Of All Gods [Pharaoh]

Wherein Kala greets another set of Twins.

Formed by The Dragon King Eikaen in Glade of 123 as a gathering place for the Divine powers of Ransera to carve a path for the future of their world. Pantheon presents itself as a glorious palatial structure with one great chamber and countless rooms for resting and contemplation. The environs of Pantheon are malleable and subject to the whims of the gods who inhabit it.

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Kala's gaze did rest on Varvara, curious about the things she said and those she left unsaid. Perhaps the Twins' drive for power and dominance would subjugate the world. Kala didn't know that one world order would necessarily be a bad thing, but she also didn't know what that world would look like. The Mistlords and the Moritasi were respected, but often feared, as well. She was still working through those prejudices within herself. Naori was chaos incarnate, and yet the savior of her people. Now she was like a drop in that ocean, a seed of chaos who sought Unity.

"I would certainly like to understand the nature of reality better," she said, half to herself. If Kaus were to take another soul into himself, would he still be the Kaus she knew or would that ancient demigod take control of him? But Aværys claimed to be entirely distinct from Streleon, so that was some comfort. There was also the Pantheon itself, which she had studied before the others had arrived, and would study again at greater length when her schedule allowed. There were clues there, to be sure.

They all laughed at Varvara's jibe. It felt familiar, and certainly Kala and Kaus took the piss out of each other regularly.

Kaus glanced at his sister with a sad sort of empathy, knowing in his soul her pain as well as his own at the thought of being torn asunder by death. But his gaze went back to Varvara, and thence to Aværys'. It was strange; normally he was the more prolix of the twins, but now he felt compelled to let Kala talk while he imagined metaphors for the golden column of Aværys' throat as he looked up.

"Can you blame me?" she asked with all sincerity. "Divinity will lose all luster, become mere responsibility and duty, if I cannot share it with my twin. The thought hadn't occurred to me until I had time to process some of what had been handed to me. And if we continue to have a similar view of how the world should be under our stewardship for Eikæn and Naori, then it would behoove you to have another ally in my brother.

"But I understand that would be a boon of perhaps unseemly measure as yet. I am content for now to build bridges with you."
word count: 404
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"With time and divinity, Kala, such lessons betide perforce..."

"Yea, e'en Arcas hath subsisted long enough to learn!" Aværys retorted with a chuckle,

"Stay Thy viper's tongue, Aværys!" Varvara chided, albeit through a snigger of Her own. "Take not the boon of Arcas' evolution in vain, lest it do prove false or ephemeral."

He shook his blonde head as he sipped his amber tea.

"Would that divinity were the sole province of the worthy..." Aværys' tone darkened, now. "Perhaps now more than ever apotheosis doth uplift erratic forces. Mayhap it be due to the selfsame gripes the Lightbringer doth voice of the Veil... or perhaps it is because We had no Pantheon at which to congregate in defence against such calamities."

"With Our first direct action upon Our release did we mitigate the fell potential of a fledgling god..." Varvara's eyes fell to shadow, "A weak-willed waif whose fragile shoulders sought to bear too weighty a mantle. An agent of calamity whose rise did devastate nations and quake the welkin even o'er Solunarium. And for what?" She shook Her head gravely, and Aværys placed a sympathetic hand upon Her shoulder.

"Marry, this world hath no need of a God o' Tantrums to toddle with terror and loose the Mists o'er slights imagined or hyperbolised. Thou didst well, Soror, t'bind such a one in Domination's chains that further chaos need not be wrought by such undeserving hands." He ran a golden thumb across her pale visage, where the falling star of a tear traversed the curve of her fair cheek.

"I grieve for the unclaimed sacrifice of so many lives for so meaningless a milestone. Countless souls doomed to the Mists and worse, pray wherefore? It doth put me in mind of the firstborn Re'hyæans lost to the Cælian scourge."

"Tut tut, Soror. Thou proveth a better aunt than I a father to mourn My first son with greater dolour after all these millennia... Now then, Kaus... Thou'rt at a disadvantage coming late to Our..." He chuckled with a glance to his melancholy spouse, "...merry-making. What doth paradise look like through the crystals of thine eyes?"
word count: 372
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If the Divine Twins had shored up their troubled relationship with the new Arcas, that boded well for a peaceful future between Kalzasi and Solunarium. Perhaps he ought to be Shokaze after all, though she still worried at that eventuality. Aværys and Varvara had mentioned things they might have done differently were they more experienced with divinity when it had come upon them. It would not do to have Kalzasi suffer through Talon's growing pains.

"Indeed, I was in the Warrens with Arcas' paramour when he ascended. You saw him at Eikæn's audience. A lord of winter now, I think." She had found Rickter an effective warrior on their quest, though she didn't know him well enough to gauge whether he was meant for divinity. Then again, she didn't know that she herself was. Naori had decided. "But he is hardly a waif..." Her fair brow furrowed. They were already changing the topic to Kaus, and she vowed they would speak more of this anon. It sounded as though they knew what had happened to Zaichaer and that a newborn divinity had been responsible. Perhaps her own rebirth had been milder as it had been with Naori as midwife there present.

Kaus took the silent cue from his sister. Mortal he might be, but he had caught the reference as well, and been by her side for almost every step of her journey. He reluctantly tore his gaze away from the golden god and fought with the mesmerizing directive not to pay too close attention to his surroundings. He felt a pain in his temples, but blinked it away before looking from twin to twin.

"As near as I shall see of perfection, I think," he admitted. "Too perfect for mine eyes." Indeed, they were slightly bloodshot. "I understand you are shielding me from harm. I thank you for that. It reminds me of the Aetherial Sea somehow... though that was all darkness and celestial lights, at least where we flew behind our draconic guide. And here, order. Something constructed, almost like our material plane, but no detail without careful thought. Dizzying..." He paused. "I hope it shan't offend if I look instead on you. My protectors make a better anchor for my sanity, I think."

Kala's gaze dropped to her tea to hide her smile. He was a poet and a charmer; at least, she thought so.
word count: 406
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Aværys shrugged cavalierly at the mention of Arcas' so-called paramour. This 'lord of winter' had stuck out to Him neither by inspiring awe nor displaying any apparent affection toward or from the Lightbringer.

"I know him not..." He sipped at His tea, "But if Arcas' taste in lovers is as it was in Our age of conquest, I-..."

"Soft, Frater." Varvara hissed sharply, "Be not at ease in the house his father built. We do not yet know where His Peerless Majesty's priorities lie. Even if he seemed to profess a neutrality that is meet for his lofty station."

Aværys inclined His head in deference,

"As you bide." He obliged. Although Kala seemed to be making deductions as to whom this waifish wastrel of a godling might be, the Twins seemed disinclined to elaborate. Varvara, because she was discreet. Aværys, because he was distracted.

"There are Mysteries in Our unending cosmos that are not meant for mortal eyes, however striking they may be. If Our world is but a patch wov'n into the great quilt of Creation, to look too closely at the stitching without the prerequisite knowledge of a weaver is..." He trailed off, and His second self picked up where He left it.

"Soul-crushing and withal 'tis easily misunderstood."

"Perhaps thy sister will be as strong-willed as mine and you will come to regard this place as it is, rather than as We filter it for thy wellbeing. Cogitate..." Aværys pondered for a moment,

"A child may love the theatre and aspire to write plays. If the child be a worthy dramatist, they will learn to navigate the theatre in a masterful way without losing the magic that drives the artform. If the child be unfit t'essay that lot in life, they may grow jaded with the falsities concealed from the general crowds... Painted backgrounds, put-on accents... They lose the ability to be transported into the world of the play. At a far grander scale with far greater stakes, this unworthy dramatist is a mortal delving too deeply into matters divine."

"Forgive ye the florid meanderings of My Brother's mind." Varvara said to the other pair of twins, before shaking her head to her own, "Thou dost further obscure matters already esoteric."

"Mayhaps I do. But I do so quite prettily."
word count: 395
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Kala willed herself to patience. She was learning a great deal already, and perhaps she wasn't so far ahead of Kaus here, though her soul had been tempered into sterner stuff. To follow one of Aværys' metaphors, she had to learn the craft of weaving before she could understand the weave that she sensed all around her.

Considering the games she and Kaus had played as children, as well as the games they played at court, she wondered if Aværys was only playing the fool. It was entirely possible that his arrested developments were hints to allow her to put the pieces together while granting them plausible deniability if she got herself into trouble with the assumptions she made and the actions she took. Or perhaps that was what they wanted her to infer.

She regarded Varvara as Kaus was taken with Aværys' loquaciousness.

"I knew you were a king, Your Divine Majesty, before your apotheosis," Kaus said, honestly surprised and admiring. "I didn't realize you were a poet-king. Nay, where words fail, metaphor can be a more apt teacher. I thank you for your instruction." He bowed his head respectfully.

The men spoke; the women thought—until Kala spoke again.

"If the Kalzasern Vice-Minister of Finance were to reach out to Princeps Phocion to take him up on his invitation to visit Solunarium and she were to bring her brother with her, might we spend more time in your august company? I would have mortal affairs to see to, of course, and I would like to keep my divinity a secret a while longer yet, but I should like to see your realm through your eyes. I would like to learn as much as I can how the great plans we set in motion evolve over time."
word count: 305
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"I was an emperor..." Aværys amended, although not archly. "...Who might have counted your realms amongst My spoils had Arcas not thwarted Our armies to the South." He glanced to his partner, "I do wonder me what We might have achieved under other auspices."

Varvara's pale eyes met Aværys' bright, and She grimaced consolingly- shaking Her head as He took his turn trending towards the maudlin, now that She'd arisen from Hers. At Kala's hypothetical proposal, the Founders gaze held but their expressions shifted, as if they were communing in silence on the matter before either of them spoke. It was Varvara who broke the silence, tilting her head in the direction of the Avialæ.

"We might carve out time for thee i'th'desert, Kala, but I know not how long My primary concerns will be elsewhere..."

"Nor I how long Mine anonymity shall serve Our aims. I have a mind to travel afield Myself, to let the players advance a bit more o'th'gaming board." Aværys, too, canted his head in the direction of Kalzasi's children.

"But Phocion is My creature, so We shall know if thou shouldst pursue such a course. It doth not seem ill-starred that your realm should treat with Ours nor that you and he should be them what build that bridge."

"Tell Me, Kaus..." Aværys' gaze lingers as His Symphony caressed that of the mortal. "What divine demesne would suit thee if thou didst broach the hallowed heights of apotheosis as suits thy sister's desiring?"
word count: 263
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"I meant no disrespect, Your Divine Majesty," Kaus assured him. "Poet-Emperor doesn't have the same musicality as God-Emperor, though." His smile was impish, a bit of his inherent charm teasing through the etiquette he displayed. Kala smiled quietly at this, though it didn't seem to be enough to prevent the God-Emperor from losing his mood for a time.

"Then I will speak to Lord Minister Tianoch about availing myself of Prince Phocion's hospitality. A solid trade deal would be just the sort of win upon which he might hang his laurels and retire." Then, she would rise in political power. "I will then send word to your creature and we shall arrange something. If you have time to spare, I would enjoy it. In the meantime, should you find yourself in Kalzasi, you are welcome to reside at our Cintamani Pavilion. While it is not a royal palace, it would be a safe haven in a foreign land, screened from scrying and the like. And we would offer you our hospitality."

From there, they might observe Talon as well as newly reborn Rickter. There was a priestess of Ioniri bonded to Kala, and a chosen of Avenna in her employ. They would have a chance to observe many of their divine cousins' plans in action.

As Kaus considered Aværys' question, Kala wondered too. She had obviously given some thought to it and knew her twin's mind, but they still did think independently and she hadn't asked him of late.

"My divine sister's suggestions have merit," he said first, slowly as he continued to think. "I am as much a master of the air as any mortal might be. Storms and such are perils I can weather. I would not mind being the conduit by which spring returned to the land. I know not how winter seems in desert country, but here, it threatens the lives of our people. Perhaps Balance... or domains that would balance Kala's. Your domains complement each other. Ours should as well..." He paused, then flushed at his temerity. "If I prove worthy of such things. I haven't the wisdom or authority to say."
word count: 369
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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"Brook no such worries. Mine ego be not so fragile as to suffer umbrage at so slight a slight, Kaus." Aværys winked.

"If an thy sister doth bring thee on her Solunarian excursion, I must needs introduce thee to my cupbearer. You so remind Me of My Raithen Dux."

Varvara nodded to Kala.

"So be it." The Mistress of Chains might have been aware of the endeavours and aspirations of Her Tethered Chosen, but She would not speak on his behalf in this. She saw no need to micromanage the silver scion of Phædryn Princeps. He had enough of his forebear in him, She reckoned. Neither did She respond to the open invitation to Kalzasi. At present She had no such plans to visit the city, but if She found Herself drawn there, it was a worthwhile consideration.

"Our Atraxian winters be mild typically..." Aværys noted, when Kaus expressed his lack of knowledge on the matter. "This year's was non-existent, due to the lovely, orb Our progeny did uplift in My name to stave off the effects of the fell void that mounteth the welkin."

Varvara nodded approvingly at Kaus' expression of humility.

"I'faith neither have We..." They had achieved many things during the spans of Their divinity. In prior forms they'd conjured new conscious races that hadn't hitherto haunted the world and, though those were now extinct, They knew what it was to sire great things. They had not, however, created or uplifted new gods into the pantheon.

"I should be intrigued to see this stormy side of thee, Kaus... For now thou dost seem as pristine and placid as a pond."

He finished His tea, and She finished Hers.

"Have ye further business to broach?"

"...or pleasure?"
word count: 297
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Kaus' answering smile was radiant. He was pleased not to have given offense to the comely God, and though he didn't know a Raithen Dux, if he was the God's cupbearer, it must needs be a compliment. Even Varvara seemed to approve of his answer, which was a relief. The questions of Gods in stories always seemed impossible to answer, impossible to suss out as any Oracle's prophecy until it was far too late.

The seed of wisdom was knowing that one knew nothing. Of that, both twins could agree. The stakes were just higher for Kala than for Kaus.

"No more business now, but perhaps in the fulness of time we might return here to speak further. Else, there will be time in Searing when we brave the Atraxian Sun—or Deus Aværys' orb." She paused, a fair eyebrow rising in amusement at what passed between her brother and Varvara's. "I shall thank Avatar for his help before I depart. I suppose if Your Divine Majesty will vouch for my twin's safety and get him home in time for supper, I shan't trouble you further today."

Kaus shot a glance at her, fair cheeks blooming. He didn't speak against her, though.

They had been unruly children—Kala the inferno; Kaus the hurricane. They had been trained to channel their conflagrations, their tempests. Now she was the candle that illuminated, the hearth that warmed aching bones. Now he was the eye of the storm.

The tea service was there and then it dispersed into the stuff of the Pantheon, leaving only the tastes on their tongues and the warmth in their bellies. It was not nectar enough to deify Kaus, but it would affect him more than the rest. Kala would rise when Varvara did. What the boys did was up to them.
word count: 311
I tell you: one must still have chaos within oneself,
to give birth to a dancing star.

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Varvara rose and nodded, considering the mention of Avatar. That had been an interesting ripple. The entity represented unprecedented access to Eikæn's attentions. She did not think it wise to forgo such an opportunity, but neither did She deem it wise to approach the thing without a clear and concise agenda. They would treat with Avatar in time, but not today.

"Fare thee well, Kala and Kaus." She kissed Aværys on the lips as he rose. They were the same height almost exactly. "Frater."


She faded like clearing mist, and Aværys inclined His head to Kala.

"Until next We meet. As for thee..." He turned slowly to Kaus, lifting a hand to gently stroke the smooth pad of his index finger down the line of his jaw.

"I would bring you to a quiet corner of Creation and fill thee with My Radiance. I would take pleasures of thee, and see to it that thou withal did relish our congress..." He withdrew the mild compulsions that had been emanating into Kaus' Symphony, to remove any question of consent as he clarified:

"But it is yours to choose whether thou wouldst walk this path with Me today. If thou wouldst fain delay or forgo Mine attentions altogether, then I will take pleasures elsewhere and be not aggrieved." He ran His tongue over His lips, made a sharp gesture with one hand and a portal appeared behind Him, the edges of which seemed to burn with white-hot celestial flames.

Slowly He walked backwards, beckoning as He stepped from stone to sand and felt the warmth of His Sceptre casting its glow from overhead.
word count: 277
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