Knowledge and Expectations (Paragon)

High City of the Northlands

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2nd of Glade, 123 AS

Location: Lyra's Dark Demesne

Time seemed to move unnervingly fast to Lyra. It seemed only yesterday that she had begun her preparations, yet now when she looked down at her swollen middle she was reminded how near to the end she was. She was a short distance from the center of her domain, in a place where the trees grew close and their long whip like vines hung nearly to the ground, creating a curtain of bluish white leaves that she had to brush aside as she floated. Over the last two seasons other creatures had begun to settle in her influence. Birds the color of bone watched her with faintly glowing eyes as she walked past, and something large near the river to west stirred and made the ground rumble with its weight. Glowing orbs of fire, all of varying colors and intensity flittered through the trees and sparse underbrush, giving off a sense of vibrancy and life despite their lacking form. Like her child which even now kicked restlessly inside of her, the forest and its inhabitants were a part of Lyra. She felt them, and if she extended herself she knew that she could use them as she did her own limbs.

This was much the reason she had come here this day. Like the animals of the soul forest, the plants as well held a connection to her which Lyra had only just begun to recognize. She paused within a small circle of trees, collecting herself as black smoke swirled around her, gently lapping against the mottled grey, white and black bark of the trees. Today she would start the final preparations.

Reaching out with a hand, Lyra touched one of the hanging vines near her head. It, and the tree it was attached too, shuddered every so slightly. A thin link began to form, and with a thought Lyra willed the tree to move. Its branches lifted, vines curling to wrap around its trunk as the willow slowly shifted backwards from Lyra's touch. A smile grew on the outsider's lips, and she raised her other hand, thin lines of black smoke flowing out to encircle the trees around her, and slowly they began move. Roots pulled themselves from the earth, pushing and pulling their trunks outward as the circle grew wide and wider. The limbs of the trees stretched up and outward, vines wrapping together to form a canopy as branches braided through one another. With a hand Lyra traced symbols in the air, and where the imaginary line overlapped the braids the trees reformed themselves, matching the symbols with their branches and vines.

Beneath her bare free Lyra felt the roots of the trees extending outward, braiding with one another as they too formed pictographs of unknown design. Breathing in Lyra touched on the power of the mark on her sternum, the mark of her child's bother, the mark of the void, and drew out a silver of its power. She ran the aether through the knitting braids of living plant life, and from its power blue flames lit along branches at the edges of the clearing. She stood now in the center of a clearing several 30 feet in diameter, illuminated by blue fire that cast odd shadows that seemed to dance of their own accord.

Looking down Lyra sighed and rested a hand on her stomach, a feeling of fatigue washing over her as she slowly floated up to rest a moment.

word count: 605
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Title: Chief Author of Ransera


The first thing that Lyra heard was the whirring and tick of clockwork. It was followed by the tap of a cane that resonated like a metronome in the darkness. Through her connection to the very fiber of everything in her dark demesne, Lyra would be able to see three figures walking toward her at a leisurely pace. The first was a tall one who appeared to be more machine than man. A grinning skull of copper and brass alight with glowing green energy that could be seen drifting up from the collar of his shirt. The second was shorter and cloaked in black, a pale face with distinctly Kalzasern features. Never more than a single pace behind the odd man in front of him. The final was a humble looking human though a brush of his symphony and a peek into the weave of his soul would reveal that he was heavily blessed by the touch of a divine power.

The Chairman.

One of two witches who had provided resources to Lyra in order to accomplish her endeavor in Zaichaer. The first being Venetia, of course. The Chairman came to stand a respectable distance away from Lyra.

“I dare say you outdid yourself, Mistress of Whispers.” His voice, while clear, had a distinct metallic ring to it that was accompanied by the whirring of his clockwork mechanisms.

“While I cannot say I expected such an…explosive turn of events, I cannot fault anyone on the results. This set of circumstances has proven to be most fortuitous for my enterprises.” The Chairman rest his hands atop the knob of his cane, quirking his head slightly.

“Now then. I have come to discuss a matter of repayment concerning the resources that were granted to you in this ground shaking endeavor.”

word count: 327
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Lyra turned her head in the direction of the approaching figures, curious but not concerned. One she recognized, the man, or perhaps construct, known as the Chairmen. In truth Lyra was exceptionally interested in this creature. It identified itself as a man, but was it a living creature of flesh or something else? Its ethereal features mixed with mechanical parts were a macabre visage to be sure, but there was an elegance to its design that bordered on beautiful. While they walked small flames of many colors flickered into life among the grey branches of the forest. Each bobbed up and down, some floating lazily, others zipping about with abandon, yet each seem to watch the three as they strode deeper and deeper. Souls, thousands upon thousands that had been spared from the magic that created this place, now trapped in the forest, unable to leave lest their souls deteriorate and be lost forever to the cycle of rebirth.

Other eyes also watched, not mystical but very much alive. Birds with white and gold feathers, and eyes like polished sapphire. Large horned creatures among the trees that raised their heads as the witches passed, all curious, but none approaching. When they entered the newly formed circle of trees Lyra turned to look at them, still hovering in the air at the center of her work. She restrained her presence and wore her mortal guise, but the ever moving tattoos still wove intricate scripts across her body which was draped in silk like flows of smoke that somewhat hid her nakedness.

She looked at each of them in turn, searching their souls for clues, for answers, and for questions and did not hide the probing strings of mesmeric threads that wrapped each one of them. This was Lyra's home, and though it may not seem it they approached her in a vulnerable state. Lyra doubted that this fact was not considered by the Chairman, and while she did not disapprove she also did not care for the obvious implication.

"You are... the Chairman yes?" Lyra asked despite knowing the answer, "Events unfolded more chaotically than we originally envisioned but yes, the results were satisfactory."

Her attention focused on the other two, lingering on the one with divine connections, "I thought it customary to bring a gift when entering another's home uninvited..."

She spoke with a smile before looking back at the Chairman, "How callous you are. We have accomplished much together, yet when we meet again you ask only of debts owed. Have you nothing else to say to me?"

A hint of playfulness masking a darker thread of malice, and Lyra's eyes glowed as she felt an unusual sense of protectiveness as she absently cradled her abdomen.
word count: 476
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