirit to join it in its stride across the battlefield. Those who have summoned this spirit say that at a full gallop, it doesn't even look or feel as if its hooves are touching the ground.

  • Endless Gallop: The main ability of the Affa is their ability to run for long periods of time. This ability is fueled by the summoner's supply of aether, as the Affa can run for as long as the Summoner can sustain them. Those of weaker aether endurance only last an hour to an hour and a half where as those of stronger endurance have the possibility of allowing Affa to run for days if possible. It is able to run on most terrain, and certain terrains causing a slightly higher cost in aether to maintain the spirit's stride.
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The Solaris Aurora
  • To equate the Solaris Aurora as a simple group or band of explorers would be a pale underestimation of the group as a whole. The Solaris Aurora, or "Solar Dawn", is a sophisticated guild of researchers, archeologists, philosophers, and explorers collected from across ransera. Running strong for a good 40 years, this guild has been seen as experts in dealing with expeditions deemed far too dangerous for normal exploration and excavations.

    Acting as a subsidiary of the Ministerium Culturae, this guild has been working for the crown and those who can afford it since its founding given they are private contractors who excel at dangerous archeological finds. The guild has built many connections over the years, earning them a reputation for fulfilling the needs of clients to the letter without fail.
The Facets of the Guild
The Solaris Aurora is broken into five different facets/branches of operation. Administration, Research, Excavation, Security, & Preservation encompass the guild outfit.
  • Ⅰ} Administration:
    - Virtually the brain of the guild, in which operations and assignments are formally given, as well as overall control and leadership over the rest of the organization. The current Scale of the guild, Ceræza, is otherwise known as the de facto leader of the guild. Granted all of the Immortal Instruments hold equal power, she has the ability to veto any decision she feels will endanger the guild and its interests or reputation. In a sense, the administration facet is the control center, and closest to the core of the guild as a whole. Monitoring the general activities of both the guild and the fluctuations of Solunarium society as a whole is also their focus.

    Ⅱ} Research:

    Ⅲ} Excavation:

    Ⅳ} Security:

    Ⅴ} Preservation:
The Immortal Instruments
  • The Immortal Instruments make up the upper echelon of this guild, holding council on how to advance and achieve their goals to the most effective degree. Masters at advancing and nurturing talent and discovery, as well as masters of world magics, are often sought out as advisory councils in their particular fields of expertise. Though they all share equal power in the guild, an Instrument is always in charge of one of the five facets of the guild.


  • The Scales

Facet: Administration
Race: Hytori
Age: 138
National Origin: Auris
  • Ceræza is a mature and collected woman. Intelligent and the epitome of regal elegance, she appreciates the value of patience and planning, though she is known through the Solunarium social scene to be fierce and uncompromising. Though her marriage into the upper echelons of the Solunarium was arranged, she genuinely loved her husband and did everything in her power to help shoulder his ambition before his passing, picking up the mantle as the head of the house.

    To her friends and loved ones, she is quite generous and can be quite nurturing to those younger than her, often seeing them as her own children. Despite her impeccable composure, Lady Ceræza has been shown to be quite sarcastic at times and will openly chastise those who act selfishly or insensitively belittling them as if they are a child who knows no better. She also has little patience for those who underestimate or undermine her as well as any chauvinistic attitudes in general. She takes great pride in her skills and learned abilities and can tackle anything that comes her way just like any man could, if not better.

    Ceræza is also known to be a very persuasive and empathetic speaker in political or social settings, especially during times of war. She is reliable and determined and never backs down from what she believes to be the right course of action despite objections from those closest to her. She speaks her mind with confidence and has earned her place among the Elite. Ceræza is known as fearless when she refused additional security to protect herself from assassins after her husband's death.

    What lies beneath that demure exterior however is a ruthless and cunning woman. Feared for her keen intuition she has been known to calculate the value of people within a few moments of meeting them.


  • The Tome

Facet: Research
Race: Human{Vastian}
Age: 23
National Origin: Solunarium
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque


  • The Hammer

Facet: Security
Race: Mixed Blood{Human & Mortallen}
Age: 37
National Origin: Kalzasi
  • The Hammer otherwise known as Amir Mesahd, is abrasive and not very approachable. He rarely shows emotion, giving a cold impression to others, but is known to be rather direct when dealing with people. His manner of speaking tends to be blunt and insulting, his comments are frequently coarse or otherwise harsh, and he is not above provoking or belittling those who irritate him. His sense of humor tends toward the dry, insulting, and dark. All of this makes him unsettling to a great number of people besides those that have come to know him.

    Amir is known around the organization as the "War Incarnate", many who know him personally know him as the Manslayer. A notable Reaver and Necromancer, Amir takes pride in his martial and magical prowess as well as his knowledge in alchemy, making him a formidable opponent. His intellect matches his deadly martial skills and he has an intimidating reputation in the guild for it.


  • The Chisel

Facet: Excavtion
Race: Human
Age: 50
National Origin: Atinaw
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque


  • The Brush

Facet: Preservation
Race: Fae’ethalan
Age: 19
National Origin: Kalzasi
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean quis orci quis quam egestas lacinia. Proin fermentum tellus at neque viverra tempor. Sed ligula leo, pretium sed malesuada in, ultrices et odio. Cras consequat velit sed pulvinar sagittis. Donec eros lectus, tempus id blandit ac, elementum id tellus. Donec iaculis tempor tempor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel turpis nec urna blandit dapibus. Vestibulum dictum tincidunt turpis, nec facilisis lacus rutrum non. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam velit urna, gravida sit amet sodales et, porttitor vitae eros. Cras eget venenatis neque

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☠ The Withering Archdemon ☠

  • The Rune of Summoning etched into the back of Læbirius's hand is unique as it fuses with his soul, spurred and called by the demons of decay & rot. Fascinated by the line between life & death as well as witnessing the final moments of a person's life, the rune will invoke Læbirius to seek out places of death and areas rich with spiritual activity. As Læbirius grows in proficiency he will soon begin to exhibit instincts innate to an entity of death and decay such as the ones he summons. His thinking patterns and tactics will now mimic that of these entities of atrophy, both grand and unfathomable. By the end of his journey, Læbirius will find himself becoming a force that heralds the coming of decay and one's inevitable end, groomed to become the Withering Archdemon
☠ Apprentice - Mark of the Haunted
  • {Cosmetic, Summon}
    - At this level of awakening, the rune has taken its first step in imprinting on Læbirius's soul. This manifests as his arms{from shoulder to fingertips} & legs{from his outer hip down to his toes}are covered in thick inky black covering. Within this black coloring, his hands & feet glow an eerie opalescent green with lines extending down his arms and up his legs in a pattern that mimics tree branches. This cosmetic change comes with the trait that whenever Læbirius is in an area teeming with death or spirits or anything related to the area, they glow brighter than normal, sending a chill up his spine and causing his breath to become visible. While in this area of death or spiritual presence, the ability of Summon uses the marks on his limbs as a beacon of sorts to call forth the spirits of his respective sphere to appear before him so he may choose which spirit to form a contract with.
☠ Journeyman - Demonic Disharmony
  • {Utility}
    - Læbirius can swap his aetheric signature with that of a demon he has summoned. Once the swap is done, any aethereal traces that Læbirius leaves, through magic use, through detection upon him, and other such things will appear to be the work of the demon and will lead to the demon should one follow them, even after Læbirius has swapped the signature back.
☠ Expert - Chains of Betrayal
  • {Cleave}
    - Expanding to expert, this awakening changes the way Læbirius uses the ability of Cleave. Instead of severing the bond between a rival summoner and their spirit, he releases demonic chains with a collar to latch onto the spirit's neck, and extremities. Once caught, if Læbirius is of greater strength than the spirit or summoner, he can in turn cause the spirit to betray their summoner and leash it to his will instead. If the spirit or summoner is of equal skill or greater, Læbirius can expend aether in the difference between them. It then falls to the spirit to decide which summoner they wish to serve.
☠ Master #1 - Withering Legion
  • {Grand Summon}
    - As a master of Summoning Læbirius finds that his connection to the demons of his particular taste is manifested in how his body is compatible with spirits, as the way he wields Grand Summon is fundamentally changed. Instead of Grand Summon calling forth spirits into the material plane, they are called forth into Læbirius's body, so much so that he is able to form a symbiotic bond with them. The number of spirits sharing the same body can differ under various circumstances. While within his body, Læbirius can cycle through the spirits he has called, allowing for him to have a variety of abilities to fit whatever situation it is called for.

    Læbirius is also able to see the line between reality and the realm of spirits while inhabited by the summons he calls, allowing him to find places where the veil is the thinnest or where spirits gather the most. He has a hard limit of seven spirits that he can have in his body at once. Once that limit is met, his body will naturally ward off any that come after. The detriment to this quirk however is that Læbirius runs the risk of losing himself to the inhabiting spirits. Without a high meditation & resistance skill, Læbirius will slowly find himself becoming more susceptible to possession if he uses Grand Summon excessively. If things go unchecked he will be no more and all that will remain in his Legion.
☠ Master #2 - Grip of the Dammed
  • {Utility, Hook Summon}
    - At this level of awakening, Læbirius finds that the skeletal & gaunt demons he is used to working with place their touch on this awakening. He is able to grow four skeletal spine-like tendrils from the middle of his own spine. Using his soul as a fuel source, they can reform if damaged, and with enough aether feeding into them, they can endure even the most critical damage. These skeletal whips can be maintained for up to an hour.

    Reaching lengths of 10ft, and 4ft in thickness, they can yield formidable striking & piercing power being able to pummel, constrict, or lash at foes within reach. He can also bind them together to fashion two larger, stronger tendrils. Because they are made of aetheric energy, it makes them comparatively weak to aether-canceling items or forces. This will disarm him no matter how much aether is poured into them, leaving him at a disadvantage when using them on the defensive.

    Additionally, these tendrils, when using Hook Summon, will latch on to the first spirit they come in contact with allowing him up to four chances to call a spirit. Because there are four of them, Læbirius can sacrifice them, either one by one or all at once in order to sustain the spirit{s} called. If all four are given up the Hook Summon will most often if not, grab a spirit stronger than the normal Moderately powerful spirit, however in doing so, Læbirius is guaranteed to overstep as a result of this.
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☠ Miasma of Discorse ☠

☠ Apprentice - ???
  • {???}
☠ Journeyman - ???
  • {???}
☠ Expert - ???
  • {???}
☠ Master #1 - ???
  • {???}
☠ Master #2 - ???
  • {???}
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☠ Vrelp Phiad, Hounds of Despair ☠


Sphere: Infernal
Length of Contract: Permanent

Disposition: These hounds are known to enjoy watching their prey lament and wail in despair. The Vrelp Phiad are socially aggressive summons, always prowling about their summoner's surroundings. They like to lurk or stalk their summoner, observantly watching the movements and mannerisms of those around them. Communicating with them is rather simple, as they are akin to actual dogs. A positive answer comes from their right paw, and the negatives are on their left. It's also of note that they are capable of responding to "yes or no" type of questions, but will often act on given commands from their own judgment.

  • Discouraging Smoke: These demons utilize the ability to produce a cloud of smoke from the eerie green flames on their backs as a psychological weapon. In combat, they run around the field while their flames keep producing and releasing smoke. The smoke will form a cloud over the area; the longer the demon has been present or the more hounds there are, the more concentrated this cloud becomes, which speeds up the psychological effects.

    In the beginning, the victims within the smoke will start to hear or see things from the corner of their eyes. As time goes on, they will begin to have hallucinations of things that cause them grief, paranoia, or fear. The longer they remain in the smoke they will find their will to continue their endeavor broken. Those with a high will to resist such trickery can push on through, but those who have fragile minds or are susceptible to psychological strain can be affected.
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☠ Alabal Emperor Cobras☠

Habitat: They can most commonly be found within the jungles of Ecith and in the desert areas near the Republic of Cathena.
Rarity: Common
Threat: Minimal


Biome Role: Like most serpents they help keep the rodent population under control, however, the Alabal also act as medics for injured animals out in the wild. They have a level of intelligence that gives them a sixth sense of when someone is injured and come to provide their healing venom to the victim. They are also known to fend off venomous snakes if encountered, releasing a pheromone in their scales to ward them away.

Diet: The diet of an Alabal Cobra consists of small rodents and insects to amphibious creatures as well as bird eggs.

Aging & Reproduction: These unique serpents live surprisingly long, with lifespans of up to 20 years. They reproduce three times a season{Glade, Ash, & Searing} and go dormant in the Frost seasons. They tend to build burrows to lay their eggs and can have between 20 to 30 eggs, but some never hatch, leaving only 70% of all eggs to see full term.

  • Height: 18ft
    Length: 18ft
    Weight: 15lbs

Abilities and Features:
  • Healing Venom: What makes this cobra so unique is that its venom is filled with antibiotic enzymes. It is said that a bite from this cobra has seen those suffering mild to moderate symptoms from illnesses recover within 3 to 4 days of being bitten. When refined the venom can be used as a healing salve for most natural maladies inflicted upon the body.
  • Calming Pheromones:

Cultural Significance (If applicable):

Reasons to interact:

Recommended Stats:

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☠ Teloc Avavago, Executioner of Torment ☠
  • Sphere: Infernal
    Current Level: Lesser - Greater
    Length of Contract: Permanent - Aidolon

    Teloc's demeanor is that of a guardian, seeing its summoner as the heir to its power, and thus must be protected at all cost. It is noted that Teloc often possesses extremely low tolerance for impoliteness to it or its summoner, as it almost immediately will try to attack the offenders, less calmed down by its bound summoner. As its summoner progresses in proficiency in the magic, Teloc becomes more regal, taking on the character traits of a king ruling over a vast kingdom.

    Once fully evolved at the master level, Teloc is of a stoic nature and will spare nothing that stands in the way of it or its summoner, withering those foolish to cross it till nothing remains but bone and ash. With its command over bone, withering fog, and demonic lightning Teloc Avavago asserts its dominance upon the living world.
☠ Apprentice
  • Teloc first appears as a skeletal figure with bony protrusions from out its back and arms. Teloc's form is from the navel up and is about 4ft in height. A sickly green miasma mist permeates from within its chest cavity giving it a ghostly aura.
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☠ Journeyman
  • At this level Teloc's appearance shifts, the spirit gaining two more feet to its overall height making it 6ft tall. It now sports a cloak as dark as night itself with the only light coming from where its head is in the cloak. A multitude of spectral hands are now visible as well as three chained lanterns hanging upon its form.
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☠ Expert
  • Teloc's body is that of an imposingly large sized human skeleton standing at 8ft tall, though its ribcage is packed with bits of dead matter and bones, and openly exposed as a result. Its torso leans forward as well, giving it a lurching appearance.
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☠ Master
  • At the final evolution of Teloc, it reaches an imposing height of 11ft tall, towering over even the largest of the mortal races. Teloc loses its more skeletal appearance for a more grim ethereal one. The fur cloak that covered most of its body decays away for a cloak of demonic energy resembling storm clouds. At the center of its form is its skull floating above demonic electrical energy. It gives off the appearance and representation of death.
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☠ Revelation of Teloc Avavago ☠
word count: 1136
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Joined: Thu Jul 29, 2021 10:16 pm
Character Sheet: viewtopic.php?t=3399
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☠ Teloc Ozongo, Executioner of Torment ☠
  • Sphere: Infernal
    Current Level: Lesser - Greater
    Length of Contract: Permanent - Aidolon

    Teloc's demeanor is that of a guardian, seeing its summoner as the heir to its power, and thus must be protected at all cost. It is noted that Teloc often possesses extremely low tolerance for impoliteness to it or its summoner, as it almost immediately will try to attack the offenders, less calmed down by its bound summoner. As its summoner progresses in proficiency in the magic, Teloc becomes more menacing, taking on the character traits of an executioner ready to drop its axe on the deserving.

    Once fully evolved at the master level, Teloc is of a stoic nature and will spare nothing that stands in the way of it or its summoner, withering those foolish to cross it till nothing remains but bone and ash. With its command over bone, withering fog, and demonic wind Teloc Avavago asserts its dominance upon the living world.
☠ Apprentice
  • Teloc first appears as a skeletal figure with bony protrusions from out its back and arms. Teloc's form is from the navel up and is about 4ft in height. A sickly green miasma mist permeates from within its chest cavity giving it a ghostly aura.
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☠ Journeyman
  • At this level Teloc's appearance shifts, the spirit gaining two more feet to its overall height making it 6ft tall. It now sports a cloak as dark as night itself with the only light coming from where its head is in the cloak. A multitude of spectral hands are now visible as well as three chained lanterns hanging upon its form.
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☠ Expert
  • Teloc's body is that of an imposingly large sized human skeleton standing at 8ft tall, though its ribcage is packed with bits of dead matter and bones, and openly exposed as a result. Its torso leans forward as well, giving it a lurching appearance.
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☠ Master
  • At the final evolution of Teloc, it reaches an imposing height of 14ft tall, towering over even the largest of the mortal races. Teloc loses its more skeletal appearance for a more grim ethereal one. The fur cloak that covered most of its body decays away for a cloak of demonic energy resembling storm clouds. At the center of its form is its skull floating above demonic energy. It gives off the appearance and representation of death.
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☠ Revelation of Teloc Ozongo ☠
word count: 1463
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