
talon begins laying the foundations to help rebuild.

High City of the Northlands

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Talon’s expression softened as Arthel spoke such heartfelt words. He reached over, across the space between them. He touched upon the Emblem that marked Arthel as a man whose faith lay partly in him. Softly, the symbol that epitomized the truest meaning and purest manifestation of Hope illuminated at the crown of Talon’s brow. He allowed its warmth, its radiance and its touch to cross from him and into Arthel. What it did for the man and how it affected him would be dependent upon what Arthel needed most, in what way he needed Hope the most. Whatever strength it provided would be in the way that Hope worked brightest.

I am always grateful for the time to spend with a friend.” Talon withdrew his hand and allowed the symbol of Hope to withdraw behind the veil of his mortal seeming once more. When the old man revealed that he had indeed come for a specific reason however, it did not surprise him. Arthel was not a man who spent time idly. Even if it might have seemed that way. Even friendly chat and reminiscing was done with a purpose, even if that purpose was merely to find comfort and joy. As the ancient man posed his question, Talon thought long and hard about his answer. He thought about the loss of his mortal father. The hole that Savien’s death had blown into the lives of both himself, his family, and his homeland was palpable. The absence of his father had been pivotal in violently derailing any hope of maintaining peace in the Northlands. The events that followed were among the most traumatic and scarring that Talon had ever experienced.

He still experienced those scars. They came in the form of nightmares, in insecurities, in discomfort in things he once thought nothing of. The other side of that was that he had found himself more compassionate, more focused on improving the lives of his people, and more driven to be the model of character that they believed him to be. For all of the horrors it had brought him, there were some good things that came about as a result as well. Despite all of that…he knew what he would do with such a power.

I know myself.” Talon looked into Arthel’s eyes steadily. “I know what I believe. I know what I am capable of and what I would be driven to do. Yes. With that kind of power, I would try to change things. It is not in my nature to be able to stand by and watch horrifying events unfold.

Even now, as he sat there speaking with Arthel, there was a part of him that was keenly aware of the sobs of suffering at the Injustice, Despair and Darkness that was all around them. He was moved to act, to respond, to defend and aggressively pursue the sources of such things. Given the kind of power that Arthel was offering, he knew that without a shadow of a doubt that he would become the exact same kind of person that had caused Arthel’s current suffering.

I am not a god of wisdom or destiny. I have never espoused myself to be. I am driven to act, Arthel. I am a Crusader. I am a Warrior. I am a Builder. But I am not a Sage, as Lyra has oft described me as a gifted but…disappointing student.” He smiled fondly at the lessons that Lyra had tried to instill in him. Despite her absolute best, there were simply some aspects of her methods and teachings that he just did not have the patience for. Runeforging was one thing, but that was a magic that kept him active and engaged both mentally and physically, the other more scholarly pursuits were not where his passions lay.

Which is why I must decline such an offer.” Talon shook his head.
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Arthel chuckled, and then shook his head.

"Of course. I am not surprised that is your answer, but sometimes it is the question itself that is most important." He drew in a shaky breath and patted Talon's shoulder, a strong grip despite his boney frame, "There are some who are meant to watch, while others to act. Understanding which of these groups you belong to is necessary for what is to come."

The light of hope that Talon had given Arthel lingered in his eyes which had grown more vibrant since the impartment. He stood a little straighter as he clasped his hands behind his back. Once more he looked at the broken city, at the torn sky, and at the crater beneath the dome, and sighed.

"I have created a new order within Atinaw. They are small, burgeoning force, infants really, but I have left them in good hands." He looked down at Talon, "This time the order will not be built upon grandeur and hubris. I have spoken with my friends that stand among the divine, and they are offering their support and guidance. Love and Courage especially have given their approval, and with them I know that my children will be alright."

Turning and bowing his head, Arthel asked humbly, "Will you, the Dawn King, also offer them Hope?"

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Talon rose to his feet. He stepped forward, bringing up his hands to rest upon Arthel’s shoulders. He gave the ancient man’s shoulders a light squeeze. His expression softened as he saw some of what still lingered in the man. He saw some of the fears and spectres of despair that still wrapped around his sould. Such was his dominion to see.

Hope is there for them and for you, if you but seek it.” In a somewhat impromptu move, Talon drew Arthel into a hug. He squeezed the man gently. “Thank you, Arthel.

Stepping back, he dropped his hands.

There is much work ahead of all of us.” From over his shoulder, Aoren lowered his head to regard the old time warden. His eye focused on Arthel for a moment before he snorted in approval. Talon chuckled, reaching up to run his hand over his bondmate’s snout.

Aoren says that if your students ever need to learn how to fight, they are welcome to seek him out.” His red dragon husband nudged him gently with his foreleg. Talon nodded.

If you will excuse me? I am set to meet with a few masons in need of stone. We are to begin the plans of rebuilding one of the city sections.” Talon inclined his head, offering Arthel a slight bow.

Until we meet again, Timewalker.” He stepped back into Aoren’s outstretched claw, letting his husband lift him up onto his back. With one last acknowledgement, Aoren spread his wings and lifted them into the air, taking off to do one last patrol before meeting the builders arranged by Franky.
word count: 280
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